Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 861 Terrible Prejudice

Fu Yu and Yao Shi exchanged a look, and smiled at each other with a tacit understanding.

In any case, the customer is really rich. This set of medicated meal table is customized, and the charge is 480,000. There are three courses of treatment, and one course of treatment is four times. The medicated meal table is 40,000 yuan.

Customers are willing to charge it to their account, which undoubtedly caused Yao Shi to lose some turnover.

It also saved Fu Yu and the others a lot of trouble. After all, they had already taken almost a course of medicated food. When it comes to refunds, not only the deposit that needs to be deducted according to the contract, but also the medicated food that has already been eaten, all need to be deducted. payment.

After careful calculation, it is not a lot of money.

Fortunately, there shouldn't be any headache because of the refund of the medicated diet!

Usually, because of many illnesses, a lot of good medicines and expensive medicines are needed for the conditioning of the dishes, and the prices of customers when customizing medicinal diets are also high and low.

Although customers who can customize medicated meals are generally not short of money, it is one thing to have money, but another to be willing to spend it.

The current customers are less troubled, but they did not expect to encounter a bigger trouble: family members who do not approve of medicinal food!

Since he wanted to cook the medicinal food as usual, Fu Yu didn't stay any longer, turned around and left the lounge.

When he was walking out, he heard Yao Shi continue to say: "Then let's go to the box now?"

Mr. Su nodded, and couldn't help but said: "The herbal diet made by Fu Chu is really good, I feel very good after eating it."

When the older woman heard the words, she immediately interrupted the old man's words: "You have a psychological effect. People say it has an effect, and you feel good after eating it!"

The short-haired woman also answered: "Yes, this is called psychological suggestion. Dad, if you ask me, this medicinal diet is really unnecessary. If you want to eat any dish, let's eat it directly. As for taking medicine, you still have to follow others' advice." The prescription prescribed by the doctor came."

When Fu Yu heard this, he didn't continue to listen, but left quickly.

Family members who are stubborn like this cannot be persuaded.

Moreover, the medicinal diet is not like others, it must be taken according to the course of treatment, so as to regulate and improve the disease.

If the family members do not support it, the medicated diet cannot be taken continuously, and the effect will definitely be greatly reduced.

Since the family members are determined to refund the money, there is no other way.

Fu Yu can only do his best to prepare this table of medicated meals now. If it can change the family's outlook, it would be best if he is willing to continue to customize medicated meals.

But if you really don't want to continue customizing, that's okay, after all, what he cooks is just ordinary medicinal food, which cannot be liked and accepted by everyone.

This is also the current situation that medicated diet is difficult to popularize.

If it weren't for this, Liu Shaoxian wouldn't have gotten a treasure like a treasure in the first place, so he actively wanted to invite Fu Yu to join the club and join the team of promoting medicinal food.

Fu Yu thought about this very openly, mainly because he had just communicated with Lin Yu and was sure that Gao Jinbo would come to customize the medicinal diet.

The music restaurant's medicated food promotion is still very strong, coupled with the word of mouth among customers, the orders for the first half of the year are almost ready.

Although he is about to lose a customer now, there will be new people to fill him up soon, which makes Fu Yu's psychological gap not so big.

Mr. Su suffers from bronchial asthma, which is a respiratory disease.

When Fu Yu customized the medicated diet in the early stage, he completely referred to the list of the efficacy of traditional Chinese medicine (1). Customize.

But right now!

As he walked towards the back kitchen, he quickly went through the relevant dishes of nourishing spleen and kidney medicine in his mind.

Asthma is a disease of the respiratory system. According to traditional Chinese medicine, it is actually a disease of the lung system, which is related to the spleen and kidney.

In the teaching practice class before, the system has clearly emphasized: "Cough and asthma are not unique symptoms of the lungs, and all internal organs can make people cough."

In addition, it is also particularly emphasized: "The lungs are the device for storing phlegm, and the spleen is the source of phlegm production."

As for the treatment of asthma, you also need to pay attention to it. Most of them are light, moisturizing, invigorating the spleen, promoting dampness and reducing phlegm, and nourishing the kidney and nourishing qi.

However, Mr. Su's illness obviously belongs to the deficiency of lung and kidney qi, and the kidney does not receive qi.

These have clear diagnostic instructions in the doctor's order.

Fu Yu also saw it at the beginning, but he was not very good at cooking medicinal food for spleen and kidney at that time.

Therefore, when customizing the medicated diet, most of them are conservative and nourishing. This is why Mr. Su feels that after taking the medicated diet, he feels more comfortable, but the basic symptoms are not particularly relieved.

The communication with Mr. Su just now made Fu Yu make an impromptu decision to change the recipe of the medicinal banquet.

The original four dishes, one soup and one staple food were replaced by six dishes, one soup and one staple food.

As for the specific dishes, in addition to the two new dishes, the soup and staple food should also be replaced.

The main reason is that I had a soup-making experience exchange with Mr. Xu just now, which not only benefited Fu Yu a lot, but also gave me some insights into soup-making skills.

Just now there is an opportunity to try cooking, he wanted to show his skills and open the eyes of the sisters, knowing that medicinal food is not what they thought, but simple cooking with ordinary ingredients and Chinese medicinal materials.

Medicinal food can also be delicious, delicious and very distinctive.

And while it is delicious, it has a very good improvement effect on the conditioning of the disease.

In the end, no matter how clearly he thought about it, Fu Yu was still somewhat unconvinced in the face of the sisters' prejudice towards medicinal food.

He wanted the two of them to change their views on medicated diet, and also wanted to justify the name of medicated diet.

This is the first time since Fu Yu came into contact with medicated diet, he did not care for money, but simply wanted to cook a table of high-quality medicated diet to prove to others the effect and value of medicated diet.

It's true that Mr. Su's family is not short of money, and besides being rich, their family should have quite a background.

At least the doctor who saw Mr. Su was the chief physician of the Central Hospital, and he seemed to be an acquaintance, and the prescription was neatly written, so that the patient might not be able to see clearly what medicine he was using.

Even the usage method of each medicine is marked on it in detail.

If it's not a relative, it should be a good friend. Otherwise, with the busyness of the central hospital, how can a person at the director level have such leisure time?

The director wrote clearly in the diagnosis that Mr. Su has undergone systematic treatment and is currently in remission.

If it is a remission period, then in terms of customizing the medicinal diet, porridge should be made with tangerine peel, poria cocos, and barley, which can invigorate the spleen, relieve dampness and reduce phlegm.

Or cook porridge with dried ginger, licorice, jujube, red dates and white rice. It has the effect of strengthening the spleen and stomach and dispelling cold. Moreover, this has a good effect on controlling the disease and reducing seizures for patients with weak constitution.

In addition, eating more nuts can invigorate the kidney and qi, and it also has a good therapeutic effect on asthma with lung and kidney qi deficiency and kidney insufficiency.

Fu Yu recalled Mr. Su's diagnosis carefully again, combined with the recipes of medicinal cuisine cooking that he had mastered, combined the two, deliberated, and finally customized the recipes for the medicinal cuisine banquet.

Six dishes, in addition to the original bok choy jellyfish mixed with lettuce, fried pork loin with eggs and walnuts, stewed old duck with Polygonatum ginseng, and stewed squab with astragalus, two additional dishes were added, one was shredded beef with orange peel, and the other was It is gecko stewed turtle meat.

As for the soup, we still choose Coix Seed Lily Pig Lung Soup, and the staple food is Shen Ling Porridge.

Cooking medicated food is the same as cooking other dishes, giving priority to cold dishes, followed by stews.

Fu Yu went to the back kitchen, and first communicated with Zhang Zhen about the addition of ingredients and medicinal materials for the new dishes.

Then start cooking.

As the assistant cook, Zhou Yesong has already prepared all the dishes.

Fu Yu checked it once and made sure it was correct, and then he started to cook.

The only cold dish served at the medicated banquet table is lettuce mixed with bok choy and jellyfish.

The locals in Bei'an don't eat bouillabaisse very much, so the back kitchen purchases the goods directly from the suppliers from other places.

The transportation time is too long and the bok choy is not particularly fresh.

After Fu Yu looked at it, he had to order Xiaogong to remove all the yellow leaves and aging parts.

In this way, it is obvious that a lot of goods have been purchased, and after picking and picking, there are only a few small plates left.

Fu Yu blanched the bok choy in boiling water and then controlled the water. The jellyfish was cooked and shredded.

Shred the ginger, cut the green onion into sections. Peel the lettuce, shred it, add salt, mix well, and marinate.

In fact, Fu Yu knew how long it should be marinated, but for the sake of appearance, he still asked Zhou Yesong to be responsible for keeping track of the time.

Then, he started cooking the next medicinal meal.

Stewed old duck with Polygonatum ginseng is a very time-consuming dish. Fu Yu is used to dividing all dishes according to the cooking steps and making reasonable use of the cooking time.

The old duck had already been prepared in advance, Fu Yu directly chopped the old duck into pieces, put cold water in the pot, and then put the duck meat in.

While the cold water was boiling, I turned my head and started cooking stewed squab with astragalus.

This dish was customized by Fu Yu when he referred to the list (1) of the Encyclopedia of Chinese Medicine Effects.

Astragalus is rich in amino acids, vitamins, polysaccharides and other ingredients, and pigeon itself is rich in various vitamins, copper, and protein.

There is a folk saying that "one pigeon wins nine chickens", which also shows the nutritional value of pigeons.

Fu Yu put water and ginger slices into the pot, and waited for it to boil on high heat.

At this time, the water for boiling the old duck was already boiling.

Fu Yu was cooking two dishes at the same time.

He lowered the heat to boil the old duck, skimmed off the froth, and at this time had to cook it for a while.

So he turned his head again and put the two pigeons in boiling ginger water for a while. After removing the impurities of the pigeons, they took them out and put them in clean water, and then asked Zhou Yesong to take them out and control the water.

The kitchen counter is fairly spacious. While Zhou Yesong was busy watching the heat of the pigeons, Fu Yu skimmed off all the oil floating on the surface of the pot where the old duck was cooked.

Then add cooking wine, put the washed Polygonatum odoratum, Radix Ginseng and ginger slices into the pot, turn to low heat and start cooking.

With his hands free, Fu Yu began to concentrate on cooking pigeon soup.

After the pigeons dried up, he put the astragalus root and the pigeons into the pot, added water, the water should cover all the ingredients, covered the pot, turned on the fire and waited for the soup to boil.

After the pigeon boils, open the lid of the pot, use a spoon to scoop out the floating foam in the soup, then turn to medium and low heat, and start to cook slowly.

This time, without waiting for Fu Yu's order, Zhou Yesong took the initiative to help watch the fire.

Fu Yu was happy that no one would disturb him while cooking, so he nodded appreciatively to Zhou Yesong.

In fact, this action was what he used to do to Zhang Jinyu when he was in Qianlima before. Zhou Yesong also had a flattered expression.

Zhou Yesong loves and admires Fu Yu very much now, and being able to help Fu Yu in the kitchen has become a very lucky thing in itself.

To be praised by Fu Yu now, to Zhou Yesong, it is no less than being praised by his master and chef.

Zhou Lai relaxed and looked at the heat of the stewing dishes, while Fu Yu concentrated on continuing to cook.

As the staple food of the herbal banquet, Fu Yu chose ginseng porridge.

This porridge may seem ordinary, but it is actually very symptomatic.

Fu Yu decocted ginseng, white poria cocos and ginger with water. The purpose of doing this was to remove the residue and get the juice.

While cooking in water here, Fu Yu didn't waste his time, and started to make the pig's lung soup with barley and lily.

This is a very authentic medicinal meal.

The seed of Job's tears has the effects of diuresis and swelling, invigorating the spleen and removing dampness, relaxing tendons and removing numbness, clearing away heat and expulsion of pus, etc.

Lily is slightly cold in nature, sweet in taste, and has the effects of nourishing yin and moistening the lungs, clearing the heart and calming the nerves.

The combination of the two can nourish yin and clear away heat, moisten the lungs and relieve cough, and strengthen the body, which is beneficial to the recovery of the sick body.

Coix Seed Lily Pig Lung Soup is easy to cook, the only difficulty is cleaning the pig lungs.

It is necessary to wash the pig lungs. When washing, pour clean water into the pig lung tubes, gently pat the pig lungs with your hands, pour out the dirty water, and then pour them in again. Do this many times until the lungs are white.

Fu Yu's requirements are relatively high, and the pig lungs that Xiaogong has cleaned are not qualified at all after his inspection.

In fact, at the current level, normal cooking is fine, but Fu Yu's attitude towards medicinal food has always been high standards and strict requirements.

So I repeated washing several times, until the pig's lungs turned white, and then I started cooking.

The barley kernels for soup need to be crushed, and Fu Yu directly asked the pharmacy to deliver the barley powder.

He added an appropriate amount of water to the pot, added barley kernels and pig lungs and boiled them together. First, boil them over high heat to remove the foam on the soup surface, and then cook them over low heat until the pig lungs are extremely rotten.

All the available stoves were on fire, and Fu Yu continued to cook the only cold dish for the medicated banquet at this time.

This is also Fu Yu's habit. Cold dishes are easy to cook and usually serve quickly.

But making medicinal food is somewhat different from ordinary cooking. Basically, there are only a few dishes on a table, except for soup and stew, all of which are very labor-intensive dishes.

Therefore, when serving dishes, it is necessary to adjust the rhythm, so that customers cannot eat up one dish and the other is not on the table, which will especially affect the customer's dining mood.

Fu Yu glanced at the pickled ingredients, seeing that it was almost ready, he squeezed the water out with his hands, and mixed a few ingredients with seasoning.

This time, Fu Yu put a lot of effort into arranging the plate.

On a solid-color shallow-bottom porcelain plate, place a deep-bottom porcelain cup upside down.

The colors of bok choy, jellyfish, and lettuce are different. When mixing, Fu Yu simply separated several ingredients, each of which was placed on the wall of the cup according to the width of a finger, layered on top of each other. The colors are contrasting and three-dimensional. very strong.

The whole cold dish is like a novel work of art, which was brought to the table by the food delivery staff.

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