Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 873 Big Tail Sheep

The night before, Chen Chunjin left with a hot pizza.

The next morning, the old lady of Chen Chunjin's family, Aunt Chen, brought a basket of stupid eggs from her own chickens to Fu Yu's family.

Before Fu Yu woke up, he was woken up by Fu's mother.

This made Fu Yu, who was getting more and more frustrated last night, racking his brains and fighting wits and courage with Liu Yuqing for most of the night, he couldn't react for a while.

"Mom, who do you think is here?"

"Grandma Chen, I came here specially to thank you for your help last night. My daughter-in-law Chen ate pizza, and her morning sickness reaction has been relieved a lot today. Get up quickly, Grandma Chen is coming to see you, and she is waiting downstairs."

When Fu Yu heard this, he hurriedly got up and put on his clothes. He didn't bother to wash up, so he went downstairs to meet people first.

In order to entertain the guests, Mama Fu specially made a pot of scented tea, using the chrysanthemums grown in her flower shed, to clear away the heat and reduce the fire.

These days, in order to entertain Liu Yuqing, the house is almost full of fish and meat.

Fu's mother is careful, worried that the family's food is too greasy and easy to get angry, so she usually brews chrysanthemum tea.

Fu Yu arrived at the living room and hurriedly greeted someone: "Grandma Chen!"

When Aunt Chen saw Fu Yu, she immediately smiled and said, "Oh, Fu Yu has grown up so much. If I didn't meet him at home, I wouldn't dare to recognize him just outside!"

Fu Ma laughed as soon as she heard it: "That's not true, how about time flies!"

Aunt Chen asked: "Fu Yu, I heard that you work at the Grand Hotel in Bei'an?"

Fu Yu said: "Yes, I have been working for more than a year."

"The chef can earn money now, and the wages in Bei'an must be higher. You really settled in Bei'an? I heard that you bought a very big house, right?"

"No, no. It's just an ordinary residence. It's true to be registered. After the house photo is obtained, you can apply for a household registration."

Aunt Chen was very excited: "You are really amazing! I heard from your little Uncle Chen that the houses in Bei'an cost tens of thousands of square meters. One or two million! You are really promising this time, and your parents can finally enjoy the blessings!"

Fu Ma laughed and said: "Why are you pointing at enjoying his blessings? As long as he can work hard outside, live a good life, and take good care of himself, his father and I will be content."

Aunt Chen enviously said: "Your son is already very good! How many children like him now, at such an age, spend their parents' money? It's really that I raised you and you gnawed me old! This child Fu Yu is Well, when I was young, I looked more energetic than other children, and now I am getting more and more handsome, and the girlfriend I found just now is also very good, she is so beautiful!"

Mentioning Liu Yuqing, Fu's mother suddenly regained her spirits: "That's true, Xiaoqing is really good, and I like it very much. In the past two days, she got up early, and she just came downstairs. I went to the kitchen to make breakfast, and said I was going to make a durian sandwich today, and let me have a taste."

Aunt Chen nodded: "I see, when I came here just now, I saw that girl go to the kitchen!"

Almost every mother, when talking about her outstanding son, is very energetic and excited.

Now that my son has brought back a very sweet daughter-in-law, that makes me so happy and satisfied.

Fu Ma proudly told Aunt Chen about the various performances of Liu Yuqing's visit this time, in very detailed and extremely rare way.

Aunt Chen inquired with great interest: "I heard that Xiaoqing's family runs a restaurant? If they can open a restaurant in Bei'an, they have a decent family background!"

Mama Fu was very proud, and the corners of her eyes were flying up: "Then I don't know, and we didn't ask about it carefully. However, as long as our family Fu Yu likes it, I don't have an opinion with his father. Is there any money in the family?" Yes, our family doesn’t pick either.”

The two old ladies got together and chatted with great interest and joy.

Naturally, the topics of the chat basically revolved around Fu Yu and Liu Yuqing, and occasionally mentioned Chen Chunjin's pregnant daughter-in-law.

Fu's mother wanted to show off her precious son and future daughter-in-law, while Chen's mother wanted to gossip and ask about Fu Yu's situation in Bei'an.

Fu Yu sat beside him for a while, seeing that he couldn't get in the conversation, he got up and slipped away under the pretext of going to help in the kitchen.

Aunt Chen stayed at home for a while before leaving, and Fu Yu deliberately followed Mama Fu to send him out of the house.

At that time, Mama Fu said casually: "Your grandma Chen has a very good personality, and she can chat with anyone."

Fu Yu didn't take it seriously either.

As a result, unexpectedly, the news about their family spread among neighbors in the blink of an eye.

He has a good relationship, so he came over to visit under the pretext of seeing Fu Yu and Liu Yuqing, and kept praising Fu's mother and Fu's father for their good fortune. Woolen cloth.

Fu's father and Fu's mother laughed from ear to ear, taking out all the food and drink that they couldn't bear to eat and drink on weekdays to entertain the guests.

My friends saw that this season is full of strawberries and cherries, and the food and drink are all expensive and good, so they immediately laughed: "The quality of life in your family has put us in comparison. , each of these cherries will cost several dollars!"

Father Fu laughed and said: "This is brought by the girl. We know that we are getting older and the diet is not the same as before. The food and drink are all nutritional products. We don't recognize the brand, but look at the packaging. Should be good stuff."

A person from a well-off family at the side said: "Isn't it a good thing! I heard from Aunt Chen that the girl also gave you two bottles of Xifeng wine that have been cellared for 15 years! Oops! This bottle is not worth it. Tens of thousands of dollars!"

Fu's father and Fu's mother were so proud that their faces were a little red!

It is said that in the first 30 years, the father respects the son, and in the next 30 years, the son respects the father. When parents get older, they actually live as a child.

This is not an exaggeration at all.

Liu Yuqing's visit this time is really generous. The fruits are all in boxes. They can't be stored, and my family can't finish them all at once.

Fu's father and Fu's mother took it out to entertain guests, but they didn't feel particularly distressed.

In particular, Liu Yuqing has a natural and generous personality, is polite in conversation, and has a special way of dealing with people.

But all the relatives and friends who come here are entertained together, and from time to time, they show their love for Fu Yu, as well as their gratitude and respect for Fu's father and Fu's mother.

This made Fu's father and Fu's mother feel a sense of pride and pride spontaneously.

When the guests saw it, they praised it enviously.

The daughter-in-law here is really good, she is sensible and grateful, and she will definitely not be wrong in the future.

Marrying a wife and marrying a virtuous man, this kid Fu Yu really has a vision, and the wife he found is great!

Neighbors and neighbors are like this. On weekdays, the head of the house, the Li family, gather together to chat.

Talk to each other about whose children are promising, how much money they can earn now, whether they have married or not, and how they are doing now.

I heard that Fu Yu is doing so well now, some are genuinely happy for their family, and some are unhappy.

People are often like this, some people respect you, some people look down on you, this happens everywhere.

The relationship is good, and while envious, I can't help feeling that Fu's father and Fu's mother have made it through this time.

In the general relationship, some people will comment unpleasantly:

"I bought a house in Bei'an and settled down. If he is so rich, why did his little uncle drive all the way to the passenger station to pick him up when he came back this time? Why don't he buy a car himself? Bragging!"

"It's still 15 years old Xifeng wine, how is it possible, it is now on the market, not to mention so many years, it is a 5-year-old baijiu, if you can get it, it is quite powerful!"

"Why didn't I find out that Lao Fu likes to brag before, isn't this Fu Yu a cook? What's there to be ashamed of?"

"That's right, if you're so capable, you still let your parents stay in this broken county town, why don't you take Bei'an to enjoy the blessings together?"

Some people are like this, they don't want to see other people's kindness at all, and when they speak, they are full of sourness, which is normal.

Fu Yu and Liu Yuqing booked a bus ticket for 3:30 this afternoon, and it took more than four hours to get to Bei'an.

I can spend more time with my parents at home, and go back without delaying work tomorrow.

But watching Fu's father and Fu's mother busy packing their luggage, we should not only consider that it can be used, but also worry about the ease of the two of them carrying it.

After all, when I went to the bus station from my home, Uncle Fu Yu drove me to the bus station, so it didn't matter if I took more or less things, since it could fit in the car anyway.

But after getting out of the car, it was up to the two of them to carry it away.

Fu's father and Fu's mother wanted to bring them any good things, but they were worried that they would be too heavy to carry.

So I cleaned it up and down again and again, tossing for a long time.

In the end, there were still a lot of things that could not be brought, and Fu's father and Fu's mother were very regretful.

Fu Yu looked at his parents' helpless and annoyed expressions, and thought to himself, why not get the car done after going back this time.

Anyway, with a car, it is convenient to go to the music restaurant and Shangshi Private Kitchen, and when returning home during the holidays, there is no need to squeeze the car, and you can choose to drive yourself.

Fu Ma was thinking about getting dumplings in the car and getting noodles in the car.

For lunch, Fu Yu and Liu Yuqing made a pot of dumplings filled with meat and vegetables.

This time, Fu Yu just helped to mix the stuffing, and when it was time to wrap it, the family of four went to battle.

The noodle table was placed directly on the tea table, and Fu Yu could roll out two sheets of dough at a time, Fu Ma and Fu Pa made dumplings together, and Liu Yuqing was in charge of pressing the dough.

The dumplings were wrapped and put in the pot, and when they were about to eat, someone came to the door in a hurry.

"Old Fu! Hey, is your Fu Yu at home? I just got a live sheep here, let's look at it and get it?"

In a word, everyone who was eating was stunned for a moment!

The person who came here was Papa Fu's good brother, and the two families usually walked around very frequently, and the relationship was relatively close.

The second day after Fu Yu arrived home, Wu Bowen brought his wife over as a guest. Seeing that Fu Yu brought his girlfriend back, before leaving, he stuffed Liu Yuqing with a red envelope of 500 yuan.

According to their local rules, if the younger generation brings a girlfriend home, if the elders approve of this person, they will hand over a red envelope to express their affection.

Fu Yu called Uncle Wu Bowen, as an uncle is quite good at this.

Wu Bowen is open and bright, and has a good temper with Fu's father.

When Pa Fu went to work, Wu Bowen was the deputy director of the factory, and Pa Fu was the quality inspector. At that time, Wu Bowen's family conditions were quite good.

Later, his son and daughter all went to other places to develop, and they usually don't come back once a year, but they transfer money to the family on a monthly basis.

Wu Bowen and his daughter-in-law have their own retirement pensions, and they have the money for their children's filial piety. They live a very comfortable life.

The old couple is not short of money, and they are more willing to spend on food and clothing.

Father Fu heard that Wu Bowen had brought back a live sheep, but he wasn't too surprised, this happened before.

The market price of mutton is relatively expensive now, and there are few people who buy it. The mutton sold in the market is always not very fresh, and it is basically difficult to buy pure mutton for ingredients such as mutton slices. What, the meat is not tasty enough.

Therefore, in general, the conditions of the family are good, either they go to the Muslim store in the city to buy, or several families buy live sheep together, pack them up later, and share them equally among the families.

When Fu Yu heard the news, he quickly put down his chopsticks. It was entirely for professional reasons, and he asked casually, "Uncle Wu, what kind of sheep did you buy? How many catties?"

When Wu Bowen mentioned this, he couldn't help but proudly said: "I asked a friend to bring back the big-tailed sheep. Oh, this sheep tastes good. I ate it when I went there. It is different from our local sheep. Same!"

"This sheep has just been brought back, and it's tied up in my yard. It's very fat. I didn't weigh the weight, but I guess it weighs 150 to 60 catties."

Fu Yu nodded, it was quite fat, and he had heard Zhao Meng talk about this big-tailed sheep, saying that it tasted very fragrant and the meat quality was also very good.

Unexpectedly, Wu Bowen was able to get a big-tailed sheep. This old man has connections.

Fu Yu had almost finished eating here, so he greeted his family, followed Wu Bowen and went out.

Fu Ma thought that he would go back today, so she deliberately moved up the lunch time, because she was afraid that he would not be able to catch the car in the afternoon.

Unexpectedly, before leaving, Wu Bowen called him over again.

Wu Bowen knew that Fu Yu was leaving today, but he thought it wouldn't take too long to clean up the sheep, so he came here to ask.

But he was also afraid of delaying Fu Yu's time, so he walked all the way in a hurry.

When they arrived at Wu Bowen's house, they saw that an iron pot had been set up in the yard and boiling water was boiling.

The live sheep have already begun to be slaughtered.

It was a worker from the slaughterhouse in the town who was invited. This man lived on the same street as Wu Bowen's house. The neighbors, if they had something to call, they would immediately come over to help.

When Fu Yu entered the yard, Wu Bowen immediately yelled: "Fu Yu is here, how is the slaughter of the sheep? Let him see how the lamb is divided!"

Those words caused everyone in the courtyard to turn their heads to look over.

Fu Yu stepped forward and took a look, the sheep had already started to be bled, and after a while, it would be directly put into the pot and peeled, and then it could be cut up directly.

The wool of this sheep had obviously just been sheared, leaving a thin layer, which made the body look fat, tender and strong. This sheep has been bred quite well.

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