The customer refused to eat two herbal meals in a row.

Let alone in the music restaurant, even in Qianlima, Yao Shi has never encountered such a thing.

However, he was stunned and couldn't think of a word of persuasion.

Because there is nothing wrong with what the customer said.

Even he felt that these two medicinal meals were really unreliable.

Yao Shi took a deep breath, looked up at the customer's family and said, "These two dishes are the medicinal diets that Chef Fu customized for Mr. Su. They should be suitable for the symptoms, and the effect is good. In fact, Mr. Su can taste them to see if they suit his taste."

The eldest daughter shook her head: "Don't try it, my dad has a bad trachea, so he can't eat cold fried food, and he is already old, so this thing is not easy to digest! No, no, this thing must Can't let him eat."

Seeing that he couldn't persuade him, Yao Shi had no choice but to order the waiter to add a pot of grapefruit juice first.

Most of the juice had been drank, and the customer didn't take a sip of the medicinal food, Yao Shi couldn't sit still.

He has kind of given up trying to recover this chargeback now.

He even thought that when the tables of herbal meals are served, if the customers like to eat or not, just charge them back and forget about it.

At this moment, the atmosphere in the box was unusually silent.

Mr. Su was very dissatisfied with his daughters' obstruction.

He had eaten the herbal diet made by Fu Yu before, and it tasted very good, and after eating it, he really felt a little more comfortable in his body.

Although not very obvious, both the frequency of coughing and the mental state have obviously improved.

But his daughter completely ignored his words and insisted on unsubscribing the medicated diet.

That's fine, now that the medicinal food is on the table, he still refuses to let him take a sip.

It is said that old children, young children, there is still a certain truth in these words.

Grandpa Su's face darkened, and he didn't pay any attention to what the two daughters said.

Seeing their father's uncooperative attitude, the two sisters were obviously a little angry.

They still know their old man's temper very well. He usually looks very talkative, but once he loses his temper, it is difficult to coax him. Moreover, the old man is not in good health, angry and hurts his health.

The reason why they stopped the old man from taking the medicated diet was originally for the old man's health, if it made the old man angry.

That is really worth the candle!

The two sisters looked at each other, and the eldest daughter coaxed, "Dad, these two medicinal meals are really not suitable for you to eat, but as long as the medicinal meals that will be on the table are hot dishes, we will not stop them. In fact, we are also For your own good, this is raw and cold, and deep-fried, and you will feel uncomfortable after eating it."

Only then did Old Man Su ease his expression, and nodded: "All right, you guys should stop talking."

Yao Shi couldn't sit still at the moment, and was about to find an excuse to leave, when he heard the two sisters suddenly let go, and stopped preventing old man Su from taking the medicinal diet, so the idea of ​​staying alone, which had already been given up, couldn't help but start to move again.

What if. Right?

Fortunately, the herbal diet that was delivered next was much more normal.

Not to mention how exquisite the plate is and how delicious it looks, the ingredients used are quite satisfactory.

Astragalus stewed squab and ginseng porridge, two medicinal meals, were served on the table one after the other.

This time, the two sisters didn't stop old man Su anymore, but to ease the atmosphere, they took the initiative to help serve a bowl of pigeon soup, and then dried a bowl of ginseng porridge.

Grandpa Su looked at the pigeon soup in front of him, and his previous desire to taste the medicinal food subconsciously dropped a little.

He has always been in poor health, and he was born with asthma. He has never stopped taking medicine since he was a child, and he often drinks nourishing soups like pigeon soup.

Because he drank too much, he didn't like this kind of nutritious soup very much.

The main reason is that although pigeon soup is a traditional delicacy, many people always have a bad taste when cooking this delicacy.

The eldest daughter filled a bowl of pigeon soup and put it in front of old man Su: "I thought it was some kind of rare medicinal food, but it turned out to be pigeon soup? Dad, don't you like drinking this very much?"

In fact, Mr. Su really has no interest in pigeon soup, nor does he really want to taste it, but when a person gets older, sometimes his personality becomes more stubborn.

Just now he wanted to drink medicinal food, but the two daughters stopped him from drinking it.

Now he doesn't want to drink anymore, and the two daughters are still trying to persuade him not to drink.

This made Mr. Su unconsciously feel a little bit competitive.

Mr. Su glanced at his eldest daughter, reached out to pick up the spoon, and silently took a spoonful of pigeon soup and put it in his mouth without saying a word.

Originally, he had a rebellious mentality, so he made up his mind to take a sip of the pigeon soup.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the pigeon soup was eaten, a fresh and fragrant taste rushed to the taste buds.

After Mr. Su finished his pigeon soup in one gulp, he specially served another piece of pigeon meat to taste.

The stewed pigeon meat is very soft, and the pigeon meat itself is very tender. When stewed with Chinese medicinal materials such as astragalus, it will not make people feel greasy at all, and it can also exude the unique fragrance of Chinese medicinal materials, not bitter. Not astringent, take a sip and leave your lips and teeth fragrant.

The youngest daughter filled a bowl of ginseng porridge, flipped through the ingredients with a spoon, and said disgustedly: "This is ginseng porridge, right? It looks good, but it should be quite bitter when you drink it. Look at the amount. Too much!"

This large portion of astragalus stewed squab, the eldest daughter served a bowl for her father, and another bowl for her mother.

Their family has been in good condition since they were young, and three meals a day are provided by the nanny.

Although the whole family is not very good at cooking, the tastes provided by the nanny who is good at cooking are very tricky.

The old lady usually drank a lot of nourishing soup when she was at home. When she saw the pigeon soup, she was not very looking forward to it.

But Shengdu Sheng, taste nothing.

The main reason is that when she came to eat the herbal diet for the first two times, she also tasted it with her.

I really like the cooking taste of this chef Fu. A medicinal meal is not only beautifully presented, but also always tastes delicious.

In particular, her old man's cough has been significantly lighter these days, which made her quite convinced of the medicinal diet.

It's just that the two daughters in the family have been upright since they were young, and their temper has followed the old man's, stubborn and strong. It is not easy to persuade them.

The old couple had discussed it at home. No matter what, words are unfounded, and seeing is believing.

So a family of four came here this time, each with their own ideas.

The old lady's character is completely opposite to Mr. Su's. She is reticent and keeps everything in her heart. She is also very opinionated, but she is also willing to listen to other people's suggestions.

What the two daughters said was not completely unreasonable, but the herbal diet cooked by Fu Chu was really delicious, and it was more or less effective.

It is said that a long illness becomes a cure.

My wife has been with medicine for many years, so I know the physical condition best.

Since he said that after taking the medicated diet, his symptoms were indeed relieved, it means that there is indeed some curative effect.

As for whether it is a psychological effect, what does it matter?

I have reached this age, as long as I can make my body feel more comfortable, no matter what the treatment is, as long as the symptoms can be relieved, it will be fine.

It's better to suffer less than anything else.

In fact, this is a very simple truth, but people often care about it and mess it up.

The two daughters also came out of their love for their father, for fear of delaying their illness and fearing that the medicinal diet would damage the old man's body.

The starting point is always good, which is why the two elderly people did not decisively reject the proposal of their daughters, and followed them to unsubscribe from the medicinal diet together.

However, it is coming, as for whether to retreat or not, that is two things.

The old lady scooped up a spoonful of pigeon soup. The soup was still very good, and the color was very clear.

After taking a mouthful of hot soup, the old lady's eyes lit up.

This soup is delicious!

It is very delicious, and the peculiar smell of pigeons is not brought out. Not only that, but the soup also has a faint taste of traditional Chinese medicine.

The taste of traditional Chinese medicine is actually very unpleasant, bitter and astringent.

No matter how you boil it, it will have an indescribable strange taste.

But in this bowl of pigeon soup right now, I don't know what kind of Chinese herbal medicine is put in, and the taste is just right.

A sip of fresh soup, first with a strong fragrance, and then with a slight bitterness, this bitterness has not waited to condense on the tip of the tongue, and then turned into a touch of sweetness.


It is not greasy at all, and the soup is delicious, and the pigeon meat is very tender.

Take a sip and enjoy the aftertaste!

Even the picky old lady couldn't help but ate two pieces of pigeon meat.

The eldest daughter watched her parents eat, and helped add soup and meat at the right time, and persuaded with concern: "If you don't like to drink, you don't have to force it. As long as it is a hot dish, we will not stop you. Dad, do you want to eat it?" Just eat, don’t eat if you don’t want to eat, won’t there be other dishes later? If you can’t drink the pigeon soup, forget it.”

The two sisters are very familiar with their parents' dietary preferences. In fact, the two elders don't particularly like this kind of nourishing soup.

The main reason is that in the past, in order to take care of the body, the nanny often stewed various supplements for the family to drink.

After a long time, no matter how good the soup is, I get tired of drinking it.

Yao Shi was taken aback for a moment, it was obvious that the family took the old man's concentration on tasting the medicinal food as a blow to him.

Yao Shi couldn't help but look at the ginseng porridge in front of him.

The pigeon soup was far away, and it couldn't be seen clearly, but watching the two old people taste it, it didn't seem to be the slightest bit of reluctance.

Not to mention the pigeon soup, but the ginseng porridge, which can be boiled so thick and smooth, it looks like it was simmered in a casserole over low heat, and the finished porridge is bright in color, which shows that the timing is just right.

This kind of porridge tastes fragrant and glutinous, and it is also paired with ginseng and white poria cocos. The overall taste and value are very rich.

No need to drink, Yao Shi just took a look and knew that this porridge must be very delicious.

After all, all the ingredients used in the restaurant are real, and the quality is first of all very good. Coupled with Fu Yu's professional cooking skills, the taste of this herbal diet is definitely unmistakable.

But the attitude of the two sisters singing together is really uncomfortable.

Yao Shi glanced at the two elderly people whose expressions were obviously relieved because of the delicious food, and then looked at the two sisters who were a bit strong, and took the opportunity to say: "This medicinal food should be tasted while it's hot, the two ladies might as well try Fu Chu's Although the medicated diet is customized according to the symptoms, it is still good for the conditioning of the body, and ordinary people will not have any effect if they eat it once in a while."

"Actually, Fu Yu's medicinal cooking skills are still very high. Regardless of his young age, he is a special consultant of the National Medicinal Food Research Association."

"And as long as the medicinal diet is tailored to the symptoms, it will have a certain relief and conditioning effect on the condition. I can completely understand how you are worried about the feelings of the elderly at home.

But there is a fact that needs to be understood by you. There is no disease that can be treated immediately.

Since medicinal food is inherently good for the body and tastes good, why not give it a try? "

In fact, even if Yao Shi didn't say this, the sisters were still planning to have a meal together and taste the so-called medicinal food.

Given their family background, they have received higher education since they were young, and they are not the kind of unreasonable people.

Otherwise, if I come here to return the order today, I will not take the initiative to bear the cost of the medicinal diet for this meal, let alone agree to stay and taste the medicinal diet.

For Yao Shi's persuasion, the two sisters didn't take it seriously, but they still nodded and served themselves a bowl of pigeon soup.

When I was about to taste it, the waiter came in again to deliver the food.

They are pig's lung soup with barley and lily, and stewed old duck with Polygonatum Polygonatum and Ginseng.

So the two sisters put down the dishes again, and first served soup for the second old Bucai.

After some busy work, they sat down and tasted the stewed squab with astragalus in their bowls.

The pigeon soup is very delicious. In fact, their nanny is also doing a good job.

Although the seasoning methods are different, this bowl of pigeon soup is really delicious.

After finishing the soup, I tasted another piece of pigeon meat.

After tasting it, the eldest daughter showed a surprised expression.

Why is this pigeon still bloody!

She looked up at Yao Shi in surprise, and asked, "How did you deal with this pigeon? Didn't you bleed it?"

Yao Shi was taken aback. Didn't the pigeons bleed when they were stewed?

This, shouldn't this be it?

In fact, when they usually eat, ingredients such as pigeons are often roasted or stir-fried.

I really haven't tasted stewed soup much, after all, this thing is a tonic, and at their age, they are usually still on the wine table, how can they consider such a long-term matter of health preservation.

However, even if it is roasted, the pigeon must be bled, otherwise the taste will definitely be affected.

But, logically speaking, it should be handled this way.

But now this dish of astragalus stewed squab is medicinal food, and it was cooked by Fu Yu himself. With Fu Yu's prudence and earnestness, such negligent operation will definitely not happen.

It should be the pigeon blood left on purpose.

It must be so!

It has to be said that Fu Yu has always behaved calmly and steadily, which also left a reliable impression on the people around him.

Yao Shi is very confident in Fu Yu's grasp of the details of cooking operations, and he is sure that Fu Yu will not be so negligent.

So, even before he had time to figure out what was going on, Yao Shi still subconsciously explained for Fu Yu: "Oh, this pigeon blood was left on purpose, you know, pigeon blood is a great supplement!"

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