Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 841 Outward Development

Liu Yuqing likes everything she looks at: "This dark gray suit looks good, with a satin collar and cuffs that are very special. Fu Yu, how about this suit?"

The main reason is that Fu Yu has a good figure, and any clothes fit him very well, making him appear particularly temperamental.

Fu Yu shook his head: "I already have three sets of suits. It's enough to have a change for this thing. I don't have a chance to wear it all year round. Besides, it's so expensive, and the style is too ostentatious. It looks like a wedding suit. There is no occasion to wear it. Don't .”

Liu Yuqing rolled her eyes ambiguously: "Then let's save it for when we get married."

When Fu Yu heard it, he was obviously moved: "Really?"

Liu Yuqing said again: "There is still this wallet, it looks good, I will buy one for you!"

Fu Yu refused: "No, I usually pay with my mobile phone, and I don't use my wallet. Let me buy you something. I just saw that the beauty mask sold in that skin care store is very good. Didn't the waiter say Well, as long as you put on that mask, you can massage and skin care, the effect is very good!"

Liu Yuqing disdain: "Listen to her fooling around, this brand of skin care products are just a gimmick, and the effect is not good at all. And this mask can also effectively perform acupoint massage? The size of the face is different, and the location of the acupoints must be different .The masks she sells here are all of the same size, can the acupuncture points be pressed?"

Although Fu Yu knew how to cook medicinal food, he knew nothing about acupoint massage.

Hearing what Liu Yuqing said was reasonable, she also felt that it made sense, so she nodded: "Since her house is not good, let's not buy it. Why don't I take you to the beauty salon? How about the bathing city? Have you ever been there?" ? I heard people say that women should go to beauty parlors for skin care, and there are massage and pinching feet in the bathing city, which can also effectively relieve physical fatigue and promote metabolism. How about I take you to enjoy it too?"

Liu Yuqing got up: "My sister has a card in the beauty salon, if you want to go, you can just use her card, but it's the bathing city, I won't go to that kind of place, and you won't be allowed to go there in the future!"

When Fu Yu heard it, he quickly explained: "I haven't been there either. I heard the waiter at the music restaurant talk about it, so I wanted to take you there to enjoy it. And they are not talking about that kind of place, people It's legal, it's serious to bathe and massage your feet, look at you little silly girl! It's really that kind of place, I can't mention it to you!"

Fu Yu and Liu Yuqing pinched their fingers and scratched their palms, feeling extremely doted on in their hearts.

Recently, the business of medicated diet has been booming, and the deposit has increased a lot.

When a man has money and his waist is straight, he can't wait to start spending money on those close to him. If he doesn't spend any money, Fu Yu's heart is burning.

During the Chinese New Year, he bought a lot of things for his parents, and now he wants to buy something for Liu Yuqing.

Under the watchful eyes of the shop assistants, Fu Yu and Liu Yuqing strolled around the store and chatted while watching.

Liu Yuqing is tall and tall, but standing next to Fu Yu, the height difference is perfect.

Occasionally, the two of them looked at each other and smiled tacitly, holding their fingers tightly together. The two faces were handsome and handsome, and there was a tenderness between the eyebrows that others envied.

Fu Yu picked up a white top from the shelf: "Xiaoqing, this one looks good, so I'll buy this one."

Liu Yuqing frowned when she saw it: "What kind of clothes are these? I can't wear them. I'd better choose them myself!"

Liu Yuqing chose a light blue ruffled shirt, tried it on, and it made her look more watery and elegant.

Fu Yu looked at it strangely, and dragged Liu Yuqing to buy a long spring coat and several tops, all for Liu Yuqing to dress up.

After shopping, in the middle of the night, all the shops closed their doors one after another.

Fu Yu took Liu Yuqing to watch an evening movie together.

After buying the tickets, I followed the example of others and ordered the popcorn set, which included drinks, popcorn, and fried crispy chicken rice.

Today's movie theaters are almost full of young couples, and couples occupy the entire screening hall.

Fu Yu didn't book tickets in advance, and the seat was at the back, which was still a small corner, but there were no people in the front, back, left, and right seats.

In the corner of the screening room, Fu Yu and Liu Yuqing were sitting comfortably together, and they were chatting and laughing softly before the movie screening with their white teeth showing.

Liu Yuqing raised her chin and opened her mouth, and Fu Yu immediately squeezed a piece of popcorn and fed it. It was like two children setting up a house wine. After you feed me, I will feed you again. Eat and drink in one bite .

This year's popular love movie is shown on the screen. In the camera, the heroes and heroines are immersed in the beauty of love, joy, anger, sorrow and joy, and the flashing frames are all the fleeting fireworks in the world.

In the morning, it was Zhao Meng's turn to take charge of the work meals, and Fu Yu habitually came to the back kitchen early.

Last night, Valentine's Day was spent sweetly. Although he could only rest in the early hours of the morning, Fu Yu felt happy physically and mentally.

Just as Fu Yu was preparing breakfast, Sun Qingning strolled in leisurely from the door. Although there was a hint of tiredness on his face, his eyes and eyebrows were full of satisfaction.

Seeing that Fu Yu had arrived, Sun Qingning hurriedly greeted with a smile: "Fu Chu, good morning!"

Fu Yu looked at his lazy and self-satisfied look, and couldn't help laughing: "Qing Ning, it seems that you had a good time yesterday's festival, didn't you?"

Sun Qingning smiled triumphantly, and grinned out a mouthful of neat white teeth: "That must be done, what are you eating this morning? I strongly demand three, no, five boiled eggs, to replenish my ammunition depot. This time it is real ammunition." We're running out of food!"

Fu Yu was speechless, what's there to show off, who doesn't have a tender and sweet girlfriend!

Isn't it just paying the food, and I can do it sooner or later!

Seeing that Fu Yu was going to cook, Sun Qingning hurried forward to help.

In the morning, there was plenty of time and Fu Yu was in a good mood, so he specially made some noodles, prepared to bake some scallion pancakes, and made a seafood soup.

The scallion pancake made by Fu Yu refers to the recipe above in the classic old taste recipe.

Pour the flour into the basin, add hot water in stages, and stir it into flocs with chopsticks while adding water.

Add cold water and knead the dough.

After the dough is kneaded, cover the mouth of the pot with a damp cloth and let it stand.

Taking advantage of this time, just make pastry.

Pour the fried scallion oil into the flour, mix the "scallion oil + flour", stir evenly, and the pastry is ready.

Green onions are used for oil extraction, but Chopped Green Onions Fu Yu specially asked Sun Qingning to grab a handful of emerald green shallots and cut them into a small bowl of chopped green onions for later use.

The scallion pancake was ready, and Fu Yu hurriedly cooked the seafood soup.

Clams spit sand well, so Fu Yu asked Sun Qingning to scoop up a small pot, and added some big-headed prawns, seafood mushrooms and wax gourd.

Remove the beard and wash the giant prawns, peel and wash the wax gourd and cut into pieces, wash and cut the seafood mushrooms.

Boil the water in the pot, add big head shrimp, flower clams, and rice wine to cook.

Then add seafood mushrooms, wax gourd and salt.

Cook until the wax gourd is 8 minutes cooked and then turn off the heat.

Sun Qingning had cultivated a tacit understanding with Fu Yu before as a helper cook, and did everything he could do well without waiting for Fu Yu's orders, resolutely not to cause Fu Yu any trouble.

However, Sun Qingning really couldn't handle the cooking of scallion pancakes, so he consciously went to stare at the cooking of seafood soup.

Fu Yu glanced at the dough, it was almost done, so he started kneading the dough.

After kneading the surface is smooth, divide the dough into small portions.

Take a portion and roll it out, flatten it, and roll it out.

Spread a layer of puff pastry, sprinkle with salt, chopped green onion and some white sesame seeds.

After rolling it, twist it slightly in one direction to fit the cuff tightly.

Roll from one end to the other, roll it well, press it with the palm of your hand, and then use a rolling pin to gently roll it flat and thin.

There are two options for the taste of scallion pancakes in the classic old taste recipe, one is original and the other is spicy.

Fu Yu simply made some of each.

Spicy scallion pancakes are spread with hot sauce after pastry and sprinkled with chopped green onion.

This set of methods is completely different from the operation of Qianli Ma Bai's case. Sun Qingning was quite surprised when he saw it.

Fu Yu talked nonsense, saying that his family did this all the time, Sun Qingning believed it, and even praised it, thinking that the cakes baked in this way are more appetizing.

Fu Yu was noncommittal, this is the pancake method in the classic old recipe, the scallion pancake made must be more delicious than ordinary pancakes!

Add an appropriate amount of oil to the pot, spread it evenly, add the scallion pancake embryos, cover the pot, and fry on low heat.

Fu Yu was particularly skilled in this set of operations.

When he baked pancakes, he would deliberately put the lid on the pot.

If the pot is not covered, the water in the cake will evaporate and the taste will be dry and hard.

Fu Yu likes to eat crispy ones, so when the pancakes are finally cooked, he will deliberately remove the lid and continue frying for a while.

Sun Qingning didn't have a good rest last night, and got up early today. He didn't have any appetite at first, but now he smelled the aroma of pancakes and the strong smell of seafood soup, and couldn't help but smack his lips.

"Fu Chu, the soup is ready, when can we eat the cake?"

Fu Yu unhurriedly turned the cakes in the pot, and then said: "Pancakes are not like others. If you want to taste delicious, you have to be patient. Don't worry. Not only can you not eat hot tofu if you are impatient, you can't eat good pancakes either. "

Upon hearing this, Sun Qingning smiled and said, "Okay, I'll wait! But, Fu Chu, I found that you have a good way of speaking now!"

Fu Yu's original education level was not high, and although his conversation was usually mild, he rarely dragged his words. But now that he has advanced language skills, he appears to be very proficient in speech.

Fu Yu was praised, and he was very beautiful in his heart. He laughed and joked a few words, and changed the topic.

As soon as the first pot of scallion pancakes was served, other people began to come over one after another.

Everyone got together and ate the crispy and golden scallion pancakes, paired with rich and delicious seafood soup. It was hot and warm, and it was a very satisfying meal.

After the meal, the workers were busy preparing the dishes. Fu Yu checked the marinating of the side dishes, and went to the baking area to explain some arrangements. Basically, nothing happened.

Returning to the red case, seeing Sun Qingning who was busy buying seasonings, Fu Yu suddenly remembered the flash of thought just now.

He hurriedly opened his attribute bar, counting it, he hadn't checked it for some days.

It's not that he doesn't pay attention to his attributes, but that the tasks he received have basically stopped increasing his experience points recently.

Yesterday, it was directly upgraded to a level because of the advanced skills obtained.

Otherwise, the experience value is really not moving at all.

This made Fu Yu a little puzzled.

At the beginning, if you cook any dish, you can gain experience points!

【Name: Fu Yu】

【Occupation: Chef】

[Level: lv16: 314/1000 (intermediate chef)]

[Professional skills: (job transfer in progress)

Occupation 1: Grill Master.]

[Skill points: 16 points]

When Fu Yu saw that he needed 1000 experience points to upgrade to a level, he couldn't help being stunned for a moment. If this continues according to the current situation, even if he acquires another advanced skill, he will not immediately upgrade.

And advanced skills like this can't be obtained casually, basically he pasted them from Yao Shi and Liu Yunong's skill library.

Now he can still paste skills, but what should he do when Yao Shi and Liu Yunong's advanced skills are all learned?


Now it seems that the system is probably not reminding itself in disguise that it can no longer be a dog in Xinshou Village, and it is time to go outside to find opportunities for development!

Originally, I thought that breaking through level 20 and becoming a senior chef would be achieved soon, but now it seems that it is not so easy!

How can the people around me have so many advanced skills to develop themselves?

However, when Fu Yu saw his professional skills, he was overjoyed. Now that he has won the title of BBQ Master, is he going to launch a new full-time project soon?

Fu Yu opened the skill bar in a good mood, and suddenly blushed a little when he saw the long list of new skills added on it.

I have to sigh with emotion, I am so noble!

Without Yao Shi and Liu Yunong's two activity skill pools, how could he acquire so many skills!

However, seeing that there were still several serial tasks waiting for him to complete, Fu Yu suddenly felt that it was too early to be complacent!

If you want to continue to upgrade, you have to expand your circle of friends and find ways to develop outward!

Otherwise, relying only on Yao Shi and Liu Yunong, the possibility of receiving high-level tasks is too low, and the experience improvement is too slow!

If you can't upgrade as soon as possible, you will definitely limit the rewards you can get from accepting tasks, which will severely limit your own development.

After all, he can't work for others all his life, can he?

The back kitchen was busy preparing dishes, Dong Juntian walked in, gathered everyone together, and said, "I have something to announce to everyone."

Zhao Meng rolled his eyes. Since years ago, every morning meeting had to announce one thing, and the back kitchen either held a small meeting to check discipline, or strictly checked inventory and purchase expenses.

You know, when the boss announces something, the management staff in the front office and back kitchen have to deal with a lot of trivial things.

Dong Juntian continued: "Yesterday, the leaders of the Propaganda Department came over. This year, the province will participate in the national food heritage application event. Our province won a place for the election, so now all the major restaurants in the province are competing for this award." matter."

"The meaning of the Propaganda Department is to allow each restaurant that is eligible to participate in the selection to set up a special learning and exchange group. After all, the number of places is limited, and all places are actively striving for it."

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