Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 845 Deliberately showing off skills

Since joining the company, except for the first few days at work, Zhang Jiaxin has not felt so at a loss as he is now for a long time.

He really wanted to show off, especially in front of the chefs and chefs of other restaurants, to show himself.

However, when he saw Fu Yu skillfully cooking with the spoon, he found that he had no way to intervene.

It is said that he is a helper in the kitchen, but whether it is preparing dishes or serving as a helper, he has no chance to step forward at all.

When he was attracted by Fu Yu's proficient cooking skills and unconsciously focused on observing and studying!

Fu Yu suddenly ordered: "Jiaxin, pass me the frying pan!"

Zhang Jiaxin was in a trance before, and suddenly got an order, and obviously didn't react for a while.

On the other hand, Sun Qingning, who was next to him, quickly brought the frying pan over.

Fu Yu took the frying pan, and said to the nervous Zhang Jiaxin, "Bring it here, Daozi!"

This time, Zhang Jiaxin was very fast, and took the tray containing the Daozi fish and put it where Fu Yu could easily grab it.

The Daozi fish purchased by Maxima are fresh and small fish directly brought back from fishing boats along the river.

Packed in buckets, the small fish are alive and kicking, and they are always cooked and processed on the spot. Such fresh small river fish taste delicious when eaten.

The islands in the tray are all freshly cleaned by Xiaogong, and the meat is very tender.

Fu Yu holds a knife and cuts the thicker part of the back of the cleaned Daozi fish every 3 cm, so that it is easier to taste, but don't cut too deep, it is easy to break when frying.

Then put all the seasonings, along with shallots, ginger and garlic, into the fish dish. Dip the seasoning evenly on both sides of the fish and start to marinate.

Fu Yu casually handed over the tray of marinated island fish to Sun Qingning.

Sun Qingning quickly placed it aside.

It can be seen that there is a very tacit understanding between the two of them, often with Fu Yu's eyes and movements, Sun Qingning can immediately understand his intentions.

And this is something that Zhang Jiaxin wants to learn but can't learn in a short time.

However, Zhang Jiaxin didn't dare to have any thoughts at this time, Fu Yu had just marinated the island fish, and said to Zhang Jiaxin: "Jiaxin, take a look at the heat of the oxtail fish in golden rice soup, the rice soup should be more cooked, and the fish meat should not be too rotten. "

It seemed a contradictory sentence, but Zhang Jiaxin immediately understood Fu Yu's meaning this time.

When the rice soup is cooked, it tastes sticky and sweet, but if the fish is cooked too badly, it becomes minced meat, with bone spurs separated, and the unique taste of fish is missing.

Fu Yu glanced at Zhang Jiaxin: "Put the bamboo shovel under the fish body, be gentle!"

Zhang Jiaxin nodded quickly, and Fu Yu became his backbone at this time.

He moved quickly and smoothly in his hands. He placed the bamboo shovel under the fish body smoothly, so that half of the fish meat could be removed from the bottom of the pot. After half of the soup was received, he turned it over again, just to avoid prolonged cooking. The fish is completely smashed.

While Zhang Jiaxin was busy doing this, Fu Yu began to order Sun Qingning to drain the marinated fish sauce and prepare to make pan-fried islands.

The meat of Daozi fish is tender and the skin is thin. Although it is good for frying, it is somewhat troublesome to operate.

After marinating, you can’t fry it directly in the pan. You must first coat both sides of the fish with a thin layer of dry flour, so that it is not easy to stick to the pan, and the fish skin will be complete and beautiful.

And when frying fish, you must first heat the pan until it smokes slightly, and then drain the oil, so that the oil in the hot pan will not stick to the pan easily.

There are often unique skills in cooking delicious food.

When Fu Yu was frying, he had a unique skill, and he unconsciously showed his proficient and superb skills in his actions.

The two chefs brought by Ji Honghe couldn't help showing their admiration after observing.

Pan-fried islands are not difficult to make. You only need to heat a pan with cold oil. When the oil is 7 minutes hot, put some salt in the pan, dry the marinated fish and put it in the pan, frying on one side.

However, although the cooking method is simple, the requirements for operational details are relatively high.

For example, the control of oil temperature, how high the temperature can be for frying fish, how thick a layer of dry powder is coated on the fish body, and how much the fried fish skin looks the most appetizing.

And because the skin of Daozi fish is very thin, when frying, the most taboo thing is to turn it over in a hurry. Generally, it is better to shake the pot so that the fish can shake freely.

As for how often to shake and how to shake to make the fish evenly heated, these all require the chef to judge the operation through his own cooking experience.

When Fu Yu was doing this operation, his hands moved very quickly and smoothly.

If you want to achieve the effect of crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, you need to dry fry it for the second time.

In order to prevent the fish skin from being damaged, Fu Yu simply took the chopsticks to turn the fish body over.

He did this to be on the safe side. The chopsticks in his hands all possessed the special ability to pick up any ingredients without causing loss.

So using chopsticks is more reliable than using a shovel.

But in the eyes of others, it became a deliberate show off!

When frying this island fish, even a master chef with superb cooking skills must handle it carefully.

No other, it is really that the skin of Daozi fish is too thin, like paper, especially when it is fried, it is easy to break the skin.

Once the fried fish is disfigured when placed on the plate, the overall look and feel will definitely be affected.

But Fu Yu not only didn't operate carefully, but directly picked up the fish with his chopsticks to turn over!

Although Jiweizhai is a restaurant in western Hunan, it has long been doing as the Romans do. Many of the special dishes in the restaurant are blended with local seasonal ingredients.

When frying Daozi fish, it is very difficult not to break the skin. Ji Hong and the two chefs who were watching knew it very well.

Ask yourself, even in their day-to-day operations, they have to be careful.

But watching Fu Yu pick up the Daozi fish with chopsticks at will, and easily complete the flipping, but the skin of the fish is intact, and there is not even a pinch mark!

How steady is this hand!

How precise is the grasp of strength!

The more the few people present observed, the more they secretly marveled.

Who would have thought that such a young chef in front of him would have such proficient and experienced cooking skills!

It is not easy to fry the fish too old for the first time. It is better to use a non-stick pan with the skin, and take it out after it is slightly yellow.

And the second time, the oil in the frying pan is not easy to be too much, and the thin oil will be fried if it is not dry.

Fu Yu stood in front of the frying pan, holding it flat and steady, holding chopsticks, from turning it over to pinching it out, he really made a plate of pan-fried island fish with golden skin and flesh.

Ji Hong and the others are all cooking veterans. When observing, they always focus on the details, and the research and discussion are all cooking techniques.

Fu Yu's operation of pan-fried and sandwiched fish was an eye-opener for several people.

This is the same as practicing martial arts and internal strength.

They also walk down-to-earth. People with low martial arts, at most, walk with slightly lighter steps than ordinary people, while people with high martial arts often fly on grass.

Ji Hong thought that when frying fish, he would use a spatula to turn it over at most, and he would never dare to use kitchen utensils like chopsticks that would easily damage the ingredients if he couldn't control the force when making pan-fried fish.

Comparing the two, I can't help but look at Yu Gao more and more.

For Fu Yu, arranging a plate is a piece of cake.

He quickly arranged the plate and handed it over to Sun Qingning to put it on the serving table.

Ever since Fu Yu revealed the unique skill of flipping fried fish with chopsticks in one hand, Zhang Jiaxin was dumbfounded.

Not to mention the use of chopsticks to pick up fish and turn it over during cooking, even for daily meals, when he uses chopsticks himself, he often cannot control the force and often breaks the ingredients.

Seeing that Fu Yu picked up an island fish, but the skin of the fish was not broken at all, Zhang Jiaxin opened his mouth in surprise, unable to close it for a long time.

He doesn't know what other people think of this kind of showmanship, anyway, he won't be envious in the slightest.

This technique is impossible to practice without a rigorous operation process!

Seeing Fu Yu's nimble operation, Zhang Jiaxin suddenly remembered an anecdote he had heard before.

At the back kitchen, almost everyone knew that Chef Zhao Meng was particularly partial to Fu Yu. At the beginning, everyone guessed whether there was any relationship between the two.

It was only later that news gradually came out that it was Zhao Meng who said it himself. The reason why he valued Fu Yu so much was not because Fu Yu had any close relationship with him, nor was it because Fu Yu often came to things and flattered him. Own.

Instead, he once discovered by accident that Fu Yu would practice cutting dun'er silently and hone various cooking skills by himself while others were idling and resting.

It is precisely because he appreciates Fu Yu's diligence that Zhao Meng treats Fu Yu differently. Later, he found that Fu Yu is really smart and talented in learning how to cook, so he paid more and more attention to Fu Yu.

Everything has a cause and an effect, and there is never a white pie.

Fu Yu's culinary skills today must be attributed to his usual hard work and hard work.

Zhang Jiaxin was attracted by Fu Yu's dazzling skill, so he missed Fu Yu's instruction again.

By the time he realized it, Sun Qingning had already placed the pan-fried island dishes on the dish transfer table.

Several dishes are served on the table, stewed and stewed.

Taking advantage of his free time, Fu Yu hurriedly made a killing fish.

The ingredients were all ready. When Fu Yu picked up the kitchen knife, before the others could react, Sun Qingning had already handed over the clean tray tacitly.

Zhang Jiaxin really put all his attention on Fu Yu's orders this time.

But Fu Yu didn't explain anything, and he didn't take a special knife for picking fish, he picked up a kitchen knife casually.

This made him predict that Fu Yu actually wanted to make sashimi!

Not to mention Zhang Jiaxin, none of the people present thought that Fu Yu used a kitchen knife to cut sashimi.

However, this seemingly bulky kitchen knife became extremely nimble and light in Fu Yu's hands.

Fu Yu slashed the knife very fast, so when he was watching, even with the eyesight of Ji Hong and others, he could only feel the phantom flickering in front of him.

A plate of sashimi as thin as a cicada's wings is laid flat on the tray, and then picked up one by one for arranging.

The whole set of actions takes a very short time, as if what you are doing is not killing raw fish to test your knife skills, but a very ordinary dish preparation operation.

The two chefs who followed Ji Hong subconsciously looked at each other, swallowed their saliva, and rolled their eyes quickly.

What a long experience!

The knife skills can reach this level, this young man is really amazing!

Killing raw fish is not like other dishes, without considerable knife skills, I really can't kill this goose.

The whole dish focuses on the cutting method, and the deboned meat is all technical work.

The cutting action is too fast, and nothing can be seen at the time. When the fish fillet is ready, and then look at the texture and thickness, you can see at a glance how exquisite the knife is.

The perfect combination of the texture of the slices of fish and the angle of the knife is fully reflected.

Ji Hong couldn't help but leaned closer to observe the fish fillets carefully. After taking a closer look, he couldn't help swallowing.

"Xiao Fu, have you been practicing sword skills for a long time?"

Fu Yu responded half-truthfully, "Well, I've practiced for a long time."

Although in real life, he didn't have many opportunities to practice sliced ​​fish, but in the teaching practice class, he practiced seriously for quite a long time.

The sashimi was on the table, and the big fish stewed in rice soup also took away most of the soup.

After Fu Yu inspected it, he added crushed garlic cloves and monosodium glutamate.

Stew it for a while to taste, and then you can start the pot and serve it on a plate.

One after another, Fu Yu stood in front of the kitchen counter, showing a calm and sophisticated performance from the beginning to the end.

The back kitchen was cooking in an orderly manner. At this moment, Yao Shi's cell phone rang suddenly, and it was Dong Juntian calling.

Yao Shi glanced at the caller ID, and quickly connected the phone: "Hello, boss."

Almost as soon as he finished speaking, Dong Juntian's voice sounded: "Old Yao, how is it? Has everyone arrived? Have you started cooking yet?"

Yao Shi didn't know how to answer the series of questions, because the back kitchen was almost done cooking.

Yao Shi glanced at the oxtail fish with golden rice soup left on the kitchen table, and said in a low voice: "Boss, the team members of Jiweizhai have already started to observe and study in the back kitchen. A small table with one dish and one soup to order from the noodle menu.”

"Just now we have already served the slaughtered fish, pan-fried islands, and big fish stewed in rice soup. Right now, the oxtail fish in golden rice soup is being stewed."

As soon as these words came out, Dong Juntian hadn't reacted yet, but Wang Jingrui, who was driving next to him, widened his eyes and his expression changed.

No wonder he was surprised, the main reason is that most of the customers are away from the Maxima Hotel, and it only takes half an hour at most by car.

After the two of them answered the phone, they drove back in a hurry.

Just about to arrive at the place right now, it turned out that the back kitchen was almost done.

What kind of cooking speed is this?

Seeing that Dong Juntian hadn't spoken for a long time, Yao Shi had no choice but to say: "Boss, if you can't make it, don't worry, after a while, Xiao Fu's side will finish cooking, and we will entertain Season Chef and the others to eat in the store. "

Dong Juntian replied: "Okay, I must treat you well, I have already arrived at the parking lot, and I will go there immediately."

After hanging up the phone, Wang Jingrui asked with interest: "Old Dong, Chef Fu cooks very fast! It's only been a while, and there's already a table full of noodles."

Dong Juntian said in a calm tone after hearing the words: "Although it is a small table of noodles with four dishes and one soup, they are basically stewed dishes, which are really fast. I have always been very strict about the speed of serving dishes in the back kitchen. They're pretty well trained."

Wang Jingrui choked, why did this sound so "owed"!

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