Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 875 Different identities

Chapter 875 Different identities

For the whole lamb, Wu Bowen specially left a lamb leg, a bag of lamb chops, and some haggis for Fu Yu.

Boss Hou carried a sheep's head, a bag of lamb chops, and a lamb's front leg.

After dividing the things, Boss Hou left.

Fu Yu was carrying the bag and was about to leave, but was stopped by Wu Bowen.

"Fu Yu, wait a minute, I'll go with you."

As Wu Bowen spoke, he also picked up a big bag in his hand, which contained a bag of lamb chops, four lamb hooves, and several pieces of lamb.

Wu Bowen said with a smile: "Your Uncle Xiao opened a new restaurant in the morning market, so I happened to drop by and send him some mutton."

Xiao Hechou is Wu Bowen's brother-in-law, a person who can make a lot of money.

Before, it was a mobile stall in the county, selling boxed lunches at the entrance of the middle school.

I didn't expect to run a restaurant now.

Although Fu Yu was very close to Wu Bowen, he was not familiar with Xiao Hechou at all.

The main reason was that Xiao Hechou had been running a stall in the county to earn money, and Fu Yu had no chance to get in touch with him.

In Fu Yu's impression, Xiao Hechou was a tall man with a particularly dark face and a beer belly.

As a result, I didn't expect that when I really saw someone, I found that my memory had deviated.

Xiao Hechou turned out to be a short, dark little boss with a bright smile on his face.

"Brother-in-law! Hey! This handsome young man is Fu Yu, right? He has grown so tall!"

Fu Yu went to Bei'an after dropping out of high school. When he was studying in the county, he rarely met Xiao Hechou.

I haven't seen him in nearly ten years, but Xiao Hechou can recognize Fu Yu at a glance, and his eyesight is quite good.

Fu Yu hurriedly shouted: "Hello, Uncle Xiao!"

"Hey, good! I heard that you are working in Bei'an, are you doing well?"

Fu Yu smiled: "It's okay."

Xiao Hechou has been doing business for many years, and when it comes to talking about scenes, it is completely at his fingertips.

"You're too humble. The job of being a chef is really great now! The salary is high and the treatment is good. As long as you have good cooking skills, the boss will have to coax you, and you can't wait to give someone up!"

"The Maxima Restaurant in Bei'an is a hundred-year-old restaurant, and it's huge. It's amazing that you can be a chef there!"

Fu Yu was a little embarrassed to be praised.

Everyone loves to hear compliments. Before, I thought Xiao Hechou hadn't seen him for many years, and it was a little strange. Now that he said these few words, the relationship has become a lot closer.

Seeing that Wu Bowen brought a lot of mutton, Xiao Hechou took it with a smile and asked, "Brother-in-law, why did you come here by yourself, where is my sister?"

"Your sister is cleaning the freezer. The family just killed a sheep. The lamb is fresh. You can keep it for yourselves."

Xiao Hechou opened the bag, took a look, and said in surprise, "Oh, brother-in-law, why did you bring me so much?"

"Your sister and I are the only two people in the house, so how much can we eat. Try it too. This is a new big-tailed sheep I got. When I brought it back, your sister asked me to give you some."

Xiao Hechou laughed and said, "My sister is still thinking of me. Hey, brother-in-law, you are busy killing sheep and you are here to deliver things to me. Didn't you have lunch at noon? Eat at my place!"

As he said, he put the bag on the table: "This lamb, you have to eat it while it's fresh, so I'll take the back kitchen to cook it. Brother-in-law, how do you want to eat it?"

Wu Bowen originally wanted to send Fu Yu off, so he came here to give some mutton.

Now smelling the strong smell of cooking in the restaurant, and looking at the various dishes on the tables of other guests, let alone, I have been busy all morning, transporting sheep, watching and dividing, and packing bags. I'm really hungry.

Wu Bowen nodded: "Make it whatever you want, no matter how delicious it is, how come here."

After finishing speaking, he pulled Fu Yu and refused to let him go: "Fu Yu, you also stay and have a drink with me. During the Chinese New Year, you came and went in a hurry, and we couldn't have dinner together. up."

Fu Yu couldn't refuse, so he had to look at the time. It was only half past one, and there was still time for a meal.

So he called home, explained the situation, and stayed with Wu Bowen for dinner.

Xiao Hechou asked the waiter to bring over a recipe from the store, and handed it to Wu Bowen: "Brother-in-law, you can order what you want. As for the mutton, it takes too much time to stew and cook the soup. Let's have a little stir-fry." , fast and tastes good.”

Wu Bowen had no objection, and said casually: "Let's have braised mutton in soy sauce, add more carrots, this thing is stewed together, it is very delicious! Other dishes, you can look at it."

Xiao Hechou nodded: "Okay, a dish of braised mutton, brother-in-law, and another dish of mutton, this meat must be eaten fresh."

Upon hearing this, Wu Bowen turned around and asked, "Fu Yu, order one!"

Xiao Hechou said cheerfully: "Yes, Fu Yu, you can order whatever you want. My back kitchen has recruited a new chef named Zhang, named Zhang Chenyang. He is very good at cooking. He used to be the head chef for Ke Laixiang in the county. , and then I quit, and it happened that I had a friend who knew him and had a good relationship, so I helped introduce him, and you guys will help me to taste this dish in a while, and see how it is made!"

Wu Bowen was surprised when he heard the words: "Why, Xiao He quit?"

He Yuzhou is the chef who has been working with Xiao Hechou. When he set up a stall selling boxed lunches, the two of them cooked together. Now that they open a restaurant, He Yuzhou is still in charge.

Xiao Hechou smiled and said: "Lao He is here too. I have two master chefs and four small workers in the back kitchen. Otherwise, I will be too busy. Besides, Chef Zhang has a few special dishes, which are almost as good as ours now." The signboard of the store is different, the taste of the two of them cooking is different, and customers can also eat it fresh."

After hearing Xiao Hechou's words, Fu Yu thought for a while and ordered: "Then let's have lamb with fried scallions. This dish is still a test of the chef's cooking skills."

Xiao Hechou was stunned: "This dish should be easy to cook, right? Isn't it just stir-fried mutton slices with shallots?"

But Fu Yu smiled: "This dish looks simple, but it is actually delicate to make. If the thickness of the mutton slices is not well controlled, and the heat is not in place, the mutton will not be chewy, and it will be easy to make soup and eat. Too much and too greasy."

"The authentic scallion-stir-fried mutton tastes particularly smooth and tender, delicious and not overpowering, and has an endless aftertaste after eating."

"This dish not only has high requirements in terms of ingredients, but the selected mutton must be light red in color, with divergent muscles, thin and short muscle fibers, non-sticky meat, and firm texture; the fat is white or yellowish, hard and brittle .”

"Besides, you must use the hind legs of mutton with scallions, which are relatively tender, especially for stir-frying. Stir-frying requires high heat and quick frying. The pan must be hot and the oil must be hot, so as to ensure that the meat slices are tender and juicy."

Fu Yu is quite familiar with this dish. Shangshi's private restaurant has this dish of fried mutton with green onions.

At the beginning, Liu Yunong specially taught Fu Yu the cooking secrets of this dish alone. He combined the tutorials on the classic old taste recipes in private, and practiced a few dishes.

Moreover, he is very familiar with the cooking skills of this dish.

It is precisely because of understanding that we can clearly know that when cooking this dish, it is a test of the chef's cooking level.

Now Xiao Hechou asked, so Fu Yu commented very familiarly.

And Fu Yu's skillful description of cooking this dish directly made Xiao Hechou dumbfounded.

Even the waiter who came over to deliver the menu was stunned.

Is this a customer?

Are you sure you didn't come to kick the gym?

Obviously, no!

After Fu Yu finished ordering, he turned to Xiao Hechou and said, "Uncle Xiao, I came here after dinner, you and Uncle Wu can eat whatever you want, don't worry about me."

Xiao Hechou was slightly stunned: "Ah, fine, I'll weigh it up!"

Xiao Hechou said to the waiter at the side: "Tell the chef, here is a pot of pork, a spicy cod, and a bucket of fried rice with soy sauce, oh, and a hot and sour meatball soup."

"Chef Zhang stewed a pot of sauced pork this morning. I'm going to cut a plate. His sauce is very fragrant. You should try it later. It's different from what you eat outside."

The few dishes Xiao Hechou ordered were all the signature dishes of his own restaurant.

Fu Yu didn't say much except after ordering a dish of mutton fried with scallions.

He won't be so winking, intervene in ordering dishes in other people's restaurants without authorization, and he won't rashly say what dishes should be eaten and what shouldn't be eaten in this season.

After all, his current identity is a customer who comes to the store to eat.

The reason why he introduced the method of sautéing mutton with green onions just now was because Xiao Hechou asked him to help evaluate the cooking skills of the two chefs in the back kitchen.

At this time, Xiao Hechou, the back kitchen of the restaurant, came to deliver the mutton, and explained to the chef how the dishes were cooked.

When it came to cooking mutton with scallions, He Yuzhou didn't say anything. Instead, Zhang Chenyang, who was shaking his head in suspense, suddenly said, "Stir-fried mutton with scallions? It can't be done."

Xiao Hechou was taken aback, and asked in surprise, "What's the matter?"

Zhang Chenyang said: "This scallion fried lamb has to use fresh lamb leg, and our store doesn't have any ingredients! Moreover, this dish is quite troublesome to prepare, and it needs to be marinated in advance, and you have to pay attention to the heat. After making a dish, you can also cook it quickly." It’s not necessarily authentic and delicious. We don’t like to eat this dish locally, are they customers from other places? They know how to order it.”

Listening to Zhang Chenyang's words, Xiao Hechou couldn't help recalling Fu Yu's words just now, and was dumbfounded!

Because Zhang Chenyang's statement is exactly the same as Fu Yu's, and Fu Yu's statement is more professional and detailed than what Zhang Chenyang said.

The waiter who came over to serve the dishes whispered, "Boss, that handsome guy just now must be a chef too!?"

Xiao Hechou put the bag of mutton on the kitchen counter, looked at the mutton inside, and nodded: "Yes, he is also a chef."

The waiter had such an expression on his face: "What did I say, what I said just now was too professional, if I didn't know that he came to eat with Brother Wu, I would have thought it was the anchor of Tandian who came to us. "

Xiao Hechou was taken aback for a moment, not to mention, it really looks alike!

He is handsome, has a lot of research on food, has good eloquence, speaks eloquently, has rich words, and is very attractive.

If Fu Yu doesn't work as a chef in the future and becomes an Internet celebrity who explores restaurants, maybe he will really become popular.

Fu Yu has worked in the back kitchen for a long time, and is usually used to instructing Zhang Jinyu and the small kitchen assistants. Sometimes he will describe the cooking operations of the dishes in great detail, and he will also add some of his own opinions.

There was an unquestionable taste in the conversation, which made the waiter feel very professional and poised after hearing it.

Outside, Fu Yu and Wu Bowen sat waiting for the food to be served, and they chatted about their current situation respectively.

Hearing that Fu Yu had plans to buy a car, Wu Bowen hurriedly introduced his experience.

Fu Yu really didn't expect Xiao Hechou to be quite capable, and now he can open a restaurant in the county. The layout of the first floor and the second floor is quite large.

"Uncle Xiao is very good. I only knew that he sold boxed lunches at a mobile stall before, but I didn't expect to open a restaurant by himself now."

Wu Bowen said cheerfully: "This kid can make a lot of money. He bought the house that opened the restaurant last year. Although the land boundary is a bit off, it is still considered the main street. It is nearly a million yuan. Even the decoration, the hiring Man, he can still support himself, he has earned a lot in these years."

Fu Yu was talking casually with Wu Bowen, but he couldn't control his mind, wondering what the level of the two chefs was. This scallion fried mutton was completely an assessment dish.

Whether the cooking skills are good or not can be clearly seen in this dish.

If it was him, he would definitely control the thickness of the mutton slices to be as thin as a one-yuan coin.

But just one thing, beef and sheep are cut horizontally, and chicken is cut vertically. The fiber of mutton is thicker than that of chicken, and it is not easy to be bitten off.

However, mutton is very soft and not easy to slice. If conditions permit, you can freeze the mutton in the refrigerator before cooking. It will be easy to slice after the meat is slightly frozen!

But the mutton they delivered was freshly killed, and it must be too late to freeze it on site.

This is a test of the chef's knife skills. How to cut fresh lamb thinly and neatly is still very difficult.

And onions must also choose green onions, because they need to be "stir-fried"!

The onion has a lot of water and a sweet taste. After stir-frying, a lot of soup will come out, and the onion is not as fragrant as the green onion.

The mutton must be marinated before being stir-fried, otherwise the taste of the stir-fry will not be so strong.

Especially mutton and shallots should be fried separately.

Because after the mutton is stir-fried, there will be some soup left in the pot. At this time, when the shallot is fried, the shallot will be soaked by the soup, and the aroma of the shallot will not be fried.

The whole process must be fried on high fire! Water will come out when the mutton and scallions are stir-fried. Turning on the fire can make the water evaporate quickly. The less water, the more fragrant the dishes!

In addition, there is the most critical point, the mutton does not need to be starched, battered, and finally it does not need to be treated with gravy.

Chefs who have never cooked this dish, or who are not good at it, can easily follow the usual cooking habits, thinking that mutton needs to be sized with egg white and starch, so that the finished product can be smooth and tender.

In fact, the mutton after sizing is easy to stick when it is fried at high temperature, and it can only be treated with low-temperature lubricating oil, so it cannot be called "exploded".

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