Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 846 Steamed Fish with Wine

The cooking this time was the most relaxed one that Fu Yu had done in all the experiences he had been observed by others!

All the dishes are dishes that he usually cooks in his daily life.

The operation method is very simple, and it is not a particularly difficult dish to cook, but the cooking details can reflect his superb cooking skills.

The simpler something is, the richer, fuller and skillful it can be carved out.

At least at this moment, Fu Yu felt that his cooking at this table was perfect!

Fu Yu was able to present a very common Jiangyu banquet with such perfect cooking operations, which is a great ability.

At his age, who can do it?

As for an experienced chef like Ji Hong, when it comes to details, he dare not say that he can achieve this level of comprehensiveness.

But Fu Yu did it.

With Sun Qingning and Zhang Jiaxin, two young workers who have not yet been promoted to chefs, they successfully completed this cooking learning exchange demonstration.

This is ability!

Undoubted ability.

The two chefs who stood aside and watched the whole cooking carefully, all looked at Fu Yu at the same time, their eyes were full of admiration and exclamation.

Ji Hong swallowed, opened his mouth, but stopped talking.

At this time, Dong Juntian finally rushed over. When he entered the back kitchen, he saw a few people surrounded by Fu Yu's kitchen counter. He first glanced at Fu Yu who was immersed in cooking, and then at Zhao Meng who was cooking independently. , and Yao Shi, who was standing in front of the kitchen counter and chatting enthusiastically with a middle-aged man who was unfamiliar.

Dong Juntian took Wang Jingrui and walked over quickly, and when he got close, he hurriedly greeted with a smile: "This is the season chef of Jiweizhai, right?"

Yao Shi and the others turned their heads to look at the sound.

Yao Shi introduced: "This is the owner of our shop."

When Ji Hong heard this, he smiled and shook hands with Dong Juntian, and then introduced the group members he had brought over.

After getting to know each other politely, Dong Juntian couldn't help asking: "How is it?"

Ji Hong pointed to Fu Yu and said with emotion: "Boss Dong, I really envy Chef Yao. I met such an outstanding young man!"

When Dong Juntian heard it, he knew that today's observation was going well, and he couldn't help but drop his heart, and replied with a smile: "Indeed, Xiaofu is very good, otherwise he wouldn't have been appointed as the person in charge of the special team." man!"

Yao Shi followed suit: "Yes, the candidates to participate in this event must be the most outstanding personnel in each store. Since Ji Chu has come, it's just time to eat again, let Xiao Fu show his skills again and make two dishes The special dishes in the store, let's have a good meal. You can also try the dishes in our store, and you can continue to learn and exchange cooking experience at the dinner table, what do you think?"

Hearing that they could taste the dishes cooked by Fu Yu himself, Ji Hong and the others were naturally looking forward to it.

After all, the quality of a dish can only be judged by the taste of the cooking.

Ji Hong hurriedly said: "That's good to be brave, but Fu Chu will be troubled."

Fu Yu said with a smile: "It's okay, the river fish just came down now, why don't we still have a table river fish feast? I just can take advantage of the opportunity to try something new together!"

Hearing this, the others couldn't help laughing.

How young are you!

When you mention eating, you are very happy!

Now that he decided to stay with the guests for dinner, Dong Juntian hurriedly took Yao Shi and personally accompanied Ji Hong and others to the box in the front hall.

And Fu Yu stayed in the back kitchen to weigh the table for a while.

There are two long rows of large fish tanks in the vegetable selection area of ​​Maxima, which are specially used to store various seafood for customers to choose from.

Since he was going to cook, Fu Yu went through the dishes in his mind first.

Several special dishes in the store are sure to have a round.

Spicy crayfish, braised bream, stewed fish, salt and pepper shrimp, soft fried fish fillet, pan-fried island, sashimi, these are must-choice dishes.

In addition, we have to weigh in to make a special Jiangyu soup, and we must also have a pot of seafood porridge.

Add another order of mackerel dumplings to the white case.

Orders must be made in pairs, Fu Yu thought about it and decided to make a special dish that is most suitable for this season.

In the past few days, the crucian carps that have been purchased are particularly fat and tender. They are all alive and kicking.

There are many kinds of river fish with different tastes, but crucian carp can stand out among all the river fish. It is famous for its delicate and tender meat, which can be regarded as the top grade of fish.

After Ji Hong and the others left, Zhang Jiaxin and Sun Qingning returned to their respective positions and continued to work on their own affairs.

Fu Yu sorted out the dish preparation list and handed it to Zhang Jinyu, and specially instructed: "Catch two big crucian carp!"

Maxima Restaurant can maintain its reputation in Bei'an. On the one hand, the dishes in the restaurant are really delicious and have a century-old reputation. On the other hand, it is because the quality of ingredients is really strictly managed.

For example, the seafood in the store has always been purchased fresh to ensure that the ingredients on the table are fresh.

And the taste of fish is better than freshness.

No matter what kind of fish, it must be eaten and killed immediately.

If you want to taste the original taste of fresh fish, like cooking in the back kitchen, cooking with heavy oil and salt, cooking on high fire, or even stewing with sauce is actually the worst cooking method, and what you eat is the taste of seasoning.

But when making fish, if you want to taste the real umami, only steaming can bring together the deliciousness of the fish itself and taste the original taste of the fish itself.

The reason why the steamed fish made by Maxima can make customers never forget after tasting it is not only the fresh ingredients, but also because there are many special cooking skills.

For example, the soy sauce used for steaming fish is purchased from an old local factory that specializes in brewing soy sauce.

This brand of soy sauce is a good soy sauce that has been slowly brewed after being exposed to the sun during the dog days.

This kind of soy sauce tastes very fragrant and mellow, and it is very suitable for seasoning when steaming fish.

There is a famous dish in Qianlima, which is steamed fish in wine, which is specially prepared with soy sauce. The steamed crucian carp is very delicious.

Steaming fish is actually the easiest of all cooking operations.

Fu Yu placed the prepared crucian carp on a large plate, filled the fish maw with a few slices of green onion and ginger, poured the store's special liquor on the back of the fish, poured two spoonfuls of soy sauce, and steamed it directly into the pot with water.

When steaming fish, be sure to put the lid on the pot and steam it in one go. It is most taboo to lift the lid halfway.

Because once the lid is opened, the deliciousness of the fish will evaporate along the gap.

The crucian carp steamed by this simplest cooking method is soft and tender without any fishy smell.

Taking advantage of the time of steaming the fish, Fu Yu cooked several other dishes one after another.

He is usually used to cooking in the back kitchen, and he cooks skillfully and quickly.

During the cooking interval, the crucian carp was steamed, and Fu Yu quickly sprinkled the chopped and cooked shiitake mushrooms and bamboo shoots on the fish, pressed the lid of the pot and stewed it, and then served directly out of the pot.

After cooking several dishes on his side one after another, he received a call from Yao Shi, saying that the mackerel dumplings from Baian's side were also served on the table, and asked him to go over to eat first.

So Fu Yu handed the spicy crayfish and salt-and-pepper river prawns to Zhao Meng for cooking, while he hurried to the front hall box with Sun Qingning and Zhang Jiaxin.

In fact, from Dong Juntian's point of view, it is enough to ask Fu Yu to treat guests by himself, like Sun Qingning and Zhang Jiaxin are just help cooks, there is no difference whether they are present or not.

But when Yao Shi called, he called everyone over on his own initiative, so he couldn't say anything more.

After Yao Shi hung up the phone, he smiled at Ji Hong and the others and said, "This time, although the special team members selected by our store are very young, they are all relatively talented in cooking. The three of them, But they are all the key training objects of our store, and in the future, we will prepare to cultivate them well and take over the related work of managing the back kitchen."

In a word, it not only praised the team members on his side, but also elevated the identities of the two chefs brought by Ji Hong in a disguised way.

Hearing this, Ji Hong smiled and said, "You can see that the people sent by our restaurant are all elites, otherwise if you want to compete with so many restaurants in the whole province, if you don't show some real skills, there is no hope!

Yao Shi and Ji Hong talked and laughed happily, and the communication was very pleasant.

Dong Juntian was secretly glad that he didn't talk too much just now, otherwise he would ignore the feelings of the two chefs who came with Ji Hong, and the matter would be embarrassing.

When Fu Yu rushed to the box, the others hadn't moved their chopsticks yet, but the waiter had already served the good wine in the store under Dong Juntian's order, and was adding wine to the glasses of everyone present one by one.

Seeing that Fu Yu arrived, Ji Hong hurriedly greeted him and let Fu Yu sit beside him.

And Dong Juntian sat beside him, and gave up the seat of accompanying guests to Yao Shi. He is really a bit powerless now in such a cooking exchange occasion.

On the contrary, Yao Shi has always been good at dancing, with him as his company, the host and guest will definitely enjoy themselves.

Ji Hong and others have also tasted the food of Qianlima in the restaurant, and they know that they are the specialties of the restaurant when they take a look at the few dishes on the table.

Looking at the wine brought up again, my heart immediately became more and more comfortable.

The Maxima is really good enough, look at the level of hospitality!

I cuddled in my heart and admired Fu Yu's cooking skills, so when the dishes were served, everyone ate together and exchanged glasses, which seemed to be a bit of fun.

The dishes on this table look quite ordinary, but when you take a bite, you will be shocked!

This river fish banquet is a very common meal in the local area.

The few dishes on the table are also the dishes that are usually ordered on the table during this season.

Obviously I have eaten it before, but today I tasted something different immediately.

For the main dishes that Fu Yu cooks, he has never been so dedicated to cooking, but today is a special situation. In order to save face in front of outsiders, he is very serious. Whether it is the cutting of ingredients or cooking operations, he does everything as much as possible. to the best.

He was already very good at cooking, and with extra care, the dishes on this table can be said to be perfectly cooked.

The large white porcelain plate contains a whole grass carp. The fish is soaked in the aroma of the meat. The tofu and vermicelli cabbage absorb the essence of the fish. The sauce is rich, the meat is tender and mellow, and the taste is smooth and delicious.

Salt and Pepper River Shrimp is fresh shrimp that was just salvaged from the river that morning, soaked in oil, and then fried with pepper and salt. Pepper, salt and other seasonings are attached to the outside of the shell but not into the meat. The outside of the river shrimp is charred, salty and spicy, and the meat is soft, tender and delicious.

There is also a special Jiangyu soup, which is boiled with palm-sized crucian carp. First marinate the crucian carp with a special secret method, and then fry it slowly on a low heat. The fried crucian carp is placed in a large casserole and simmered over low heat For an hour, the fish soup rippled slightly, but it was not allowed to boil until the bones were crispy and the meat was rotten, but the whole fish was in good shape, and there was no need to throw up the fish bones when eating.

This fish soup was served at the end. At that time, the people at the table had already eaten all the dishes.

During the meal, Ji Hong and others even exchanged their experience in cooking with Fu Yu.

What connoisseurs see is the doorway, and what they taste is the details of dish arrangement and seasoning.

Everyone in the room who ate these dishes was very satisfied. If you take out any dish, you can start a detailed conversation with one of the cooking skills.

And when the special Jiangyu soup was served on the table, everyone was amazed.

Before drinking Chollima's river fish soup, Ji Hong and the others tasted ordinary fish soup, which was delicious and delicious, but how could you see the whole fish in this boiled fish soup?

Basically, the skeleton is broken, and the fish is mixed into the soup. After taking a sip, the soup and the meat are melted together. I have never seen crucian carp soup boiled into milky white. It can keep the skeleton and the fish. !

Ji Hong took a sip of the fish soup, scooped up a spoonful of fish meat, and sipped the soft fish bones, without throwing up, he swallowed the meat together.

This fish soup is really delicious!

Ji Hong said: "Look at Chef Fu's skill, it's amazing, Chef Yao, you have such a chef under your hands, it's so beautiful!"

The chef who followed nodded: "It's really a culinary skill! With this method, I think it would be great if my apprentice is as good as this, and I don't have to worry about him anymore!"

Another chef also said: "Chef Fu is really good! And he is also a good-looking person. Wearing a chef's uniform and standing in the back kitchen, he looks like a serious chef. He is the image spokesperson of the back kitchen!" "

The three of them were completely conquered by Fu Yu's first-hand cooking skills, and they respected Fu Yu very much.

Fu Chu is really a character.

Yao Shi buried his head in his mouth and was eating. Hearing these words, he couldn't help but feel admiration. The words couldn't be more apt, so he sneaked a teasing look at Fu Yu from the edge of the bowl: "The image spokesperson, you little guy, You are ready to inherit my mantle, I didn't run away from you!

Maxima's former spokesperson for the image of the back kitchen, that was him, Yao Shi!

Fu Yu poured wine for Ji Hong graciously, thinking to himself, it’s not wrong to say that I am the spokesperson for the image of the kitchen, but it’s only for the external image, so what’s the point? ! !

"The spokesperson of the back kitchen, um." Dong Juntian's eyes lit up at that time, looked at Fu Yu, and said to himself: "This is feasible! But what about the specific operation?"

Wang Jingrui always hangs out with Dong Juntian, and the relationship between the two is really good. There is nothing about Dong Juntian that he doesn't know, so it is inevitable that he pays more attention to Yao Shi when eating.

This observation revealed that Yao Shi and Dong Juntian were indeed related.

Since Wang Jingrui realized this, he couldn't help sighing.

What a pity!

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