Chapter 876

While Fu Yu was chatting enthusiastically with Wu Bowen, he couldn't help but stare at the back kitchen where the food was served out of the corner of his eye.

This feels like lending your high-level game account to a friend to play and watching others play games.

I always feel that the other party is typing, and I can't wait to change positions immediately, take down the keyboard directly, and go into battle by myself.

Thinking of this, Fu Yu quickly shook his head. As a customer, one still has to expect the level of the chef.

Xiao Hechou sent the mutton to the back kitchen, picked it up, and found that there happened to be leg meat and lamb chops, so he took them out and handed them over to He Yuzhou and Zhang Chenyang.

"Lamb chops can be braised in soy sauce, add more carrots, and the leg meat will be used to make fried mutton with green onions. This sheep is a big-tailed sheep brought back from other places. It was slaughtered at noon. The meat quality must be very good."

He Yuzhou was close, reached out to pick up the mutton, and looked at it, the mutton was really good.

He has cooked in soy sauce before, so he is quite experienced.

On the other hand, he has never cooked the fried mutton with scallions. The main reason is that Bei'an doesn't like this dish.

In the local area, mutton is generally either stewed or roasted, or roasted. He knows the skill of stir-frying, but he didn't think it was difficult to cook mutton. Isn't it just stir-frying it!

But after hearing what Zhang Chenyang said just now, he couldn't help but feel a little thumping in his heart.

Zhang Chenyang is the head chef from a big restaurant, so his cooking skills are naturally not low.

He Yuzhou himself has honed his culinary skills by cooking box lunches for many years, which is different from chefs from regular restaurants like Zhang Chenyang.

Stir-fried vegetables in box lunches, as long as the oil is big and the taste is strong, customers like it very much.

The requirements for cooking skills are not high. The dishes can be cooked well, the ingredients are cleaner, and the taste is similar.

The requirements for the back kitchen of a big hotel are much higher.

Stir-fried mutton with scallions mainly highlights the word "explosive". After the meat is put into the pot, it must be cooked quickly with high heat. This is the most authentic and correct way to make mutton with scallions.

He Yuzhou checked the mutton while cooking.

Needless to say, the meat quality is really good.

It's just that, before he thought about stir-frying mutton with green onions, it was nothing more than stir-frying with high heat. Now after hearing Zhang Chenyang's words, he realized that there are so many tricks in a seemingly simple dish.

He still has a backlog of orders on hand, just now he was thinking about cooking another dish, adjusted the time, and took this dish.

But for now, forget it

In terms of cooking skills, he knows well that he is far inferior to Zhang Chenyang.

For dishes that even Zhang Chenyang thinks are not easy to cook, he should not make a fool of himself.

Thinking of this, He Yuzhou put down the mutton in his hand, turned to Xiao Gong and said, "Pass over the sliced ​​meat that has been oiled once, and I will make pot-packed meat now."

"Also, hurry up with the ingredients you prepared just now. The food hasn't been served for half a day. Customers should be in a hurry."

It's not that he's cheating, it's because he doesn't have the confidence to cook this dish well.

Fortunately, the boss asked a lot just now, otherwise, he would definitely be ashamed!

He Yuzhou secretly breathed a sigh of relief after glancing at Zhang Chenyang, who was concentrating on shaking the spoon in front of the kitchen counter not far away.

Able people should do more work!

Since Zhang Chenyang's cooking skills are better than his own, let him take this dish.

The restaurant where Zhang Chenyang worked before was an old restaurant specializing in local specialties.

After working for many years, he is good at stir-frying, frying, and stewing, and his cooking skills are relatively comprehensive.

The boss just handed over an order list. Several dishes are the signatures of the store. They are usually cooked frequently, so there is no difficulty.

His side was delayed by a table just now, and now when he took over, He Yuzhou had torn half of the order list first.

In a small restaurant like theirs, the chefs are paid according to the basic salary, and there is no commission for the table.

At most, the boss is in a good mood to catch up with the holidays, so he can send an extra red envelope.

But relatively, small restaurants don't have that much traffic, and work isn't that tiring.

Zhang Chenyang is quite satisfied with his current job, except that He Yuzhou, who works with him in the back kitchen, is somewhat slippery and has too many thoughts.

When the boss came over just now, he was busy shaking the spoon, and casually said a few words about the difficulty of cooking scallion fried mutton. As a result, He Yuzhou left this dish for him.

Lamb fried with green onion is indeed a bit difficult in terms of cooking operations, but it is not impossible to do.

After all, mutton itself is very fresh and tender, even if it can't taste authentic and authentic, can't it be delicious?

Stir-fry the mutton and add some green onions, so that the ingredients can be fried casually!

Zhang Chenyang glanced at He Yuzhou, who was concentrating on cooking, and felt a little uncomfortable, feeling that this person was not real.

But after thinking about it, he couldn't blame the other party for this matter. After all, he was careless and talked too fast.

Now my identity is different from before.

When I was the head chef, the entire back kitchen staff listened to my own arrangements, so naturally I put myself first in everything.

Now that he has become a master chef, naturally he will no longer have the same treatment as before.

There will definitely be some gaps in this feeling, but it’s nothing if you think about it and get used to it.

Zhang Chenyang has never made the dish of fried lamb with green onion before, but he has made many similar dishes, and the method of twice-cooked pork is actually quite similar.

Moreover, the fried mutton with green onion, as long as it is stir-fried on high heat and the seasoning is well controlled, this dish will not be unpalatable.

Zhang Chenyang selected the mutton leg, and according to his own cooking habits, first soaked the mutton in clean water.

This will force the blood out of it.

Because it was the boss's relatives who came to the restaurant for dinner, Zhang Chenyang deliberately soaked an extra piece of mutton, thinking that it would be more affordable for his own people to eat.

Taking advantage of the time of soaking the mutton, Zhang Chenyang cooked two more stir-fries.

After soaking the mutton, he cleaned the mutton, drained the water and cut the mutton into slices.

Since it is going to be stir-fried, the mutton slices cannot be cut too thin.

But just one thing, this mutton is fresh mutton, it has not been refrigerated, and it is a bit slippery to cut.

He can only try to cut the mutton slices as thick as possible, and then marinate them.

The method of marinating meat is basically the same, and several commonly used seasonings are combined together, which not only tastes delicious, but also enhances freshness.

In order to make the mutton smoother and more tender, Zhang Chenyang deliberately added a spoonful of starch after the mutton slices were marinated, and mixed them evenly again.

It's time to stir-fry.

Add sliced ​​ginger and dried red chili until fragrant, then add marinated mutton slices, stir-fry over medium heat until the color changes.

Finally, add some dark soy sauce and stir well. After coloring, put the pre-cut scallions into the pot, mix and stir-fry evenly, and stir-fry the scallions.

In fact, Zhang Chenyang has not had the habit of trying dishes for a long time. After so many years in charge, he is completely familiar with the cooking methods of his specialty dishes.

How much ingredients to put in, how much seasoning to add, how long to cook, is very skillful.

When a dish is served on a plate, he can accurately estimate the saltiness and texture of the taste.

However, today he left two slices of mutton and scallions to taste for himself.

The mutton is very tender and smooth, the scallions are very tasty, leaving just a thin layer of soup base, and the taste of the soup is just right. This dish is invincible for eating.

Zhang Chenyang is quite satisfied with the fried mutton with scallions that he cooked. It is rich and delicious, full-bodied and full-bodied.

"Chef Zhang, what do you cook is fried lamb with green onions?" He Yuzhou has been paying attention to Zhang Chenyang's movement.

Seeing Zhang Chenyang's dishes coming out of the pot, He Yuzhou hurried over.

"It looks pretty good!" He Yuzhou took a closer look and praised him sincerely.

Among other things, this plate of scallion-stir-fried mutton is really large and affordable.

A full plate of mutton, dotted with scallions, white and green is pretty nice.

Although Zhang Chenyang was somewhat dissatisfied with He Yuzhou's actions in his heart, based on his experience, he had already developed an attitude of dealing with things without showing emotions.

Hearing He Yuzhou's words, Zhang Chenyang smiled and said, "This is also the first time I've made this dish, and I'm actually a bit unsure about the taste. Chef He, if you're not busy, you can help me try the dish."

When He Yuzhou heard this, he hurriedly said: "Okay, this dish looks appetizing, I'll try it."

He Yuzhou first took a piece of mutton and chewed it carefully before swallowing it.


The mutton tastes very tender and smooth. Although it has been cooked, you can still taste the umami of the mutton itself.

However, the fascia should not be removed from the mutton. The first two bites were soft and tender, but the third bite felt a bit hard.

Thinking about it, the leg of lamb itself has a lot of fascia, and the purpose of choosing this location for cooking should be to improve the chewiness of the lamb, which is what you eat.

He Yuzhou silently evaluated it in his heart, and picked up another piece of green onion.

Zhang Chenyang probably wanted to put the plate in a good shape, so he deliberately left a section of green onion, which looked extremely crisp and tender.

However, although this scallion is very tasty, there is only a little bit, and there will be a trace of bitterness in the end.

Obviously, it looks like it has been fried, so it must be overcooked, but how can it be a bit bitter to eat?

He Yuzhou had never eaten this dish before, and he had never seen anyone cook it before. Now it was the first time he tried it.

Honestly speaking, this dish is already very good.

The ingredients are really good, and the cooking is delicious.

As for the mutton, there are some places with fascia, which is a bit hard to chew, and the scallions are a bit bitter, but overall the effect is not big, anyway, he really thinks it is very fragrant and goes well with rice.

Especially the layer of soup under the plate, just by looking at it, it must be very rich and delicious.

If you put a spoonful of this and mix it with rice, it must be delicious!

Zhang Chenyang asked: "How is it?"

He Yuzhou nodded and praised: "It's delicious!"

Zhang Chenyang had just tried the taste himself, and knew that this plate of scallion-stir-fried mutton was not bad.

However, being able to get He Yuzhou's approval at this time gave him a little more confidence.

Zhang Chenyang smiled: "Just eat it."

He took the plate to the delivery window and asked the waiter to bring it to the table.

Before this dish was served, two dishes and one soup had already been served.

Fu Yu tasted it one by one. The pot-packed meat is very authentic. The meat slices are golden in color, crispy on the outside and tender on the inside.

Xiao Hechou knew that Fu Yu was working as a chef in a big restaurant in Bei'an, so when serving food, he would always specifically ask a question, wanting to hear Fu Yu's evaluation.

Fu Yu tasted a piece of pot-packed meat first, and nodded: "This dish is very good, the chef is very good at controlling the heat! And the thickening and seasoning are also perfect, Uncle Xiao, the chef in your restaurant is really good at cooking. good."

Fu Yu's words were not polite. After all, in the local area, the standard of a restaurant is often judged by whether his pot-packed meat is delicious. This dish has become the face of every restaurant.

Xiao Hechou's restaurant, relying on this dish as a signboard, is sure to have good business.

What's more, the chef is of a high level, and there are many specialty dishes. If the customers eat well, and there are more repeat customers, the business will naturally become more and more prosperous.

The chef of his own restaurant was recognized, which made Xiao Hechou very happy.

He said with a smile: "As soon as you taste this dish, you can tell that Xiao He made it. His pot-packed meat is very authentic, while Chef Zhang's is a bit sweet. In fact, the taste of our local people is generally sweeter. Big restaurants are used to it, so in terms of the taste of the dishes, it will be more or less in line with the preferences of the local people.”

Fu Yu nodded, indeed.

In fact, Maxima has quite a few dishes, and when cooking, the taste will be adjusted appropriately. After all, only when customers like it, the restaurant's business will be prosperous.

Xiao Hechou pushed another dish in front of Fu Yu: "Come on, Fu Yu, how about this spicy cod fish? Very popular with customers.”

The dish of spicy cod is also available in Qianlima. It is very popular among customers because of its sweet and sour taste, charred outside and tender inside. It tastes very delicious.

Especially the cod itself has only three rows of spines, and the fish meat is in the shape of garlic cloves. After cooking, the soup is very tasty and the taste is very delicate.

Fu Yu tasted a piece of spicy cod and nodded approvingly.

It is indeed the chef's signature dish, and it is indeed very well done.

Fu Yu tasted it carefully, and soon had a judgment in his heart.

When this fish is cooking, there should be no water in the process of dipping the starch. The water on the fish is directly controlled to dry, and then the starch is dipped.

Moreover, the black film of the fish belly is cleaned very cleanly, and there is no fishy smell in it.

What Fu Yu admired the most was that the cod tasted charred on the outside and tender on the inside, and the fish meat did not soften.

Explain that when the chef is cooking, he should immediately turn off the fish under the fire after the juice is bubbling.

Chef Zhang has a very high level of control over the cooking time and the temperature of the fire.

This is a chef who is indeed very skilled in cooking. It is no wonder that he was a chef in a big restaurant before, and he is really good.

After tasting the two dishes, Fu Yu couldn't help but look at Xiao Hechou with admiration.

Being able to hire such a chef with excellent culinary skills shows that Xiao Hechou has a good eye.

With the skills of these two chefs, it will be difficult for this restaurant not to make money in the future.

As long as it is managed well, it may become a very unique restaurant in the local area.

Fu Yu thought about it, and said the truth.

He himself didn't realize that those gorgeous compliments made Xiao Hechou's heart bursting with joy.

Xiao Hechou smiled wryly, thinking in his heart, this kid Fu Yu has worked in a big city, but it's different.

Look at how well-spoken this is!

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