Not to mention, the rewards this time are really rich!

Moreover, the tasks in the recent period are basically triggered, and there is no trace at all.

Such a sudden reward inexplicably made Fu Yu feel like a pie in the sky.

At this time, other people in the surrounding kitchen looked at Fu Yu with admiration!

The work of a chef is like this, and everyone will respect the strong from the bottom of their hearts.

What's more, he is still a handsome young strong man with a good personality.

Coming out of the back kitchen, Fu Yu followed Yao Shi and his party to the front hall.

Ji Hong and others were about to leave, so everyone stood at the door of the hotel to say goodbye.

Ji Hong took a step forward, stood in front of Fu Yu, and said sincerely: "Chu Fu, you are really good!"

The two chefs who came with him also praised him one after another.

"Indeed, I have worked in the back kitchen for so many years, and this is the first time I have seen a cooking operation that can make smooth stir-fry on par with Ji's kitchen!"

"That's right, our Chef Ji's stir-fry is a masterpiece. It's really amazing that Chef Fu has such superb cooking skills at such a young age!"

After hearing this, Ji Hong couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "After all, it's awesome to be a younger generation. I've been cooking stir-fry for decades. How old is Fu Chu, and he's much better than me!"

After finishing speaking, he turned his head and said to Dong Juntian and Yao Shi with a smile: "Boss Dong, Chef Yao, with the leadership of Chef Fu, the special team in your store is very strong!"

Others also echoed.

Fu Yu smiled, and said humbly: "I'm just showing off my cooking skills. How can I compare with my predecessors? It's just the cooking experience you know. Just showing it through your fingers is enough for me. I have benefited a lot. When I have time, I still want to lead a team to observe and learn from Jiweizhai!"

When Ji Hong and the others heard this, they were also very happy.

After all, old chefs like them, even if their culinary skills have regressed a bit, are far inferior to young chefs in terms of the details of cooking and the understanding of some tricks.

Hearing what Fu Yu said, they naturally felt relieved.

Humans are like this, they always like to hear a few good words, and being praised and praised by others, people can't resist it.

Fu Yu and his group left the back kitchen, and the rest of them couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

They haven't gone far, the news that the first learning exchange between the groups has successfully concluded has already spread throughout the store.

Gu Yunwu was in the back kitchen, so he was naturally the first to get the news.

Just before Ji Hong and others came over, Yao Shi had notified the back kitchen in advance, but because Zhang Jiaxin was sent to help Fu Yu, Gu Yunwu's side was a little short of manpower.

He was busy cooking with the spoon, and the distance was far away, so he didn't pay much attention to the situation here.

Gu Yunwu was not too surprised to learn that the learning and exchange activities between the groups had ended successfully, and that Ji Hong and the others were full of praise for Fu Yu's cooking skills.

This kid Fu Yu really brought him too many surprises and sighs.

But they all work in the same back kitchen, so we still have to say a few words on the scene.

Taking advantage of the fact that there was no urgent order in hand, when Gu Yunwu went to the storage room to check the preparation of side dishes, he turned to Zhao Meng's kitchen counter on the way, and said with a smile: "Old Zhao, it seems that I really underestimated Xiaofu's cooking skills! "

Zhao Meng smiled mysteriously and noncommittally.


You underestimated? Even I underestimated myself, okay?

He was always worried that Fu Yu wouldn't be able to support the scene, but he didn't expect it to be completed so smoothly.

However, Zhao Meng also reflected on it just now.

Others don't know about Fu Yu's cooking level, but he knows it perfectly.

Obviously knowing that Fu Yu's cooking skills are very good, but he is still worried.

Zhao Meng concluded by himself that 80% of the troubles are caused by his parental psychology.

On the one hand, I feel that my child is the best, but on the other hand, I am always worried that the child will not handle things well, and I have to worry and miss them out of control.

This has nothing to do with trust or not, the main thing is that you care too much about your own children.

Gu Yunwu sighed: "I really didn't expect the people from Jiweizhai to come so quickly. The store just made arrangements in the morning, and someone came to the door in the evening."

"The special team in the store has just been established. I'm really worried. Don't deal with it after just one communication. Now it seems, Lao Zhao, you have hidden dragons and crouching tigers under your hands. Don't talk about Xiaofu. Xiao Sun is very calm and steady!"

"I also heard that Xiaofu made a Jiangyu soup with crucian carp as the master, and it was very good. Chef Ji and the others couldn't stop boasting that they can cook such an ordinary soup so well. , Xiao Fu is really amazing!"

Although he knew that Gu Yunwu was a good talker and used to fooling people, seeing him praising Fu Yu one sentence at a time, Zhao Meng couldn't control the expression on his face.

Zhao Meng showed a little smile, and said lightly: "Well, Xiaofu is not bad."

At this time, Ji Hong was pulling Fu Yu and said enthusiastically: "Before I came here, I heard that the person in charge of the special team sent by your store is a young chef. I was still thinking how good can cooking skills be at such a young age? The result really opened my eyes!"

What Ji Hong said was the truth. With Fu Yu's current cooking level, he is obviously better than him in many details.

With this level of culinary skills, without more than ten years of experience, most people can't do it at all!

And Fu Yu is only in his early twenties at the moment, and the youngest to learn to cook is thirteen or fourteen years old, and at most he has learned to cook for less than ten years.

In such a short period of time, it is really not easy to reach the current level!

Because he approved of Fu Yu in his heart, Ji Hong was a little more sincere when he spoke.

"Seeing that you are so good with my own eyes, I am convinced. But. Let me remind you! You may be a little tired in the future."

After all, it is a city-wide special group to exchange and learn from each other. Whether it is watching other people's cooking or being watched by others, it is an invisible pressure.

Not only the body is tired, but the mind is also tired.

When Fu Yu heard the hard work, his expression was full of surprises, and he was worried that he would not have the opportunity to expand his circle of friends. The more chefs he knew, the more opportunities to learn skills!

Seeing that the level has not changed for a long time, Fu Yu is really flustered!

He has now realized that his current level of cooking skills is far from enough.

After all, it is only a small Bei'an, and there are already many excellent chefs. It is not known how many famous chefs like Yao Shi and Liu Yunong exist in the whole country.

If I don't temper myself well now, then... I really may not have a chance to gain a foothold.

And the most important point is that he is also planning to participate in the province's election for the number of heritage places.

This is an excellent chef covering the entire province. Although Liu Yongping and several famous chefs lead the team, but his own strength is not good enough, he can't just sit back and drag others down, right?

In particular, the time I have been in charge of cooking is too short, the cooking experience is not rich enough, and the chef is not like other industries, age does not become an advantage of a person, and the same is true for lack of experience in cooking.

Therefore, in the following time, Fu Yu decided to hone his cooking skills without distractions. While continuing to learn how to cook Liu's family dishes with Liu Yunong, he cherished every opportunity to learn and exchange, and strive to improve his level before the election.

Although I don't know the specific benefits of obtaining the quota for applying for World Heritage, but just learning and communicating through the previous special group, it is very likely to gain access to other people's personal skills, and this alone is enough.

At that time, he must carefully pay attention to all the task prompts, and firmly grasp the opportunity of those chefs who have the opportunity to come into contact with it, and it is best to get all the skills of all of them.

This campaign is going to be selected with a complete set of seats. Fu Yu must at least ensure that before the campaign, he will improve all the cooking skills of some classic local specialties in Bei'an.

If possible, practice a few more dishes, even if it is a waste of a teaching practice classroom optional key!

Now his personal culinary skills, if you count carefully, there are only a dozen or so, and very few of them have reached the advanced level.

Because he didn't know what kind of table Liu Yongping and the others planned to set up, Fu Yu could only try his best to fully develop his various skills.

In this way, Fu Yu is still under a lot of pressure during this period of time!

Fu Yu was in a daze unconsciously. At this time, after a polite chat with Dong Juntian and Yao Shi, Ji Hong suddenly turned his head and said, "By the way, Chef Fu, aren't you planning to go to our store to observe and learn? Then let's exchange Let me know the contact information, as long as you have time to come, we are here to wait for you at any time, when the time comes, I will also bring a few people from the back kitchen to show you."

"Although the cuisines we cook are different, many of the specific cooking methods are similar. Learning and communicating is nothing more than learning from the strengths of other families. We old chefs may not be as good as you young people in some places, but in cooking In terms of experience, I'm more or less proficient, and I will definitely not hide my secrets when the time comes, so I will give you some pointers."

When Fu Yu heard these words, his face immediately became happy. This is a good thing.

It is definitely a good thing for me to get guidance from Ji Hong and others.

Hearing Ji Hong's words, even Yao Shi on the side was stunned!

How could Ji Hong make such a promise?

You must know that learning to cook is different from other industries, but as a master chef, his unique skills have always been passed on from inside to outside.

It is the small worker in the back kitchen of his own house, and he will only give some pointers when he is in a good mood.

But now Ji Hong promises that he is willing to teach Fu Yu with all his money?

I'm afraid this person has the idea of ​​prying someone?

Yao Shi's heart trembled suddenly!

That is absolutely impossible, not to mention that everything comes first, first served, even if it is to pry someone, it must be prying people to their music restaurant.

Simply speaking, based on Fu Yu's current level and strength, his status will rise when he has the name of the founder of the World Heritage List. He is not sure whether his restaurant can accommodate Fu Yu, let alone a small family. Fasted.

Thinking of this, Yao Shi suddenly realized that he had lost his mind for a while.

What Ji Hong said was indeed from the heart.

After he saw Fu Yu and the two young chefs in the group, he made up his mind.

On the one hand, it is out of friendship.

After all, although Fu Yu is young, he is quite accomplished in cooking, and although he has been in charge for many years and has rich experience, he can learn a lot from the other party in terms of some detailed operations.

In fact, to say that I devoted myself to instructing Fu Yu's cooking is purely a scene, which sounds nice, but in fact, it is a good thing for the two parties to exchange and learn from each other for mutual benefit.

On the other hand, at his current age, all utilitarianism has faded away. When seeing outstanding juniors, the first thing that comes to mind is whether they can be cultivated well. Give me a hand, it's all about leaving a connection for myself.

After all, these young outstanding juniors are the real future of the culinary industry!

Give them some opportunities to exercise and let them have more choices, so that they can make greater progress and go further in the future.

No matter how good a young person is, sometimes what is missing is an opportunity.

Fu Yu said with a smile: "That's really great, Chef Ji, I really feel that I have benefited a lot from talking with you today! I am also very interested in some Hunan cuisine recipes. If I have time, I will definitely go there Your store learns to communicate."

In fact, what Ji Hong said was also a test, and he also wanted to know about Fu Yu's character.

After all, at such a young age, he is already very accomplished in culinary skills, and he has been entrusted with important tasks by the store. Now that everyone is so boastful, anyone who has an uncertain temperament must be a little bit smug.

It turned out that Fu Yu was still so calm, and Ji Hong couldn't help but appreciate it even more.

So young and so stable, why worry about becoming a big weapon in the future!

Ji Hong smiled and nodded: "Okay, you save my phone number, we will keep in touch in the future, Fu Chu, although you are young, I really like you!"

Fu Yu smiled: "Then thank you, Chef Ji, for your support."

After saying goodbye to Fu Yu and the others, Ji Hongle left with the group members.

Fu Yu's cooking learning and exchange activity today quickly spread throughout the store.

The first battle was successful, and this young culinary team quickly gained a lot of praise.

The back kitchen is the easiest place to make achievements. After all, the most indispensable part of a restaurant's operation is the back kitchen.

And the most important position in the back kitchen is the chef. Being able to cook good dishes has already established his own development prospects.

Fu Yu once again gained the attention of everyone in the store.

With a good image, good temperament, and very strong strength, now he is especially valued by the leaders. This looks like a posture that will be promoted every minute!

Such a good condition fully meets the mate selection criteria of many single and beautiful waiters in the front hall.

Although he is not Prince Charming, the chef's clothes are also white, so he is barely a prince in white, right?

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