Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 856 The difference between wanting to do and being able to do

Zhang Zhen assisted in the most embarrassing task of draining water.

Fu Yu was happy and relaxed. After skimming off the foam on the surface of the pot with the original soup, he put in enoki mushrooms, shredded fungus and shredded bean curd.

Cook over high heat first, then add shredded carrots and shredded vegetables.

The shreds of Fu Yuqie are very thin, so after blanching for a while, he quickly added salt and chicken essence to season the soup.

Seeing that the ingredients in the pot were about to run dry, he added the drained mutton shreds and stirred them with chopsticks as he poured them in.

When the mutton shreds are completely scattered, immediately pour the remaining egg liquid along the edge of the pot.

After the egg liquid slowly solidifies, water starch is added to thicken the soup.

Normally, this is considered cooking is complete.

However, on the classic old taste, a line of small characters is specially marked, this soup should be added with sesame oil to enhance the fragrance.

The sesame oil itself has a special fragrance, and when dripped into the soup, it will emit a very strong aromatic smell.

Also, people who love to eat, like this fragrance very much.

Those who don't love can't stand even smelling it.

It is also for this reason that in the specific cooking operation of classic old-flavored recipes, this step is only placed in the prompt bar, and there is no requirement to do it.

But since it is a classic old taste, it can be seen that this sesame oil should be added.

Fu Yu hesitated for a while, but decided to add sesame oil to enhance the fragrance.

After all, what we make is classic and old-fashioned, and it is not classic at all.

Fu Yu added a spoonful of sesame oil, stirred evenly, and then turned off the heat and filled the bowl.

In fact, this mutton soup is best paired with sesame seed cakes.

But since it's medicinal food, it's natural that we can't really serve two biscuits as the main food.

Moreover, Yao Shi told Mr. Xu that he came here today to help try the new noodle dishes in the store, so Fu Yu had to find a way to make flowers out of ordinary medicinal food, which not only tastes good, but also has a good shape. Be novel.

At any rate, when people look at it, they feel that it is very creative, and they have never seen it before.

For this reason, Fu Yu specially selected a set of particularly exquisite soup bowls, and tried to improve the overall quality of the medicinal diet through packaging.

While Fu Yu was cooking, Zhang Zhen had been standing by and observing.

This time, it made him see something.

When Fu Yu made mutton soup, he chose lamb leg meat, which is tender and tender, especially suitable for stewing soup or braised in soy sauce.

The side dishes in the soup are also relatively homely, but when eaten with mutton, it is especially easy to absorb the soup, and it makes the soup more nutritious and more delicious.

Especially when Fu Yu specially used crispy onions, Zhang Zhen couldn't help but shine when he saw it.


Crispy onion is a good thing, especially for the deodorization effect of mutton.

Looking at Fu Yu who was serving the soup carefully, Zhang Zhen felt more and more that the young man in front of him was unfathomable.

At such a young age, he has a very high attainment in cooking.

It is said that famous teachers produce excellent apprentices.

Thinking about it carefully, it seems that Fu Yu's culinary skills have improved by leaps and bounds since he took the famous chef Liu Yunong as his teacher.

The more Zhang Zhen thought about it, the more he felt that Liu Yunong was amazing.

No wonder he is known as a famous chef, it's just not ordinary.

Look at the apprentice brought out, who has only been teaching for half a year, and has become so powerful!

"Ah Choo!"

Rarely woke up early in the morning, Liu Yunong was enthusiastically trying to cook thousands of sheets of fresh abalone and pork belly in his own kitchen.

This dish was still on Valentine's Day. After Liu Yuqing went out on a date with Fu Yu, she enthusiastically shared photos of her date. This dish was accidentally discovered by Liu Yunong.

Roasted Pork Belly with Abalone in Thousand Sheets of Knots is a delicious seafood dish, although the price is not cheap, but occasionally when you go to a seafood restaurant to order, you will have to try a new dish.

It is not a very rare dish.

However, the one made by Fu Yu was completely different from the thousand sheets of braised pork belly with fresh abalone that Liu Yunong had eaten before.

Because of Liu Yunong's well-informed experience, he really didn't expect that thousands of sheets can be folded into roses, as well as this loving abalone and pork belly.

How did Fu Yu's head grow?

This is so creative too!

The key is that it looks pretty good, and it seems that the whole dish has been overrated.

It is obviously a meat dish, but it has a romantic taste.

Liu Yunong looked at the photos at the time and thought it was quite novel, and wanted to try this kind of arrangement.

When the two sisters were chatting last night, they accidentally mentioned this dish. After Liu Yuqing ate it last time, she couldn't forget it. She also knew that Fu Yu was usually busy with work, so it was natural not to disturb him.

Liu Yunong originally intended to try cooking this dish, so he made a decisive decision and went to buy the ingredients early this morning. Taking advantage of the time in the morning, he just used it to practice.

It turns out that it looks simple, but it is difficult to make. Let alone the slippery pork belly and abalone, it is so troublesome to cut into delicate heart shapes. It doesn't disperse when you get up, and Liu Yunong has been studying it for a long time just for this operation.

An hour later, all the thousands of sheets bought were used up, but none of the folded roses could be formed.

But at this time, Liu Yuqing secretly called back to express condolences: "Sister, how is the cooking? I have an early shift today, so save it for dinner!"

Liu Yunong sighed, she really wanted to do it, but the question is whether it can be done!

Fu Yu's innovative dish, among other things, is just these thousand folded roses. Without long-term pondering and repeated practice, it is impossible to complete.

How to press, how to tuck, it is very difficult to make thousands of sheets into delicate roses!

However, how could Liu Yunong tell the truth in front of his sister, and would he lose face?

Thinking of this, Liu Yunong said: "I have something to do today, I don't have time to do it, let's do it next time."

Liu Yuqing was obviously a little disappointed, but she also knew that things in the store were very busy, and her sister usually had a lot of entertainment, so she responded, "Okay, sister, go ahead, I won't bother you."

Liu Yunong hung up the phone, thought for a while, and sent a message to Fu Yu, asking him which day he would be free to go to the store.

When she saw Fu Yu, she was going to ask about the specific method of this dish face to face.

If it was really Fu Yu's innovation, then with her relationship with Fu Yu, it doesn't matter if you learn it.

Moreover, if you learn this method of arranging dishes, you may be able to improve it and apply it to other dishes.

Thinking about it this way, Liu Yunong couldn't help but look forward to meeting Fu Yu even more.

When receiving the message from Liu Yunong, Fu Yu had already finished cooking the whole table of herbal meals.

Since it was a tasting, he, the medicated diet master, should be present to observe the customer's reaction to the meal, and then understand the other's dietary needs.

Cooking in the back kitchen has always been to complete a dish and serve it on the table.

When Fu Yu came to the VIP room, Mr. Xu had already tried several dishes.

The first dish served on the table is chicken diced with sharp pepper. The dish is actually quite interesting in its shape. The light-colored blessing character on the top looks like it is placed with diced chicken, and the bottom is lined with tender green spikes. Pepper diced, it looks very refreshing.

The dishes are very innovative and look really good.

However, Mr. Xu still refused to move his chopsticks.

He has been feeling unwell for a while and has a poor appetite, so he only dares to eat some moderate meals.

Like chili, meat, these things, I dare not touch them at all, for fear that I will feel uncomfortable in my stomach after eating them, and I will suffer myself in the end.

Seeing the medicated meal on the table, Xu Zebang immediately looked in disbelief. He turned his head to look at Yao Shi, questioning in his eyes: Is this medicated meal?

Yao Shi actually noticed that this so-called herbal diet, no matter how creative the shape is, is just an ordinary dish of diced chicken with sharp peppers.

However, even though this herbal diet seems unreliable, Yao Shi's heart is very stable.

He knows Fu Yu's level of medicinal food very well, since this dish can be served on the table, it is not for nothing.

Yao Shi wondered, maybe it was because he knew that Mr. Xu refused to take medicine to treat his illness, so like Chinese medicinal materials, they usually have a strong and strange smell, even if they are put in less, they are easy to be eaten in terms of taste.

I'm afraid it's not that this dish is actually fried with traditional Chinese medicine, but when the dish is served, the medicinal materials are picked out?

Or simply grind it into a powder, which can be eaten but not picked out?

However, no matter what the situation is, since the medicinal meal is on the table, you must find a way to coax Mr. Xu to eat it.


Yao Shi looked at Xu Zebang, who was secretly winking at him, and felt a bit of a headache.

Without Xu Zebang's cooperation in this matter, it is not easy to persuade Mr. Xu to have a meal.

However, Xu Zebang obviously doesn't trust Fu Yu a little bit.

Yao Shi did not care about this matter with Xu Zebang, the main reason is that the two grew up together and knew each other too well.

If Xu Zebang cared about it, he would be confused, otherwise, based on the friendship between the two of them, the person he can introduce must be one in a hundred, and he will not be fooled.

Especially when it comes to Mr. Xu's health, he will try his best to help Zhang Luo.

Xu Zebang would feel that Fu Yu was unreliable, mainly because Fu Yu was too young.

To be honest, if he didn't know Fu Yu's level of medicinal food, he would have some doubts when he suddenly saw Fu Yu and asked himself.

In front of Mr. Xu, Yao Shi could only nod to Xu Zebang, signaling him to be calm.

"Uncle Xu, this dish is a new dish in my restaurant, can you try it for me?"

As Yao Shi said, he took a spoonful of food with a natural movement, and put it on the plate in front of Mr. Xu.

At the same time, he deliberately greeted Xu Zebang: "Zebang, you should try this dish too, and see how this dish is."

Almost as soon as he finished speaking, Xu Zebang picked up the spoon, poured a spoonful for himself, and put it directly into his mouth.

When Yao Shi saw it, he couldn't help being taken aback. He actually didn't expect Xu Zebang to really cooperate with him, but now that he has the help of the other party, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"Hey! Brother Yao, what do you use to make this spicy chicken dish in your restaurant? Why is it so delicious!"

As Xu Zebang asked, the spoon in his hand reached out to the plate to fill another spoonful, and he just waited for the food in his mouth to be swallowed, and immediately put it in his mouth.

Hearing this, Yao Shi also poured a spoonful for himself, ready to try the taste.

He really didn't have the chance to taste the herbal diet made by Fu Yu. Usually, it was served directly on the table and the customers tasted it by themselves.

Hearing Xu Zebang's question now, Yao Shi couldn't help but taste it.

As a result, this mouthful of food entered his mouth, and he immediately showed a surprised expression.


The diced chicken is obviously fried, but it tastes very fragrant and tender.

A small piece of diced chili has fried tiger skin. It tastes spicy with a hint of sweetness, mixed with oily aroma, and it blends perfectly with the taste of diced chicken.

The most important point is that the taste of this dish is just right, even if you just taste it empty mouth, it will not feel particularly salty, and it is perfect to eat with rice.

After taking a bite of the dish, Yao Shi immediately became more confident. This dish is really authentic.

You know, the simpler the ingredients, the more the chef's level will be tested if you want to cook them well.

Yao Shi raised his head to look at Xu Zebang, and nonchalantly said without blinking or panic: "This dish is a new dish that our store is going to launch, and it is also Fu Che's specialty. Although there is nothing unusual about the ingredients, but like It’s chicken and chili, the more common these ingredients are, the harder it is to make.”

Although Xu Zebang is not very good at cooking, he has been with his father since he was a child, and he has learned a little bit about it.

Hearing this, he couldn't help but nodded in agreement.

After Yao Shi had finished speaking, he persuaded Mr. Xu again: "Uncle Xu, please try it while it's hot. How is the taste of this dish?"

Mr. Xu listened to Yao Shi's words just now, and he agreed in his heart very much. In fact, cooking and soup are similar.

It is not an easy task to make soup delicious.

Only by being able to cook simple ingredients to produce a delicious taste can a chef's culinary skills be highlighted.

In fact, he really didn't have any appetite, especially because he was worried that if he ate the hot pepper and diced chicken, his stomach would suffer again, and he didn't want to move his chopsticks.

But Yao Shi specially invited him to come over to help try the dishes, it was hard to refuse his kindness.

Mr. Xu glanced at Yao Shi with an earnest face, he was a little hesitant, and heard Xu Zebang say: "I eat this dish, it's really good, although it's made of hot pepper and chicken, it's not too good to eat. The same. But it’s too specific, and I can’t explain it clearly. My dad has to come here, he’s a professional.”

Being praised by his son, Mr. Xu was in a happy mood, and seeing Yao Shi's eagerly looking forward to it, he reluctantly picked up the spoon and took a bite of the dish.

As a result, after tasting it, Mr. Xu couldn't help boasting and praised: "This diced pepper chicken is authentic! The fire is just right, the diced chicken is soft and tender, and the diced pepper is fried just right! Fu Chu's skills are really good!"

"And" Mr. Xu smacked his mouth and savored the taste carefully: "This is just right salty and light. I don't really have any taste in my mouth, but I feel very appetizing after eating this dish."

Mr. Xu said, he couldn't help filling another spoonful of vegetables, this time, he chewed more carefully.

Let’s not talk about how well the diced chicken is fried, the diced chili is fried perfectly.

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