Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 872 Good men know how to love their wives

Chen Chunjin was apologetic, and said with a hint of hope: "My wife's morning sickness reaction is very serious, and she went to the hospital for infusion before, but now she has lost her appetite, and now she finally wants to eat. I just went for a run in the county , all shops are closed!"

"I really have no other choice. I heard that Fu Yu is back, so I wanted to come over and ask, Fu Yu, can you help me make a pizza."

After hearing this, Fu Yu was taken aback for a moment.


There are ready-made and semi-processed products for sale in supermarkets.

He saw it when he was shopping today, but Liu Yuqing wanted to make durian sandwiches tomorrow morning, so he only bought slices of bread.

Before meeting Liu Yuqing, Fu Yu had never eaten this food, but later, when the two were dating, they ate it once.

In Fu Yu's view, it is actually a fermented round pancake, with sauces, meat, vegetables, and fruits sprinkled on it, and then baked a second time.

Oh, by the way, there is also a thick layer of cheese sprinkled on top, so that it will be drawn while it is hot.

For this kind of fast food, it is actually very convenient to order food at the store, and the cooking process is simple and fast.

But if you use raw materials to make it at home, it will be somewhat troublesome.

It is necessary to bake the noodles and prepare the sauce. After a whole set of procedures, it will definitely not be completed in less than an hour.

It's past eight o'clock now, and when the baking is finished, it is estimated that it will be nearly half past nine.

Chen Chunjin took it home for his wife to eat, and it took two hours at the fastest.

While Chen Chunjin was talking to his parents, Fu Yu quickly flipped through the classic recipes.

There are still many steps in authentic pizza baking, and the control of oven temperature and the ratio of sauce are very strict.

While Fu Yu memorized the specific cooking steps, he recalled his own existing seasonings, which ones were missing, and which ones could be replaced.

After making some calculations in his heart, Fu Yu looked at Chen Chunjin and said, "Uncle Chen, I can help bake the pizza, but it will take a long time to make. The fastest, it will take two hours."

"Ah!" Chen Chunjin was a little anxious when he heard it: "It's been so long? I went out at six o'clock and ran around the county until now. If I wait for more than two hours, my wife will not think about it." have eaten."

Pregnant women will also change their eating habits due to their physical condition.

I often have a sudden craving for something, and the desire to eat is extremely strong at that time, but after this period of time, I will immediately lose my appetite.

Fu's mother and Fu's aunt are both people who have given birth to children, so they can especially understand this situation.

Fu Ma asked, "Is there no easier way to make this pizza?"

When baking pizza, the most time-consuming part is making dough. If you want to speed up, you have to find a way from this.

Fu Yu was a little hesitant. Unless there are ready-made noodles, there is no one step to save from kneading to baking. Naturally, it is impossible to shorten the time.

When he was in a bit of a dilemma, Liu Yuqing thought of something and said aloud: "My sister used to make me a simple version of pizza. At that time, there was no dough at home. She used steamed buns cut into pieces and wrapped in egg liquid to fry. It’s delicious, as long as there are enough ingredients, the taste is not inferior to normal pizza dough.”

When Fu Yu heard this, his eyes lit up!

This method is good!

The steamed buns are made into small pieces and coated with egg liquid. When they are fried, they can naturally form into a cake shape. Toppings are sprinkled with toppings, and then a thick layer of cheese is pasted on them so that all the ingredients can stick together.

You can give it a try.

Fu Yu went to the kitchen and searched carefully for the ingredients that could be used.

Canned corn, the remaining half bottle is used at night, there is no mushroom for mushrooms, only white jade mushroom, which can also be used to deal with it.

Carrots are available, green peppers are available, nuts are not hazelnuts, but there are almonds, walnuts are not, and there are pistachios and pine nuts.

Both ketchup and salad dressing are available, but there is no cheese, but fortunately there is cheese.

Thanks to Liu Yuqing's desire to make grilled durian and cheese prawns, they bought a big bag of cheese, and there is still a lot left for use.

As for the steamed buns, there are quite a few in the refrigerator at home. Mommy Fu was worried about the large number of people in the family and not enough rice, so she specially stocked them up. Although they have been placed for a day, they do not affect their use.

Fu Yu estimated the specific cooking operation in his heart, and after making sure that there was no problem, he said to Chen Chunjin, "Uncle Chen, it must be too late to make pizza dough now, but according to what Xiaoqing said just now, I can give it a try." , if you hurry up, there will be about forty minutes, it should be about the same."

Upon hearing this, Chen Chunjin hurriedly said cheerfully, "That's great, Fu Yu, I'll trouble you!"

Before Fu Yu could speak, Dad Fu who was beside him greeted him enthusiastically: "Friends are doing each other a favor, why are you being so polite? Come on, Xiao Chen, go to the living room and sit. Can't you take a break to catch your breath?"

Chen Chunjin smiled wryly: "Oh, it's okay for me to make a fuss, as long as I can feed my wife!"

Fu's mother also persuaded: "Don't worry, my Xiaoyu said he could do it, then it's no problem, we can't help here, standing still gets in the way. Xiao Chen, come to the living room to eat some fruit, Xiao Qing, this The last time I came to buy it for us, there are strawberries and cherries! By the way, I haven’t introduced you yet, this is my son’s girlfriend, Xiaoqing.”

Chen Chunjin hurriedly greeted Liu Yuqing.

He heard yesterday that Fu Yu brought his girlfriend home this time, and his girlfriend is very beautiful.

Looking at the real people now, they are really good-looking, and they look very temperamental, which is different from the people in their county.

Chen Chunjin hastily praised enthusiastically: "Fu Yu has really good eyesight, look at this girlfriend, how beautiful she is!"

When Fu's father and Fu's mother heard this, they were immediately elated, and warmly greeted Chen Chunjin to the living room.

Liu Yuqing said hello, but didn't follow, but stayed in the kitchen to watch Fu Yu cook.

"Can I help?" Liu Yuqing stretched her head to look at the ingredients on the kitchen counter.

Fu Yu turned his head and smiled slightly: "No, you have already helped a lot, now you just need to stand by and accompany me."

Liu Yuqing knew that Fu Yu was good at cooking, so she didn't deliberately move forward, just stood at a place not in the way, poking her head and watching Fu Yu making pizza!

Fu Yu broke the remaining steamed buns into small pieces with his hands and put them in a bowl for later use.

Take three eggs and break into the steamed buns, then stir evenly with chopsticks, so that the eggs and steamed buns are fully fused.

Brush the pan with a layer of oil, pour the well-mixed steamed buns into the pan, flatten and press them tightly with a spoon, and then shape them into round cakes.

This step is very critical. The final shape of the dough and the taste after frying mainly depend on the size and thickness of the dough.

Also note that the center is thin and the edges are thick so that the pizza has sides.

While frying the pancakes, Fu Yu split the red sausage in half, and then cut them into moon-shaped slices. The slices were slightly thicker, so that the taste of the baked ones would be better.

Add water to the frying pan and bring it to a boil, add a spoonful of salt and a few drops of vegetable oil, put the corn kernels in the pan and cook for a while, then take them out, and at the same time put the peeled prawns in the pan and cook for more than ten seconds, then take them out Come.

When Fu Yu was cooking, his gestures were very fast.

Liu Yuqing often only feels that there is a flash in front of her eyes, and Fu Yu has already completed the fishing operation.

Today, Fu Yu showed Liu Yuqing his cutting skills.

Put the red and green peppers in the palm of your left hand, hold a kitchen knife in your right hand, and cut the peppers horizontally into rings.

Swish Swish Swish!

After a few knives, the colored pepper slices that fell on the cutting board were connected head to tail, with the same thickness, and the red and green colors spun in the air and fell quickly.

How is this the effect of cooking in your own kitchen? As long as you record a live video, it can be used as a demonstration of cooking operations for others to observe and appreciate.

Liu Yuqing stood very close. It wasn't the first time she saw Fu Yu cooking, nor was it the first time she saw Fu Yu cooking in home clothes other than chef's clothes.

But at this time, Fu Yu was standing in his own kitchen, holding an extremely professional posture, shredding and slicing the knife skillfully and neatly, and his habitual movement of flipping the dough over the dough was neat and bright, obviously it was just spreading a pizza, but he was able to handle it Exude a chic and free manner.

Liu Yuqing didn't even realize it, she was a little startled before she knew it.

At that moment, I suddenly felt that the image of the chef wearing a chef's uniform and bowing his head in charge of the spoon that I had always remembered in my heart suddenly changed from the male god Yao Shi to Fu Yu.

Every gesture was full of Fu Yu's motion images.

It seemed to me that it had been a long time and I didn't think of watching Yao Shi's cooking video.

Even seeing Yao Shi occasionally in the shop, he was not as excited as when he saw a real person for the first time.

Her attention had long been focused on Fu Yu.

Whenever there is a trouble in Fu Yu's side, she will unconsciously think about it, and her eyes are full of this person.

Fu Yu's attention at this time was all on making the pizza sauce.

Because it was a temporary decision to cook, the ingredients were not complete. Now he can only try to make the taste as close as possible, and the taste cannot be guaranteed to be perfect.

This is also impossible.

There were originally two tomatoes left at home, but when cooking at night, Fu Yu had nothing to do and ate one, and now there is only one left.

He had to peel the only tomato and chop it finely.

There is a small dish of mashed garlic left over from cooking, which can be used directly.

Fu Yu started to fry minced garlic, then added minced onion, and after stirring for a while, added finely minced tomatoes.

Stir fry while pressing with the back of a shovel to make the tomatoes and onions more integrated and sticky.

After the tomatoes are soft and rotten, add the tomato sauce and stir fry evenly.

Fortunately, Fu Yu bought this bag of tomato sauce from the supermarket when he came back from the Chinese New Year. He wanted to make some pasta for his parents.

Ever since he became a chef, every time Fu Yu went home, he would try his best to cook for his parents.

Special dishes in various shops, private dishes learned from master Liu Yunong.

His family's conditions are mediocre, and Fu's father and Fu's mother have lived frugally all their lives. Apart from attending weddings and funerals, they have basically never eaten in restaurants a few times.

The old couple always talked about the food outside being too expensive and not tasty, but in fact, they felt sorry for the money and were reluctant to spend it.

Fu Yu now knows how to cook all kinds of classic and special dishes, and always wants to open his parents' eyes and try any good dishes.

But in fact, both Fu's father and Fu's mother were not used to many of Fu Yu's dishes.

It's like the pasta he specially made during Chinese New Year.

After the second elder tasted it, he kept saying that it was not as good as the scallion oil noodles made the day before, which was more appetizing.

Holding half a bag of ketchup left, Fu Yu couldn't laugh or cry for a while.

Fu Ma is used to being thrifty. She doesn't use this tomato sauce when she usually cooks, but seeing that there is half a bag left, she is reluctant to throw it away.

If it hadn't been for coming back this time, it is estimated that this thing will be broken again.

Fu Yu shook his head, and added an appropriate amount of salt and sugar into the pot.

There is no vanilla at home, and there is no pizza herb, but there is herbs in the stew package that Fu Ma bought in the supermarket.

Fu Yu directly cut the gauze wrapping the stew ingredients, picked out the herbs and added them to the pot together.

After the whole pot of sauce becomes viscous and there is no soup, the pizza sauce is cooked.

This meant that there were two natural gas stoves in Fu Yu's house, otherwise he would be too busy to cook sauce and make pasta.

The pancakes in the pan were fried just right, and Fu Yu quickly spread the boiled pizza sauce on it.

A layer of pizza sauce, sprinkle with a layer of cheese, and at the same time spread all the side dishes on top one by one.

With this amount of ingredients, it is estimated that the pizza shop outside can make two more pizzas.

Anyway, there is still a lot of cheese left in the bag.

Fu Yu thought about cutting corners on the seasoning of his pizza, and finally sprinkled all the remaining cheese on it.

The taste of cheese is still very good. It should be no problem to use its taste to cover up the lack of taste.

In fact, although Fu Yu's pizza is not perfect in terms of taste, it is still very good for family dining.

It's just that Chen Chunjin said that his wife was pregnant and had a tricky mouth, and Fu Yu was worried that the other party's taste was sensitive, and he would find out something wrong then.

In order to increase the speed and time of cooking, Fu Yu did not bake in the oven at all, but directly completed the final cooking step of the pizza in a frying pan by stewing.

He put a tablespoon of water along the side of the pot, covered the pot and simmered over low heat.

In this way, you only need to wait for three to five minutes, and watch the cheese melt, then you can open the lid and leave the pot.

The pizza had just come out of the pan and was still hot, so Fu Yu put it directly on the plate and put a bag on it for Chen Chunjin to carry it away.

Fu Yu took the finished pizza to the living room, and handed it to Chen Chunjin: "Uncle Chen, when you go back later, don't tie the bag, it's a bit hot just out of the pan, but once the heat simmers, the taste of the dough won't be good .”

Chen Chunjin nodded quickly: "Thank you, Fu Yu!"

Fu Yu smiled and said: "You're welcome, it's getting late, Uncle Chen, you'd better go back quickly, don't make auntie wait in a hurry."

Chen Chunjin nodded gratefully.

Fu Yu's family sent Chen Chunjin out of the house, watched him go away, and then turned back to the house.

Fu Ma couldn't help but sigh: "Xiao Chen is really a good husband, he knows how to love his wife."

Aunt Fu Yu hurriedly said: "All the men in our family are like this. They all know how to treat their wives well. Fu Yu will do the same in the future."

After listening to this, Liu Yuqing couldn't help but pursed her lips and smiled, and turned to look at Fu Yu with a very embarrassing expression.

When Fu Yu saw it, his face remained calm, taking advantage of the elder's inattention, he quietly took Liu Yuqing's hand, and gently scratched Liu Yuqing's palm with his fingertips, making the other party withdraw his hand.

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