After Fu Yu finished serving the last dish, he hurriedly greeted Zhang Zhen, and hurried back to the VIP room in the front hall.

The customization of medicated meal seats is not like others. He needs to understand the customer's dining situation in detail, and then properly adjust the customization of the remaining several courses of medicated meal seats.

And before he went to the VIP room, the last cooked mutton soup had already been served on the table.

"Hey, what's this dish?" Xu Zebang's position was closest to the door, and when the waiter was serving the dish, he was the first to take a look: "Hey! Is this mutton soup?"

Although the side dishes are colorful and pleasing in color, it should be mutton soup.

When Old Master Xu and Yao Shi heard the sound, they also raised their heads to look over, and took a closer look, it was really true!

After seeing clearly what was on the last medicinal meal, Yao Shi couldn't help looking at Mr. Xu worriedly.

Sure enough, the smile on Mr. Xu's face faded significantly.

This time, Xu Zebang reacted very quickly, took the initiative to add a bowl of hot mutton soup to Mr. Xu, and said with a smile: "It will be the beginning of spring soon, these days are always cloudy, and we can't see the sun. The air is very humid and cold. At this time, it is really suitable to drink a bowl of hot mutton soup, let alone!"

Yao Shi gave Xu Zebang an appreciative look, and echoed, "That's right, isn't it said that ginseng can nourish Qi, and mutton can nourish body shape! Uncle Xu, it just so happens that you are not feeling well these days, and drinking a bowl of mutton soup can also help you to recover." Warm the stomach."

Xu Zebang looked at the mutton soup in front of him, and didn't taste it right away, but sighed: "If this mutton wants to make up for the body, the soup must be the best!"

Upon hearing this, Xu Zebang and Yao Shi changed their expressions at the same time.


The old man's stubborn temper might start to flare up again.

Mr. Xu said with emotion: "Mutton is indeed a good thing. This word can explain it. Half of it is fish, half of it is sheep. No matter how delicious the other ingredients are, they can't compare with these two! Especially now that it's cold, drink The mutton soup is particularly clear and nourishing. However, no matter how it is made, it will lead to the same goal, but any nourishing body, whether it is meat or other, pays attention to the word "boil."

"Like this mutton, a big iron pot is always used to cook the mutton bones. The soup must be as thick as jade!"

When it came to making soup, Mr. Xu's chatterbox was completely opened up.

He has been a soup cook all his life. Among the many cooking methods for ingredients, stewing is the most respected and favorite.

"If it's nourishing, this mutton soup can't compare to haggis soup!"

Mr. Xu's words were not entirely fault-finding.

After all, ingredients like mutton, after stewing, all the nutrition is in the soup, but mutton soup is to lightly scald the shredded mutton, stew the vegetables directly, and then thicken it.

Soup and soup are two different things.

When mentioning haggis soup, Mr. Xu couldn't help but think of what happened back then.

He said full of nostalgia: "Do you still remember that when your master Xiaoyao was still there, when it was late autumn, he always liked to ask me to make haggis soup?"

Talking about this incident, Yao Shi couldn't help but have a trace of nostalgia on his face.

He learned to cook from his master since he was a child. Every year in autumn and winter, his master started to pull live sheep from the mountains and bought them whole. Braised sheep's head, boiled mutton slices, braised mutton, all kinds of eating methods are different. All in one.

However, what their teachers and apprentices like most is to bring fresh haggis to Xu's house and drink haggis soup.

Mr. Xu's skill in making soup is a must!

The two families sat at the round table and served a large bowl of steaming haggis soup.

Not only his master likes haggis, Yao Shi also likes it.

The haggis soup stewed by Mr. Xu has crisp and tough lamb tripe, dense lamb liver, fresh and tender lamb blood, and soft and elastic lamb lungs.

The mutton is boiled in a big pot to bring out the freshness of the mutton, and the offal with different tastes is gathered together. It is served with sesame sauce sesame seed cakes or shredded cakes from Zhang Ji's house on Erma Road, and it is done in one step.

Everyone in the room eats greedily, the bowls are clean, and if they can’t eat enough, they often have to add a bowl of soup. The food is warm from the tip of the tongue to the tip of the toes. A bowl of soup is a good thing in autumn and winter, and it is absolutely impossible to refuse it.

When Fu Yu entered the VIP room, he just heard Mr. Xu's words.

The medicated diet made by myself is evaluated by customers in this way, but it is estimated that it will feel a little uncomfortable if it is another person.

However, Fu Yu's attention was on the few dishes left on the table.

Today's table of medicated food is prepared for Mr. Xu, Yao Shi and Xu Zebang must have dinner with Mr. Xu first.

Right now, this table of dishes is eaten in disorder, so it can be seen that Mr. Xu should eat more or less.

As long as you can eat it, and you are willing to eat it, it is nothing to be commented on.

Anyway, Fu Yu didn't take it to heart at all, and he actually quite agreed with Mr. Xu's words.

There are many ways to cook lamb, grilled, fried, smoked, all delicious.

But if you want to say the most nutritious way to eat, it must be stewing and soup.

"Hey! Cook Fu!" Xu Zebang was the first to see Fu Yu, and hurriedly stood up to say hello.

Mr. Xu's voice paused, and he also turned his head to look over.

The first time Yao Shi saw Fu Yu, he took advantage of the fact that the two happened to meet each other, and made a wink, signaling Fu Yu not to care about Mr. Xu.

Fu Yu nodded to Yao Shi without any trace, and then greeted Xu's father and son with a smile, and asked enthusiastically, "How is it? Is this dish delicious?"

Mr. Xu has had no appetite for the past few days, but now he is in a happy mood because of the delicious dishes. Hearing this, he took the initiative to say: "Chef Fu, your cooking level is very high, and the dishes you cook are very delicious."

After finishing speaking, I probably realized that what I said just now could easily lead to misunderstanding, so I deliberately explained: "This mutton soup is also good, but the most nutritious way to eat mutton is to make soup. Other methods, although delicious, are not delicious. In terms of health preservation, it is still a bit inferior!"

Upon hearing this, Xu Zebang suddenly said to himself, it's broken!

The old man of his family usually talked about it, and only mentioned the matter of making soup. He always argued with reason and refused to let people know.

Right now, he is putting on a posture of wanting to communicate with Fu Yu. If this annoys people, how can this medicinal diet be customized?

Especially seeing with his own eyes that his old man had just eaten a lot of medicinal food, Xu Zebang had already made up his mind to ask Fu Yu to help with the recuperation.

At this critical moment, nothing can offend people.

Thinking of this, Xu Zebang quickly explained: "Fu Chu, don't get me wrong, my dad has no other intentions. He is a chef himself, and he is best at making soup. When it comes to this aspect, it is easy to be more serious!"

When Mr. Xu heard this, his expression darkened.

This prodigal son actually slandered himself in front of outsiders!

He's talking about the facts, what does it have to do with Qiao Zhen'er?

Yao Shi was even more dizzy. This Xu Zebang is usually very shrewd, but whenever he encounters things about his family, he tends to care and become confused.

Originally, a casual sentence could interrupt the past, but he emphasized it so much, but it was not easy to smooth things over.

Seeing that the atmosphere was a bit stalemate.

At this time, Fu Yu said with a smile: "Indeed, among the mutton recipes, in terms of nourishing effect, soup must be the most nutritious."

When Mr. Xu heard this, he felt at ease immediately, and a smile appeared on his face: "Right, especially when the bones of the lamb are cracked open, and the bone marrow and the lamb are put into the big pot to make the soup. Let's not talk about the taste. How, the nutritional value alone is the most excellent of all cooking methods!"

"That's right!" Fu Yu nodded, agreeing: "If it's mutton soup, it must be made from mutton bones to be the most nutritious, and in terms of taste, mutton in white soup with books is the best!"

When it came to the mutton with books, Mr. Xu’s eyes lit up, and he waved warmly: "Chu Fu, do you know about mutton with books? Come, sit down, let's have a good chat."

Fu Yu happily sat next to Mr. Xu.

When talking about mutton in white soup with books, Fu Yu, apart from introducing a topic at the beginning, spent the rest of the time listening to Mr. Xu talking eloquently.

"The mutton soup should not be fresh and do not need copper coins! This method of collecting mutton is really traditional and authentic."

Talking about the things he was interested in, the old man regained his energy now, and his complexion began to turn rosy.

"If you talk about the cooking skills of Tibetan mutton, it is really unique, especially boiled, the soup is milky white, rich in aroma, the meat is crispy but not rotten, and the taste is fresh but not greasy!"

In fact, Fu Yu had mentioned the knowledge about mutton in the book collection before when Zhao Meng and Yao Shi were chatting in the mutton soup restaurant.

Zhao Meng himself is a chef. When he didn't have a family, he liked to think about making something to eat and drink with some wine.

Sometimes I drank too much the night before, and my stomach felt uncomfortable when I got up early, so I would directly make some seafood soup in the store to warm my stomach.

But after all, working in the store, almost every meal of the staff has seafood, and I have long been tired of eating it.

So most of the time, I go to the old mutton soup restaurant on Erma Road for a bowl of hot mutton soup, paired with freshly baked and cut shredded pancakes.

Zhao Meng was able to get together with Yao Shi because of their compatible temperaments, mutual admiration, and common hobbies.

He is open-minded, doesn't like to care about, and likes to study cooking. The most important point is that he can eat and drink together with similar tastes.

Yao Shi likes the habit of eating mutton soup, which he developed from his own chef, while Zhao Meng only loves food, as long as it tastes good, he likes anything.

The mutton soup restaurant on Erma Road was moved from another county. When Zhao Meng went there for the first time, it was Yao Shi who led the way.

At that time, Fu Yu had just been helping Zhao Meng in the kitchen for a short time. The night before, he just had a good meal with good wine and good food, and the next morning he drank a bowl of fragrant mutton soup.

At the dinner table, Zhao Meng casually praised that the mutton soup was delicious, but Yao Shi, who was also hungover, suddenly said, "Indeed, this mutton soup tastes like mutton in white soup!"

When it comes to food, Zhao Meng has always been very interested, so he asked carefully.

Fu Yu only remembered that Yao Shi had said at that time that the mutton in white soup in the library was much more delicious than the boiled mutton in the hot pot.

To cook mutton in Tibetan books, a dark fir barrel is used to cook the mutton. This is the key to the authentic taste of the mutton. Put the fresh mutton bought back in a large wooden barrel and boil it for 2 hours until the meat is tender. crispy.

The mutton cooked in this way is tender and has almost no smell, and the mutton soup is clear and fresh.

And its cooking method is so simple that only salt is added without any other condiments, which also allows customers to truly taste the original taste of mutton soup.

Fu Yu just casually mentioned the book collection of mutton just now, originally intending to divert Mr. Xu's attention and relieve the embarrassing atmosphere at that time.

In the end, he didn't expect Mr. Xu to be very interested in this, so he was a little caught off guard.

The things he knew about the mutton soup in the library were all from Zhao Meng and Yao Shi chatting at the dinner table. The soup is very delicious, so I listened to a few more words.

Seeing that Mr. Xu was going to have a good conversation with him, Fu Yu had no choice but to take advantage of the time when the other party was chatting, and quickly looked through the classic old-flavored recipes.

Not to mention, this look really made him see something famous!

To sum it up, there is a secret skill in cooking mutton with books so delicious.

After roughly memorizing the specific content, Fu Yu said with a smile: "Yes, in fact, it is also stewed mutton soup. The mutton in the Tibetan white soup can make the mutton delicious and delicious. The mutton soup is clear and fresh. The main reason is that the method is very special. .”

Mr. Xu nodded: "Indeed, I also tasted the authentic mutton soup with Tibetan books, but it was different from ordinary mutton soup. They must have a certain secret recipe when cooking, but we don't understand it."

Fu Yu said with a smile: "I know a little bit about this. If you want to make authentic mutton with a collection of books, when you first choose the mutton, you should choose three-year-old mutton. The mutton at this time is not old or tender, so it is the most suitable." .The sheep are made of climbing goats. The biggest processing feature is to remove the fishy smell. When cooking, only salt is added without auxiliary ingredients. The wooden barrel for cooking soup is made of century-old Chinese fir. When cooking, The temperature of the fire is very particular, it is all up to the chef to control, the cooked meat needs to be neither hard nor rotten, at this time the soup is the best and most nutritious.”

After hearing these words, let alone Mr. Xu, even Yao Shi had a surprised expression.

Mr. Xu was pleasantly surprised: "So you actually know the cooking method of the mutton in this book?"

Fu Yu nodded, and before he could speak, Xu Zebang suddenly interrupted: "Dad, you forgot, Chef Fu is a famous teacher, and he is very good at cooking!"

When Yao Shi heard this, he was speechless. How could anyone talk like that? Although it is a good thing to have a famous teacher, who doesn't want to be able to excel in the blue?

Xu Zebang really didn't mean it this time. He saw his old man talking happily with Fu Yu, and the atmosphere was harmonious.

Yao Shi felt helpless, so he had to find ways to make amends. Just as he was about to speak, he heard Mr. Xu say: "Xiao Fu, come on, tell me about this specific cooking method."

Yao Shi took a look, okay, this is all called Xiao Fu directly, it seems that Fu Yu has really won the favor of Mr. Xu.

As long as Mr. Xu likes Fu Yu, he doesn't have to worry about customizing the herbal banquet.

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