Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 870 This kid is really capable

Chapter 870 This kid is really capable

Realizing that Liu Yuqing was teasing him, Fu Yu suddenly couldn't laugh or cry.

He retreated to his room with light movements, then closed the door, and then pretended to be angry and complained: "Wow! I thought you really cared about me, but in the end, you actually played me!"

"Puchi!" Liu Yuqing's laughter came from the microphone: "Obviously you lied to me first, tell me the truth, are you trying to trick me into sleeping together?"

Fu Yu was speechless for a moment, his little thought was actually seen through.

"How is it possible? I'm such an upright person. In fact, I'm really not cold. The main reason is that I'm afraid that you won't be used to living here, and I want to accompany you."

Liu Yuqing: "Stop doing this!"

Fu Yu was taken aback, this little girl is quite smart!

He heard Liu Yuqing's smug smile coming from the microphone, the voice was like feathers, scratching back and forth in his heart, itching badly.

Fu Yu still didn't give up, and deliberately threatened: "If you treat a good heart like a donkey's liver and lungs, I will be sad, don't you feel sorry for me?"

Liu Yuqing smiled even more happily: "I don't feel sorry for you, you have a bad stomach!"

Fu Yu sat down on the bed angrily: "Okay, you still dare to bully me on my territory? I'm going to tell my parents!"

Liu Yuqing smiled and said, "Okay, just tell Uncle and Auntie that you wanted me to sleep with you in the middle of the night, but I refused, so I sued them angrily!"

Fu Yu was helpless, come on!

My girlfriend's awareness of defense is too strong, and she has no loopholes at all. It seems that she will not be able to overcome it tonight.

Forget it, let's go to bed honestly, and see if we can have a chance to hug the beauty to sleep tomorrow.

Thinking in his heart, Fu Yuan lay on the bed and fell asleep without knowing it.

Not to mention, when he returned to his home and lay on his familiar bed, Fu Yu slept very peacefully this time.

Sleep until you wake up naturally, you don’t have to think about getting up early to prepare staff meals, and you don’t have to think about the busy work during the day.

This allowed Fu Yu, who was busy every day, to relax extremely rarely.

In the final analysis, he is nothing more than an ordinary person, and he needs to relax properly to adjust after a long period of high-load work.

It's good to be home, and finally not to be disturbed.

Fu Yu stretched comfortably. He changed his clothes and opened the door. This time he knocked on the door of Liu Yuqing's room openly.

Unexpectedly, the door was not locked, and Liu Yuqing got up early, and she was not in the house.

When Fu Yu went downstairs, he heard Fu Ma and Liu Yuqing talking happily from the kitchen.

Actually, Liu Yuqing didn't sleep very well. She called Fu Yu last night and had a pleasant chat. Coupled with the new environment, it was difficult to fall asleep for a while.

Lying on an unfamiliar bed with eyes closed, body was very tired, but brain was extremely excited, thinking a lot, even thought about what name she and Fu Yu's child would be called in the future, and what specialties she would learn, but it was still difficult to fall asleep.

She didn't know how long she had been tossing and turning. Anyway, she felt as if she had just fallen asleep when she was woken up by the sound of cocks crowing and dogs barking.

She originally wanted to stay in bed for a while, but Fu Ma's new curtains were made of gauze, which looked nice, but didn't block the light at all.

After being exposed to the bright sunlight for a while, Liu Yuqing woke up completely.

Thinking of making a good impression on Fu's parents, Fu got up quickly and made the bed before going downstairs.

The location of Fu Yu's house is actually quite good, it is very close to the mountains and forests, and the air is particularly good.

Fu's father and Fu's mother didn't sleep well last night. They chatted about their son and future daughter-in-law, and imagined the happy old age life of holding grandson in their left hand and granddaughter in their right hand. The old couple chatted until midnight.

As people get older, they generally feel less sleepy. The two of them woke up just after dawn, and they didn't lie down anymore. They got up early to make breakfast.

Because the family grows vegetables in the front yard and has a greenhouse in the back yard, Fu Yu's family neither raises dogs nor other poultry.

Liu Yuqing went downstairs and didn't go to the yard, but went directly to the kitchen after hearing the sound.

Fu's mother was spreading zucchini pancakes, millet porridge was cooking in the pot, and Fu's father was busy washing eggs.

Boil a few white water eggs, and then scramble a plate of stupid eggs as a dish.

When Fu Yu went to the kitchen, what he saw was a lively and busy scene.

The morning sun was shining on Liu Yuqing's shoulders. His mother held a piece of zucchini shredded cake just out of the pan and fed it to Liu Yuqing. She watched Liu Yuqing smile and opened her mouth to eat the cake. There was a beautiful and charming smile on the corner of her mouth.

At that moment, the dream finally became a reality.

I have imagined for a long time how a family of four live happily, this is the picture in front of me.

Hearing the movement, Mama Fu turned her head first, saw Fu Yu, and couldn't help complaining: "Why did you wake up? Xiaoqing woke up a long time ago!"

Liu Yuqing turned her head and saw that Fu Yu was wearing a rare set of home pajamas, and his beard was unshaven. In just one night, a layer of blue stubble appeared on his chin, and the hair on the side of his head was randomly raised.

Even so, the dark eyebrows are still handsome and charming in the sun.

Liu Yuqing held the hot and delicious zucchini shredded pancakes in her mouth, and tilted her head to look at Fu Yu. At that time, her heart was very beautiful and appropriate, thinking that she could do the same after she got married. She made breakfast with her parents-in-law and watched Fu Yu wake up every day. Looking lazy, the family lives together beautifully, if only this kind of life can last forever.

Fu Yu was sent to wash and change clothes, and the family of four sat around a table to eat, laughing

After dinner, Fu Yu took Liu Yuqing to go shopping in the county, and bought some temporary supplies for the family.

We don't go home for lunch, so the two of us go to try the county's very special spicy noodle soup, watch a movie together, and make a date.

Fu's father and Fu's mother stayed at home, eating a bite at noon, and concentrating on making dinner.

Today is Father Fu's birthday, Aunt Fu Yu and his wife will come to celebrate together, and also get to know Fu Yu's new girlfriend by the way.

Fu's father and Fu's mother are really proud today!

I really didn't expect my future daughter-in-law to be so sympathetic!

Anywhere is good, and there will be special events!

When I came here this time, I brought a lot of gifts in large and small bags.

The wine and tea for Dad Fu, the silk scarves and bags for Mom Fu, and a bunch of nutritional products, food, drink, just fruit, I got a box of strawberries, a box of cherries, all good things !

Before Liu Yuqing's face, I didn't have the nerve to take it apart, they were all piled up in the shoe cabinet, and then I was busy cooking and entertaining.

It wasn't until Aunt Fu Yu and his wife entered the door and saw this pile of things that they remembered to take it apart and have a look.

Aunt Fu Yu also helped unpack the package. The silk scarves and bags are all big brands. I don’t know how much they cost, and the shopping receipts are all hidden, but this quality, this brand is here, it must not be cheap.

Tea is good or bad, and you can't tell it. Dad Fu actually doesn't understand tea, and usually drinks flower and fruit tea grown by himself.

But this high-end packaging can be directly used as a tea pot for display, and there is a delicate independent small packaging inside, one can tell at a glance that this tea is probably not cheap.

Especially those two bottles of Xifeng wine!

He doesn't know anything else, but he knows this wine too well!

This Xifeng is a good wine!

Father Fu was so happy that he slapped his thighs straight, and complained: "You said Xiaoqing, what are you doing with all this money? When have I ever drank such good wine? The bulk liquor sold in Qianjie Supermarket is not bad! After all, it's from a good family background. , who didn’t even care about the flowers, just wasting money indiscriminately!”

Mama Fu continued: "That's right, this silk scarf, ouch, it's so nice to touch, but I don't have a chance to wear it? I don't always go out, who will I wear it for? And this bag, this brand Is it too expensive? Don’t dare to recite it casually, and if someone rubs it against me again, it would be so distressing.”

Fu's father and Fu's mother complained, and it was obvious that they were very happy in their hearts. Their son was promising, and they found a daughter-in-law who was so good, and they also had face in front of their relatives.

When their son was studying, he was a well-known dropout in this street. He only had a good appearance and didn't pay attention to his studies. He refused to study after he was in high school.

The children of other families are busy with the college entrance examination, and their son has learned to be a chef.

At that time, the profession of chef was not what it is now, with high salary and high salary, which was regarded as a skill.

Although everyone didn't say anything to their faces, they might laugh at their family behind their backs, wanting to see their family's jokes.

As a result, Fu Yu really succeeded in his studies, and he became a man. He bought a house in Bei'an and settled down. He has a stable job and a very good salary.

Now that he has made a girlfriend with such a good family background, and will get married and live his own life in the future, it must be booming.

Fu's father and Fu's mother didn't know the goods. Looking at this pile of things, they only knew that they were good, but they didn't know what was good about them.

Aunt Fu Yu and uncle, who have been in business for many years, have been to the provincial capital several times, and traveled all over the country. They looked at each gift one by one, and pointed out: "Sister, brother-in-law, this Xiaoqing's family background is not ordinary! They What is the house for?"

Fu Ma said: "The one who runs the restaurant, her sister runs the restaurant, and she works as a waiter at the front desk at Chollima."

Aunt Fu Yu didn't believe it: "Damn it, her family owns a restaurant, why does she go to someone else's place to be a waiter? Helping out in her own shop, at least it's a good fortune."

When Fu's father took out the two bottles of Xifeng wine, Aunt Fu Yu felt something was wrong when he saw it, and asked her husband to have a look together.

Aunt Fu Yu said: "The restaurant in their family is not small, right? Where did she get two bottles of Xifeng old wine for you? Have you seen the production date? Oh, this wine has been around for 15 years! This is The old bar in the cellar?"

Uncle Fu Yu was also very surprised after reading it: "Ah! This wine is priceless! Where did you buy the old Xifeng that has been cellared for 15 years? It's so rich!"

Not to mention now, back then, how difficult it was to buy this Xifeng wine!

This is an old wine that was well preserved 15 years ago!

How rare!

Aunt Fu Yu analyzed: "Let's not mention the two bottles of wine she gave, just this bag, ouch, this brand is so expensive!"

Fu's father and Fu's mother pondered in their minds, um, this bunch of things cost a lot of money.

Aunt Fu Yu and his wife have plans in mind, Fu Yu, don't you really be a little rich woman on the list? You kid is really capable!

Fu Ma checked everything, then turned to look at her wife.

The old couple looked at each other without saying a word, but their expressions changed at the same time!

I'll be good!

None of these things are cheap, and they add up to at least tens of thousands, right?

Thinking of this, Fu Ma hurriedly took the wine from her younger sister carefully.

"This wine is not worth a few thousand bottles?"

Aunt Fu Yu waved her hand: "Thousands? Tens of thousands can't be bought!"

Fu Ma couldn't help but gasp!

Where is this a gift from the first meeting? It can be used as a dowry, right?

This girl Xiaoqing doesn't seem to have any airs, she doesn't look like the kind of spoiled rich girl, nor does she have a domineering personality.

Looking at a very well-behaved girl who looks good, I didn't expect her family background to be so good.

Moreover, being able to give such a valuable thing as a meeting gift shows that Xiaoqing really likes their family, Fu Yu.

His son was really liked by others, and Fu's father and Fu's mother were still quite close in their hearts.

Still, the gifts are a little too expensive.

Fu Ma thought about it, it seems that the red envelope for the first meeting needs to be added.

Father Fu took the two bottles of wine, smiled and said: "This wine is not drinkable! It's a good thing, keep it. When the two children get married in the future, everyone will drink a bottle to celebrate, and another bottle will wait for my future grandson. No, when the granddaughter is born, drink another bottle of full moon wine."

Uncle Fu Yu usually drinks better, and she is quite interested in this wine. Hearing this, she hurriedly agreed: "Okay, when the time comes, I have to have a good taste!"

Aunt Fu Yu helped Mama Fu pack her things.

Boxes of strawberries and cherries were washed and placed on the coffee table, clothing supplies, and boxes of nutritional products were all put away.

Today is Dad Fu's birthday. When Aunt Fu Yu and his wife came over, they specially brought a big cake. The shape was very creative. It was just a money tree with a pile of gold coins and gold ingots on it. The blessings written by others on birthdays were all, I wish XX a happy birthday. On their cake, there is a bright line of characters: counting money until your hands cramp.

Mama Fu poked her head through the transparent box lid, glanced at the shape on the cake, and couldn't help laughing: "You two ordered this cake?"

Aunt Fu Yu smiled and said: "Yes, Xiaoyu is also promising now, I think the shape of this cake has a good meaning."

Fu Ma smiled from ear to ear: "It's very good, just looking at it makes me happy."

Aunt Fu Yu said with emotion: "Xiaoyu is really promising. He has been obedient since he was a child, and he is always filial. Now he has a girlfriend. In the future, you and your brother-in-law will really enjoy happiness."

Fu's mother couldn't help grinning, she was really happy and proud, after all, her son is really doing well now, even thinking about it makes her happy.

"Before I saw Xiaoqing, I was still a little uneasy. When I really saw someone, I thought my son had a good eye and she was a good girl. When they come back in a while, you can take a look too, that child Xiaoqing Very nice, not to mention beautiful, very sensible, really different from ordinary children!"

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