When Zhang Chenyang received Fu Yu's call, he had just helped the injured chef arrange the ward.

It happened suddenly, and the family members of the injured have not yet arrived at the hospital.

Before and after running, Zhang Chenyang struggled to pay the medical bills and do the examination.

Fortunately, there was nothing serious about it, just a slight concussion and a slight contusion on the left arm, and he will recover after a few days of recuperation.

Seeing the caller ID, Zhang Chenyang quickly connected the phone: "Hello, Fu Chu."

Fu Yu said directly: "This is the phone number of the front desk of our store, please write it down. When placing an order, report this address, saying that it is a family banquet event, and there will be direct registration as door-to-door service."

Zhang Chenyang hurriedly asked: "Pay the chef. Then the cost of going to the Liang banquet."

Fu Yu said: "At that time, it will be determined according to the market price. Specifically, I will discuss other dishes after I go over to draw up the dishes."

Zhang Chenyang understood immediately.

The Shangliang banquet on his side is in the county town, and it is impossible to send the chef to such a far place for door-to-door service at Qianlima's side, so it is hard to explain.

Anyway, this money is also a fee for the store, and the charging standard for family banquets should be a little cheaper.

At that time, he would just pay Fu Yu the money for the Liang banquet.

This is the benefit of insiders, who are very clear about the twists and turns, and it is very convenient for the two parties to communicate.

Fu Yu carefully inquired about the relevant information of Zhang Chenyang's friend, and hung up the phone after the two sides communicated.

Fu Yu turned his head and said to Zhao Meng: "He said there is no problem, and he will contact the front desk in a while."

Zhao Meng confessed: "Okay, don't talk about this to the outside world, I'll just say hello to Yao Chef when the time comes."

Fu Yu chuckled and said, "When I earn money, I'll treat you and Chef Yao to a drink when I come back."

Zhao Meng nodded with a smile, he didn't say anything, but he was very emotional in his heart.

This kid is really getting more and more capable, he can even take over the job of Liang Yan!

Zhao Meng's master had worked as a mobile rural cook back then, and it was a very honorable thing to be invited to cook a Liang banquet.

After all, the Shangliang Banquet is both auspicious and a show-off for the host family.

Generally, people will spend a lot of money on this matter.

Whether it is the quality of the ingredients or the hired chef, they are all the best. I just hope to make this event unique.

Fu Yu is now able to receive the Shangliang Banquet from his hometown, which is really amazing!

Zhao Meng himself hadn't even accepted the Liang banquet, after all, it's because the blue came out of the blue and was better than the blue!

Zhao Meng looked at Fu Yu with loving eyes, just like looking at his promising son.

However, although Shangliang Banquet is a good thing, but the location is far away in the county, there has never been such a precedent in the store, in order to avoid trouble, Zhao Meng then ordered Fu Yu to directly let the other side place the order according to the ordinary door-to-door service .

In this way, Fu Yu can get the cost of the beam banquet directly, without having to share it with the store.

With Zhao Meng helping cover, Fu Yu felt relaxed.

Since the Shangliang Banquet is scheduled for noon tomorrow, Fu Yu has to go back early tonight.

He first called home happily, explaining that he was going back again.

Then he called Liu Yunong and asked for a leave of absence.

Fu's father and Fu's mother were very happy when they heard that their son had gone and returned.

He was even more overjoyed when he learned that Fu Yu had actually received the job of being the chef of Shangliang Banquet!

This is a good thing!

The fee given by the chef in charge of the Shangliang banquet is not cheap, and this matter itself is also glorious!

It's not just anyone who can hold a Liang banquet. It must be a chef in a big restaurant with a high level of culinary skills.

Fu's father and Fu's mother were happily talking on the phone, and they were going to make hand-rolled noodles for Fu Yu to eat in the evening.

Liu Yunong was also very surprised when he learned about this.

Although she had never participated in the Shangliang Banquet, she had heard about it a little bit, and she was quite happy for Fu Yu when he heard that Fu Yu was able to take charge of it.

Regarding the leave, Liu Yunong readily agreed.

In addition, considering that Fu Yu would be away for two days, Liu Yunong simply moved back the two dishes that he was going to teach Fu Yu to cook for two days.

Regarding the matter of teaching Fu Yu to cook, Liu Yunong was very concerned before, and now he is even more determined to teach Fu Yu all these unique skills of his own.

After all, fat and water don't flow into outsiders' fields.

My younger sister is not good at cooking, so she focuses on food research.

Fu Yu is very talented in cooking. In the future, one of them will do research and the other will cook delicious food. They will be a very good match.

Liu Yunong's calculations are very clear. In this generation, her family will be able to point at her and Fu Yu.

As for the next generation, it's still early, and we'll talk about it later.

Fu Yu directly booked the bus ticket for 4:30 pm.

After everything was arranged properly, he sent a message to Zhang Chenyang, explaining his arrival time clearly.

Zhang Chenyang was relieved, as long as Fu Yu was willing to come, the matter would be settled satisfactorily.

When the family of the injured chef rushed to the hospital, the two sides had another exchange on the matter of compensation. After an agreement was reached, the matter was finally resolved.

After coming out of the hospital, Zhang Chenyang and Ji Yan made an appointment for tomorrow to pass, and then they left separately.

When there were no outsiders around, Zhang Chenyang said calmly to his wife and brother-in-law: "Just now we have negotiated with the family members of the injured, and the medical expenses are all covered. The total salary is 13,000. Just now I paid a total of 3,400 in advance at the hospital, and you can figure out the rest of the money yourself."

When he spoke, his tone was very flat, as if he was explaining the work to the small workers under him.

Guo Xinyi also noticed that Zhang Chenyang was strange, and swallowed the words that came to his mouth.

Today's matter, thanks to Zhang Chenyang who arrived in time to help deal with it, otherwise he would have to call the police.

Now things are finally under pressure, and it is only natural to lose money if someone is injured.

And it was indeed my younger brother's fault, it's fine to take the job privately, I didn't understand it, and I hurt others on the spur of the moment.

This money must be given!

However, Zhang Chenyang had already made it very clear to her that she was not allowed to take money from the family to subsidize her younger brother.

This is 10,000 yuan!

Her mother is not in good health and has been taking medicine for many years. Their family is responsible for the money.

Her younger brother didn't work hard, and he went around trying to earn some extra money. He was very happy to be busy, but he didn't even see a shadow of the money he actually earned.

Normally, it's not all relying on her to secretly help.

But thinking about it this way, she suddenly realized belatedly that she might have gone too far these years.

But when she thought of her family, her mother who was sick in bed, and her younger brother, she couldn't help it.

When Zhang Chenyang's brother-in-law heard it, his expression changed immediately: "Brother-in-law, you can't leave me alone! I don't have a job now, and I haven't received a penny of salary after working for nearly a month! I didn't even get a penny for the job I hired this time." If I can get the money, I can’t afford the compensation!”

Zhang Chenyang shook his head: "It's not that I don't help you. How many times have I helped you to pat your conscience? Now I really can't help you. Which of the few stores you worked in before was not my relationship." I begged someone to send it in for you, which one of you insisted on doing it?"

"Forget it, I won't tell you these things. You are in your twenties now, and you are an adult. You should learn to take responsibility for everything you can do by yourself. This time, I have helped everything I can. As for Compensation, you figure out what to do yourself!"

As soon as he heard that he was going to get the money, his brother-in-law immediately became anxious: "Brother-in-law, where did I get the money! My mother needs to take medicine to see a doctor again, and my little money is not enough for her to have a re-examination!"

Zhang Chenyang was about to sneer, this man, alas.

Now that I know that my family's conditions are not good, and I still don't work hard to earn money, I think about the way out of crooked ways every day!

It's fine if it's really all about the family, but the problem is, after all the tossing and tossing, when did he throw a penny to the family besides eating, drinking and having fun?

I'm ashamed to say that the old lady has to take medicine to see a doctor again. Isn't the money subsidized by my wife from home?

He used all his hard-earned wages.

Now being said so, it became his brother-in-law's daily subsidy for the family!

Zhang Chenyang's heart was completely chilled, and he said coldly: "You don't need to tell me these things, I have already done everything I can do. I helped to contact the chef in Bei'an to come over to cook the Shangliang banquet, and the money for someone to come to serve, Ji Yan's willingness to pay is also because of my face, this favor is owed to me!"

"I don't care about these things with you, but you should bear the consequences of your own actions and injuries. You can choose for yourself, whether you want to lose money, or default until the other party calls the police."

Hearing Zhang Chenyang's plain words, his brother-in-law suddenly said: "Brother-in-law, haven't you been a chef for decades, and your cooking skills are very good? Can't you take orders?"

"Brother-in-law, if you can take the order, you don't need to charge for door-to-door service. The money can be saved and paid to the kid on the hospital bed, isn't that all right?"

"Brother-in-law, you can't really ignore me. I'm also my sister's younger brother. We are a family!"

Zhang Chenyang took a deep breath: "Okay, don't tell me these things here, it's useless! I can't do this authentic river fish feast, and I have never done so many high-end seafood before. Now it is Fu Chu can take over the work of the Liang banquet, I invite him over, and the service fee will definitely be paid, and there must be no less."

After his brother-in-law heard it, he hesitated for a moment: "Brother-in-law, are you friends with the chef you invited? Why don't you invite him to come over and take the spoon first. What if he doesn't succeed in cooking?"

His brother-in-law thinks that everyone is in the same circle and they know each other well, so they usually call over to help with the cooking, so it's because you help me and I help you, and you need to pay a service fee?

Besides, this authentic river fish feast is not so easy to cook. It's okay if it's cooked well, but if it fails, wouldn't the money be saved?

Zhang Chenyang was taken aback for a moment, and almost laughed, are you kidding me into an addiction?

"That's impossible. The chef's level is right there! It's not easy to invite him over. If he doesn't pay the door-to-door service fee, he won't come to cook."

Zhang Chenyang thought clearly, he was really tired!

This time, no matter what, he had to completely break away from his brother-in-law, and he couldn't be soft-hearted no matter what he said, and let his brother-in-law understand that he could no longer rely on himself for everything in the future.

Everyone is an adult, and no one has an easy life. Why do you have to work hard to earn money, but you have to support a brother-in-law who has no blood relationship?

His brother-in-law hesitated for a moment: "Brother-in-law, then, can you help me pay for the medical expenses this time first, I will make sure in the future."

Zhang Chenyang shook his head without waiting for his brother-in-law to finish speaking.

He has had enough!

Does his brother-in-law have money, he doesn't know yet?

Every time I run out of money, I come to find his wife.

All the extra money his brother-in-law earned was spent on food and drink. Why didn't he want to honor the old lady at home and buy something for his brother-in-law and sister when he had money?

If you have money, you spend it yourself, if you don’t have money, you spend the money he earns, why?

It's nothing more than thinking that it's easy to get money!

But whose money is blown by the wind for nothing?

I work hard and sweat in the back kitchen every day, and the money I earn is hard money.

And his own children haven't bought a house yet to get married.

As a father, why can't he save some money for his children?

Seeing this, his brother-in-law's face immediately changed, he stared at Zhang Chenyang in disbelief and obviously became angry from embarrassment, and said in a deep voice: "Brother-in-law, you are trying to separate yourself from me, so you don't care about my ideas in the future?"

Seeing the place, Zhang Chenyang parked the car directly, turned to his wife and said, "Get out of the car first, I have to go back to the store."

When his brother-in-law heard this, he became anxious immediately: "Brother-in-law, you really want to play hard with me!"

Zhang Chenyang didn't even turn his head, but said coldly: "Get out of the car! I have to go to work!"

Guo Xinyi never expected that things would go to such an extent, she looked at her brother and Zhang Chenyang in astonishment.

Zhang Chenyang didn't answer at all, he just urged them to get off the car quickly.

His brother-in-law opened the car door angrily, got out of the car, and yelled: "You, if you want to be so heartless, I will tell my mother and let my sister divorce you!"

Zhang Chenyang froze, then turned around: "Okay, as long as your sister agrees, I can divorce at any time!"

After Zhang Chenyang finished speaking, he turned around and didn't look at his wife and brother-in-law again.

From the time he got married to the present, his words are the toughest and most ruthless this time.

But after the words were spoken, he didn't worry or hesitate. On the contrary, he only felt relaxed.

To be honest, after all these years, he was really tired.

For so many years, he has been sucked blood by this family, and even his own child, who is studying now, sometimes complains to him, saying that his uncle borrows money from him, and when he goes to grandma's house, his mother always secretly leaves money or something .

Zhang Chenyang knew that his brother-in-law relied on the fact that his wife would quarrel with him every time, and that he would always give in for the sake of family harmony, so he was confident.

Isn't that divorce?

He married a wife, not a family!


Let's make a fuss, live as long as you can, and break up if you can't!

Who can't live without whom?

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