Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 869: Mostly Not Peaceful

Maybe there is a real fate between people.

Anyway, Fu's father and Fu's mother, from the first time they saw Liu Yuqing, thought that this girl was very good, with good looks and good personality, and they felt very close to each other.

Father Fu never talked much, he sat there with a smile on his face, watching Mother Fu lead Liu Yuqing to chat enthusiastically.

He was very happy in his heart, his family was a son, and his close sister-in-law's family was also a boy.

Seeing Liu Yuqing now is just like seeing her own girl, I really like her.

However, he really didn't know what to say for a while, and he stood up and said in embarrassment: "Well, you guys talk first, I just went to see if the beef is ready."

When Fu Ma heard it, she also smiled and said: "Yes, let's eat beef noodles later. They say that dumplings are on the car and noodles are off the car. I specially marinated a pot of beef in the morning."

Liu Yuqing couldn't help but smiled: "Thank you Uncle, thank you Auntie."

When Fu's father and Fu's mother heard this, they were immediately happy.

It’s better to be a girl, it’s comforting to hear these words, and I cuddle everywhere in my heart.

The old couple prepared it with special care this time. In addition to making noodles with freshly marinated beef, they also bought an old hen from a neighbor's house and stewed it.

This month, some wild vegetables in the woods haven’t come down yet, so the preparations are all big fish and big meat, and all the vegetarian dishes are bought from the supermarket, but the fish are live fish from the reservoir in the county town, and the rabbits are wild game sent by Aunt Fu Yu .

Fu Yu's mother has always been in charge of the cooking at Fu Yu's house, but since Fu Yu learned how to cook, the few times he came back, he occupied the kitchen.

On the one hand, I want to make Fu Ma feel lighter, on the other hand, I also want to cook some of my own specialty dishes, so that the elders can try something new.

But this time when he came back, Fu Yu was stopped by Mama Fu outside the kitchen.

Fu Ma whispered: "Go and sit with Xiaoqing and talk, she must be uncomfortable when she came home, I'll come to the kitchen, don't interfere."

Dad Fu followed suit: "Yes, hurry up and accompany Xiaoqing. What you want to eat and drink are all on the coffee table. If you don't have anything, you can ask carefully, and I'll go buy it right away."

Fu Yu heard it funny, and couldn't help but tease: "You really have a daughter-in-law, you forgot about your son! Why didn't you ask me what I want to eat?"

Father Fu said without turning his head: "Take what you like to eat yourself, who has time to care about you!"

Fu Yu left the kitchen dumbfounded.

Fu Ma's cooking skills can only be regarded as mediocre. Although the ingredients are good, the dishes are all home-cooked.

Fu Yu's family of three can eat spicy food, and I heard that Liu Yuqing also likes it, so the stewed beef is specially made with a lot of spicy girls.

The noodles are all hand-rolled, with a rich stewed soup, a bite of beef, and a bite of strong hand-rolled noodles. The taste is actually not bad.

The soup stewed by the old hen, the spicy stir-fry directly made by the rabbit, the fish is fried and then stewed, and the pig's trotters and salted duck bought at the delicatessen.

These things, in Liu Yuqing's place, are certainly not particularly rare meals.

But Liu Yuqing's food was delicious.

She has a problem, when she is nervous or sad, she wants to eat especially.

In addition, since last night, I have been thinking about today's itinerary, I didn't eat much at all, and I only drank a glass of milk in a hurry in the morning, and now I am really hungry.

Seeing that Liu Yuqing didn't dislike the everyday food, and the food was so tasty, Fu's father and Fu's mother couldn't help but smile from ear to ear.

The daughter-in-law here is good, can eat strong, and has a sweet mouth.

After eating a meal, Fu's father and Fu's mother were all a little smug.

When cooking, Liu Yuqing was not able to intervene in the work, and after the meal was over, she hurriedly and actively tried to help wash the dishes.

Fu's father and Fu's mother can't really let her work.

Fu Ma gave a look, and Fu Pa hurried over to clean up the dishes: "Xiaoqing, sit down, and I will wash the dishes."

Fu Ma smiled and agreed: "Yes, your uncle always washes the dishes in our house, and he does the cleaning."

After being stared at by Fu Ma, Fu Yu had no choice but to reach out and hold Liu Yuqing: "That's right, if you wash it, he thinks it's not clean, so he has to wash it again."

After being persuaded a few words, Liu Yuqing had no choice but to give up.

After all, Mama Fu was more meticulous, afraid that Papa Fu would be working in the kitchen, and Liu Yuqing would be uncomfortable sitting in the living room, so she deliberately tried to get her to see the newly furnished guest room.

Fu Yu's house is a two-story self-built building, and there are quite a lot of rooms. The first floor is the master bedroom of Fu's father and Fu's mother, the living room, the kitchen, and a small warehouse.

The second floor is Fu Yu's room, and there are two other rooms, one is usually used to store sundries, and the other has been tidied up. There is a new single bed in it, covered with light pink bedding. There were pink lace curtains on the windows.

In addition, all the tablecloths and chair cushions are newly replaced.

Moreover, there were two large trays on the table with washed fruits and various snacks. There was even a box of milk and a box of drinks on the windowsill.

These are specially prepared for Liu Yuqing, Fu Ma is more meticulous, worried that Liu Yuqing is new here, and she is not used to it.

Prepare some food and drink, and if the food is not to your taste, you can also pad your stomach at any time in the house.

Looking at the carefully furnished room, Liu Yuqing felt a warm current in her heart when she thought of Fu's father and Fu's mother who were too busy to entertain her.

When Fu Ma went downstairs, Liu Yuqing couldn't help but said to Fu Yu: "Your parents are really nice!"

Fu Yu smiled: "Really? I tell you not to worry, my parents like you very much."

Liu Yuqing nodded happily.

When I came to a strange place for the first time and met strange elders, I thought that there would be a lot of discomfort and alienation, but under the hospitality of the warm and kind elders, I was left with a warm sense of happiness.

After visiting her own room, Liu Yuqing visited Fu Yu's bedroom again.

Liu Yunong's worries are actually completely unnecessary, because Fu Yu's family is also very traditional, and his parents are stricter in discipline.

It was not at all planned for the two of them to stay in the same room.

Fu Yu took Liu Yuqing around the second floor, put the luggage away, and then went down to the first floor to talk with Fu's father and Fu's mother.

Dad Fu glanced at the sky outside. Although it hasn't started to warm up yet, the sun is bright today.

Although the county seat is not as prosperous as the city, there are also some very distinctive local places that you can visit.

Father Fu suggested: "The weather is good today, Xiaoqing, do you want to go to the forest to pick red from the mountains?"

"Shanlihong?" Liu Yuqing was taken aback, "Is there any fruit to pick in the forest in winter?"

Fu Yu was reminded, and then he remembered it, and said with a smile: "Oh, a kind of wild fruit unique to our mountain. Quite special."

Liu Yuqing suddenly became interested. She grew up in the city and was very unfamiliar with rural life.

The only picking experience is to drive to the picking garden with her sister, and spend money to pick some grapes, strawberries and the like, just for fun.

Fu Ma also persuaded: "Yes, go out for a walk, today is neither cold nor windy, just in time to digest and digest after dinner."

During lunch, Fu's father and Fu's mother were too enthusiastic and took turns picking a lot of dishes for Liu Yuqing.

At the beginning, it was purely out of politeness, but after seeing the girl's delicious food, it turned into feeding her in the end.

I was very happy when I clipped it. Now that I think about it, this girl is not fat at all. She eats so much food all at once, and it’s not easy to digest it. Don’t eat too much, her stomach feels uncomfortable. .

Liu Yuqing was quite interested, so she nodded, "Okay!"

The location of Fu Yu's house is only ten minutes' walk from the entrance of the mountain forest.

The two walked hand in hand on the path, occasionally hearing a bird call or two.

"What kind of bird is this?" Liu Yuqing looked up at the big tree that had lost all its leaves, and a big gray bird could be vaguely seen alighting on it between the branches.

Fu Yu looked up and said, "Magpie."

Liu Yuqing was a little surprised: "Aren't all magpies black? Why does this bird look so light in color?"

Fu Yu touched Liu Yuqing's hand a little cold, so he put it in his coat pocket naturally, clasping his fingers tightly: "Then I don't know, our area is full of this kind of magpies."

Liu Yuqing didn't understand either, she stretched her head out of curiosity to take a look before continuing to walk forward.

When I was in the car before, I saw a dense green on the mountain, but now I got closer and realized that it was a pine forest.

"Could there be pine nuts on this?"

Fu Yu nodded: "Yes, but it can be picked in autumn, but it is gone now. And the pine cones on this mountain are very difficult to pick, and we usually come here with picks. If you If you want to eat it, let my mother order it in autumn, and I will fry it for you."

Just as Liu Yuqing was about to speak, she saw a big tree not far ahead, with a faint red color on it.

"Is that a mangrove tree in the mountains?"

Fu Yu followed her gestures and looked over, then nodded: "Yes, this is the tree, come on, I'll pick a few for you to taste."

The mangrove trees in the mountains were very tall, and with Fu Yu's stature, he could barely climb the branches to pick a few fruits hanging from the branches.

"Here!" Fu Yu handed the picked fruit to Liu Yuqing.

The red jelly in the mountains is hard, and the peel looks bright red.

Liu Yuqing took a closer look at it, the fruit was pretty good-looking, she didn't dislike it just picked it from the tree, wiped it casually, and took a bite.

"Uh, it's too hard." The jelly was very firm, and she took a bite, leaving only a circle of neat tooth marks.

Fu Yu laughed and said, "You have to take small bites and chew on it, but you should take it back and hydrate it before eating it."

Not reconciled, Liu Yuqing gnawed a couple of bites against the peel, and the peel was rubbed off, making the flesh inside much easier to bite.

It tastes ice-cold, the flesh is rustling and a little sour, but when you taste it carefully, it is a little sweet.

Liu Yuqing smacked her lips, thinking that the fruit tasted good, and waited for Fu Yu to pick it up, and put them all in bags.

In the cold weather, there is actually no place to hang out except picking Shanlihong.

The two strolled outside for a while, then went back along the path.

After chatting with the elders for a while, eating a few slow-cooked mountain reds, and visiting the flower shed with Mama Fu, it was time for dinner.

The arrival of Liu Yuqing made Fu Yu's house extraordinarily lively.

Fu's father and Fu's mother were all in a New Year's posture, and prepared a good meal for the evening.

After eating, there are fruits and snacks.

Liu Yuqing felt a little restrained at first, but after staying for an afternoon, she soon became familiar with Fu's father and Fu's mother.

She had a very pleasing personality, and she deliberately coaxed the two elders to please her, making Fu's father and Fu's mother happy for a while.

How do you see your future daughter-in-law and how you like it.

The family happily stayed until the evening, and then went back to their houses to rest.

There is an aisle between Fu Yu's room and Liu Yuqing's room.

Lying on the bed at night, Fu Yu chatted with Liu Yuqing on the phone.

The two are sweet and sweet, and the atmosphere is just right.

Fu Yu listened to Liu Yuqing's soft voice in the microphone, and his eyes fell unconsciously on the door.

Just push open this door, then knock on the opposite door, and you will see a beautiful girlfriend.

With the thought, Fu Yu immediately couldn't lie down, and his heart began to beat faster.

"This month, although the heating has not been turned off, the heating effect is not that good. If you lie down by yourself, is it cold?"

Fu Yu sat up slowly while talking, his eyes were expectant, and his eyes were shining.

Liu Yuqing didn't notice it: "It's okay, it was a bit cold when I first lay down, but it's much better now. What's the matter, do you feel cold?"

Fu Yu paused: "Yes, yes, I'm a bit cold, and it's very cold and chilly in bed now."

When Liu Yuqing heard this, she immediately sneered, and Fu Yu's system was like a stove, and she said that she was cold?

This kid is talking nonsense, most likely he has no good intentions.

Liu Yuqing remained calm: "Really? Then what should I do, why don't you order an electric mattress? Do you have one in your room? Or an electric heater?"

Fu Yu saw that there was something going on, and hurriedly said: "Oh, yes, there is, but my mother put it away, and they probably all fell asleep, so I don't want to torment them."

Liu Yuqing: "Then it can't be so cold?"

Fu Yu tentatively said: "Why don't you come to the room to accompany me? We can stack the two quilts together, and it will be warmer if we squeeze together."

Liu Yuqing readily agreed: "Okay, then open the door, I'll come out now."

Fu Yu almost laughed out loud: "Okay, I'll open the door now!"

Fu Yu was so happy that he pulled on his slippers and opened the door, then happily waited for Liu Yuqing to open the door and come out.

After more than ten seconds, Fu Yu stood at the door and stretched out his head to listen to the sound from the opposite door.

"Why don't you come out yet?" Fu Yu waited for a while and asked in a low voice.

There was silence on Liu Yuqing's side, without any sound.

"Speak? What's the matter?" Fu Yu urged.

Liu Yuqing still didn't make a sound.

Fu Yu couldn't help but stepped forward, wanting to knock on the door, but afraid of being heard by his parents downstairs.

He held the doorknob, turned it, and it was locked tightly. He leaned against the door and listened. The room was very quiet, and there was no sound.

This is dare to tease me!

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