Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 837 More and more promising

Yang Zhiyuan gnawed at the spare ribs with his hands, and glanced at the hand-rolled noodles.

The clean white noodles are placed in a medium bowl, and four or five small bowls around them are filled with meat sauce, bean sprouts, shredded cabbage, shredded cucumber and other side dishes.

Seeing this scene, he couldn't help but think of the cross-bridge rice noodle he once ate when he was traveling with his friends before he joined the army.

This Jajangmyeon is nothing more than noodles instead of rice noodles.

After Yang Shunwei finished mixing the noodles, he took a bite and chewed twice, without stopping, and put another chopstick into his mouth tightly.

After eating two big mouthfuls in a row, his mouth was bulging, and when the noodles in his mouth were swallowed, Yang Shunwei smacked his lips comfortably: "This noodles with fried sauce is really made!"

Yang Zhiyuan was not very interested in this fried noodles at first.

He grew up in the south with his grandparents, and he is more used to eating rice than pasta.

He has eaten fried noodles before, but they are all egg sauce, or leek meat, or stewed cabbage meat.

He has never eaten such a large number of side dishes.

Especially looking at his dad's delicious food!

"Is this delicious?"

Yang Shunwei was about to sandwich the noodles, when he heard this, he turned to look at Yang Zhiyuan, and asked, "Try it?"

Yang Zhiyuan hesitated for a moment, took the noodle bowl directly, and picked up a chopstick of noodles with fried sauce.

Looking closer, this fried sauce was completely different from what he had eaten before.

It's not the usual dry minced meat. Fingernail-sized pieces of fat and lean meat are distributed in the meat sauce, mixed with a rich sauce, and then wrapped by a thin layer of oil, giving off a little silver light.

The garnishes in the other bowls looked very full, indicating that the freshness of the vegetables had not been lost.

Not to mention other things, the fried noodles are very careful in terms of materials.

The noodles have been carefully mixed, Yang Zhiyuan picked up a chopstick and put it into his mouth, tasting it carefully.

After the meat sauce and side dishes are mixed with the noodles, the fresh side dishes just neutralize the greasy taste of the meat sauce, and combined with the light salty taste of the meat sauce itself, this bowl of fried noodles has both the aroma of fresh meat and the taste of vegetables. Fresh smell.

Don't say it!

This fried noodles is really delicious!

Fragrant but not greasy, thick but not salty!

And not only is it delicious, but the presentation and side dishes are really exquisite.

The mixed noodles, the shredded vegetables inlaid in them make the whole bowl of noodles colorful, and the sauce hanging on the noodles flows slowly, and the brilliance on it also flows continuously, which makes people's cheeks salivate.

When the noodles are picked up with chopsticks, part of the sauce is left in the mouth due to the smoothness of the noodles, which makes people feel endless aftertaste.

The unremarkable Jajiangmian has always been different in Yang Zhiyuan's eyes today.

It was as if a door opened in front of his eyes, like a inkstone of thick black ink, seemingly simple, but in the ink painting, it has countless illusions.

"How is it?" Yang Shunwei smiled and watched his son eating noodles.

Yang Zhiyuan took two bites and exclaimed, "It's really delicious!"

Yang Shunwei smiled and said: "You can try it. If you want to eat it, you can order another one. Their fried noodles are really authentic, and the taste is the same as what I used to eat in the canteen of my work unit!"

Yang Zhiyuan nodded: "This bowl is not big, so order another one."

After finishing speaking, he turned his head and asked the others: "Would you like a bowl of fried noodles?"

The few people here are all comrades from the same group from the south, and they are usually not interested in pasta.

Hearing this, they all shook their heads: "No need."

Yang Zhiyuan couldn't help but said: "Is it really unnecessary? Their home cooking is really delicious, so I'll add another one myself?"

After confirming it again, Yang Zhiyuan lamented that his brothers were ignorant, and beckoned the waiter to add another order of noodles with fried sauce.

The back kitchen got the news that the customer was very satisfied with the food and wanted to add another fried noodles.

There is still a lot of fried sauce, and there are still some leftovers when the noodles were rolled just now.

Xiaogong directly filled up the missing dishes, and Fu Yu simply cut them and cooked them on the table.

After the little worker cleaned up all the ingredients and sent them over, Fu Yu started cutting.

Three points for spoon work, seven points for knife work.

Skilled knife work is a basic skill that a professional chef must possess.

In fact, as early as when he first started cutting vegetables, Fu Yu felt that there are actually two kinds of vegetable processing, which can be completely replaced by other cutting techniques, which can not only speed up the speed of cutting, but also achieve better results. Good cutting effect.

Fu Yu stretched out his hand to hold the knife, cut the red radish into large thin slices, arranged them into corrugated shapes, and then cut them into shreds.

The cutting method of standard silk is obviously thinner in Fu Yu's hands, similar to silver needle silk.

The red radish itself is very sweet and has a crisp taste. When it is mixed with noodles, it is covered with sauce and tastes unique.

This made Liu Yunong on the side couldn't help admiring!

Very thoughtful cut.

This is like the application of common sense in life. Although it is just a small skill, it becomes a very useful life coup when used in key places, which can achieve the goal better and more effectively.

Wang Yulong also stared wide-eyed in disbelief.

You should know that the more brittle things are not, the easier it is to shred. Because they are brittle and tender, they are easy to break and break when cut to a certain extent.

To be able to cut just right to produce the most perfect effect requires the chef's own mastery of the ingredients and the use of knives, and has very superb and skilled cutting experience and skills.

It turns out that if the red radish is chopped a little bit thinner, the effect will look better. I have learned this detail!

Fu Yu then started to cook the noodles, boiled the water with a strong fire until the water boiled, then switched to a medium heat, put in the hand-rolled noodles, waited for the water to boil, then added cold water, added cold water three times until it boiled

Red and green prompt lines kept appearing in front of Fu Yu's eyes.

[The water level is 2 cm higher]

[Hand-rolled noodles focus on three or two]

The operation is very precise!

Seeing Fu Yu repeatedly increasing and decreasing the amount of water and noodles in the pot, Liu Yunong couldn't help feeling a little emotional.

When cooking, the amount of ingredients is extremely important. Not only must the amount of dishes and seasonings be determined through the use of various ingredients, but also the use of side dishes should be judged according to the taste and degree of cooking of the dishes.

Thus, determine the cooking method!

This process seems simple, but it is difficult for ordinary chefs to grasp it accurately.

This is a test of the cooking level of a chef in charge.

However, in Fu Yu's eyes, it is actually very simple to accurately grasp the amount of ingredients and seasonings, as long as you reach out and operate, you can get a relatively accurate judgment.

And all the operating indicators appeared in Fu Yu's eyes in the form of green lines and dialog boxes!

Cook the noodles, remove the noodles, put them in bowls, serve them with sauce, and arrange the dishes.

Fu Yu finished cooking the noodles in a short time.

Wang Yulong glanced at the arrangement of the fried noodles, and said sincerely: "The fried noodles are really authentic!"

Liu Yunong nodded in agreement, but the noodles were not cooked yet, so she called Fu Yu to come over and instruct him to cook a secret special dish on today's menu, stir-fried eggplant.

This dish looks ordinary, but it is actually very difficult to cook.

Fresh long eggplant with skin, stir-fry with minced meat and shrimp, and the person in charge of the spoon controls the heat and stir-fry technique, so that the mellow soy sauce, the freshness of the shrimp, and the burnt aroma of the eggplant skin are perfectly blended, simple and decent , a classic of its own.

When Liu Yunong was cooking, Fu Yu was helping.

Following Liu Yunong's side and learning to cook Liu's family dishes for such a long time, Fu Yu can see it.

In fact, every dish prepared by Shangshi private restaurant, although seemingly inconspicuous, has the grand occasion of the old court and the aftertaste of the vicissitudes of life.

Liujia Cuisine, which has the original flavor of the imperial city, inherits the delicacy of the ancestors and retains the most authentic national flavor.

All the dishes were prepared, and Liu Yunong chopped the minced meat and shrimp.

The next thing to do is to fry.

Liu Yunong did not do it himself, but handed over the work to Fu Yu.

She still has other dishes to cook, and Fu Yu is already very skilled in controlling the heat and stir-frying.

Eggplant is a more oil-loving vegetable. In many classic methods, the eggplant must be fried again before cooking. And the eggplant itself is like a sponge, which is full of oil during the frying process. The eggplant prepared in this way is oily and delicious, but it is also easy to get greasy.

And this small stir-fried eggplant dish uses only the amount of oil used in normal cooking to make the eggplant soft and delicious, not greasy or greasy. Although it is vegetarian, it is more fragrant than meat dishes, especially for rice.

When Fu Yu was cooking, he listened to Liu Yunong's guidance and marinated the eggplant with salt first, which can play the role of tasty, easy to cook, and non-absorbing oil.

However, when the eggplants were put into the pot, Liu Yunong told them not to stir them constantly, as this would easily break the eggplants. As long as they were evenly stir-fried, they could be heated on a low heat for a while, and then stir-fry evenly after one side changed color slightly.

As a result, when Fu Yu was cooking, he didn't use a spatula at all, and directly flipped the eggplant with chopsticks.

His movements were particularly neat, and it took a blink of an eye to turn over a pot of eggplant.

Fu Yu held the universal chopsticks, and because he knew what to do, he operated them very simply.

Those movements are experienced and skillful, just like an experienced chef in his fifties, especially with ease.

He doesn't look like a boy in his early twenties.

Heat control and stir-frying techniques are much more troublesome than the ordinary operation of flipping spoons.

Especially after the eggplant skin is soft, it is easy to loose shape, and it is more difficult to stir fry!

If anyone knows this dish best, it must be Liu Yunong.

The dishes she has cooked herself are more clear about the specific operation process.

How difficult it is to control the temperature!

All rely on previous cooking experience to master.

Fu Yu's superb skills in controlling the heat and stir-frying exceeded Liu Yunong's expectations.

This is amazing.

He never expected that Fu Yu would have such a high talent.


This is no longer a question of talent, it may have risen to strength.

Talent means you have the ability to become a very good chef.

However, Fu Yu now has the ability to cook like this.

Liu Yunong is really really really very lucky!

At the beginning, he was so discerning that he accepted Fu Yu as his apprentice.

Fu Yu took over the stir-fried eggplant, and Liu Yunong was free to cook other dishes.

The back kitchen served dishes one after another, and soon, a table was prepared and the cooking was completely over.

Feeling relieved, Liu Yunong glanced at the time and couldn't help saying, "Xiaofu, you did a good job!"

Wang Yulong looked at Fu Yu: "Xiao Fu, today is thanks to you, if it weren't for you, well, I would be too busy."

Fu Yu smiled: "It should, it should!"

Liu Zhangpeng took a deep breath, glanced at Liu Yunong, then at Wang Yulong, and was completely silent.

What is there to be unconvinced about?

Even if he cooks longer than Fu Yu, so what?

Even with his current level, there is no guarantee that he can observe the cooking methods of private kitchens, and cook them out of blue and better than blue.

In fact, he wasn't really unconvinced before, he just didn't want to admit that when he looked at Fu Yu, he was just envious

A few people were talking, and a series of electronic prompts suddenly sounded in Fu Yu's ears:

【Ding! The task of NPC master Liu Yunong is to assist in the cooking of this table. The task has been completed, and the reward is: Liu Yunong's personal skill: Private kitchen cooking sauce preparation (advanced)]

【Ding! Occupational skills are full, task experience +666]

【Ding! When the task experience is full, your level will be raised to lv16, and you will get a little skill point. 】

This time, Fu Yu gained a lot from this mission, and directly obtained an advanced skill, which brought him a lot of experience bonus!

Not only did it directly increase his level by one level, but he also gained a little skill point.

Fu Yu couldn't help but feel elated!

After level 20, you can become a senior chef with your own attributes.

At that time, the tasks that can be received and the rewards for completed tasks will definitely become more generous.

When I think about it, I feel very motivated!

The work in the back kitchen was finished, Liu Yunong hurried to the front hall box in person, and gave Yang Shunwei and his party a bottle of good wine from the store.

Others, under the leadership of Wang Yulong, quickly sorted out the remaining ingredients, packed what needed to be packed, and processed what needed to be processed.

The customers didn't leave the store, and the kitchen staff couldn't get off work, so after packing up their things, they just got together and chatted.

Wang Yulong suffered from tenosynovitis and asked Liu Zhangpeng to help him tie the fixation belt.

Such an old disease is basically a long-term illness, and the basic treatment can be done by itself, so there is no need to go to the hospital to see a doctor.

Taking advantage of no one's attention, Fu Yu took the time to check the rewards he got.

[Private cooking sauce preparation: you can make different sauces as you like, so that all dishes are delicious and upgraded]

Having acquired such a practical skill, Fu Yu couldn't help being happy.

It is a few steps away from becoming an excellent chef.

Now that I have acquired this skill, I don't know if I will learn more about the preparation method of the sauce in the few cooking recipes given by the system, will I have other insights?

As soon as the idea came to his mind, Fu Yu immediately became curious, and quickly checked the classic old-flavored recipes.

After checking it, Fu Yu realized that he really picked up the treasure this time!

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