Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 862 Wonderful Creative Dishes

For a table of herbal meals, the back kitchen was busy for nearly forty minutes before bringing away a cold dish.

If it was placed on other people, it must have been anxious to death at this time.

But the person in charge of the cooking is Fu Yu, and everyone in the back kitchen breathed a sigh of relief.

Fu Yu himself may not even realize that he has always had a habit when cooking.

That is, as long as the cold dishes are on the table, it is guaranteed that the second dish will be cooked within 15 minutes.

Never let the interval between serving two dishes exceed this time.

As for Fu Yu, he didn't have time to think about it at all, his attention was all on the cooking operation at hand.

Fried pork loin with eggs and walnuts is a very interesting medicinal meal.

If he hadn't personally learned the specific cooking method of this dish step by step in the teaching practice class, then Fu Yu might never know that there is such a dish.

After all, who would have thought walnut eggs could be made with pork loin?

With countless times of repeated cooking experience in the teaching practice classroom, Fu Yu is very skilled in making this medicinal diet.

He cut the pork loin open, removed the omentum, cut it into kidneys, added cooking wine, chopped green onion, and minced ginger, mixed well, and began to marinate.

At this time, the buyer also sent the newly added ingredients to the back kitchen.

A live tortoise, a pair of dried geckos.

Fu Yu cooks herbal meals, often using various Chinese medicinal materials, and everyone in the back kitchen has long been accustomed to it.

But when he suddenly saw these two herbs, Zhou Yesong, who was helping the cook next to him, couldn't help but asked, "Chef Fu, what, what is this?"

Turtles are quite common, mainly because these two look like dried small lizards?

The thing looked disgusting even when it was air-dried.

Fu Yu now has a preliminary understanding of traditional Chinese medicine. Like this pair of geckos, he picked it up and looked at the quality carefully, and he knew that the pharmacy sent them really high-quality goods.

"It's called a gecko, but it's actually a big gecko." Fu Yu took the dried gecko and smashed it directly with a tool.

"So the gecko is still a medicinal material?" Zhou Yesong hurriedly found a clean small bowl, and after Fu Yu crushed the gecko, he put the powder in it.

Zhou Yesong became interested and watched carefully from the side.

While working, Fu Yu said casually: "Well, gecko is a good thing. It can generate essence and nourish blood, nourish yin and kidney, strengthen liver and kidney, strengthen muscles and bones, strengthen spleen and stomach, and resist diseases."

When Zhou Yesong heard this, he immediately turned his head and shouted to Chef Liu, "Master! When you get paid this month, I'll give you a treasure!"

Chef Liu was quite surprised, and asked curiously, "Give me a baby? What is it?"

Zhou Yesong said, "Gecko!"

Liu Chu didn't react for a while: "What?"

Zhou Yesong laughed and said, "It's a big gecko! Fu Fu said that this thing is good for men! You must need it at your age!"

Chef Liu has always been introverted and steady, so if he is a man who is insincerely criticized for his incompetence in this area, he must be "bombed"!

Chef Liu took a break from his busy schedule and came over to educate his beloved apprentice, and Zhou Yesong, who cleaned up, cried like a ghost.

Everyone in the back kitchen stretched their heads to watch the excitement, and the cheerful atmosphere was harmonious.

After Chef Liu educated his apprentices, he looked up and saw Fu Yu holding the tortoise's shell, ready to kill the tortoise.

"Xiao Fu, have you dealt with this thing before? Or should I do it?"

There is soft-shelled turtle soup in the music restaurant, but because there are not many customers ordering, there are very few opportunities for Xiaogong to deal with it.

Generally, when encountering such an order, the chef does it himself.

Unlike other turtles, they pay attention to freshness and freshness.

Moreover, there is a whole set of techniques for processing. If you do not follow the steps, the cooked turtle meat will not taste delicious enough, and it will easily smell fishy.

Fu Yu smiled and said, "I've dealt with it, thank you Chef Liu."

Although Maxima is a seafood restaurant, occasionally customers will order soft-shelled turtle soup.

Fu Yu had handled this kind of ingredients when he was a small worker, and he is very skilled in handling them now.

Under normal circumstances, as long as the turtle bites the chopsticks, it can start to clean up.

But the tortoise bought by the buyer kept its neck retracted into the shell and refused to come out for a long time.

Zhou Yesong had never had a chance to handle a tortoise before, but although he had never done it himself, he knew that tortoises would bite.

If you don't kill it before dealing with it, it will be vulnerable to sudden attacks when it is cleaned up.

This is how to do ah?

Fu Yu teased the tortoise twice, but he didn't see it sticking its head out, so he ordered Zhou Yesong to fetch a basin of water.

When Zhou Yesong was receiving the water, he was still thinking that he was going to let the turtle enter the water to relax?

As a result, when the water basin was lifted up, Fu Yu lowered the turtle's head to the bottom of the basin in a leisurely manner, then used scissors to reach in from the turtle's tail, fry a straight line along the turtle's head, and cut straight to the turtle up to the neck.

And because he hadn't been able to cut off his head before, he took this opportunity and cut it off all at once.

Fu Yu did the whole set of operations neatly.

Zhou Yesong was dumbfounded.


So you can still do this?

If the tortoise knew what was going to happen in the end, it probably wouldn't have stubbornly resisted before, but obediently stretched its head out to be slaughtered, right?

Unaware that his operation was a bit brutal, Fu Yu skillfully continued to deal with the tortoise.

First take out all the internal organs, carefully dig out the oil of the turtle, and then clean the turtle well.

Before it was over, Fu Yu ordered Zhou Yesong to boil the water and scald the tortoise all over.

Water until the whole turtle is covered, then soak for a while, and then remove the outer shell of the turtle, and at the same time remove the membranes on the limbs, head and tail, and the underarms of the limbs.

Because these parts have a relatively high fat content, there will be a smell of mutton.

Finally, after sweeping away the blood, wash it carefully with clean water.

Fu Yu personally completed the entire operation of cleaning up the tortoise, while Zhou Yesong stood beside him, unable to reach out for a moment.

Seeing that Fu Yu was about to clean the turtle meat, Zhou Yesong hurried forward and said, "Chef Fu, let me do it."

Fu Yu didn't refuse, and handed the turtle meat to Zhou Yesong to clean, while he checked the stewing of several other dishes by himself.

The pork loin was almost marinated. Fu Yu dried the pork loin carefully, and then put it into the paste made with eggs, water starch, and soy sauce to make a smooth paste.

Put the pot on the fire, put in the vegetable oil and when it is 80% hot, put the kidneys into the pot, fry until the kidneys roll up, and remove them.

When the oil is about 80% hot, fry it again, roll the kidneys into the shape of ears of wheat, take them out and put them on a plate, and put crispy fried walnuts around them.

Although this herbal diet sounds a bit too casual in terms of side dishes, it actually tastes very good.

The pork loin is fried just right, wrapped in a layer of egg skin, it doesn't taste fishy or smelly, and the walnuts are even more crispy and delicious.

It does not need to be served with staple food at all, and it is also very good to eat directly as a snack.

The presentation of this dish is very beautiful, and Fu Yu completely reproduced it according to the medicinal diet made in the teaching practice class.

The second dish was taken away by the waiter, and Zhang Zhen subconsciously glanced at the watch on the wall.

Exactly 14 minutes, this time card is accurate enough.

In fact, Fu Yu didn't deliberately stare at the time, but since he acquired the skills of time management methods, he began to subconsciously adjust the order of cooking dishes.

Every seemingly step-by-step operation has actually gone through precise time planning to complete the most cooking operations in the shortest time.

After finishing the fried pork loin with eggs and walnuts, Fu Yu picked up the cleaned turtle meat, cut it into pieces carefully, rinsed it with boiling water, took it out and washed it.

Then boil the lean pork with boiling water.

Stir-fry the turtle meat with ginger and green onion for a while, add cooking wine, boil for a while, then remove the turtle meat and discard the original soup.

Put the turtle meat into the pot, smash the gecko, place it around the turtle meat together with ham and lean pork, add chicken broth, green onions, ginger, cooking wine, and salt, and steam it.

During this time, two stewed medicinal meals were cooked and served on the table.

At the same time, Fu Yu quickly finished cooking the shredded beef with orange peel.

Fresh orange peel has the functions of anti-inflammatory, sterilizing, expelling wind and cold, helping sleep, calming the nerves, and removing peculiar smell.

Shred the orange peel and fry it with the beef. The fresh orange peel can not only remove the fishy smell of the meat, but also help digestion.

The beef is permeated with the sourness of oranges, so that the whole dish can replenish qi and blood, strengthen the spleen and stomach, and promote digestion.

This dish is a herbal diet that Fu Yu specially added later, and it is also a dish he chose when he customized the later-stage conditioning medicinal diet for Mr. Xu.

The main reason is that this dish tastes good and the curative effect is symptomatic. The most important point is that the presentation is very characteristic and looks very delicate. Although the ingredients are very ordinary, the serving effect is outstanding.

The back kitchen served dishes one after another, and in the box in the front hall, Yao Shi was warmly entertaining Mr. Su to taste the medicinal food.

The first dish to be served was lettuce with jellyfish and bok choy.

As soon as he saw the dishes, before the sisters could open their mouths, Yao Shi frowned.

This bok choy is what is often referred to as zheergen in the market. When crushed, it will have a fishy smell and a slightly astringent taste.

Although Zheergen itself is a medicinal material, it is said that it is very effective in clearing heat and detoxifying, relieving cough and eliminating phlegm, but the taste of this dish is too unique, which leads to great differences in customers' evaluation of this dish.

People who like it, especially love to eat.

Those who don't like it will feel sick after taking a bite.

For Yao Shi, it was a rare opportunity for Mr. Su's family to stay and eat this medicinal meal.

The customer temporarily broke the contract and wanted to unsubscribe from the medicated diet. This kind of thing had long been expected by Yao Shi.

So it happened, and he wasn't too flustered.

I have been in the catering industry for a long time, and I have experienced all kinds of things.

Since the customer wants to refund the order temporarily, he can solve it as long as he handles it properly.

However, before complying with the customer's wish to refund the refund, as a restaurant owner, he definitely wants to try harder.

What if the customer changes after tasting the medicated diet?

If the customer can return the order, he may change his mind and continue to customize the medicinal diet.

Yao Shi has never been a character who is easy to shrink back, not to mention the customer in front of him has already ordered a medicinal meal in the store, and he is not short of money.

As long as the other party can be persuaded, it is not impossible to keep this order.

After all, it is man-made!

Yao Shi is still very confident in Fu Yu's cooking of herbal cuisine, both in terms of taste and presentation, are perfect.

Coupled with symptomatic conditioning, almost all customers are full of praise after tasting it.

But unexpectedly, the customer agreed to eat now, but Fu Yu didn't follow the routine.

You know, this is likely to be the last medicated meal for the customer before returning the order. Not to mention showing off his special skills and trying to keep people, why did he make such a controversial dish!

No matter how good-looking the plate is, no matter how beautiful it is, the ingredients can be recognized at a glance. The ingredients are Zheergen, jellyfish and lettuce.

Seeing that the medicinal food was on the table, Mr. Su was very interested: "What kind of medicinal food is this?"

Yao Shi had no choice but to say truthfully: "This medicinal diet is lettuce mixed with bok choy and jellyfish."

"Bottle vegetable?" Old Master Su asked curiously, "What kind of vegetable is this? Is it medicinal?"

Yao Shi explained: "Hucai is what we often call zheergen. It is both a food and a medicinal material."

Hearing Yao Shi's words, Mr. Su immediately said, "Hey, do you still have Zhe Ergen in your store? Then I have to try it."

At this time, the elder daughter said: "Dad, you can't eat this food. I heard that it is very fishy. You have a cough, how can you bear the taste! And this is a cold dish, right? How can you touch cold food?" Huh? It's time to cough again."

Mr. Su was very interested in this dish. He shook his head and said helplessly, "I can't eat anything anywhere. I ate this folded ear root a lot when I was young. After I got married, I lived here. It's considered delicious. Come down, I haven’t tasted this thing for almost forty years.”

The short-haired little girl also blocked her: "Dad, this jellyfish and lettuce are cold foods, you can't eat them. Isn't there other medicinal food here? You can eat them when hot dishes are served later. Forget it."

Mr. Su was not very willing, but after being persuaded by his two daughters, he couldn't move his chopsticks to taste it.

Fortunately, the second medicated meal was served on the table soon.

When Yao Shi saw clearly what was on the plate, his temples buzzed!

The side dish on the plate is walnuts, and the pork loin is piled in the middle. No matter how beautifully cut and oiled it is, this is an ingredient combination beyond ordinary people's imagination.

"What kind of dish is this?" The eldest daughter frowned, looking at the plate in front of her: "Is this pork loin? And walnuts? Is it wrapped in eggs? Fried?"

"Pork loin fried with walnuts? This is indeed a medicinal meal, isn't it some kind of dark dish?" The little girl looked at the dish in front of her in disbelief.

Yao Shi didn't know what to say for a while, so he wanted to ease the atmosphere in front of him.

What kind of weird and creative dish is this?

Obviously, the herbal meals made by Fu Yu in the past were all very good, both in terms of presentation and the taste of the ingredients.

At least one random dish can be called a special dish in the store. Even if the medicinal food is not mentioned, it is regarded as an ordinary dish, and customers will take a high look and be willing to taste it for themselves.

but now

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