Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 844 The simpler the dish, the harder it is to cook

Thinking of this, Fu Yu directly pasted the order list of Quanyu Banquet on the kitchen wall, and passed the other to Sun Qingning.

He has to cook and communicate at the same time. It is estimated that he may not be able to stay in the back kitchen for too long today.

Then give Zhang Jinyu the list of dishes that need to be prepared, and he will go and collect them.

The dish ordered by this customer is a very popular dish in the store after the opening of the river.

Among them is a beluga fish with potatoes.

The sturgeon fish has always been known as the giant panda in the water, and it has been a rare treasure since ancient times. It is said that in ancient times, the palace would purchase high-quality large sturgeon fish regularly caught all year round, and then transport them into the palace in a large carriage. It becomes an exquisite and luxurious feast of palace beluga fish.

This matter was told by Liu Yunong to Fu Yu, and it was recorded in their family's ancient books.

Mrs. Liu is the royal cook in the palace, so what she said is definitely true.

On the order list, in addition to boiled potatoes with beluga fish, there are also local special river fish dishes, big fish stewed in rice soup, raw fish, pan-fried islands, and oxtail fish in golden rice soup.

Fu Yu ordered Sun Qingning to be very easy, and the two of them had already cultivated a tacit understanding.

Sun Qingning took the list of food preparation and quickly went to Zhang Luo, but Zhang Jiaxin stood beside him, and was a little at a loss for a while.

Zhang Jiaxin was a little nervous. Such a good opportunity was presented to him, so he must cherish it and perform positively.

However, he was slow to react just now, and Fu Yu obviously stretched out his finger to come over. As a result, he panicked for a moment, and he didn't expect to reach out to take the order. Seeing that Fu Yu changed direction halfway, he handed it to Sun Qingning.

This annoyed Zhang Jiaxin, but also secretly alerted him that he was now a helper, not a chef who could handle the cooking.

You have to get out of your comfort zone and work hard to become a reliable kitchen assistant.

How did Fu Yu know that he just prepared the prepared menu to pass to Zhang Jinyu, but was misunderstood by Zhang Jiaxin who was standing in front of Zhang Jinyu.

He went through the order of several dishes on the order list in his mind, turned around and ordered: "Jiaxin, go and get some No. 3 sauce."

Hearing Fu Yu's words, Zhang Jiaxin immediately replied loudly, "Okay, Fu Chu!"

No. 3 sauce is a secret stewed fish sauce in the store. Although the sturgeon fish is delicious, it has a strong fishy smell. Putting the sauce can remove the fishy smell and taste better.

Sun Qingning quickly delivered the required ingredients one after another.

Fu Yu glanced at it and was sure it was time to start cooking, so he started to deal with the fresh fish.

In other places, it is not easy to eat a fresh mouthful of sturgeon.

However, in Bei'an, basically every year when the river opens, it is the season for sturgeon fish to be on the market.

This dish is considered to be a very popular dish in the store, so Xiaogong is very skillful and quick in handling it.

Fu Yu looked at the fish body and saw that the black slime on the fish skin had been cleaned, so he started cooking with satisfaction.

When cooking beluga fish, the fish head and tail are not used, only the meaty fleshy body of the fish is cut into pieces.

And because the sturgeon fish itself is very big, a fresh sturgeon fish can serve four to five dishes at the same time.

When Fu Yu chops the fish, he divides the fish into pieces. Except for one piece to be used, the others are handed over to Zhang Jiaxin for fresh storage.

Put the oil in the pot, heat it to 50% heat and fry the fish pieces.

When frying the fish, Fu Yu obviously took a step back, put down the sleeves of his chef's uniform to cover the back of his hands, and replaced it with a pair of long chopsticks to turn over.

Collagen is particularly rich in sturgeon. Although the water has been wiped dry before frying, oil will still burst out during the frying process, so safety precautions must be taken.

And the chef's uniform can block all oil splashes, safe and clean.

Fry the fish pieces until golden brown, then remove and store separately.

Fu Yu fried fish has always been personally operated, not fake the hands of others.

Sun Qingning took it for granted, standing by the side, skillfully placed all kinds of kitchen utensils available to Fu Yu's hands one by one.

The two have worked together for a long time, and they have a very good understanding.

Often when Fu Yu gave him a look, Sun Qingning could immediately comprehend the conscious operation.

Zhang Jiaxin lacked this tacit understanding, and couldn't intervene for a while, so he simply stood in a sideways position out of the way, waiting for Fu Yu's order, while silently observing the cooking operation.

Fu Yu put the oil in another pan and heated it up, first sauteed the chili, diced green onion and sliced ​​ginger until fragrant, then put the No. 3 sauce and stir-fried.

After No. 3 sauce was put into the pot, a particularly strong sauce fragrance wafted out immediately.

Ji Hong sniffed the sauce carefully. The sauce tasted very special. I don't know what seasonings were put in it to make such a fragrance!

Seeing that the sauce was almost done, Fu Yu poured water into the pot.

While carefully aiming at the water mark on the green line, he ordered casually: "Pass me the potato pieces and the fried fish pieces."

Sun Qingning casually took the tray containing the potato cubes, Zhang Jiaxin reacted quickly this time, and put the plate containing the fish cubes where Fu Yu could easily take it.

Fu Yu glanced at Zhang Jiaxin: "Pass me the lard!"

Zhang Jiaxin nodded quickly, and Fu Yu became the focus of all his attention at this time.

After adjusting the amount of water, Fu Yu put the potato pieces and fried fish pieces into the pot.

Put all the seasonings except minced garlic and coriander into the pot, and add a piece of lard.

Putting lard can make the fish more delicious.

This little secret recipe is the culinary experience that Mr. Dong found out after setting up a stall for many years.

However, there is no need to hide such a small secret recipe. After all, when cooking sturgeon, it is more delicious to use lard, and many chefs who cook river fish know it.

When Mr. Dong set up a stall in the open air, he cooked on the spot in front of customers. At that time, there was no such thing as a secret cooking recipe.

As long as the recipe of the sauce is not passed on to the outside world, some other tips are not afraid of being learned by outsiders.

Put all the seasonings in place, Fu Yu turned the heat to the maximum, waited for the soup in the pot to boil, and then turned it to medium heat to simmer.

In terms of fire control, Fu Yu's technique has already reached the level of perfection.

He adjusted the heat casually, put the dish aside, and turned to cook rice soup and stewed fish.

The local craftsmanship of making river fish in Bei'an is passed down from the older generation.

As the saying goes, if you have land and land, you don't have to worry about food. What's more, Bei'an guards the river, and the most abundant fish are river fish.

It’s almost like now, how many fish were there a few decades ago, it is said that there was a heavy rain one year, the river spread to the city, and the fish in the river swam to the shore.

People in the city caught a big fish in the community without going out.

Every year when the river opens, all kinds of river fish are on the market, and the price is even cheaper than green vegetables.

Stewed in soy sauce, stewed with onion, garlic, perilla and mint, pure wild and pollution-free.

There are not so many kinds of river fish nowadays, but the craft of stewing fish has been passed down from generation to generation and has a unique flavor.

The practice of stewing big fish in rice soup is a down-to-earth home-cooked method in Bei'an. The characteristic of flavor formation is the addition of perilla and mint. However, in the cooking process, the grasp of the heat is also very important. It can't get the taste. Or craftsmanship.

To make this dish, you must use fat, tender and delicious fat head fish to be the most authentic.

Fathead fish is so big that it needs to be cut into three pieces when cooking.

Fu Yu heated up the pot and poured oil. At this time, more oil must be put in. After heating, sprinkle a layer of refined salt, which can largely prevent the fish from sticking to the pot.

Put the fish into the pot, no matter how versatile the wok is, it can only ensure that the bottom is not sticky, but it cannot control the splash of hot oil.

Fu Yu silently tugged down the sleeve of the chef's uniform again to protect the back of his hand.

Both sides of the fish pieces are fried until golden. During the frying process, Fu Yu quietly puts the pork fat into the oil between the fish, fry until the edges start to change color, and then add scallions, ginger slices and star anise.

While cooking, Fu Yu adjusted his control over the amount of seasoning according to the green line and the prompts in the dialog box.

His hand speed is very fast. In the eyes of outsiders, he is nothing more than adding seasoning and stir-frying.

But Ji Hong's eyes brightened.

He was surprised to find that the young chef was very good at seasoning.

It seems to be added at will, but in fact there is a slight amount adjustment between each movement. When the wrist is turned, the amount of seasoning has actually been increased or decreased by an appropriate amount.

This technique is not something that young chefs can master. At Fu Yu's age, it must be a boy's skill to be able to develop such a cooking foundation.

Ji Hong couldn't help but become more and more curious for a while, wondering which chef Fu Yu studied under.

After being observed several times, Fu Yu is now very used to and adapted to having outsiders watching when he is cooking.

He sprinkled two spoonfuls of white sugar into the pot, poured a layer of light soy sauce, and then poured two spoonfuls of dark soy sauce.

The next operation is very critical.

He casually turned on the stove to the maximum, and when the temperature in the pot was very high, he poured in white wine about seven or eight cents high.

When the wine is poured into the pot, it will quickly catch fire, and the size of the fire depends entirely on the chef's own experience in controlling the fire.

Facing the leaping flames, Fu Yu stood on the fire very calmly, and poured white vinegar into the pot.

When the white vinegar is put into the pot, quickly cover the pot to extinguish the fire, adjust the size of the fire at the same time, and turn to medium heat for cooking.

Fu Yu did this whole set of movements very smoothly.

He himself is handsome, with a good image, and his cooking posture is very standard, which looks particularly beautiful.

Sun Qingning had been helping Fu Yu in the kitchen before, so he was already immune to this kind of attraction.

Zhang Jiaxin, however, looked at it and sighed in his heart. He said that appearance is the key to life opportunities. This is really reasonable!

No matter what, as long as the image is good, it will look better than others, and it will be easier to win the appreciation and love of others.

It's also cooking. When Fu Yu cooks it, he looks very calm and looks very temperamental.

Being able to keep tidy in such a smoky working environment without making people look greasy can only be attributed to natural beauty.

Thinking in his heart, Zhang Jiaxin raised his sleeves enviously, and wiped his sweaty forehead habitually.

Also observing, the two chefs who followed Ji Hong showed surprise expressions in unison.

Both of them are chefs who came from their hometown in Xiangxi with the boss and his wife. They have been in charge of cooking for decades, and they are very experienced in cooking operations.

Fu Yu's seemingly random operation just now was actually very difficult.

After the stove is turned on, when the temperature in the pot rises to the highest level, it is the most suitable time to pour white wine, which can only be determined by the usual experience of holding a spoon.

There is also how much white wine needs to be poured into the pot. If there is too much wine, the taste will be too strong, which will affect the taste of the dishes during cooking.

It is also very difficult to accurately grasp how strong the fire is and how long the wine will burn when it is put into the pot.

It is said that the simpler the dish, the more difficult it is to cook, and this is the reason.

It is obviously a very common river fish dish, but the details of the cooking operations can reflect the chef's own cooking skills.

No wonder the Maxima Hotel chose such a young chef as the team leader. This young man is indeed capable, and his cooking skills are not simple!

While the ingredients were cooking in the pot, Fu Yu quickly cooked his specialty dish, oxtail in golden rice soup.

Because of its good taste and authentic recipe, this dish is a very popular soup in Jiangyu Banquet. Basically, as long as you order soup for Jiangyu Banquet, customers will order this dish of oxtail fish in golden rice soup.

This month's oxtail fish is particularly fat, tender and delicious. After washing, control the moisture, heat the oil in a pan, diced green onions in a pot, put the oxtail fish in cold water, and put organic millet at the same time, boil on high heat and cook slowly on low heat , the deliciousness of the fish is in a bowl of soup.

The fish is good fish, and the soup is also good soup, but it was Fu Yu's entire operation process that really surprised the few people watching.

It only took Fu Yu two minutes from the time the oil was poured into the pot to the time it was stewed on high heat.

It includes not only sautéing chopped green onion and adding fresh fish to adjust the water level, but also adding millet and adjusting the heat.

It seems to be a simple operation, but it is actually a test of the chef's precise control of the cooking time.

How to carry out all the steps that should be done at the most appropriate time at the same time? From this alone, it can be seen that Fu Yu is very familiar with cooking operations and has extremely rich cooking experience.

After the stewed oxtail fish was ready, Fu Yu turned around again and continued cooking the big fish stewed in rice soup.

The fish in the pot is almost cooked, add basil and mint, if it is ordinary stewed fish, you need to add enough cold water at this time, but the rice soup is used to cook the hot soup of boiled rice.

The rice soup is very viscous and tastes slightly sweet. It tastes very special when stewed with fish.

After adding the rice soup, it needs to be simmered on high heat, so that the fragrance of the rice soup can be better cooked into the fish.

After the rice soup is boiled, continue to simmer until the fish is cooked and rotten, the rice soup is immersed in the taste, then sprinkle with salt, turn to medium heat and continue to simmer.

In fact, this is cooking and selling in restaurants, and it pays attention to the shape of the plate.

Usually in the back kitchen, occasionally buying and delivering fresh river fish, Fu Yu often deliberately stews fresh fish of different sizes and varieties in a pot.

When the cooking is done, it will be a large pot. The more varieties of river fish, the more delicious the stew will be.

Sometimes the small fish will be broken due to the urgency of the fire. The soup mixed with minced fish is thick and rich in texture. Soaked in rice and dipped in steamed buns, it is a dish full of rhythm.

And Fu Yu learned the clever trick from Zhao Meng. He can also pick out the fish bone residue from the leftover fish soup and put it in the refrigerator to refrigerate. The next morning, it will become a frozen fish soup. The taste is cold, smooth and tender, and it is very delicious. The rice porridge for breakfast is also a rare delicacy.

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