Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 842 Establishment of a special group

Hearing Dong Juntian's words, everyone below talked a lot.

The back kitchen is already very busy and tired. If we set up a special study and exchange group now, the manpower in the back kitchen will definitely not be enough.

And since it is for learning and exchange, then it is necessary to visit other stores, and people from other stores will come to them to learn.

The members of this group must be under a lot of pressure!

Everyone was discussing in whispers, and Dong Juntian continued to say: "This special study and exchange group is mainly for discussion and research on cooking in other restaurants in this city, such as sharing the contents of dishes and noodles for the selection, and the more distinctive local cooking. Methods and other content that can be learned and communicated externally.”

"What the above means is that we hope that we can gather the best of hundreds of schools of wisdom. After all, this is a very honorable thing. If any store in our city can get a place to participate in the election, it will win glory for our city. gone."

"Of course, the store can't let everyone's hard work be in vain. Every member who participates in the special study group will receive special benefits and bonuses in the store. I will discuss with the financial department here and then share the specific rewards. Send it to the workgroup."

While Dong Juntian was speaking, the discussions below did not stop.

You must know that in the back kitchen, except for small workers, such as chefs and chefs, their wages are calculated according to the commission of the order.

If he joins the special study exchange group, can he still work with peace of mind?

Receiving people from other stores, or going to other stores to study, won't you have to delay your working hours?

Even if the store gives benefits and bonuses, how much can they give?

Zhao Meng and Gu Yunwu each have plans in mind.

Yao Shi has already mentioned this matter to them. Because of Liu Yongping's relationship, this special study group must be established, and it should be an opportunity tailored for Fu Yu.

And Fu Yu was even more pleasantly surprised, this is really just when he was about to doze off, someone gave him a pillow.

Isn't this a good opportunity for outward development?

I just don't know how to get to know other outstanding chefs. Now that I have the opportunity, I naturally want to take the initiative to fight for it.

The people below are unaware of the affairs of the leadership.

Dong Juntian looked at the crowd and said, "I will decide the person in charge of the special exchange study group, but there are still two helpers in the group, who would like to join?"

As soon as the words fell, everyone present looked at each other in blank dismay.

It is also a good opportunity for small workers to go to other restaurants to learn and communicate.

However, the few small workers who can serve as help cooks and are still in a state of ignorance silently suppress their excitement, knowing that this matter basically has nothing to do with them.

Sun Qingning was eager to try, but he was now serving Zhao Meng, and he didn't know if he had enough qualifications.

After all, if Zhao Meng was elected as the leader of the team, Fu Yu must be the assistant cook, and Gu Yunwu would naturally send another person as the assistant cook.

Zhang Jiaxin was also very moved, but for many reasons, he had no choice but to look at Gu Yunwu, seeing that the other party had no expression, he could only silently give up the choice.

At this time, Fu Yu raised his hand resolutely!

Apart from him, no one else actively applied.

Dong Juntian immediately frowned, and before he could speak, Zhao Meng and Gu Yunwu turned their heads to look at the people under them respectively.

Zhao Meng's eyes suggested that Sun Qingning and Zhang Jinyu actively raised their hands to participate.

Gu Yunwu looked at Zhang Jiaxin and Qi Shun respectively.

So in the next second, several people raised their hands in unison.

Dong Juntian looked around and nodded: "Since there are two places, then Lao Zhao and Lao Gu, each of you can send one."

Zhao Meng ordered troops: "We send Sun Qingning here."

Gu Yunwu general: "We will choose Zhang Jiaxin here."

Dong Juntian made a decision: "Okay, then you two."

Fu Yu's heart skipped a beat, thinking that the person in charge would probably fall on his own head.

After all, Liu Yongping just mentioned this matter before, explaining that he was allowed to participate.

He originally thought that Dong Juntian planned to let Zhao Meng or Gu Yunwu also participate, but now it seems that he planned to let himself play the leading role.

Sure enough, Dong Juntian then arranged: "That's the decision, Fu Yu, you will be the team leader. Sun Qingning and Zhang Jiaxin, the two of you will be responsible for assisting Fu Yu in launching a special study and exchange team in the future."

Everyone was taken aback and looked at Fu Yu.

Although Fu Yu has always performed well, there are two chefs, Zhao Meng and Gu Yunwu, in the back kitchen. How could the responsibility of being in charge fall to Fu Yu?

The boss thinks highly of Fu Yu, right?

Fu Yu suddenly realized that today's arrangement was made for himself.

After finishing speaking, Dong Juntian looked at Fu Yu, Sun Qingning and Zhang Jiaxin and asked, "Is there any problem?"

The boss has made a decision, what else can I ask?

Everyone shook their heads.

Dong Juntian nodded: "Then this matter is settled."

After Dong Juntian left, he called Yao Shi.

Since the Chinese New Year passed, Yao Shi came to Maxima less and less frequently.

In the past, I just punched in a card or reported to the financial office, but now I don't care about it at all.

Yesterday, the financial accountant asked Dong Juntian, will Yao Shi still be paid this month?

Dong Juntian knew that Yao Shi was not short of this salary for a long time, but it was Yao Shi's business whether to give it or not, and it was up to him to decide.

Dong Juntian didn't hesitate much, and ordered the financial side to continue to pay Yao Shi's salary every month, how it was calculated before, and how it is calculated now.

He knew that this small temple in his house would really not be able to accommodate the big Buddha Yao Shi.

After figuring this out, Dong Juntian was not as stubborn as before, but began to look for new kitchen managers.

As for Yao Shi, if he can stay for one more day, it counts as one day. If he really has to leave, he has no good way to keep him.

Yao Shi got through the phone quickly.

Dong Juntian talked about his own affairs: "The candidates for the special study and exchange team have been decided, Fu Yu is the person in charge, and Sun Qingning and Zhang Jiaxin are the assistant cooks."

Yao Shi said: "Okay, Xiao Sun and Xiao Zhang are the new main force in the back kitchen."

Dong Juntian was somewhat concerned: "However, the two of them are still small workers. I think it's better to let Lao Zhao or Lao Gu be the person in charge, and Xiao Fu and one of them to be the assistant cook."

After all, Sun Qingning and Zhang Jiaxin are not high in age or seniority.

On the back kitchen side, besides Zhao Meng, Gu Yunwu was the only one in charge.

In addition, Fu Yu himself is young, and he has only been working for more than a year.

If this study and exchange group were entrusted to the three of them, it would be somewhat difficult to do so.

There is no need to inquire, other stores must send their own master chefs to take the lead.

This made Dong Juntian really worried, and he wanted to hear Yao Shi's opinion.

Yao Shi was not worried about this matter, he said firmly: "Leave this special team to Xiaofu, I don't think there is any problem, this kid is like a spring, the greater the pressure, the greater the burst of energy! "

"Besides, Xiao Sun has worked with him before, and they have a tacit understanding with each other. Xiao Zhang is also quite stable, and he is very careful in his work."

"Besides, Lao Zhao and I are backing them up, so there's nothing to worry about."

Only then did Dong Juntian hesitate for a moment, and replied: "Well, that's the only way to go, let's try it first, if it really doesn't work, Lao Yao, I think you have to do it yourself."

Yao Shi was noncommittal about this, but after listening to Dong Juntian chanting for a long time, he finally let go: "Okay, Xiaofu is really not good, so I will go."

In this way, the staff of the special study and exchange team at the Maxima Hotel was officially settled.

When Dong Juntian posted the bonus and subsidy content of the special learning exchange group to the work group, this matter was officially announced.

Fu Yu is in charge, and Sun Qingning and Zhang Jiaxin are assistant cooks.

After the list was announced, there was still a wave of small but strange waves in the store.

It's not that the bonuses and subsidies given by the store are so eye-catching. They are all followed by standards. At most, they can be higher than the usual salary, which is not particularly generous.

What surprised everyone was that the members of this group were too young.

Especially Fu Yu, although everyone in the shop knew that he was a good cook, but no matter how good he was, he was just a chef in charge.

Can he be the person in charge?

In addition to everyone's emotion, there must be some doubts and worries.

Because after all, it was a fight for the number of places to apply for the national heritage, and it was a special notice from the leader of the Propaganda Department.

Isn't it a bit too perfunctory for their store to arrange this way?

What if some raindrops hit the head?

Is it a bit too unprogressive to just give up without even trying?

However, the establishment of the special team this time is a good thing, after all, if you have the opportunity, you can visit other stores to learn.

You can also expand your circle of friends and contacts.

However, the same back kitchen will face the dilemma of manpower shortage.

Who knows when people from other stores will come to communicate and learn?

In this case, generally, one side needs to operate and one side observes while cooking, can it be carried out?

At that time, which store will invite Fu Yu and his group to exchange and study, what will happen to the kitchen?

This is not only a test for the three of Fu Yu, but also a severe test for the entire back kitchen.

Such a test has chosen such a young team!

And the person in charge is Fu Yu, who is now in the limelight in the back kitchen!

This made everyone a little worried, Fu Yu, can it really work?

It's not that I look down on Fu Yu, but I'm really worried.

After all, this kind of learning and communication with chefs in other restaurants is different from the usual one. This kind of communication is with a sense of competition. While communicating, there will definitely be culinary discussions and competitions.

There is only one place, and it is not certain who will get it in the end.

When there were no outsiders around, Zhao Meng called Fu Yu to the side, and urged him earnestly: "Don't put too much pressure on it. Since Chef Liu and the others are involved in this matter, it is basically a matter of certainty. This opportunity is rare. You can take this opportunity to learn how to cook with other chefs."

Fu Yu nodded, knowing that what Zhao Meng said was very reasonable.

Zhao Meng put his hand on Fu Yu's shoulder: "When learning to communicate, you must be humble and polite. Don't think that what you know is so good. The chef industry is different from other professions. The cooking skills that every chef is good at There will be some differences, and everyone has something worth learning from.”

Fu Yu responded, "I know, don't worry."

Zhao Meng smiled: "In case there is something wrong, there are me and Yao Chu!"

After finishing speaking, Zhao Meng patted Fu Yu's shoulder, and couldn't help but say one more sentence: "Since you have this opportunity, let go and work hard, don't look forward and backward in everything, even if there is something, I will take care of you." Now, if something goes wrong, I will take responsibility for you, and I have a bit of confidence when something happens, you know?"

Fu Yu nodded vigorously, feeling a little more moved in his heart.

After Zhao Meng finished speaking, he turned and went back to the kitchen counter.

Fu Yu looked at his not-so-generous back and clenched his fists.

There has never been an impenetrable wall in this world.

Liu Yongping and his party came to Bei'an, almost when they first arrived, some prominent people in the circle heard about it.

Every move was silently watched.

This time, the Propaganda Department ordered a special group activity to compete for the places to apply for the World Heritage List, and the only restaurant that was personally contacted by the minister was the Chollima family.

As soon as the news came out, it immediately shocked the circle severely.

what does that mean?

There is something shady!

Liu Yongping and his party even went to Chollima for dinner, which shows that they have already established a relationship.

For a while, there were all kinds of guesses. If the relationship was good, someone made a special phone call to inquire, but Dong Juntian prevaricated and dealt with it.

How dare you reveal things that have not yet been written off.

The more Qianlima hides and hides, the more tricky it seems to others.

Everyone is secretly guessing what big move Maxima is going to use this time.

As a result, after the information of the members of the special team was reported, everyone couldn't help being surprised.

The people selected by Maxima turned out to be a young cook in the back kitchen and two small workers.

Such a combination is really unacceptable.

So everyone is guessing in private, since the person is not good, it must be hard!

I don't know what kind of shocking seats Maxima plans to launch to participate in the competition.

Maxima Restaurant is quite famous in Bei'an, and it is a century-old restaurant. Many of its special dishes are unique in the local area.

If it was their restaurant's competition, it must be seafood cooking, so everyone in several restaurants with similar dishes was in danger for a while.

Cuisine restaurants of other categories, because of having such a strong competitor, tried to find out the inside story through their connections.

The more mysterious it is, the more attention it attracts.

After going back and forth, Maxima became the number one seed player in this competition.

Thank you: Thank you for voting for me with your precious monthly tickets. In the new month, I will still code carefully. Thank you. Shake hands one by one.

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