Ever since he returned to the VIP room, Xu Zebang has been restless. On the one hand, he is worried that his father will not cooperate with the medicinal diet, and on the other hand, he can't help but wonder whether the medicinal diet is reliable or not.

The main reason is that this medicated diet master is really too young, even if Yao Shi made repeated promises, he was always uneasy in his heart.

This is his own father, and he can't get out at all!

Xu Zebang's chair looked like nails were stuck on it, Mr. Xu was very shrewd, and asked calmly: "Xiao Yao, I just saw that Fu Fu is not very old, is his cooking really that good? "

Yao Shi stepped on Xu Zebang's foot under the table, reminding him to hold on, but he replied with a smile: "Uncle Xu, you don't know, Xiaofu was brought out by a famous teacher, Liu Jiacai, you have heard of it, right?" ?His master is the successor of Liu’s family cuisine, the famous chef Liu Yunong. He mainly learned Liu’s family’s soup cooking, otherwise, how could he specially invite you to help taste it!”

Mr. Xu's original attention was still on his son, but Yao Shi's attention was immediately attracted by such an interruption.

"Is his master the heir of Liu's family cuisine?"

Mr. Xu has been a soup cooker all his life, and he still knows the things in the circle very well.

Although he didn't make any big names himself, he still yearns for and admires those famous chefs.

Liu Jiacai is a well-known culinary family in the circle. It is said that the ancestor is the ancient imperial chef Liu Niangzi, and there are many ancient cooking books in the family.

Even the Shangshi private restaurant created by the Liu family has a lot of palace secret dishes.

Yao Shi nodded, and said earnestly: "Liu Yunong, the successor of Liu's family cuisine, is now a popular female celebrity chef in the circle, and has won many awards at home and abroad. She only has one apprentice, Fu Yu. "

When Mr. Xu heard that Fu Yu had learned how to cook Liu's family dishes, he was suddenly taken aback.

It's no wonder that such a young man can have such attainments, Ganqing is a teacher from a famous family!

Chefs are the most particular about apprenticeship and learning skills.

Such a well-known culinary family gave people the impression that it was unattainable.

How can cooking skills be bad if you can learn cooking from such a family heir!

According to Yao Shi's words, Mr. Xu looked a bit sleepy because of his physical illness before, but now he is a little more energetic because of his interest.

"It turns out that's the case. I'm going to have a good taste of this innovative soup later."

Yao Shi coaxed Mr. Xu to talk about the innovation table in the store, and while the old man was not paying attention, he turned his head and gave Xu Zebang a wink, signaling him to be calm.

Xu Zebang is purely caring and chaotic, and he is usually a very clever person. He didn't notice it before, but now he was reminded by Yao Shi, and he realized it later. He hurriedly smiled and fooled his old man together.

While the three of them were chatting and laughing, Xu Zebang was still thinking about the cooking of the medicinal food, and from time to time he would distract himself and glance at the door of the box to see if there was a waiter bringing the food.

While waiting anxiously, suddenly, he saw a familiar figure passing by the door of the box.

Xu Zebang's face changed, isn't this... Director Lin of his unit?

Why is she here?

Thinking of this, Xu Zebang got up quickly, and confessed to his father and Yao Shi: "The leader of our unit seems to be here, I'll go say hello!"

After finishing speaking, he hurriedly chased him out.

Xu Zebang moved quickly, and when he chased to the door, he saw that the person had not walked out for a long time, so he hurriedly called out: "Aunt Lin!"

Lin Yu paused when she heard the sound, turned her head to look over, saw Xu Zebang, and was obviously taken aback for a moment: "Zebang? Why are you here too!"

Xu Zebang works in the garden department. Although Lin Yu is his immediate boss, but because his mother has a good personal relationship with Xu Yu, she usually takes good care of him.

Xu Zebang sighed: "My dad is not in good health these days, and he wants to customize a medicinal meal for conditioning, so he came here."

Lin Yu was taken aback for a moment, and suddenly said: "You also came here to find Fu Chu to order medicinal meals?"

Xu Zebang was also stunned: "That's right, I'm looking for Fu Fuyu."

Lin Yu smiled immediately: "That's what I was looking for! By the way, did you see Fu Fu? I went to the front hall just now, and the waiter said he was on the first floor."

Xu Zebang hurriedly said: "He went to the back kitchen to make medicinal food. Give it to my dad."

The two were talking, when Li Xintong got the news and hurried over: "Ms. Lin, Chef Fu has gone to order a medicinal meal. Why don't you go to the lounge and wait for him!"

Upon hearing this, Lin Yu smiled wryly and said, "Oh, that's fine, if Fu Fu has time, you must let me know."

Li Xintong is the front office manager of the store, and he is very familiar with the regular customers in the store.

Although Lin Yu didn't come twice, Li Xintong was very hospitable and enthusiastic because he was a custom-made customer of the medicinal banquet.

After all, those who can customize the medicated meal table are all either rich or expensive.

Serving the high-end customers in the store well is also good for these stores. After all, the higher the income in the store, the more lucrative their wages will be.

Li Xintong's service attitude is warm and thoughtful, Lin Yu has a good impression of her, and her manner of speaking is very gentle.

Li Xintong couldn't help but smile when he heard that: "That's right, Chef Fu is really busy now, and there are customers who come to the store every day and want to make an appointment for medicinal meals."

Lin Yu nodded, secretly rejoicing: "Fortunately, when we came here, there were still customized places, otherwise we would have to wait until the second half of the year."

Li Xintong greeted Lin Yu to the lounge with a smile.

Lin Yu then turned to Xu Zebang and said, "By the way, is your mother here too? Let me go and say hello first."

When Xu Zebang heard this, he hurriedly stopped the person, and explained: "My mother didn't come, but my father and I came today. The main reason is that my father refused to take the medicine. There was really no other way, so I thought about ordering a custom-made medicated diet. "

Lin Yu asked in surprise, "Why haven't you heard your mother mention this? Your father didn't seem to have any health problems during the Chinese New Year, did he?"

Xu Zebang rolled his eyes and said nonsense: "No, my dad went to the hospital for a consultation a few years ago, but he refused to cooperate with the doctor's treatment. Later, he was introduced to order a medicinal diet."

Lin Yu nodded: "So that's the case."

Xu Zebang was afraid that Lin Yu would really go to his father to say hello, and if he leaked something again, his father would find out and refused to cooperate with the medicinal diet.

So he talked half-truthfully about the fact that he tricked the old man over to order the medicinal diet.

Lin Yu laughed and said, "It's hard for you to be so filial. If that's the case, then I won't bother you. Otherwise, your father is so shrewd that he won't notice anything."

These words hit Xu Zebang's heart, so after saying goodbye to Lin Yu with a smile, he turned and went back to the VIP room.

Xu Zebang is not stupid, he seems to understand something unusual through the chat between Lin Yu and the front office manager!

Is it difficult for this little chef to make an appointment?

Before Xu Zebang could go back to the VIP room, his cell phone rang. It was a friend of his.

Xu Zebang hurriedly connected the phone.

His friend heard that he came to the music restaurant to order medicinal meals, which was quite strange.

The main reason is that the music restaurant has just started to vigorously promote and publicize the herbal diet, and the spread is not so strong.

The two chatted for a while, and he was still thinking about the medicinal food, so he briefly explained and hung up the phone.

As soon as he put his phone away, he saw the front office manager return back.

Xu Zebang's heart moved, and he took the initiative to meet him.

Li Xintong had just sent Lin Yu to the waiting room, and now he was about to call a waiter to entertain him. Halfway there, he met Xu Zebang.

Knowing that the other party was a distinguished guest personally entertained by his boss, Li Xintong hurriedly greeted him with a smile, "Mr. Xu, is there anything I can help you with?"

Xu Zebang asked curiously: "Oh, I just heard from Aunt Lin that it's not easy to make reservations for Fu Chu's herbal meals. Is he so good?"

Li Xintong said with a smile: "The medicated food seats made by Fu Chu are indeed very effective. Just now, in front of Ms. Lin, there is a saying that I didn't say. Not only can Fu Fu's medicated food seats not be reserved for the first half of the year, but also for the second half of the year. The queue is full. Mr. Xu, you have a good relationship with our boss, so you can directly find Fu Fu's custom-made medicinal meal table when you come here."

Xu Zebang could hear the admiration towards Fu Yu in Li Xintong's words, and couldn't help but said: "Chu Fu is indeed very good, but he is a bit too young."

When Li Xintong heard this, he immediately smiled: "What age is this? No one judges others based on their age."

"That Ms. Lin just now is the vice president of Bei'an Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine. She personally recommended Fu Chu to come here to order herbal meals."

Xu Zebang blushed when he heard it!

Yao Shi took the initiative to help contact the medicated diet master who introduced him, but he still disliked it. This is really not a proper way of doing it.

In the back kitchen, after Fu Yu finished arranging the pepper chicken, he handed it over to the waiter to serve.

The pharmacy has already been contacted, but the medicinal materials temporarily reserved are not yet in place.

Although eating dog meat is a local tradition in Bei'an, because Maxima is a restaurant dedicated to accepting large banquets, there is no pre-stored food, and we can only wait for the purchase to buy it temporarily.

Loach is not in stock either, so these dishes cannot be cooked.

Fu Yu had to make Eucommia kidney flower first.

This dish is included in the recipe of the music restaurant. It is not a hard dish in the table, but because of its unique taste, it is very popular among customers when ordering a table.

It’s just that most people don’t know that this dish is actually a medicinal diet, which has the effects of nourishing kidney qi, clearing the bladder, eliminating stagnation, and quenching thirst.

Of course, medicinal food is not something that anyone can eat, like this eucommia kidney flower, because the main ingredient is pork kidney, which has a relatively high cholesterol content, so under normal circumstances, people with high blood lipids and high cholesterol will eat Have to eat less, or not eat.

Eucommia ulmoides is a very wonderful medicinal material. The medicinal effect after frying is stronger than that of raw eucommia, and it can expand blood vessels and reduce cholesterol absorption.

Combining the two, one increases and the other decreases. It is not a serious problem for elderly people to eat, and there is no need to worry about digestion and absorption.

However, the cooking method of ordinary Eucommia kidney flower is simple, and it is the same as the pepper chicken, which is too homely.

So Fu Yu began to think about the shape of the plate again, and thought about it carefully.

In the end, it was decided to prepare Eucommia ulmoides kidney flowers with the method of cutting them.

In this way, the taste and efficacy of the herbal diet will not be affected, and customers will feel amazing in terms of presentation. The money is really worth the money.

Fu Yu learned how to make phoenix-tailed kidney flowers because he heard Ji Hong say a lot about Hunan cuisine when he was doing group communication activities.

At that time, Ji Hong felt that Fu Yu was very good at knives, so he said with a smile that using Fu Yu's technique to make their shop's specialty hot and sour phoenix tail waist, it must be authentic and amazing.

Because this hot and sour phoenix-tailed kidney flower is a special dish that is very common in traditional Hunan cuisine.

When Ji Hong mentioned this dish, he was quite emotional.

Ji Hong said that fewer and fewer people are willing to cook traditional Hunan cuisine, and young chefs are unwilling to spend time studying it, and even less willing to work hard to practice basic skills, which makes many traditional crafts gradually lost.

Just like this hot and sour phoenix-tailed kidney flower, it is rare to be able to make it authentically.

Because this dish comprehensively considers the basic skills of a chef, and the shape of the plate is also very high-end, you can tell that the chef who cooks must have great cooking skills.

Moreover, because the main ingredient of this dish is pork loin, laymen may not take it seriously. This is not a rare and precious ingredient, and ordinary restaurants can order it casually.

Only the insiders understand that it is possible to promote this dish as a signature dish of their own restaurant. If it is not a solid foundation, where does it come from?

Ji Hongneng serves as the head chef of Jiweizhai. He has a good level of cooking skills and has decades of cooking experience. Even the dishes he will praise are definitely not wrong.

After chatting at that time, Fu Yu was particularly interested in this hot and sour Phoenix tail kidney flower, so in his spare time, he deliberately browsed through the classic old taste recipes to learn the specific cooking method of this dish.

In terms of taste, this dish is a typical Hunan flavor, sour, hot and spicy. What really interests Fu Yu is the method of cutting the phoenix tail and kidney flowers.

At that time, he repeated the simulation exercise many times out of thin air.

There was no waist to practice, so he used potatoes instead, cut and cut several times, and only then did he master the specific method.

It's just that I didn't expect that a study on my own whim would come in handy.

Fu Yu wanted to make Eucommia kidney flower, and Xiaogong had already prepared the pork loin in advance.

The pork loin dish in the music restaurant is not served as a main course. After all, the pork loin will taste very fishy when it is cold.

Therefore, they are all served as small dishes as gifts, and the most popular side dish is fried kidney with capers.

Even if this side dish is eaten cold, it is still delicious, and it mainly plays the role of appetizing and relieving greasiness.

Customers who can accept the taste of pork loin can eat it by themselves, and customers who don't like it will not affect their normal meals.

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