Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 860: Sincerely Appreciate Exchange for Super Value Rewards

Seeing that Fu Yu was willing to arrange a place for Gao Jinbo to customize herbal meals, Lin Yu was relieved.

The medicated food seats in the music restaurant had already been under-booked in the first half of the year.

However, his man's illness became more and more serious, and it had already affected the normal married life.

Lin Yu was anxious, so she thought about coming here to try her luck.

I didn't expect Fu Yu to be quite easy to talk to, no matter what, as long as I can make an appointment.

Lin Yu hurriedly smiled and thanked: "Okay, okay, what you said makes sense, okay, let's make an appointment another day, I will bring Lao Gao over and we can talk about it. I'm really sorry for your trouble, Fu Chu. Wait for me I'm done, I'll call you, okay?"

Fu Yu nodded: "Okay, no problem."

After a few more polite words, Lin Yu got up and left.

After waiting anxiously all morning, Lin Yu didn't complain at all.

The main reason is that Fu Yu's medicated meal is too effective. If it can really cure her man's problems, she is willing to let her wait two more days.

After a busy morning, Fu Yu was about to go to the back kitchen to cook the other herbal dishes for the day, when an electronic notification sounded in his ears.

【Ding! Received sincere gratitude from Yao Shi, the owner of the NPC music restaurant, and received rewards: task experience +50, lucky wheel once]

Fu Yu couldn't help being overjoyed when he heard the reward prompt from the system.

Why is this suddenly rewarding?

Yao Shi's sincere gratitude, the reward is so generous?

Randomly draw the big wheel of fortune.

【Ding! Congratulations on getting the skill point: +3]

Fu Yu is happy, it's really good to give so many skill points at once!

However, he was just a little bit happy, and he was not as ecstatic as before.

Originally, he was complacent, thinking that he had accumulated a lot of skill points, but after using it last time, he realized that this thing cannot be banned at all.

Just changing any good skill will cost you almost everything.

At this time, Fu Yu's cell phone rang suddenly, and Liu Yuqing sent a message, asking him if he was tired from work.

After reading the news, Fu Yu couldn't help but a smile appeared in his eyes, and he quickly replied: [Fortunately, I just completed an order for a medicated meal. 】

Liu Yuqing soon sent another message: [Is it convenient for video? 】


Fu Yu dialed directly, and Liu Yuqing's smiling face soon appeared on the screen.

"Are you not busy now?" Liu Yuqing asked concerned: "What time is it over there? Have you had breakfast?"

Fu Yu nodded: "There are still a few medicated meals today, but they are all small ones, so I'm not busy. I came here after eating in the morning, don't worry, I won't be hungry."

When the video was first switched on, Liu Yuqing was very close to the camera, and he couldn't see the surrounding environment. As a result, Liu Yuqing shook the camera for a moment just now, and only then did he realize that Liu Yuqing was wearing casual clothes. Wear overalls.

Fu Yu asked, "You're not in the store, are you?"

Liu Yuqing laughed and said, "That's right, I know you're taking a day off today, so I changed it to today."

When Fu Yu heard it, he immediately smiled and said, "Would you like to sing?"

Liu Yuqing said frankly: "Of course, if I don't take the rest on the same day as you, I won't be able to see you for two days out of seven days a week."

Being coquettish and sweet-talked by his girlfriend, a man can't handle it.

Fu Yu looked at the camera, showing his neat white teeth, and said with a smile: "Me too, I wish I could be with you every day!"

Liu Yuqing also smiled sweetly, then turned the camera around, looked at the row of ingredients on the shelf, and asked, "Yes, tell me quickly, what vegetables and fruits do your parents usually like to eat? I plan to practice two special dishes, and when I go to your house, I can also show them off."

After Fu Yu heard it, his heart immediately warmed up. He didn't expect Liu Yuqing to look forward to meeting her parents so much.

Seeing her actively selecting various ingredients, Fu Yu couldn't help but smile: "It's okay, you can practice whatever you want, as long as it's made by you, my parents will definitely love it."

Liu Yuqing smiled embarrassingly: "You can fool me. Actually, I can cook. Although I am not as good at cooking as my sister, I can handle simple home-cooked dishes. However, I just want my uncle and aunt to eat me. When I cook the dishes, I like it very much, I am very happy, I am always afraid that I can’t do it well!"

Seeing Liu Yuqing's appearance, Fu Yu comforted him, "My mother is in charge of the cooking at home, and I won't pick on you."

When Liu Yuqing heard this, she regained her spirits and said, "When I'm on vacation next week, can you spare some time to go shopping with me? The weather is starting to get warmer now, and I want to buy it for you. You have two sets of clothes every day, and you don’t have any decent clothes. After a while, you’re going back from vacation, so at least you should dress decently, or else people should laugh at you.”

"Also, when the time comes, pick out some gifts in advance, so that you can bring them to your uncle and aunt when you go back."

Listening to Liu Yuqing rambling on, talking about the arrangements one by one, she looked as serious as if she was dealing with any important event, and she was very attentive.

Looking at Liu Yuqing in the video, while Fu Yu cuddled in his heart, he was also a little happy.

I am so lucky to have such a good girlfriend.

After chatting a few words in the video, knowing that Fu Yu came to the music restaurant today to be busy with something, Liu Yuqing quickly hung up the video and went shopping by herself.

Fu Yu put away his phone and went to the back kitchen.

Today's medicated meals are all arranged before, and customers come here regularly once a week.

The menus are all customized long ago, and all the ingredients are ready, Fu Yu only needs to cook directly.

Wait until the medicated meal table is completed, and then meet with the customer to learn about the customer's recent status and experience with the medicated meal table, and then adjust the customized content of the table menu appropriately.

Fu Yu has already done this kind of work smoothly.

Before 2 o'clock in the afternoon, he successfully completed the cooking of the medicinal meal for four customers, and communicated with each other in turn about the specific dishes for the next course of treatment.

They are all old customers, so it is very easy to deal with them.

Fu Yu came out of the reception room, and as usual, went to the lounge next to him habitually, took a pen and paper, and began to customize the menu of the medicinal diet for the next week, as well as the purchase of the required ingredients and medicinal materials.

In addition, he also added one by one the changes in each customer's physical condition in the past week, the amount of meals, and which flavor of cooking he prefers during the conversation, and which ingredient he likes very much.

This habit has been maintained since he started customizing medicinal meals.

Especially when receiving Mr. Xu today, the exchange of experience on soup cooking gave him a lot of inspiration.

When Fu Yu was engrossed in listing the medicinal dishes, the waiter Qiao Mei walked in: "Fu Fu, the boss is calling you, a customer with customized medicinal meals has arrived."

Fu Yu nodded, packed up his notebook, and walked out.

As soon as he arrived at the door of the reception room, before entering, Fu Yu heard a rush of coughing coming from inside!

"Cough cough."

This cough appears weak, but also with a very obvious wheezing sound.

Listening to the voice, one can't help but feel anxious and uncomfortable!

As soon as I came in, I saw four people sitting at the reception table, an old man in his sixties, two women in his forties, and an old lady sitting next to him.

Fu Yu knew the two old people, they were customers who ordered herbal meals here, but they were two middle-aged women, who seemed to be the daughters of the old people.

Yao Shi sat opposite them, and explained very patiently: "Mr. Su's illness is asthma, which is originally a chronic disease. The doctor's order also clearly stated that taking symptomatic medicine and dietary therapy is very effective in relieving the condition."

But other than the old man, the two middle-aged women were not moved at all.

Before Fu Yu rushed over, Yao Shi had repeatedly explained to his family members the customization of the medicinal diet and the fact that the customer's condition was indeed relieved after taking the medicinal diet, and based on what he knew, he introduced in detail Fu Yu's preparation of the medicinal diet treatment effect.

However, no matter what he said or what he said, the other party just wouldn't let him in. Yao Shi was so angry that his liver hurt a little, but when facing customers, he could only hold back and try to maintain his demeanor.

Yao Shi took a deep breath, turned around and said to Ms. Qiao, "Go get the custom-made medicinal diet contract and let the family members have a look."

At this time, the middle-aged woman who looked very temperamental and well-dressed said: "No need, we have carefully studied my father's share. The terms are very clear. If you are not satisfied, you can stop the medicinal diet treatment at any time." , but the deposit will not be refunded. It’s okay, we are not short of this money, so we should spend money to buy a lesson.”

The short-haired woman on the side looked a little younger, and she also said firmly: "If the medicated diet works, what do we need the hospital for? Why not just open a medicated diet restaurant! If you are sick, you have to follow the doctor's advice and prescribe traditional Chinese medicine. Just drink medicinal soup, what’s the use of medicinal diet? My parents are old and have soft ears, and when they are fooled, they will pay for it.”

The short-haired woman became more and more angry, and couldn't help complaining: "If you have money at home, you don't have to worry about the old people spending it. The key is to spend it in the right place. You don't have to worry about spending a little money on this medicinal diet. If something goes wrong with it, what to do?"

After saying these words, Yao Shi laughed angrily.

Looking at the two sisters who were almost determined to refund the money, Yao Shi said to Fu Yu: "Fu Chu, today's medicinal meal will be made as usual, and it will be credited to my account then."

Anyway, the ingredients were ready, Yao Shi made up his mind to treat VIP customers in the store as free meals.

He is very confident in Fu Yu's medicated meals. Let alone the curative effect, first of all, the taste of the dishes is very good, and almost all of them can be served as special signature dishes in the store.

For the purpose of soliciting business, Yao Shi deliberately let the two stubborn sisters have a good experience of what is so good about medicinal food.

Fu Yu nodded, and communicated with the old man about his physical condition this week as a matter of routine.

The attitude of the old man was quite cooperative. He said that after taking the medicinal diet and returning home, he felt that his cough was much lighter and his body was much more comfortable.

While speaking, the old man couldn't help coughing a few times.

Seeing that the old man started coughing again, the older woman couldn't help but said, "I've already coughed like this, and you still say you're better? If you'd listened to me and went to the hospital for regular treatment, the condition would have been relieved long ago. Medicinal diet is just a name. , sounds mysterious, in the final analysis, don’t you still use Chinese herbal medicines for cooking? Instead of eating these miscellaneous things, it’s better to drink medicinal soup directly, the effect will definitely be better!”

Hearing such extreme and unreasonable remarks from the family members, Yao Shi gave Fu Yu a comforting look, signaling him not to take it to heart.

Fu Yu nodded, and ignored the older woman's words. Instead, he waited for the old man's cough to subside before continuing to communicate with her about the specific physical condition.

The old man was very frank. He first persuaded the two daughters helplessly, and then said to Fu Yu: "I still have some cough and phlegm, but after taking the medicinal diet, I obviously feel that the phlegm is much stronger. It’s very uncomfortable to be stuck.”

"I also listen to you. Take the medicine normally according to the doctor's advice. The doctor also said that simple drug treatment can temporarily control the disease, but if the cause of the disease is not treated, it will treat the symptoms and not the root cause. You can get twice the result with half the effort.”

"When I went to the follow-up consultation this week, my daughter was also there. That's what the doctor said at the time, and they all heard it."

Hearing what their old man said, the two sisters felt a faint heat on their faces.

The short-haired woman couldn't help but argue: "The doctor mentioned the medicinal diet because you told my mother that you ordered a medicinal diet for conditioning outside. The doctor means that you try to follow the doctor's advice for treatment. As for letting you take the medicinal diet, That is to comfort you."

"The medicated diet is not good for people, and it is not bad for people. It's okay to eat it properly. But it is impossible to cure the disease, and you still have to go to the hospital for formal treatment."

After hearing this, Fu Yu didn't get angry, on the contrary, he still wanted to laugh.

In fact, the words of short-haired women, although a bit biased, are still very reasonable. If you are sick, you must go to the hospital for regular treatment.

Medicinal diet can indeed play a role in adjuvant therapy, but the focus is on physical conditioning.

However, not all of what she said is correct. For example, medicinal food can actually eat both good people and bad people. If you eat it properly, as long as it is right for the symptoms, it will definitely be beneficial.

As for the treatment of diseases, it's not impossible at all, it's just what the disease is.

Just arguing with the customer's family members about these things is purely brain twitching. Fu Yu took a deep breath. He didn't want to communicate with such family members, because it was meaningless.

Fu Yu focused on communicating with the elderly. After understanding the situation clearly, he decided to continue using the medicinal dishes customized last week.

"I'll go to the back kitchen to cook first, and the herbal meal is still the same?" Fu Yu turned to look at Yao Shi, and finally confirmed the status of the order.

At this time, the older woman suddenly said: "Since you are here, let's try this so-called medicinal diet. Just charge this order to our account, and just deduct it when you refund the money."

Fu Yu nodded: "Okay."

Then he asked: "Chef Yao, shall I cook?"

Yao Shi was also obviously helpless, and sighed: "Okay, the ingredients have been prepared in advance, and you can cook as you want. I will serve here first, so you don't have to worry."

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