If you want to make an authentic bowl of Jajangmyeon, in addition to noodles, Jajang is especially important!

After making the sauce, Fu Yu began to chop the diced green onions. He used small green onions, the tubes of which were bright white, and tasted crisp, tender, spicy and very fresh.

Fu Yu concentrated on cooking and only focused on the kitchen counter.

But Liu Yunong and the others focused on two tasks, cooking with the spoon while paying attention to Fu Yu's situation.

Liu Yunong is really willing to believe Fu Yu's words, but what should I say?

Very complicated!

No matter what the dish is, as long as it touches the classic and old taste, it will test the chef's cooking skills and experience.

The more classic it is, the harder it is to reproduce.

Liu Yunong has never seen Fu Yu doing white case work, at most, he saw Fu Yu making a small pastry once in the music restaurant.

But that thing is somewhat different from the serious white case.

But now Fu Yu dared to take over the job, promising that he would and could do it.

Liu Yunong believed in Fu Yu's heart that he could really make this bowl of noodles, but he still felt a little uneasy.

It's not mistrust, but the unavoidable worry because of the closeness.

However, no matter what, Liu Yunong hoped that Fu Yu would really know it.

I hope he can bring surprises to himself as before.

After cutting the scallions, Fu Yu cut the pork fat into cubes, and they were all triangular fat cubes.

Select the lean meat part of the front meat and cut it into dice pieces. They are said to be dice pieces, which are square lean meat pieces of the same size.

This kind of pure fat and lean meat is not easy to master, so when Zhao Meng made fried sauce, he used pork belly.

The pork belly is cut a little bigger, and it tastes better when it is cooked.

However, Fu Yu still followed the requirements of the classic old-style recipes, using pure fat and lean meat.

Anyway, do it once, it is better to do it well.

Mince the ginger, shred the cucumber, radish and cabbage, dice the celery, blanch the cabbage and celery as a dish for later use.

Fu Yu is very skilled in handling knives. An ordinary kitchen knife is in his hand, but it seems to be as light as a cicada's wing, and he can use it freely.

It is actually not easy to cut diced pork into small pieces of equal size, because the pork itself is very creamy and not easy to shape.

But Fu Yu seems to be particularly comfortable cutting it.

Liu Yunong and Wang Yulong showed admiration for his seemingly simple cutting method.

Liu Zhangpeng was full of emotion.

Through these days of getting along, he also discovered that Fu Yu is actually used to cutting with a kitchen knife.

Whether it is ordinary cutting or carving, Fu Yu will use a kitchen knife to complete it.

Every chef has his own kitchen utensils, even Liu Zhangpeng is no exception.

But after all, there are many kinds of knives, each of which has its own unique scope of use, and it is easier to use than other knives.

But when Fu Yu came here, all the knives became decorations.

It seems that as long as you give him a kitchen knife, you can complete all the food preparation work.

Fu Yu's yellow sauce is just right, and this level of sauce has the most mellow flavor.

After finishing other preparations, Fu Yu poured the sweet noodle sauce into the yellow sauce and stirred well.

In fact, when Zhao Meng made the yellow sauce, he used soybean soy sauce, but it was indeed a bit salty, although it was obviously more fragrant.

However, soybean and soy sauce were not used in the classic old-flavored recipe. Fu Yu thought about it and decided that since he wanted to make the classic old-flavored noodles, it was better to cook it in a proper manner according to the recipe.

Pour oil into the pan and start frying shallots.

The prepared scallions were not used, Fu Yu only poured more than half of them into the pot, and compared to the scallions, there was a lot of oil.

Liu Yunong saw it and hurriedly said, "Come on, there's too much oil, I'm tired of eating."

After all, stir-fried fat meat will produce oil, otherwise it is called fried sauce!

Fu Yu, however, followed the green line's prompt and stopped when he added enough.

"No, this kind of old-fashioned classic fried sauce needs to use enough oil to taste delicious."

What Fu Yu is talking about is the cooking method in the classic old taste recipe.

To make this kind of fried sauce, you must put more oil, and fry the water in the sauce to dry up, so that it is authentic.

This is also the difference between the northern and southern fried sauce cooking methods.

Liu Yunong glanced at Fu Yu, nodded, and said nothing more.

Anyway, the person in charge is Fu Yu, what does he say, how is it.

Fry the shallots until they are browned and remove.

Stir-fry the fatty pork with fried scallion oil.

Stir out the fat and then use a colander to set aside.

Add the lean meat and stir-fry until it changes color.

Lean meat does not need to be fried for too long, because the meat still has a cooking process during the frying process.

The next step is the finishing sauce.

Put the diced fat meat and the prepared sauce into the pan for frying. During the process of frying the sauce, be sure to stir constantly to prevent sticking to the pan.

Fu Yu didn't notice it when he was operating. His movements during stirring were unique. The arc and speed of his wrist rotation were both fast and steady, with a very rhythmic sense.

And in the process of stirring, no matter how big his movements are, the sauce in the pot will not splash at all. The whole pot of sauce seems to be controlled by some kind of attraction, and they all follow the stirring action of the spatula Spin up, forming a very beautiful vortex.

Liu Yunong just reminded her, and then turned to busy with her own affairs.

As a result, as soon as he had time to spare, he turned his head and saw this astonishing scene!

This kid!

Why do you do such a good job of mixing!

While Liu Yunong was shocked, she was pleasantly surprised that she had brought out such a talent!

However, when she carefully observed Fu Yu's operation, she immediately felt that it was very regular, so take a closer look!


The astonishing effect that can be achieved by stirring is entirely because Fu Yu's hand speed is too fast.

Normal stirring can only produce an ordinary shallow vortex, but Fu Yu's stirring speed is too fast, causing the sauce to rise directly into the air and rotate with the spatula.

Seeing Fu Yu's tricks clearly, Liu Yunong was even more stunned.

When did Fu Yu practice his hand speed so fast? With this speed, even the master chefs in their shop can reach this level. There are only three of them, all of whom are chefs.

And Fu Yu clearly hadn't reached this level in cutting a while ago, right?

Look at the speed of stirring, not only the strength of the wrist, but also the flexibility of the fingers.

This. The progress is too fast! ?

This made Liu Yunong shocked and a little confused.

The workload of Maxima's back kitchen must be greater than theirs. Could it be the hand speed developed through ordinary work?

But the span of time is too short, it's a bit exaggerated!

In particular, Zhajiang is not like others, it takes a lot of time just to stir.

This also means that this step is a special test of the chef's wrist endurance.

Put the sauce in the pot for about half an hour before adding lean meat and continue frying.

And in this process, it still needs to be stirred constantly.

During Fu Yu's whole process, the stirring speed has not changed, and he has always operated at a constant speed.

But in the eyes of others, his uniform speed became a rapid stirring, because the sauce was too fast, and the sauce became a vortex.

Fu Yu saw that the sauce in the pot was almost boiled, he quickly stopped and added lean meat, and then continued to stir.

The sauce with lean meat is added and then stirred, it seems to be faster.

Fu Yu fried for another long time, this time it was really fried, so he turned off the fire.

However, even though he stopped, the sauce was still spinning due to inertia.

Fu Yu turned his head to put in minced ginger and green onion, but when he turned his head, he saw Liu Zhangpeng staring blankly at the sauce in the pot, and on the kitchen counter in front of him, a pot of hot soup was boiling .

Fu Yu hurriedly reminded: "Chef Liu, what are you doing in a daze, you're going to be thrown into trouble!"

Liu Zhangpeng suddenly came back to his senses, hurriedly put the side dishes into the pot, adjusted the heat, and heaved a sigh of relief.

He turned his head to look at Fu Yu with some resentment, and replied silently in his heart: I just watched you perform acrobatics in a daze!

Fu Yu's stirring action was too fast, and the pot of sauce flew up. It looked fine before, but when lean meat was added to the sauce, it seemed that the lean meat could splash and fly at any time. shoot out.

Liu Zhangpeng didn't know what he was thinking, staring at the rapidly spinning lean meat, he was unknowingly dazed.

He just wanted to see if the lean meat would spill out.

Fu Yu didn't notice Liu Zhangpeng's complicated psychological process. He turned off the fire, put in minced ginger and green onion, and used the temperature of the sauce itself to cook the onion and ginger.

In this way, it can avoid the onions being soaked in the sauce for too long, and there will be no smell of onions but the smell of stinky onions!

Put the fried sauce in a jar, store it at room temperature, and take it whenever you need it.

In fact, half a bowl of sauce is not needed for a serving of Jajangmyeon, so there is a surplus every time you cook.

After the sauce was fried, Fu Yu started to make dishes.

Cooked green beans, soybeans, red radish shreds, Feishui's pickled vegetables, cucumber shreds, celery grains, Chinese toon seedlings, Laba garlic with vinegar sauce, and fried sauce are placed in small plates.

After the small dishes are served, they are uniformly placed on a flat-bottomed disc. The fried sauce is placed in the middle, surrounded by fresh and tender vegetables of various colors, and the colorful ones are particularly beautiful and appetizing.

After the dishes are placed on the plate, turn on the previously heated water pot, wait for the water to boil, take the cut hand-rolled noodles and spread them out, shake the dry powder on the noodles, then immerse them in boiling water and spread them with chopsticks, and cook until boiling.

Add a little cold water, wait for the water to boil again, add another cold water, and the noodles will be completely cooked by the third boil.

Take out the noodles and put them in cold water for a while, put them into noodle bowls, and serve them with vegetables.

Even if it was just watching without tasting it, Liu Yunong couldn't help admiring this fried noodles!

Just looking at this side, you know that it is really authentic!

Because his own shop has this staple food, Liu Yunong has a relatively good understanding of fried noodles.

Not to mention the practices of other families, just their own family pays a lot of attention.

For example, the yellow sauce used must be the dry yellow sauce of Guixinzhai.

The best diced pork belly is paired with a variety of carefully cut dishes.

A bowl of hand-rolled noodles must be kneaded and then cooked, and what you eat is that kind of strength!

But what Fu Yu is doing now is obviously more particular!

The same Guixinzhai's dry yellow sauce is served with pure fat and lean meat.

Pair it with seven dishes and eight bowls of noodles.

Count carefully, okay?

From Chinese toon in spring to shredded radish in winter, the essence of the four seasons is mixed in this bowl of fragrant noodles. Can this taste authentic?

Liu Yunong carefully looked at the remaining hot sauce in the jar, couldn't help picking out a lump with chopsticks, and put it into his mouth to smack carefully.

Needless to say, the taste of this fried sauce is really delicious!

It takes a lot of work to make this bowl of fried noodles.

By the time the waiter brought the tray into the box, four or five dishes had already been placed on the table.

Among all kinds of private dishes on a table, this fried sauce noodles, even though the dishes are very delicate, it still looks a little too shabby.

Yang Zhiyuan glanced at the flickering eyes of his friends, and couldn't help complaining to his father in a low voice: "Dad, I'm here at a private restaurant. If you don't want to eat some of the specialties of the restaurant, you must order such a fried noodles. What's so delicious about these broken noodles!"

Yang Shunwei was not angry when he was complained, but looked at the noodles in front of him in surprise.

Let's not talk about the taste, the presentation alone looks authentic!

In fact, Yang Shunwei grew up in the south and was used to eating rice. It was only after he was assigned to work in Bei'an as a soldier that he started to get in touch with pasta.

And the first bowl of Zha Jiang Noodles he ate was in the canteen of his work unit, made by the canteen master chef.

It is said that the chef of the canteen used to be the head chef in the Great Hall, and after he got old and retired, he returned to his hometown of Bei'an thinking about returning to his roots.

As a result, he had been busy in the back kitchen for half his life, and suddenly felt a little uneasy when he was free, so he entrusted his relationship to join Yang Shunwei's unit.

The identity of the old man is there, and he became the chef on the first day of work.

Thinking of the noodles with fried sauce that he ate that year, Yang Shunwei obviously just put on two pieces of finger steak, but now he feels even more hungry.

He deftly put the side dishes into the noodle bowl, and said as he picked it up: "You guys don't understand! Have you ever heard of 'three jumping wells'? It's the 'cold rotten meat' that was ordered and stretched in ancient times." Noodles', the long and thin noodles are boiled and soaked in well water three times, also known as 'three jumping wells'."

"For this noodle, the stewed pork belly is made of fat and thin pork belly, cut into walnut pieces, added with day lily, fungus, mushroom, pepper, star anise, cumin, etc. , the entrance is particularly smooth. At that time, the canteen master of our unit once said that this is the predecessor of Jajangmen.”

That master chef is indeed a famous chef who has worked in the Great Hall for half his life, and he really knows a lot about cooking.

You can talk a lot about the past and the present with just one dish.

And the old man has ink in his stomach, talking about these things in a clear way, it sounds very interesting.

Yang Shunwei was still young at that time. He had just taken over a new job. He had a heavy workload every day and was very hungry. He was very interested in eating.

He heard all these things from the mouth of that master teacher. Looking back now, he still feels that it is a great honor to know such a person.

After the side dishes were served, Yang Shunwei scooped up two more spoonfuls of fried sauce, and while mixing the noodles, he continued, "For the authentic fried noodles, you need to put seven or eight kinds of dishes into a small porcelain dish. Put them into different containers. After serving, the colorful small dishes surround the bowl of noodles, which is very beautiful.”

"You don't understand, what you eat here is not only the taste, but also the process."

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