Now suddenly received a call from Xu Zebang, Yao Shi quickly answered the phone: "Zebang? Why did you call me all of a sudden?"

Xu Zebang said straight to the point: "Brother Yao, my dad hasn't had a good rest these few days, and he can't even eat. He looks haggard and always lacks energy."

Yao Shi was taken aback, and quickly interrupted: "Uncle Xu is not feeling well, so he has to go to the hospital for treatment?"

Xu Ning is nearly seventy years old this year. The old man has always been in a very strong body, and because he is a soup cooker, he likes to make some soup and water tonic when he has nothing to do, so his mental state has always been good.

Suddenly something went wrong, and at this age again, Yao Shi's heart skipped a beat, and he immediately became a little anxious.

Xu Zebang explained: "I took my dad to the hospital, and the doctor said he had a weak spleen and kidney, and prescribed some medicine, but the old man refused to take it, insisting that the medicine was 30% poisonous, and wanted to make soup by himself. "

"The key is that the soup he cooks is homemade soup, and it doesn't cure his illness at all! No matter how my mother and I persuade him, my father just won't listen to it. I really can't help it. Brother Yao, someday will you , come to my house and help persuade my dad!"

"People's doctors have said that if the elderly have spleen and kidney deficiency, they must be treated quickly, otherwise a series of complications will occur. And he can't sleep all the time, and his body can't handle it. !"

Yao Shi's face also changed when he heard that Mr. Xu couldn't sleep all night.

The old man is almost seventy years old. He is already old, and all kinds of diseases that fell in his youth should be found.

The bones of this body are already weak, how can it bear such painstaking efforts.

Yao Shi carefully asked about the specific situation of Mr. Xu, and couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed.

This person is old, just like a child, especially disobedient.

Especially Mr. Xu was very stubborn in the first place. If he decided on something, it would be impossible to pull back nine bulls!

When Mr. Xu was young, he was actually okay. He didn't hide his illness so much. Maybe it's because he is getting older, but he has become more stubborn.

Yao Shi knew Mr. Xu's character very well, so after hearing what Xu Zebang had said, he couldn't help but also made troubles along with him.

If Mr. Xu is so persuasive, how could the family be so anxious to get angry!

How can I persuade you?

Suddenly, he thought of Fu Yu. Since he refused to take medicine, it would be okay to eat, right?

Fu Yu's medicated diet is getting better and better now, can find him.

Thinking of this, Yao Shi hurriedly said: "Zebang, as far as Uncle Xu's temper is concerned, even if I went to help persuade him, it might not be helpful. However, there is a medicated diet master in my shop who is very good at making medicated diets. Why don't you let Xu Uncle, go and try it."

"Well, I'm going to go to the store tomorrow, don't mention the medicinal food, just say that you are taking Uncle Xu to my store for dinner, and everyone will have a good get together, and don't forget to take all the medical records. Bring it here, and I'll let the medicated diet master take a look, and see if he can help customize a set of medicated diet procedures according to Uncle Xu's situation."

Xu Zebang was dumbfounded when he heard Yao Shi's words. After all, he didn't listen to the doctor's consultation and take medicine for treatment when he was sick, but instead listened to a chef and took medicine to treat his illness?

What's the difference between this and his father's refusal to take medicine, but only willing to think about making soup for recuperation?

Xu Zebang has a very close relationship with Yao Shi, thinking in his heart, he said it out of his mouth.

Seeing Xu Zebang like this, Yao Shi hurriedly persuaded him: "Zebang, we have been friends for so many years, I will definitely not cheat Uncle Xu, the medicated diet master in my shop is not an ordinary person, he is a special consultant of the National Medicinal Diet Research Association , many prominent figures and their family members in this city are waiting in line to make an appointment with him for medicinal meals."

"Since Uncle Xu refuses to take medicine to cooperate with the treatment, it is useless to persuade anyone else, so it is better to try the medicinal diet treatment. At that time, I will be in charge of arranging for the medicinal diet master to take a look and customize the treatment properly. Can fix Uncle Xu's problem!"

Because of his personal experience, Yao Shi has always kept three points in his words, which made him willing to guarantee the promise to make a promise, which shows that he really trusts and respects this medicated diet master very much.

Just as Yao Shi knew about Xu's family, Xu Zebang also knew Yao Shi's character very well. Hearing this, he felt at ease immediately, and quickly responded, "Okay, Brother Yao, I will do as you say. I will take my dad with me tomorrow." Go to the music restaurant."

After hanging up the phone, Yao Shi adjusted the heat of the stew before turning to look for Fu Yu.

Passing by Zhao Meng's kitchen counter, I heard Zhao Meng teaching Sun Qingning persuasively: "Fire control is your weak point, if you want to practice this well, it's useless to be anxious, you usually have to work harder on cooking oil. "

"Frying is actually the most test of the chef's fire control, otherwise why the small worker is promoted to the chef, and the most he does in the transitional stage is the work of frying the oil twice, which is meaningful."

Sun Qingning nodded, secretly surprised.

It turns out that the purpose of doing oil work is to exercise their ability in controlling the fire!

He thought they were simply being used as labor.

After all, Xiao Gong has just started to work in the back kitchen and lacks cooking experience, so he can only do simple tasks such as cooking oil once and for all.

And after working for a period of time and gaining experience, you can do a second coat of oil.

These pre-cooking preparations certainly cannot all be done by the chef himself.

Now that Zhao Meng said this, Sun Qingning realized that cooking the oil twice was actually practicing his cooking skills.

Thinking of this, Sun Qingning immediately promised: "Chef Zhao, don't worry, as long as I have time in the future, I will do the work of oiling twice!"

Zhao Meng nodded: "There will be more opportunities like today. You should work hard with Fu Yu, observe and learn more. To be honest, such an opportunity is really rare. It is said that there will be improvement in cooking skills, and even in interpersonal communication, it will also benefit a lot.”

Just as he was talking, Zhao Meng saw Yao Shi approaching, so he turned his head and asked, "Chef Yao, what's the matter?"

Yao Shi waved his hand: "I have something to do with Xiaofu, by the way, he hasn't been on vacation this week, has he?"

Zhao Meng understood as soon as he heard it, and hurriedly said: "No, it can be arranged for these two days, and he can sleep any day."

Yao Shi nodded: "Then let him rest tomorrow."

Zhao Meng replied: "Okay, I will arrange it."

After the two finalized Fu Yu's rest arrangement, Yao Shi went to find someone.

Fu Yu didn't know about this at all, his kitchen counter was separated from Zhao Meng's, and he usually communicated with Zhao Meng unless he shouted at his throat, or went directly to the front to talk face-to-face.

The back kitchen was really noisy, until Yao Shi came close, Fu Yu still didn't notice it.

He is currently concentrating on cooking the dish at hand.

Stewed willow root with perilla is a very popular river fish dish in the store.

Although the willow root fish is only one of the eighteen seeds in the "three flowers, five flowers, eighteen seeds and twelve miscellaneous fishes", in fact, the willow root fish is not inferior to the three flowers and five flowers in terms of meat quality and taste.

At least in Bei'an, it is considered a treasure among river fish.

Home-cooked willow root fish is usually stewed with sauce, but Maxima uses perilla to stew willow root fish.

The stewing of this dish is skillful. The taste of perilla can remove the fishy smell very well and make the fish more delicious.

The vermicelli served as a side dish has absorbed the essence of the fish broth. It is obviously a side dish in stewed fish, but it is even more delicious than fish.

Fu Yu had just spread the willow root fish into the pot, and when he was about to get the cooking wine, he raised his head inadvertently, and then realized that Yao Shi had come over at some time.

Fu Yu hurriedly shouted: "Chef Yao!"

Yao Shi nodded: "I have something to ask you."

Hearing this, Fu Yu hurriedly quickened his movements.

After cooking the cooking wine, add a little light soy sauce and dark soy sauce, and finally add the hot water that has just covered the fish.

Seeing that the hot water just reached the water level marked by the green line, Fu Yu hurriedly added sugar and bean paste.

While the fish was stewing in the pot over medium heat, Fu Yu took the time to talk with Yao Shi in a place where no one was around.

Yao Shi explained Mr. Xu's situation in detail, and emphasized to Fu Yu: "Mr. Xu was my master's best friend before his death. Now he is not in good health. I am also very worried. I just wonder if you can help him." Help me to customize the medicinal diet, and give him a good conditioning."

After hearing Yao Shi's words, Fu Yu frowned.

Want to customize a medicinal diet for spleen and kidney weakness?

He has never been in touch with this aspect.

Just relying on an incomplete list of the efficacy of traditional Chinese medicine (1), he really dare not be sure that he can help Mr. Xu customize a medicinal meal with significant curative effect.

However, Yao Shi had already said that to him, this Mr. Xu was no different from his own uncle.

Even for Yao Shi's sake, this custom-made medicinal diet cannot be pushed back.

Thinking of this, Fu Yu glanced at Yao Shi, that's all!

Regardless of Yao Shi's usual care and help to him, but the personal skills he acquired from Yao Shi, this favor must be done.

Fu Yu nodded: "Okay, Chef Yao, don't worry, I will definitely try my best tomorrow."

With Fu Yu's promise, Yao Shi couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

He didn't even realize that since some time, he has become very trusting and respectful of Fu Yu's ability in medicinal food.

As long as Fu Yu personally guaranteed something, he would subconsciously think that it would definitely be done well and there would be no problems.

Yao Shi said with a smile: "You don't have to worry about the customization of ingredients and medicinal materials for medicinal meals. As long as they are suitable for the symptoms, the price is not a problem."

The most worrying thing was solved so smoothly, Yao Shi was in a good mood, and he made an appointment with Fu Yu to know the exact time to go to the music restaurant tomorrow, and then left briskly.

Watching Yao Shi leave, Fu Yu returned to his kitchen counter. Instead of rushing to start cooking right away, he took the time to check his attribute panel.

At present, he still has Yao Shi's advanced personal skill reward that he has not received, as well as a self-selected key for the teaching practice classroom.

After confirming the task rewards he could use, Fu Yu didn't hesitate, and directly chose the medicinal cooking teaching practice class for recuperating spleen and kidney weakness.

After choosing the course, Fu Yu was relieved. Fortunately, there were really courses about medicinal cooking in the teaching practice class.

Otherwise, he can only refer to the list (1) of the efficacy of traditional Chinese medicine, and study and customize the medicinal diet by himself.

After redeeming the courses, Fu Yu was not in a hurry to enter the teaching practice classroom to study, but continued to take orders and cook step by step.

Anyway, the learning process in the teaching practice classroom will not affect the progress of real time, so just find an opportunity to enter the system space before tomorrow morning.

As for wasting a precious key of self-selected teaching practice courses, Fu Yu didn't feel distressed either.

After all, weakness of the spleen and kidney is also a relatively common disease. Sooner or later, I will meet customers with such diseases, so there is no harm in learning early.

"Fu Chu, Chong Chong Yu is ready!"

Zhang Jiaxin brought the prepared ingredients over.

Fu Yu checked it, and after making sure it was correct, he started cooking.

Chongchongyu is what the locals in Bei’an are used to calling it. In fact, outsiders know this kind of river fish, and it is usually called heavy-lipped fish.

In the county where Fu Yu's hometown is located, every household has a lot of river fish dishes on the dining table every time the river opens.

And Jiang Ma especially likes to eat insect fish.

The main reason is that there are few bugs and fish bones, it is convenient to eat, and the meat is delicate, garlic-shaped and has no fishy smell.

In Bei'an, there is a special dialect used to describe insect fish, which is called "silver carp and bighead carp's head, carp's tail, delicious but heavy-lipped fish".

The sauce-flavored worm fish made by Maxima is very popular among diners because of its high quality and low price.

The Chongchongyu chosen by the customer is quite fat.

Fu Yu skillfully cut the cleaned fish into two pieces.

Chopping fish is most afraid of incomplete joints, which will affect the appearance of the fish when it is placed on the plate.

Fu Yu doesn't have to worry about this at all. Every time this happens, he has the urge to kiss his kitchen knife.

The effect of cutting iron like mud is not a joke. The fishbone fracture is clean and neat without any bone fragments, and the cross section is surprisingly smooth.

Fu Yu put a little oil in the pot, 70% heat, put the fish in and fry until golden on both sides, then serve it out.

Then use the oil in the bottom of the pot to add aniseed ingredients, Chinese prickly ash, onion, ginger, garlic, bean paste, etc. and fry until fragrant. Then put the fried fish into the pot, cook with cooking wine, add sugar and other seasonings, and add water to cook.

Put a little salt and coriander before serving.

In the way of Maxima, cabbage and baby vegetables are added to the side dishes.

The side dishes stewed in this way are also extraordinarily delicious.

Before getting off work in the evening, Zhao Meng took the time to come over and mentioned to Fu Yu about tomorrow's day off.

At that time, there were many people in the back kitchen, Yao Shi didn't explain carefully, and Zhao Meng couldn't find out what happened.

Fu Yu told the story exactly what happened.

Hearing that the medicinal diet was customized for Mr. Xu, Zhao Meng realized that he also knew something about Yao Shi and the Xu family.

So he talked to Fu Yu in detail, and even asked him for a long time.

Fu Yu looked at Zhao Meng who cared so much for him, and felt very attached in his heart.

Zhao Meng said that Yao Shi regarded Mr. Xu as his elder.

In fact, why didn't I regard Zhao Meng as a relative.

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