When checking the quality of the meat, Fu Yu said to Zhang Zhen: "Chef Zhang, just put the dog meat on the kitchen counter. You still wait here on purpose, so you won't delay things, right?"

Zhang Zhen smiled calmly, if I put it directly on the kitchen counter and then turned around and left, would I still be able to see the operation just now?

Of course not!

I'm standing here, I'm not waiting in vain, I just happened to come here to steal a teacher, no, I'm here to exchange ideas!

What kind of delay is it to learn the skills of cooking?

This is a good thing that you can't even ask for!

However, Zhang Zhen naturally couldn't say that. He glanced at the dog meat in Fu Yu's hand, and said with a smile, "So dog meat can also be used as medicinal food?"

Zhang Zhen is really not very good at cooking dog meat. He himself works in the back kitchen, and usually eats three meals a day in the restaurant. Occasionally, when he meets with friends, he usually finds some local specialty restaurants in Bei'an.

Although dog meat is delicious, it is basically not served in big restaurants, so you have to go to special small restaurants to taste it.

However, small restaurants often have a worrying environment and are not suitable for gatherings with friends.

Fu Yu nodded: "Dog meat is a good thing. Not only is it delicious, but it also nourishes the body. Or how can I say 'roll the dog meat, the gods can't stand still', this Sanliu fragrant meat is the supreme kidney treasure!"

Zhang Zhen was taken aback when he heard this: "Fragrant meat is called dog meat, I've heard of it, but how can you talk about it?"

There is a saying "Don't eat dogs in September, it hurts the gods", but I really don't understand these three or six months.

In fact, Fu Yu didn't understand these things at first, but the classic old-flavored recipes are recorded in great detail.

He copied the original words and repeated: "Yes, dog meat is also called Xiangrou, but in Cantonese areas it is also called 'Sanliu Xiangrou'. In some areas of China, it is also called 'Xiangrou' or 'Diyang'. In short, the expression It means that dog meat is so delicious and attractive.”

Zhang Zhen was taken aback when he heard this, but he didn't expect Fu Yu to be quite knowledgeable.

Zhou Yesong suddenly realized that dog meat still has such a name.

Zhang Zhen couldn't help but praised: "Xiaofu, I found that you know a lot. It just so happens that I have a little spare time now to see how you cook dog meat pot. I really don't have the opportunity to cook dog meat usually, and I don't know what to do with it. How to deal with it."

After finishing speaking, he found a way for himself: "As chefs like us, we need to learn more and communicate more. It is difficult to make progress in cooking all by ourselves behind closed doors."

Standing by the side, Zhou Yesong was stunned, his eyes widened, his face full of disbelief!

He obviously wanted to steal a teacher to learn art, but he was able to speak so grandly!

As expected of a chef, look how good he is at talking!

When Fu Yu was cooking herbal meals, he didn't hide them. The main reason was that the back kitchen was originally an open environment, so there was no privacy at all.

And when you are in charge of the spoon, you also need someone to help you. Naturally, there is no such thing as a secret in the process of cooking medicinal food.

However, the medicated diet itself is not afraid of being watched, because the diseases that customers want to treat are different, and the corresponding medicated diet will naturally be slightly different.

The so-called specialization in surgery is just like this, like a doctor who diagnoses and treats patients, he never has to deliberately avoid other people.

Fu Yu's custom-made herbal dishes, on the list, said dog meat pot, but in fact he chose a recipe called stewed dog meat in casserole from the classic old taste recipe.

This kind of cooking dog meat pot has a lighter taste, unlike the dog meat pot with hot sauce, which is hot and spicy.

However, this stewed dog meat in a casserole is better than the soft and rotten meat after cooking. What you eat is the rich aroma of the dog meat itself, salty, fresh and soft.

Fu Yu cut the cleaned dog meat into four squares. The meat should not be too big. If it is stewed for too long, it will delay the serving time. Also, the meat should not be too small, otherwise it will be easily broken after stewing.

There are actually clear marks on the classic old-flavored recipes, but Fu Yu only needs to follow the tips of the green line to cut.

The cut dog meat was rinsed twice with clean water. Without waiting for Fu Yu's order, Zhou Yesong was very clever and took the initiative to drain the water.

Fu Yu, on the other hand, took advantage of this time to pick the cleaned mints and pick off the tender tips one by one for use.

After the dog meat drained, Fu Yu picked a medium-sized casserole, poured rapeseed oil into it, and when it was about the same time, added grass fruit, aniseed, Chinese prickly ash, sugar, salt, and other various seasonings. Stir-fry with dog meat.

Fu Yu himself didn't realize that he had slowly started to form his own unique habit in the way he was now throwing spoons.

Whether it is gestures, the strength of turning the pot, or the height of throwing ingredients, the degree of rotation has become more and more precise and perfect.

Dog meat is not easy to be cooked. In order to taste good, it must reach a certain heat and time when stir-frying. Fu Yu just stood in front of the kitchen counter, and it took a full 20 minutes from the beginning of the spoon to the injection of the broth.

During this period, Fu Yu's posture did not change at all, and his expression was also very calm.

With this arm strength and physical strength, as well as the precise grasp of the maturity of the ingredients, Zhang Zhen couldn't help but subconsciously hold his old wrist and gently massage it twice when he saw the end.

Still young!

No matter how unwilling he is, Zhang Zhen has to admit that Fu Yu is far superior to himself just for this tricky operation.

Knowing that the other party is better than himself in some areas, and clearly aware that he can't catch up with these areas no matter what, he can't surpass them, so when watching Fu Yu's cooking, Zhang Zhen not only pays attention to the details of the operation, but also With a bit of pure ornamental meaning.

Fu Yuren looks energetic, and it is obviously a simple cooking operation, but when he does it, the movements of his hands and feet appear very smooth and beautiful.

For the observers, it is pleasing to the eye and the eyes, and it is easy to feel good about it.

Zhang Zhen has now realized that when he was watching Fu Yu's cooking, he unconsciously admired it.

Zhou Yesong was dumbfounded for a long time.

He is not a rookie in cooking. Although he still has the name of a small worker so far, in fact, he has already started to take charge of the cooking independently.

So he knows very well how difficult it is to maintain a constant and stable state of flipping spoons like this.

Not to mention how much gravity is exerted on the wrist, the speed and magnitude of the repeated flipping of the spoon are very difficult to grasp.

But when Fu Yu did it, he looked at it with exceptional ease.

Recalling when I first entered the industry, I was shaking a pot of sand every day. The highest record of continuous shaking was half an hour, and the speed and amplitude also ranged from fast to slow, until my wrist couldn't hold on and stopped. rest.

Zhou Yesong watched Fu Yu swaying the spoon at a constant speed for nearly half an hour, and for the first time, he had an idea.

Among all the people he knows, Fu Yu's culinary skills can reach this level, he is really not jealous at all.

Because there is no element of opportunism in this, and it all depends on the skills that I slowly honed in private.

It is said that Fu Yu's culinary skills are amazing and his progress is rapid, and he doesn't look at how much effort he has put in in private.

Zhou Yesong judged others by himself, and deeply felt that Fu Yu must have honed his cooking skills very hard in private.

Seeing Fu Yu stir-fry the dog meat, inject the broth and start to cook the soup, Zhou Yesong quietly made up his mind that he must work hard in the future. He said that the stupid bird flies first. If you want to improve your cooking skills, you still have to follow the steps step by step.

After the broth in the casserole boils, keep the fire high, add the white wine in two portions, and then switch to a low heat to simmer.

This is a slow and meticulous job. Taking advantage of this time, Fu Yu cooked lamb porridge with scallion and loach tofu respectively.

Lamb porridge with scallions is actually porridge made with sheep kidney and scallions as the main ingredients.

Scallion is a kind of medicinal material that is very similar to garlic, but there are some differences from garlic, for example, it cannot be completely peeled off, but the medicinal effect is still good, and it has the effects of lowering blood fat and anti-atherosclerosis.

The porridge made with scallion and sheep kidney is especially suitable for the five labors and seven injuries of the elderly with spleen and kidney deficiency.

Fu Yu chose this medicinal diet completely in accordance with the efficacy of the medicine, and the taste of the sheep kidney itself is very special, just enough to suppress the taste of the scallion. Even if it is Mr. Xu, if he has never cooked this porridge, it will be difficult to distinguish it for a while. Is there any Chinese herbal medicine added in it?

The sheep kidney brought over by Zhou Yesong had already been processed. Fu Yu directly removed the inner membrane. He tore it very carefully. This thing must be cleaned, otherwise it will be fishy.

Then slice the sheep kidney, put japonica rice in the pot, and when the rice is almost cooked, put the sliced ​​sheep kidney and scallion, and cook slowly on low heat.

Although Zhou Yesong hadn't been able to help Fu Yu in the kitchen a few times, he was always quick-witted and quick-responsive.

Without waiting for Fu Yu's order, he took the initiative to step forward to help watch the cooking of the porridge.

Fu Yu never needed to worry about this, but Zhou Yesong was willing to take the initiative to help, which saved him the trouble of explaining afterwards.

The pot was boiling on the stove, and it was stewing. Fu Yu turned around and started cooking mutton soup again.

Mutton can be regarded as the most respected nourishing ingredient. It is warm in nature and can warm the stomach and keep out the cold. What Fu Yu values ​​most is that mutton can nourish the body, which is most suitable for Mr. Xu's current state.

However, although there are many ways to make mutton, they can not only achieve the effect of warming and nourishing, but also can be on the table. After thinking about it, Fu Yu finally decided on this mutton soup.

Mr. Xu has a bad appetite recently, and his digestion is definitely not good. Although pure mutton is very nourishing, it is not easy to digest. A bowl of mutton soup with mutton and vegetables is the most suitable.

In the classic old-style recipe that Fu Yu referred to, the side dishes are very comprehensive. In a mutton soup, there are all the side dishes that should be there.

Flammulina velutipes, shredded fungus, carrots, dried tofu, and various green vegetables.

Even if he didn't start cooking, Fu Yu knew how delicious this bowl of mutton soup would be just by thinking about it.

The mutton in the music restaurant is freshly purchased every morning, and it is all fresh. Fu Yu picked up a good spot for Zhou Yesong to prepare, and he started cooking himself.

Cut the mutton into thin strips along the texture of the meat, cut off the old roots of Flammulina velutipes, rinse and break them apart, peel the carrots and rub them into shreds, wash the bean skin and green vegetables and cut them into shreds, soak the black fungus, pinch off the roots and cut them Shred, beat eggs into a bowl and set aside.

In fact, these workers have prepared materials, but Fu Yu looked around and was not satisfied.

Although the side dishes are not the main ingredients, they are very important in the effect and taste of the dish.

How thin and how long the shredded mutton should be cut, how big a cluster of enoki mushrooms should be cut, and what kind of shreds such as carrots and vegetables should be cut into.

While Fu Yu was preparing the dishes, Zhang Zhen stood by and watched seriously.

Mutton soup is still a pretty good dish. The main reason is that mutton is expensive in the market. It is a very good hard dish on the side of the table.

Mutton is good, nutritious and nourishing. Since it is a medicinal diet, it must be good for the body.

Zhang Zhen himself prefers to eat mutton. Seeing that Fu Yu Zhang Luo's preparations were different from the mutton soup he had eaten, he couldn't help but become more interested and looked at it more carefully.

Fu Yu beat the eggs, and added some egg liquid, soy sauce, fresh white pepper powder and sugar to the shredded mutton. In addition, he also added fried onions, starch and thirteen spices. .

So many seasonings must be carefully mixed. At the same time, in order to taste, Fu Yu also made a little trick introduced in the classic old taste recipe.

He grabbed the shredded meat with his hands and kept beating until the shredded meat became sticky.

Fu Yu's movements were very natural. Zhang Zhen was taken aback for a moment, and then he realized that he couldn't help saying: "Wonderful!"

Beating the mutton shreds during the marinating process is obviously to quickly taste and remove the fishy smell, and it can also make the mutton taste more tender and smooth.

Why didn't he think of such a little trick?

After all, you are young, your brain is alive!

Fu Yu poured appropriate amount of water into the pot, brought it to a boil, and then put the mixed shredded mutton into the pot to cook. After the mutton changed color, take it out and put it in a bowl for later use.

Seeing the mutton change color, Fu Yu subconsciously glanced at Zhang Zhen who was standing beside him.

Zhou Yesong was busy watching the heat of the porridge, and there was no one who could help to control the water for a while.

This oil-free colander is actually very useful. No matter what you are fishing for, you can shuttle through various ingredients and keep half a drop without hanging the spoon.

Just one point, this operation is somewhat unscientific, it’s okay when no one is paying attention, but once there are people around, it’s not very convenient to operate.

Fu Yu looked at Zhang Zhen, just to make sure if he was still concentrating on his cooking.

Seeing Zhang Zhen staring at him, Fu Yu sighed in his heart, and resigned himself to his fate to get the chopsticks.

Since the colander is inconvenient to use, it can only be picked up with chopsticks.

Before he could move, Zhang Zhen suddenly stepped forward, picked up the colander, and skillfully helped to drain the mutton.

Fu Yu was immediately flattered: "Thank you Chef Zhang, I'll do it myself!"

Hearing Fu Yu's words, Zhang Zhen looked at the movements of his hands again, and seemed to realize what he had just done.

He paused for a moment before saying, "Oh, it's all right, isn't it just a helping hand, you are busy with your work, don't worry about this."

After Zhang Zhen fished out the mutton, he couldn't help but sigh.

Can he say that it was just because of Fu Yu's sudden look at him just now that he subconsciously stepped forward to help the cook?

However, when did Fu Yu start to become so aura?

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