Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 839 The Curse of the Valentine's Day Package

What Li Shuli lent to Fu Yu was a complete set of heart-shaped molds. In addition to embossed ones, there were also direct-cut ones, in various sizes and specifications, and in various shapes.

Fu Yu hurriedly smiled and thanked: "Thank you, Chef Li, I will send it back as soon as I use it up."

Li Shuli asked curiously, "What do you want this for?"

Fu Yu explained: "Isn't today Valentine's Day? There are customers who order food and make notes. I hope I can help make some decorations to cater for the festival."

Generally, if there is such a need in the store, they will directly send small workers to ask Li Shuli to help carve roses or heart-shaped vegetable and fruit decorations.

No matter how bad it is, Baian can also make some pasta and staple food for the occasion.

Fu Yu talked about his creative idea, and Li Shuli's eyes lit up immediately, and he praised with interest: "You boy, how did you come up with it? After all, you are young, and your brain is so fast!"

Fu Yu smiled awkwardly: "I'm also trying to drive ducks to the shelves, and I was forced to do it."

Li Shuli suddenly had a sudden whim, and he also became interested: "It just so happens that everything is done here, let's go over there with you to see the effect."

Fu Yu nodded and agreed: "Okay, Chef Li, just so you can guide me, you are professional in styling!"

Since it's not yet the peak time for customers to eat, it doesn't matter if Li Shuli goes out for a while.

The two went back to the back kitchen together. Zhang Jinyu was stunned when he saw Li Shuli coming, "Chef Li, why are you here?"

Li Shuli smiled: "I'm here to come to see your kitchen chef to make creative dishes!"

At this time, Fu Yu had already opened the outer packaging of the mould, picked out a few models that he could use, and said to Zhang Jinyu, "Jinyu, I think so, you can make a thousand knots into the shape of roses, abalone Layered three-dimensional hearts are made, and the pork belly is directly cut into a heart shape. When arranging the plate, there are details everywhere, and the leftovers after the abalone is shaped can be directly assembled into roses for decoration, without wasting ingredients. It can also serve as an embellishment!"

After Zhang Jinyu heard it, he was also impressed by Fu Yu's genius idea!

Eyes lit up: "Okay! The effect should be good!"

While talking, Fu Yu handed over the selected molds: "Jin Yu, take these and clean them first."

He himself started making thousand knots.

Fu Yu has never stacked roses before, but he has practiced carving flowers with radishes for a while.

He took out his mobile phone, called up the origami tutorial on the Internet, and planned to try it out by drawing cats and tigers.

Li Shuli saw it and took the initiative to say: "Let me try it. Although I haven't used thousands of sheets, I am very good at paper roses."

When Fu Yu heard it, he was immediately happy: "That's great!"

Qianzhang itself is a thin piece. If you want to make a rose shape, the difficulty is that you need to pay attention to the strength of your fingers when folding, otherwise a little force will tear the Qianzhang and destroy the overall shape effect.

Li Shuli picked up a thousand sheets and began to fold them carefully.

This process is quite a technical test. Li Shuli tore up three thousand sheets one after another before finally mastering the strength of stacking.

Seeing a thousand roses folded tremblingly being born in Li Shuli's hands, both Fu Yu and Zhang Jinyu were overjoyed!

Very good!

The ingredients are finished and the shape is half done!

As long as Fu Yu doesn't destroy the shape of the rose when cooking next time, that's fine.

Li Shuli is also very interested. It is the first time for him to use thousands of sheets for decoration. It is novel and at the same time has a sense of accomplishment.

Thousands of roses were born at his fingertips, and he couldn't help but began to wonder, what's the meaning of making these roses in the same shape, so he started to try to stack two budding flowers .

Fu Yu saw that there was no problem with Li Shuli, so he also took the mold and started to shape the pork belly.

Remove the skin of the pork belly, press it with a grinder, and then cut it along the edge with a kitchen knife, turning it down in a circle, and a three-dimensional heart-shaped pork belly is completed.

The pork belly itself is thick and the knife is easy to slip when cutting, but these are not difficult for Fu Yu.

As long as he holds a kitchen knife, all the cutting becomes a matter of his hand.

When the pork belly is not cooked, it is cut into a heart shape, with red, red and white pieces. This shape looks somewhat shabby.

However, thinking about the heart-shaped potato cubes that were similar in color to the special family banquet menu, Fu Yu immediately regained his confidence.

Fu Yu originally wanted to do the carving of the abalone by himself, but after Li Shuli heard about it, he took the initiative to take over.

In Li Shuli's hands, the plump abalone quickly turned into a three-dimensional heart shape, and the cut corners were deliberately kept in a very complete shape.

In this way, when the cooking is finished, you can directly pick them out and make a plate, which is not only beautiful, but also edible.

After all, abalone is paid on a case-by-case basis, and even the scraps are paid for by customers. After serving, it is their business whether the customers eat or not, and the kitchen will never cut corners.

After all the dishes were prepared, Fu Yu started cooking.

The three-dimensional heart-shaped pork belly is marinated with cooking wine and salt for a while, blanch and remove the foam.

Take out the pork belly, drain the soup, and reserve the soup for later use.

Make oil in the pan, saute the ginger, garlic slices and chili until fragrant, pour in the pork belly and stir fry.

Add abalone in the middle, stir-fry for a while, then pour in the soup.

Add Qianzhangjie and stir fry evenly.

Pour in an appropriate amount of soy sauce, add some salt, and simmer over low heat.

Add a few rock sugar and cook until the rock sugar dissolves.

Sprinkle some chicken essence and shallots and stir-fry evenly, then you can take it out of the pan and put it on a plate.

The cooking process of this dish is not difficult for Fu Yu.

Whether it is seasoning or fire control, it can be grasped very accurately.

However, Fu Yu is still very cautious when cooking, mainly because he is afraid that the shape of Qian Zhang will be damaged. As for the abalone and pork belly, it only needs to be stewed normally.

When it was time to overturn the pot, how could Fu Yu really dare to overturn the pot? With this bump, thousands of sheets would definitely fall apart.

Fu Yu simply used the chopsticks to pick it up. Anyway, with the all-purpose chopsticks in hand, no matter how he picked it up, he was not afraid of damaging the ingredients.

It is this kind of operation that tests the speed of the hands. Turning over is slow, which affects the taste of the dishes. Moreover, there are not many dishes in a pot, but it is quite troublesome to turn over the ingredients one by one.

Fu Yu has always been very attentive when cooking. He turned over a pot of ingredients repeatedly, and his operation became more and more skillful.

In no time, one-pot cooking is done!

The whole process went very smoothly, and Fu Yu completely copied the pattern on the special family banquet recipe for the shape of the plate.

From thousands of roses to heart-shaped abalone and pork belly, each piece of food has its own unique angle of presentation.

Even the remaining abalone leftovers were not wasted, and two simple rose outlines were directly spelled out on the edge of the shallow bottom disc.

The whole dish is very creative, and the presentation is also very innovative.

Especially the heart-shaped pork belly, which looks plump and very pleasing.

Everyone couldn't help being happy when they saw the dishes that had been placed on the plate.

Who would have thought that a dish of roasted pork belly with abalone and pork belly with a thousand pieces of knotted fresh meat could be made into a plate that caters to the atmosphere of Valentine's Day?

Thinking of this, Zhang Jinyu couldn't help but said: "Fu Chu, you are too good!"

Li Shuli personally participated in the cooking of this dish, so he couldn't help but said: "Xiao Fu, you are simply a genius for thinking of this idea!"

I have to say that Fu Yu's idea is really a genius idea. Who would have thought that such a hard seafood dish could be presented in such a romantic way.

With this dish as an inspiration, Fu Yu also referred to the plate arrangement on the special family banquet recipes for the remaining dishes, and selected similar ingredients for cutting and shaping.

Several dishes were quickly taken away by the waiter and sent to the dining table in the front hall.

The customer was very satisfied with the design of this dish, and specifically asked the waiter to convey his thanks to Fu Yu!

After all, if it wasn't for Fu Yu's help, I really don't know what to do with today's Valentine's Day dinner.

The cooking of this order was completed, and the back kitchen began to take orders one after another.

Fu Yu was busy with the red case for a while, and then went to the baking area to discuss.

While cooking, Liu Yuqing came to the back kitchen to deliver the barbecue order.

Fu Yu took the order, but Liu Yuqing didn't leave right away. Instead, she glanced at Zhang Jinyu, who was making serious preparations, and asked Fu Yu in a low voice, "I heard that you just made a table for Valentine's Day?"

When mentioning this matter, Fu Yu suddenly smiled triumphantly: "Yes, you also heard about this matter? Haha"

He was about to brag about his creative ideas when he realized that Liu Yuqing was looking at him in a somewhat unkind way.

The smile on Fu Yu's face stagnated, and he tentatively asked, "What's wrong? Is there any problem?"

Liu Yuqing stared at Fu Yu, and said meaningfully: "Oh, you can make a Valentine's Day package for customers, and when you come to me, it's just a direct transfer?"

Fu Yu was taken aback for a moment!

Liu Yuqing snorted coldly: "I can see it, you don't love me at all!"

Fu Yu: "."

Liu Yuqing: "I've never had a Valentine's Day set menu!"

The two were talking, when Zhang Jiaxin took an order and came over to bake.

Seeing Liu Yuqing, Zhang Jiaxin greeted with a smile: "Xiaoqing, you're here, do you have an order from me?"

Liu Yuqing shook her head: "No, today's list is very small, after all, everyone is going to eat the Valentine's Day set menu!"

Fu Yu: "."

half an hour later.

Fu Yu deliberately took the time to roast a plate of broad beans, thinking of coaxing Liu Yuqing.

In the end, it was brought to the front desk. Liu Yuqing took the broad beans and sighed faintly: "Hey, everyone can eat Valentine's Day set menus, but when I come here, I can only eat broad beans!"

Fu Yu: "."

Got it!

This Valentine's Day meal must be arranged!

Look at those who made their girlfriends greedy, they all started chanting mantras!


Fu Yu deeply introspected, must keep in mind today's mistakes, and never say anything in the future.

Years later, the business of major restaurants has obviously declined, which is also unavoidable.

The number of orders received by Four Seas Banquet is far less than that of years ago, and the staff in the store rarely slow down their work frequency.

Luo Rang is a fastidious person, anyone who knows him knows this.

Ever since Fu Yu was delayed going to the provincial capital to accept the award because of his help last time, he has always been thinking about this matter, thinking that after the New Year, he would treat Fu Yu to a meal and express his gratitude no matter what.

Because of what happened years ago, the back kitchen dismissed a chef, three workers left, and the purchaser was replaced.

Years later, it was recruiting and training. After several days of busy work, all the staff had just arrived.

After finally freeing up his hand, Luo Rang's first thing was to contact Fu Yu and arrange this thank you meal.

Luo Rang thought, since he wanted to treat guests, he should be more formal and go out to eat. If he couldn't show his sincerity, he might as well call Fu Yu over and cook a table of dishes for him by himself.

And when I get to my home, I can arrange good food and wine here.

After finishing his meal at noon, Luo Rang avoided other people and called Fu Yu when he saw that there were no orders coming.

The phone was connected quickly, and Luo Rang hurriedly greeted with a smile: "Chu Fu, I'm Luo Rang, are you busy now, can you answer the phone?"

Fu Yu suddenly received a call from Luo Rang, quite surprised, and hurriedly said: "Oh, I'm not busy, Luo Chu, what can I do for you?"

Luo Rang laughed and said, "If you don't have any plans today, I'd like to treat you to dinner tonight."

Fu Yu refused without hesitation: "Tonight? Not tonight, I have arrangements."

Luo Rang was taken aback, and hurriedly said, "Today is Friday, and tomorrow is the weekend."

After the year, the business in the store is normal. On weekends, the traffic is still quite large. If you can't get an appointment today, you have to change it to next week.

Luo Rang is impatient, he has to arrange things immediately if he wants to do something, otherwise he will always have something in his mind.

"Chu Fu, can you push the arrangements for tonight? I have already made arrangements here."

Fu Yu immediately said: "No, I definitely can't go there today, I have to celebrate the festival!"

Just as Luo Rang was about to speak, he heard someone talking from Fu Yu's side, and then Fu Yu's voice sounded: "Chu Luo, I have something to do here, let's get in touch next time."

After finishing speaking, Fu Yu hung up the phone directly.

At this moment, Luo Ran was stunned.

Although they haven't known each other for a long time, he still knows Fu Yu quite well.

This kid has a very good temper, and is very polite and easy to talk to.

Today, I took the initiative to invite him, but Fu Yu directly refused.

What exactly is going on?


Isn't this year over?

What festival is it?

Thinking about it, Luo Rang took out his phone and checked the calendar.

Seeing this, it suddenly dawned on me!

Depend on!

February 14th!

Valentine's Day!

Luo Rang couldn't help laughing, he hadn't paid attention to this young couple's festival for many years.

However, at this moment, Luo Rang suddenly realized that it turned out that

He thought of Fu Yu's parents who suddenly came to Bei'an to visit relatives, and then they were in a hurry to buy a house...


Ganqing Fuyu already has a girlfriend!

If you think about it this way, it makes sense!

I don't know whose daughter is so lucky to find such a good boyfriend as Fu Yu.

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