Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 848: Victory in the First Battle

But at this time, Fu Yu couldn't care less about the skill points he wasted, so he had to take advantage of the precious time of the fish to find out the specific method of slipping the fish.

When looking for cooking methods, Fu Yu subconsciously chose to check out the classic old-style recipes first.

Without it, as Ji Hong himself said, in terms of cooking methods in Xiangxi cuisine, the most important thing is the original flavor.

The classic old-style cooking method is always the easiest to be accepted by everyone, and the safest and most reliable choice.

After quickly flipping through the recipe of the fish fillets in the classic old-flavor recipe, Fu Yu couldn't help but secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, the cooking method on the recipe is very similar to what he saw Zhao Meng cook before.

As for the difference in the details, there is no need to care so much.

After all, the operation method on the classic old taste recipe is the most classic method, even if there is any discrepancy, it is because Zhao Meng did not do it authentically enough.

Fu Yu has already mastered the operation of cutting fish fillets. Speaking of arrogance, he feels that he can complete this process even with his eyes closed.

So when cutting the fish fillets, Fu Yu carefully studied the method of smoothing the fish fillets.

Those who don’t know the operation skill of slipping and frying just look at the literal meaning and feel that the ingredients are coated with a layer of paste, and then put into the oil pan to slide it, and it’s done.

Stir-frying looks very simple, but in fact it is not easy to master.

The stir-frying operation in cooking is actually to quickly stir-fry the processed raw materials with a small amount of oil on the fire. The dishes produced by this cooking method are smooth, soft, bright in color, and delicious.

But if you want to use the authentic stir-frying technique, first of all, you must choose the raw materials for the stir-frying, which is the key to cooking a dish well.

In addition, the quality of the knife processing technology is also related to the success or failure of the dishes, and sizing is a crucial operation process in the frying technique.

Then, in the process of making the pot, you must master all the skills of slipping and frying.

The cooked dishes are generally required to be white in color, tender and smooth, with a lot of flavor and mainly salty and fresh.

To achieve these points at the same time, it is quite a test of the chef's cooking level.

However, now that he has advanced frying skills and the classic old-style cooking method as a reference, Fu Yu seems to be able to cook with ease.

Maxima uses fresh grass carp to make fish fillets.

The little worker had already been slaughtered and cleaned, and Fu Yu directly removed the head, keel, skin, and belly of the fish with a knife, and then cut the fish into fillets.

The fried fish fillets should not be too thin or too thick, otherwise the taste will be affected.

Fu Yu is very good at controlling the thickness of the fish fillets. After cutting the fish fillets, add salt and pepper and mix well, then add egg white and dry starch, mix well, and refrigerate.

Taking advantage of this time, he quickly finished a stir-fried dish, a soup, and a stew.

The soup and vegetables are stewed separately in the pot, and the fish fillets are almost frozen.

Fu Yu picked up the soaked black fungus, washed them and tore them apart, boiled them with water and put them in a basin.

Heat up the frying pan, after using an oily pan, add another oil and heat until it is 30% hot, then put the fish fillets one by one.

At this time, the chef's hand speed is very tested. The speed of placing the fish fillets must be fast and steady.

If the time is long, the fish fillets will become old easily, and if the time is short, the desired taste effect will not be achieved.

Fu Yu still used his chopsticks to pick up fish fillets habitually, almost as soon as one piece fell into the oil pan, another piece was put in immediately after.

Ji Hong looked at Fu Yu, and at this young team leader who was twenty years younger than himself, not only admiring him, but also respecting him.

He himself is the supervisor of the back kitchen, and he has a very good understanding of various cooking operations and the basics of cooking, but when he saw that Fu Yu even used chopsticks to show off his skills, he couldn't help being shocked!

When he watched the fish fillets being put into the pot at an astonishing speed, and looked at Fu Yu who was holding the chopsticks between his fingers, Ji Hong was filled with only one thought, what a formidable future!

On the first day he came to Qianlima to observe, he was completely conquered by Fu Yu!

Strength is the best language.

The two chefs who came together were also full of emotion.

At this time, Zhao Meng, who was busy flipping the spoon, suddenly paused: "It's broken! There seems to be a fish fillet on the regular customer's order list just now? How long has no one ordered this dish? Before I Have you ever taught Fu Yu how to cook this dish?"

While speaking, Zhao Meng hurriedly turned his head to look at Fu Yu's kitchen counter.

Because Sun Qingning was transferred to Fu Yu's place to help, Zhang Jinyu was called by Zhao Meng to help him run errands. Hearing what Zhao Meng said, his heart sank and he turned his head to look over.

The practice of slipping fish fillets is much more difficult than slipping fish fillets.

Thinking that Fu Yu might not have learned the cooking method of this dish before, Zhang Jinyu felt uneasy for a while.

If this messes up, the boss will definitely not let it go, right?

And the main thing is embarrassing!

The dishes in the home kitchen, the home chef can't cook, what is this called?

Outsiders don't care if it's because customers rarely order, so they don't have the opportunity to learn at ordinary times.

What people see is a joke.


When she turned her head to look at Fu Yu's cooking operation, Zhang Jinyu was stunned for a moment, and her hanging heart couldn't help but fall to the ground.

It seems that Chef Zhao made a mistake, and Fu Yu must have learned how to make this dish.

Look at this easy-going posture, at a glance, it is normal cooking.

Yao Shi wanted to greet Ji Hong and the others, and also wanted to observe Fu Yu's cooking. Originally, he was dual-purpose, but he suddenly noticed someone staring at him, so he turned his head to look over, and saw Zhao Meng frowning, obviously looking at him. Looks like he's worried.

Yao Shi's heart skipped a beat, maybe something happened?

While Ji Hong and the others were concentrating on observing, Yao Shi moved to Zhao Meng's side and asked in a low voice, "What's wrong?"

Zhao Meng also whispered: "I seem to have made this fish fillet dish last year, but I didn't teach Fu Yu the specific method at that time."

When Yao Shi heard this, the smile on his face couldn't hold back immediately.

The operation of smooth frying may seem simple, but it actually tests the cooking level of the chef.

Thinking that Fu Yu hadn't learned the specific cooking operations in detail, Yao Shi felt a little uneasy.

Although he knows that Fu Yu's culinary skills are very good, and he is indeed very talented, but no matter how good a person is, if he dares to try a skill that he has never mastered before, it will be difficult for a clever woman to cook without rice!


Yao Shi went back worriedly, looked at Fu Yu's cooking operation, was stunned for a moment, couldn't help turning his head and glaring at Zhao Meng: Are you kidding me?

At this time, Zhao Meng also saw Fu Yu's action of holding the spoon, and couldn't help but look dazed.

I don't know what's going on.

Obviously he hasn't cooked this dish for a long time?

If you don't cook it yourself, how can you remember to teach Fu Yu how to cook this dish?

However, Fu Yu is really skilled at doing it. Look at this movement, this posture, it is even better than what he did himself.

What the hell is going on here?

Fu Yu put all the fish fillets in, and when the fish fillets started to turn white, pour them out immediately for oil filtration.

He handed over the operation of this step to Sun Qingning out of habit.

The two cooperated tacitly, one was busy filtering the oil carefully, the other put water, salt and sugar in the pot to season, and then gently put the fish fillets into a low heat and boiled.

After the water is boiled, after adding the marinade, you need to shake the pot gently, do not use a spatula to turn the fish fillets too much to prevent the fish fillets from breaking apart.

Yao Shi looked at Fu Yu's way of shaking the pot, couldn't help smiling, and turned his head to wink at Zhao Meng: Is this what you haven't learned yet? What about it? Xiaofu's work is obviously better than yours, but if you say you didn't teach it, then it must be his master Liu Yunong who taught it!

Even Yao Shi found this operation somewhat inconceivable!

Because Fu Yu's stir-fry style is completely different from what he usually cooks, and it's also completely different from Zhao Meng's. This is completely a cooking technique of its own.

Realizing this, Yao Shi didn't want to fight with Zhao Meng any more, but began to observe seriously.

This is undoubtedly a learning experience for him.

In particular, this kind of operation is likely to come from Liu Yunong, the heir of Liu Jiacai, which suddenly becomes particularly precious.

The difficulty of smooth frying lies in the step of smoothing and cooking the main ingredients.

The magnitude of shaking the pot, the force with which the fish fillets slide, and the degree of heating of the bottom of the pot, these steps must complement each other.

Yao Shi and Zhao Meng looked at each other while watching Fu Yu making slippery stir fry, it's more difficult here

However, Fu Yu suddenly increased the degree of shaking the pot, causing the fish fillet to change the position where it was heated, and ordered to Sun Qingning: "Turn up the heat. Yes, that's it, make it bigger. Okay, stop!"

Sun Qingning did as he was told, and he didn't know much about stir frying, so he didn't think much about Fu Yu's orders.

But Yao Shi was taken aback, a little puzzled.

Because he was watching seriously, he unconsciously took half a step forward, his feet went out, and then he remembered that Ji Hong was standing in front of him, and with this step, he had to bump into him.

Yao Shi was vigilant, but it was too late, but when he landed, he failed to bump into Ji Hong as expected, because the other party also moved half a step forward at almost the same time.

Ji Hong also saw Fu Yu's tricks in operation, but slightly adjusted the degree of shaking the pot, and the effect on the main ingredient of stir-frying seemed to be better!

This angle is a good choice!

All of a sudden, the chefs around were dumbfounded!

How did you come up with it?

Obviously just changed the method of shaking the pot, but the heat of the ingredients is better!

What a genius idea!

Fu Yu followed the operation steps of the classic old-flavored recipe attentively. The fish fillets in the pot were almost smooth and fried, and slowly poured in the water starch to form a thin layer of cornstarch.

The cooking of this dish is coming to an end.

After the thin cornstarch was hooked, Fu Yu poured the fish fillets into a large wide-sided round plate with black fungus, and simply arranged the plate before serving.

Yao Shi glanced at Fu Yu's plate arrangement, and nodded approvingly.

When he turned around inadvertently, he saw Zhao Meng was staring at the situation with his head outstretched.

The two happened to meet each other's eyes, and Yao Shi cast a look: Come on, you don't need to teach him, he is self-taught!

Zhao Meng showed a relieved smile: Being able to learn by himself, after all, it means that the master is capable!

Yao Shi was taken aback, and looked at Zhao Meng, this old fellow is getting thicker and thicker!

At this time, Dong Juntian and Wang Jingrui also exchanged glances.

Neither of them have professional backgrounds. Although they also know how to cook, their cooking skills can only be considered barely. However, seeing Ji Hong and the others are all serious about observing, it should be that Fu Yu's cooking is quite exciting .

Dong Juntian still attaches great importance to today's learning exchange, after all, this is the "first battle" of their store.

Seeing Fu Yu finish cooking one dish after another, Sun Qingning and Zhang Jiaxin, who helped him, had their own ideas.

Compared to Sun Qingning, Zhang Jiaxin had the most emotion.

He has always known that there is a gap between himself and Fu Yu, but he never thought that the gap has reached such an insurmountable level.

Time is the fairest, 24 hours for everyone.

Time is also the most selfish. If you abandon time, time will abandon you.

Whether it can be used efficiently is a watershed between people.

During the past year of work, Fu Yu got up early and stayed late every day, and took the initiative to cook breakfast for everyone in the back kitchen. It seemed that he had never slackened his cooking practice.

When he has free time, talk less, act more, and persist over time. Now, he is rightly ahead of everyone.

Life is like this. If you want to shorten the distance between people, you should learn to use time. No one can spend the same hour twice. A real master can use time efficiently.

When you slack, you don't know that others have already quietly led you too much.

Zhang Jiaxin swallowed and exhaled slowly.

Today's observation really touched him deeply.

If you are not appreciated at work, then try to improve your skills and build your core competitiveness.

Instead of complaining about the darkness, it's better to move forward with a lamp.

He glanced at Fu Yu and made up his mind that from now on, he must make changes and strive to improve himself.

It is said that life is like a wave, and every time it hits the bottom, it is to accumulate energy for the next rebound.

He believes that as long as he takes Fu Yu as his goal and strives to follow in his footsteps, he will be able to fly higher and go further next time.

After Fu Yu finished several dishes on the old customer's order list, he reached out to pick up the new order from the waiter.

Zhang Jiaxin said: "I'll tell you to prepare the dishes, you can rest for a while."

Fu Yu glanced at the order list, it was just an ordinary order list, so he nodded without rejecting it.

Yao Shi saw that the cooking was finished, so he called Ji Hong and others to the front hall.

Taking advantage of no one's attention, Yao Shi couldn't help giving Fu Yu a thumbs up quietly!

This kid is really competitive, the more people watch the occasion, the more stable his performance will be.

Seeing Yao Shi's gesture, Fu Yu couldn't help grinning.

The smile on the corner of his mouth just opened, and the next moment, an electronic prompt sounded in his ear:

【Ding! Congratulations for triggering the long-term mission of NPC Chef Yao Shi: do a good job in the chef industry and develop well in this industry. Completion progress (6): Excellent because of seriousness. Task completion reward: task experience +100, lucky wheel once, 1 stamina buff potion]

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