Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 838 Every piece of meat is the shape of loving you

Most restaurants will have their own secret dipping sauces. When customers come to the restaurant to eat, they will feel that the dipping sauces prepared by the chef are particularly delicious.

In fact, the preparation methods of these secret dipping sauces are not as mysterious as imagined. It is nothing more than a precise selection of several common seasonings.

Dipping sauce is always a small role in major cuisines, and the cost is only a few yuan, but it plays a very important role, it will add a lot of color to the dishes, and it is a basic skill of the chef.

Not to mention the private chefs, the flavors prepared are unique, some of which are hard to find outside.

Now that Fu Yu has the advanced skills in blending cooking sauces for private dishes, he can easily handle the blending of secret sauces.

With the addition of a powerful weapon, Fu Yu suddenly became happy.

By the time the customers finished their meals and returned to Maxima after get off work, it was already midnight.

After a simple wash, Fu Yu took a quick rest, and ended up feeling groggy, feeling like it was time to get up and go to work before falling asleep.

After punching out the card, Fu Yu was walking towards the back kitchen when Liu Yuqing blocked his way!

"give it to me!"

Fu Yu was taken aback, what are you giving?

No, I said half of this. Is it for me to guess?

However, seeing Liu Yuqing's expectant look, Fu Yu didn't dare to say the words that came to his lips.

He quickly thought about what he had promised Liu Yuqing.

food? use?

"You're not unprepared, are you?" Liu Yuqing blinked and asked in disbelief.

Fu Yu's heart skipped a beat. Seeing that the smile on Liu Yuqing's face began to fade, he hurriedly beat his brain cells desperately.

what to prepare?


Why give a gift?

Is there any holiday?

Years later, Valentine's Day in February, Nima!


Fu Yu suddenly realized: "Well! I thought about it for a while, and it's better to give money than anything. Come on, I'll give you the phone, just use it!"

When Liu Yuqing heard it, she was obviously surprised: "Are you serious?"

Fu Yu looked at Liu Yuqing and smiled awkwardly: "I'm not inexperienced. Just now I was thinking of going to the kitchen to say hello, so I went to find you, ask your thoughts, and see what you like."

When Liu Yuqing heard this, she narrowed her eyes immediately: "Is it true? Did you forget about today's festival?"

Fu Yu swallowed: "How could it be? I have been thinking about such a big festival since years ago."

While talking nonsense, Fu Yu learned from the pain, summed up his experience, and reflected on his shortcomings. He decided that as long as he can pass the test smoothly today, he will immediately memorize all the big and small festivals of the year.

Liu Yuqing couldn't help complaining: "This is the first Valentine's Day after we fell in love, so you plan to transfer money to me?"

Fu Yu saw that the situation was not good, so he quickly changed his words: "That's definitely not the case. I originally thought that all activities today would follow your arrangement. If that's the case, how about letting me arrange it? I have never been in a relationship before, and I have never been in a relationship before. Celebrating Valentine's Day, if I prepare it, don't you hold it against me?"

The smog cleared from Liu Yuqing's face, and she said with a smile, "This is also my first time celebrating Valentine's Day. I like whatever you arrange!"

Seeing that he was coaxing people, Fu Yu was relieved, and talked sweetly, and then reluctantly watched Liu Yuqing leave.

Throughout the morning, Fu Yu was a little absent-minded. Taking advantage of Xiaogong's free time to prepare dishes, he deliberately searched the Internet for information about how to celebrate Valentine's Day.

Flowers must be given, and gifts must be bought.

In the evening, we still have dates, dinner together, shopping, and watching movies.

If you are more romantic, you will go to the playground.

But now the weather is still cold, forget about the playground.

There is no shortage of other projects.

In the past, Fu Yu watched other people celebrate Valentine's Day and thought about it occasionally. Now it's finally his turn, so he must celebrate it.

The flower is easy to say, it must be a rose.

But what's a good gift?

"Necklace? Bag? Perfume."

While Fu Yu was racking his brain cells to think, the waiter came over to hand over the order list!

Seeing Fu Yu, the orderer hurriedly said, "Chef Fu, there are special notes for regular customers when ordering."

Hearing this, Fu Yu reached out to take the order list and glanced at the content on it.

Six dishes and one soup are the signature dishes of the restaurant, but it is specially marked in the remarks, because today is Valentine's Day, and I have not booked a place in other restaurants, so I hope the back kitchen can help me make some tricks on the plate, Get in the festive spirit.

"What special notes? Let me see!"

Sun Qingning had just checked the preparation of the seasoning and asked curiously.

Fu Yu was dragged by his arm and showed the order list.

Sun Qingning was taken aback after reading it, and said in surprise: "No, what does this guy think? Instead of going to a western restaurant on Valentine's Day, go to our old restaurant for an atmosphere date?"

When the orderer heard this, he couldn't help complaining: "That's right, since I want a date, I didn't book a hotel in advance, and now I can't find a place, and I'm messing around again! People like this don't care about Valentine's Day. It's a scumbag!"

Fu Yu was concentrating on what to do at this table when he was shot in the back suddenly!

It's so embarrassing, I almost became a scumbag.

Sun Qingning let go of his hand, and asked curiously, "Fu Chu, what should we do with the noodles?"

Look at the order of these few dishes, they are all big fish and big meat, none of these dishes can match Xiao Qingqing.

If you want to make a plate shape, you can only use your brains on the vegetable carvings of the accessories.

Fu Yu frowned slightly when he heard this. If the customer didn't specify the dishes, he would have more room to play.

After all, there are special family banquet recipes in hand, and there are many customized set meals for Valentine's Day.

But now that the customer has already ordered, he can only use his brains on these few dishes. If he orders some vegetarian dishes, such as fried shrimp with yam, stewed seafood with double bamboo shoots, such dishes are brightly colored, and they need to be changed when cooking. , it is also easy to handle with some styling.

Right now, the six dishes and one soup are really worrying. What I ordered are indeed the special dishes of the store. They are delicious and the price is not cheap.

But all the dishes are fried and stewed, the cooking is sticky and the soup is rich, how to design and arrange the dishes?

Fu Yu went through each dish in his head, and felt that none of them looked particularly good.

In any case, the customer has placed an order now, and he can only do his best.

Fu Yu simply said: "Let the little worker prepare the dishes first, and the specific shape and arrangement of the dishes will depend on the situation when cooking."

When Sun Qingning heard this, he nodded quickly: "Yes, anyway, the customers have already placed their orders, so we still have to hurry up and serve the food first."

Knowing that Zhang Jinyu had gone to the roasting area and hadn't come back yet, Sun Qingning hurriedly offered to help Zhang Luo prepare the dishes.

Taking advantage of the preparation time, Fu Yu quickly looked through the special family banquet recipes, about the setting of the wedding banquet table and the arrangement of various dishes.

Not to mention, such a flip really gave him some inspiration.

At this time, Zhang Jinyu came back from the roasting area. Hearing that the red case had taken the order, he hurried over to replace Sun Qingning.

Sun Qingning has now started to take charge of the cooking independently, and he has to cook with the back kitchen when he takes orders.

Work like this kind of vegetable preparation is usually done by small workers.

Sun Qingning was not polite to Zhang Jinyu either. After handing over the food preparation, he returned to the kitchen counter and continued to be busy with his own affairs.

Zhang Jinyu brought over the prepared dishes prepared by the workers, first reported to Fu Yu the situation of the prepared dishes in the baking area, and then asked, "Are regular customers ordering again?"

Fu Yu said: "Well, there are six dishes and one soup, but I want the back kitchen to help me arrange the dishes to suit the festive atmosphere."

Zhang Jinyu has been single for many years and has no concept of Valentine's Day at all. She asked curiously, "What kind of festive atmosphere is catered for? Isn't this year over?"

Sun Qingning, who was placing a seasoning jar next to him, couldn't help interjecting, "Today is Valentine's Day, don't you know?"

After finishing speaking, I couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "Don't talk about you, in fact, I almost forgot! It's really no wonder that I don't want to think about it. You said that we work from dawn to dusk every day, and there is no chance to take a look at the Valentine's Day promotion outside. , if my girlfriend didn't talk to me every day, I wouldn't have thought of it at all."

These words simply expressed Fu Yu's heartfelt feelings.

They live in the dormitory every day, work and life are two-point and one-line, except for work every day, they just work, and they really don't have the heart to think about other things.

Zhang Jinyu suddenly looked miserable: "You are really a full man who doesn't know a hungry man! If I have a girlfriend, I will definitely remember the festival!"

After making some complaints, he turned his head and asked, "However, Chef Fu, how do you change the shape of this plate? To cater for the festive atmosphere? None of these dishes can be shaped, isn't that ridiculous!"

In fact, Fu Yu originally planned to ask Li Shuli to help him carve some roses and other vegetables and fruits for decoration.

However, after referring to the shape of the plate on the special family banquet menu, he has other creative ideas.

There are quite a few dishes on the menu, and in the process of preparing and cutting the ingredients, a very ingenious design was carried out, which gave Fu Yu a lot of inspiration.

Looking at the ingredients in front of him, Zhang Jinyu couldn't help but mutter: "This is abalone and pork belly. They are mixed together and stewed together. It's a big sticky pot. How do you shape it and put a rose on the side of the plate?"

"At first glance, it really looks like a flower stuck in cow dung."

Hearing this sentence, Fu Yu burst out laughing, let alone, if he really did this, wouldn't it be such a visual effect.

"All the ingredients are ready? Didn't they let you cut them?" Fu Yu checked the preparation of the dishes.

In order to make the shape of the plate, he simply asked the little worker to wash all the ingredients, and the rest of the processing was done by himself.

Fu Yuxian cooks the special dish in the shop, braised pork belly with fresh abalone in thousands of sheets.

Although the name of this dish is complicated, it is not mouth-wrenching at all, and the ingredients are basically included.

The method is not complicated, and it is almost the same as the traditional roasted pork belly, but it takes more time and patience when preparing the ingredients.

If it is normal cooking, thousands of sheets are tied, the whole abalone is cooked, the pork belly is cut into pieces, and it can be directly fired.

But Fu Yu thought, maybe he can use his brains on these ingredients and change the shape of the cut.

A thousand knots are basically unchangeable, but abalone can be carved, and pork belly has always been cut into pieces. Besides, what other shapes can be changed?

This made Fu Yu frowned unconsciously!

Zhang Jinyu was at the side at this time, watching Fu Yu staring at the ingredients, but he didn't dare to say anything, for fear of disturbing Fu Yu's thinking.

However, seeing that Fu Yu hadn't moved for a long time, Zhang Jinyu couldn't help but whispered: "Chef Fu. How about cooking well and just use abalone to make a heart shape on the top?"

Fu Yu was stunned for a moment, then shook his head: "This is too simple and rude!"

"There are only five abalones in this dish, which is not enough to put a heart on. Moreover, the abalones are not cut into flowers, so it is not easy to taste when cooking, and the taste will be affected."

"I thought it would be best to make a beautiful shape without affecting the cooking."

Hearing Fu Yu's words, Zhang Jinyu immediately looked distressed.

With the three ingredients in front of me, it is necessary to make a romantic shape. Isn't this difficult?

Anyway, he racked his brains and thought, if it doesn't work, he might as well change to a heart-shaped plate to make up the difference.

How should the plate be designed?

Fu Yu is also constantly thinking about what should be done. It must be unreasonable to show love directly with ingredients, it is too perfunctory.

If it is carved, how should the knife be cut?

Thinking of this, Fu Yu turned his head, just in time to see Sun Qingning took out his phone to check the news, and a hollow star pendant hung on the phone case he was holding, very delicate and special.

Fu Yu's eyes lit up immediately, as if he had grasped some clue.


Can the ingredients be carved into creative patterns and then cooked?

The most suitable patterns for Valentine's Day, must be hearts, roses

Abalone carving love, what to do with the leftovers?

This thing is calculated on a case-by-case basis, and there are pork belly, can it be carved into roses?

At this time, Fu Yu suddenly thought of a platter that he had seen just now!

Immediately, his eyes lit up, and he said to Zhang Jinyu, "Jinyu, please prepare the dishes first, I'll go get something."

After Fu Yu finished speaking, he turned around and ran towards the door.

The carving area where Li Shuli is located is next to the Baian area. At this time, although the customers' orders have not started to be sent to the back kitchen in large quantities, Li Shuli has already been working for half a day.

He carved them in advance, and they are the most commonly carved vegetable and fruit accessories for some of the best-selling special dishes in the store.

After it is done here, the little worker will come and pick it up at regular intervals.

After cooking at the red table, just use the carvings to make a plate, which is very convenient.

Seeing that Li Shuli was busy, Fu Yu said hello first when he entered, so as not to disturb the other party's work.

Li Shuli raised his head when he heard the sound, and when he saw Fu Yu running over, he immediately smiled: "Chu Fu, why come over to me when you have time?"

Fu Yu hurriedly said, "Chef Li, do you have any heart-carving knives here? It's the kind that can be shaped just by pressing it. Lend me a set."

Li Shuli nodded: "Yes, but why do you want this thing?"

As he said that, he found a whole set of heart-shaped molds and handed them over: "Take them all, I just don't need them right now."

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