Going back to the dormitory at night, Fu Yu opened the door with the key, and went directly into the teaching practice class, learning how to cook medicinal food for spleen and kidney weakness.

When he finally got full marks and was released from the system space, Fu Yu was physically and mentally exhausted, and he didn't even have to wash up, so he just fell headlong on the bed and slept until dawn.

To go to the music restaurant in the morning, Fu Yu simply didn't go to the back kitchen, bought a family portrait pancake fruit in the side street, and took a taxi to drive there.

Because today is a day off, Yao Shi deliberately moved up the date of this week's medicated diet treatment, and personally called several customers who customized medicated diet to explain.

With Yao Shi worrying about these things, Fu Yu went to the music restaurant and didn't care about anything. He changed his clothes and went directly to the back kitchen to start cooking according to the appointment time of this week's medicinal meals.

The medicated meals for regular customers are all custom-made by Fu Yu. He knows exactly what dishes to cook and how to do them.

The ingredients and medicinal materials are all properly prepared, and Fu Yu only needs to cook directly on the stove.

In just one morning, he successfully received three customers who ordered herbal meals.

Just in time for lunch, Yao Shi called and called Fu Yu to the VIP room.

Xu Zebang was already sitting in the VIP room with his father.

Fu Yu received Yao Shi's instructions, and after entering the door, he didn't mention the custom-made medicinal diet, but just stood quietly by the side, letting Yao Shi fool him.

Yao Shi introduced to Mr. Xu: "This Chef Fu is a newly hired chef from our shop, and his craftsmanship is very outstanding. It happened that he created a few sets of table noodles this time. Uncle Xu, I want you to help taste it. Take a look and see if there is any room for improvement.”

When Mr. Xu heard this, he quickly declined: "I can't do it. In terms of cooking skills, I can also make soup. I'm really not very good at other things."

Yao Shi smiled like a triumphant fox, and said cheerfully, "Don't worry, what I want you to help taste is these sets of soups. As for other dishes, we'll try something new today."

Hearing that he was asked to taste the soup, Mr. Xu immediately became interested: "That's good, I really don't know much about other aspects, but I still have a lot of research on soup making."

Seeing that Mr. Xu agreed, Yao Shi pulled him along and asked about his recent physical condition.

He and Xu Zebang grew up together since they were young, and they have a very good understanding with each other.

The two sang together, and from beginning to end, they didn't reveal the slightest intention of customizing the medicinal diet, but explained the symptoms of old man Xu and his current physical condition in detail.

Fu Yu listened very seriously, and after following Yao Shi out of the VIP room, he took a closer look at the examination results of Mr. Xu's recent visit to the hospital.

At this time, Xu Zebang also found an excuse to slip out.

Seeing this, Yao Shi simply took them to the office not far away.

Entering the office, Xu Zebang wiped away his previous carelessness, and asked with great concern: "Fu Chu, in my father's situation, can you order a curative medicinal diet?"

If it was before last night, Fu Yu might still be a little uncertain, but after experiencing the learning spurs in the teaching practice class, he nodded with confidence: "Mr. Xu's situation is more suitable for customizing the medicinal diet treatment. "

"Because Mr. Xu's symptoms are typical spleen and kidney yang deficiency, and he is getting old, so when recuperating, my suggestion here is to use medicinal prescriptions for warming and nourishing the spleen and kidney. And Mr. Xu is very repulsed by taking medicine for treatment, so In the choice of medicinal diet, I will try my best to focus on food supplements, even if medicinal materials are used, I will try my best to cover up the smell of medicinal herbs when cooking, so that Mr. Xu will not notice."

"When I was chatting just now, I also heard that Mr. Xu usually cooks some soup for himself at home. But in fact, many soups can't alleviate the symptoms of weak spleen and kidney. , On the contrary, it will also bring a certain amount of pressure to the body, and it will not be easy to absorb, but it will also lead to aggravation of the disease."

Fu Yu's words hit Xu Zebang's heart completely!

You know, Mr. Xu was a bit stubborn in the beginning, but now that he is old, that's even more remarkable.

Usually, I often cook soup to nourish the whole family. In fact, what I make is nothing more than home-cooked soup, and it’s okay to eat.

But now that he is sick, how can those home-cooked soups play a big role?

Xu Zebang really didn't expect this young medicated diet master to have such insight and say such reasonable words.

To be honest, when Xu Zebang suddenly saw Fu Yu, he was very unhappy.

If it wasn't for the relationship with Yao Shi and his father's presence, he would have to turn his back on him.

His father is so weak now, if you can help, try to help, if you can't, just say so.

In the end, the matter was taken over, but such a young chef was sent to deal with it. Is it plausible?

After all, it is his own father, and Xu Zebang is also really filial, so he wants to cure his father's illness as soon as possible, so that the old man will suffer less.

Unexpectedly, Yao Shi recommended such a young chef who seemed to be in his early twenties!

This is not to blame Xu Zebang, his own father is a soup cooker, and he has a little understanding of cooking.

Chefs are not like other professions, their culinary skills are gradually accumulated, otherwise, the chefs in general restaurants are all old, and the small workers are all young!

It was precisely because of understanding these situations that Xu Zebang complained somewhat.

In the eyes of ordinary people, the age of chefs is often directly proportional to their culinary skills. After all, no matter how talented they are, even if they have worked for a long time, they will have a few special skills in cooking.

Now that Yao Shi has sent such a young medicated diet master, anyone who changes it will feel a little uncomfortable.

However, after hearing what Fu Yu said now, Xu Zebang's impression of him could not help but improve a bit.

Regardless of age, at least this young medicated diet master sounds quite knowledgeable!

Because of the change in mentality, when Fu Yu asked about Mr. Xu's usual eating habits, Xu Zebang was particularly cooperative and explained in detail.

Fu Yu listened carefully, nodded, and said to Xu Zebang: "I already understand the situation. As for the specific customization of the medicinal diet treatment, I will discuss it with Yao Chu. Our back kitchen will try to arrange the serving as soon as possible."

It’s all here, this medicinal diet must be tasted, Xu Zebang nodded quickly.

After Fu Yu finished explaining to Xu Zebang, he turned to Yao Shi and said, "Chef Yao, then I'll go over there first and cook the medicated meals."

Yao Shi nodded: "Okay, go get busy, if you have anything to do, just tell Zhang Zhen directly."

After Fu Yu left, Xu Zebang hurriedly pulled Yao Shi and asked, "Brother Yao, your specially hired medicated diet master is too young, isn't he?"

Yao Shi smiled heartily, and said: "You don't know the situation, don't look at Fu Yu as young, he is a specially appointed consultant of the National Medicinal Diet Research Association, specializing in the customization of medicinal diet seats, Zebang, can I still cheat Uncle Xu? I want to recuperate Uncle Xu's body, I will definitely choose the best candidate to recommend, so don't worry!"

"Let me tell you, I spent a lot of money to invite people to the store to make medicinal meals. With his worth and the little money I gave, I can invite him to come here once a week to help To order two meals, they are not on duty in our shop at all."

When Xu Zebang heard it, he was stunned: "Yao Shi, is this chef Fu so good?"

Yao Shi didn't blink, and nonchalantly said without panic: "That's right! Just a few customers of our shop who have customized herbal diets, they are all people with status and background, and ordinary people can't be ranked even if they spend money."

"Don't worry, Uncle Xu's illness can be treated with his help, and it will definitely be effective."

When Xu Zebang heard Yao Shi say this, he breathed a sigh of relief: "Brother Yao, it's all thanks to you. You will have to help me persuade my dad to eat more later. I'm really worried these days."

Yao Shi nodded, didn't say much, and followed Xu Zebang back to the VIP room to entertain Mr. Xu.

He really doesn't know anything about medicinal food, and he can't help in the back kitchen, so he might as well stay and help coax Mr. Xu.

After Fu Yu left here, he didn't rush back to the back kitchen, but found a quiet place. According to the medicinal diet he learned last night, he picked out dishes suitable for Mr. Xu and listed them carefully.

Because it is necessary to prepare a customized medicinal meal table, there are several courses of treatment. What kind of dishes need to be arranged step by step for each course of treatment. These need to be considered before screening and determination.

Mr. Xu’s illness is spleen and kidney yang deficiency, so in terms of medicinal diet, we should use medicinal materials and foods that are warm in nature and have the effect of nourishing kidney yang and warming spleen yang.

At the same time, try to avoid eating foods that are cold in nature, easy to hurt yang, or greasy and hard to digest.

Moreover, since Mr. Yao Shifu and Mr. Xu came to help test the dishes today, and Xu Zebang is also with him, the dishes must at least be handled according to the order list of Xiaoxi Noodles.

Fu Yu deliberated for a while, and eloquently listed dozens of medicinal dishes.

Check and draw again, pick and choose, and mark the dishes cooked for several courses.

Finally, the medicated meal that needs to be cooked today is decided. There are six dishes in total, including soup, porridge, and special dishes.

Considering that Mr. Xu is very opposed to taking medicine, Fu Yu tries his best to focus on ingredients in the customization of herbal meals. Chinese medicinal materials are not used as long as they can be used. This time, the main focus of the meal customization is subtle diet therapy.

After confirming the specific dishes for the medicated banquet, Fu Yu went back to the back kitchen and listed the prepared menus for Zhang Zhen to arrange.

The ingredients in the music restaurant are still very rich and comprehensive, but some medicinal materials have not been used before, so they need to contact the pharmacy for temporary delivery.

However, these are not difficult things.

Fu Yu waited for the little worker to prepare the prepared ingredients, and without wasting any more time, he started cooking immediately.

Spicy pepper chicken is a special home-cooked dish, but few people know that this dish is actually a medicinal meal, which is very suitable for the elderly. Eating some in moderation can strengthen the spleen and appetizers, and it is just right for those with spleen and kidney yang deficiency disease.

In fact, anyone who knows how to cook can cook this dish, but how to make it delicious and tender is a test of the chef's cooking skills.

Fu Yu cut the chicken breast into square cubes. Because it is a herbal diet, Fu Yu has always been very strict with himself on the shape of the plate.

When it comes to cutting diced chicken, it must be square and square, and all scraps that cannot be cut into a square shape should be removed.

The medicinal diet is so expensive, and if he doesn't strive for perfection, he always feels that it is not safe to collect the money.

The peppers are also diced, but this time they are cut into triangles, and they are the same size as diced chicken. It is guaranteed that if you take out a piece of diced chicken, it will be as big as the pepper.

As far as this unique skill measured by hand, Fu Yu admires himself very much.

Being able to strictly follow the instructions of the green line and perform the operation perfectly, my current level of cooking skills has improved again, right?

Holding the kitchen knife, Fu Yu quickly and neatly cut up the diced chicken and pepper, sprinkled some salt, drizzled some egg white and water starch, and stirred evenly.

While the chicken was getting flavored, Fu Yu put the frying spoon on medium heat, added peanut oil until the heat was almost there, added the diced chicken and stir-fried, took out and drained the oil.

The operation of this step is very critical. Whether the fried chicken is tender or not depends on the control of the heat and time.

Because he usually works at Maxima, Fu Yu really didn't have the chance to cook this dish.

It is his first time to make it now, but as long as he refers to the method above the classic old taste recipe, he can reproduce it perfectly.

After heating up the remaining pan bottom oil, stir-fry the scallions, ginger and diced peppers, then add other seasonings, then thicken with warm starch, pour in freshly squeezed pepper oil, and the dish is ready to be served on a plate.

The step of seasoning with pepper oil is a technique that Fu Yu had never thought of before.

Now follow the cooking tutorial on the recipe and make it step by step. Not to mention, this dish really smells very good.

However, although the dishes were finished cooking, Fu Yu was not in a hurry to serve them.

Without him, this dish is too ordinary, and it really doesn't deserve the high price of medicinal food.

It is impossible to improve and improve the ingredients, so Fu Yu can only rack his brains to find a way to arrange the dishes.

In fact, the color of diced chicken and diced pepper is particularly beautiful. Although it is not aesthetically pleasing to be in a mess, it makes people feel particularly appetizing.

However, since you want to elevate this dish to a higher level, you must not just serve it on a plate.

Fu Yu asked Xiao Gong to bring a medium-sized lotus leaf cup.

The lotus leaf cup was old green in color, which just set off the crisp and tender color of the peppercorns. Fu Yu held the universal chopsticks and fully mobilized the dexterity of his fingers.

Take out the diced peppers and diced chicken in the pot one by one, leaving a part to be placed in the bottom of the lotus leaf cup, and on the top is a skillful use of diced peppers and diced chicken to spell out a word of blessing.

In fact, it took a lot of work, but Fu Yu did it very quickly.

Seeing that the plate arrangement was finished, Fu Yu himself admired it and couldn't help but sigh with emotion. The advanced painting skills and color discrimination ability rewarded by the system are really easy to use!

Look at this dish, it's so delicate, so beautiful, so artistic!

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