Fu Yu took three days off. After going to work, Sun Qingning and the others finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Fu Chu, if you don't come back again, we will really have to confess to being here!"

It's the off-season now, and the store's business is not as prosperous as it was years ago. It shouldn't be too difficult for the back kitchen to deal with it.

Before Fu Yu could speak, Sun Qingning couldn't help complaining, "You left, Chef Zhao almost tortured us to death!"

Zhang Jinyu also had a look of lingering fear: "That's right, Chef Zhao seems to have eaten explosives these days, and his anger value has gradually increased. Fortunately, we were careful and didn't make any major mistakes."

Sun Qingning sighed: "I'm really scared all day long, for fear that customers will blow up orders suddenly."

Fu Yu smiled: "Thank you for your hard work."

At this moment, his cell phone rang suddenly!

Zhang Chenyang looked at his brother-in-law who was frowning at this moment, and couldn't help but sneer!

Now that you know the truth, what did you do earlier?

If I had been working in a restaurant properly back then, why would there be such a mess today?

He shook his head, his nature is hard to change, his little brother-in-law has been like this in his life.

This person is a lump of mud, unless the wall collapses, there is no way to help him up!

I hope this can teach him a lesson.

Of course, no matter whether he can correct it or not, I will definitely not take care of his affairs in the future.

To be honest, Zhang Chenyang has almost no affection for this brother-in-law now, and he doesn't want to have anything to do with him.

He still has to try his best to help his friends, especially this matter was caused by his brother-in-law in the final analysis. Now that everyone is here, this matter must be handled satisfactorily.

Thinking of this, Zhang Chenyang glanced at his friend Ji Yan: "Old Ji, I'll help you invite someone to come back to hold the banquet."

When Ji Yan heard this, he immediately showed joy: "Really? Chen Yang, who are you going to invite?"

Zhang Chenyang said: "Older than them, they can't do it. It's not easy to make this river fish banquet authentic, and you still have a few high-end seafood dishes. If you can't cook them well, they will be wasted. If not, In fact, I came here to help you take the lead, but my level is limited, and I'm afraid I won't be able to hold the stage."

Ji Yan was stunned when he heard this, Zhang Chenyang was at the level of a chef who had been working for half his life.

In their county town, this is also a master chef with very good cooking skills.

He couldn't do it, and he wanted to help invite a powerful one to come back, what kind of character is that!

Ji Yan is simply elated!

He has made a small fortune by waste of grain over the years, thinking that he can move to the county town to live in the slack season.

After being poor for half of his life, he finally had the money to settle in a decent self-built small building, so he made a special effort to hold a grand banquet.

On the one hand, it is for auspiciousness, on the other hand, it is also elated, and I want to show off to relatives and friends, and show off my financial resources.

In the end, the good things he thought about were messed up by Zhang Chenyang's unreliable brother-in-law.

If it wasn't for Zhang Chenyang's face, today's matter would definitely not be good.

Ji Yan has a calm personality, and makes outsiders feel very solid and reliable.

But after all, he is a businessman, his brain is not bright, and it is impossible to do business smoothly and make a lot of money.

Today's matter is a done deal, even if Zhang Chenyang's brother-in-law is held tight, the most he can do is to compensate for the loss.

And this loss has nothing to do with him, it is mainly to compensate the injured chef.

He helped Zhang Luo a lot, but in the end he couldn't get any benefit.

There was still no chef in charge of the Shangliang Banquet, and he even hurt the friendship between himself and Zhang Chenyang for nothing.

Ji Yan still values ​​Zhang Chenyang as a friend, because Zhang Chenyang is really particular about him, and he is especially righteous.

Since Zhang Chenyang's brother-in-law was willing to bear the compensation and labor expenses of the injured chef, he didn't plan to worry about it any more.

On the one hand, he was concerned about the friendship between him and Zhang Chenyang, and on the other hand, he knew Zhang Chenyang too well. With the character of the other party, he would definitely not sit idly by on this matter.

Ji Yan is still very aware of Zhang Chenyang's cooking skills, if he can invite Zhang Chenyang to help him organize the Liang banquet, then there is nothing to worry about.

After all, that is the level of a real chef.

But now, Zhang Chenyang said that he couldn't do it. He had to hire another expert to help!

At this moment, Ji Yan really felt what it meant to be a blessing in disguise!

Zhang Chenyang explained: "I'll make a phone call first. If he can come, you don't have to worry about going to the Liang Banquet."

This determined tone is full of appreciation and reverence for the person to be invited.

Ji Yan immediately looked forward to it, maybe this person is not a well-known chef in the county, right?

Zhang Chenyang turned to his wife and said, "Let your brother make an IOU in a while, the money I helped advance today will be paid back in the future!"

After finishing speaking, without waiting for his wife and brother-in-law to react, he took out his mobile phone, turned around to avoid a few steps, and started making calls.

Just yesterday, when Zhang Chenyang exchanged contact information with Fu Yu, he deliberately considered that the other party was busy at work, and when he usually encountered a situation where he wanted to communicate, it was better to send a message.

It will not cause a burden to the other party, and the message replied by the other party can be studied repeatedly.

As a result, it was only one night, and I was about to call the other party directly.

It's just a one-sided relationship, Zhang Chenyang is really embarrassed to ask someone to do something now!

Thinking of this, Zhang Chenyang was somewhat uneasy, what if the other party refused?

When the time comes, I can't invite anyone here, how can I save the situation on my side?

But it doesn't matter anymore.

Things are already like this, let's do our best first.

Zhang Chenyang dialed the phone.

When Fu Yu saw the strange call, he was slightly stunned. The first thought in his mind was that the things he bought online recently had arrived.

But after answering the phone, he realized that the caller turned out to be Zhang Chenyang.

As soon as Fu Yu said hello, Zhang Chenyang said eagerly: "Fu Fu, I have something to ask for your help."

After Fu Yu heard it, he was stunned for a moment, but he never thought that Zhang Chenyang could ask him for help, after all, he was a little far away.

Fu Yu asked, "What's the matter? Tell me."

Zhang Chenyang sighed: "Chu Fu, I'm really in trouble, and I want to ask you for help. My brother-in-law injured the chef who was invited because of taking the order for the Liang banquet. The Liang banquet will be held soon." Tomorrow at noon, all the ingredients have been purchased, and all relatives and friends have been invited, and now there is no chef who can cook."

"If it's an ordinary red banquet, I'll take it over, but what the host wants to hold is an authentic Jiangyu banquet. In addition, he also ordered a lot of high-end seafood. I'm really not good at this , I have to ask you to come out and help."

"Of course, the fee for receiving the order, the door-to-door service fee for asking for leave in your store, and the round-trip bus fare, you can do as much as you want, don't be embarrassed, we are fully responsible for it here"

Zhang Chenyang's attitude was very sincere, and he thought carefully for Fu Yu.

However, no matter how well planned, Fu Yu still needs to rush back to the county from Bei'an.

It's a four-hour drive.

In particular, Zhang Chenyang doesn't know whether Fu Yu can take orders for door-to-door service, and what the situation is at Maxima.

After hearing this, Fu Yu was a little surprised.

Actually want to ask him to go back and cook the Liang banquet?

The Shangliang banquet is a special custom in their hometown. Whoever builds a new house will always entertain relatives and friends.

The higher the grade of the banquet, the better the standard of living.

The more lively it is, the more auspicious it will be.

However, most people hold Liang banquets, and they hire chefs from the nearest restaurant to help them cook.

How did this still find him?

Fu Yu had never presided over such a large-scale banquet by himself before, and he said that he was good at doing authentic Kaijiang banquets!

There are also high-end seafood dishes, isn't this the recipe according to his counterpart's direction!

In particular, Zhang Chenyang said that he could place an order on the condition of door-to-door service, which saved Fu Yu the trouble of asking for leave.

It's a good thing to get a chance to practice and earn money!

The most important point is that since the Shangliang Banquet was held in the county, he could go home and stay for one more night.

Fu Yu thought for a while and said, "Wait a minute, I need to report this matter to the leader."

This is not an ordinary door-to-door service order. The Shangliang Banquet is a large-scale banquet. How to charge the money depends on how the store decides.

Moreover, he was going to a place so far away from the county seat. He could not just accept this matter as he wished. He had to discuss it with Zhao Meng to see how he should report this matter.

Hearing that Fu Yu didn't explicitly refuse, Zhang Chenyang immediately beamed with joy.

He has seen Fu Yu's culinary ability with his own eyes, especially Fu Yu himself is a chef in Maxima.

Cooking Kaijiang banquet and high-end seafood dishes should not be a problem.

"Okay, then I'll wait for your news, and call me back after you contact me."

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Chenyang quickly turned around and walked towards Ji Yan with a smile.

Seeing that Zhang Chenyang had finished making the phone call, his wife hurried forward: "My husband, it's about the money."

Zhang Chenyang ignored her, but directly said to Ji Yan: "The contact has been made, and he needs to ask the leader for instructions. If he can accept the order, then tomorrow's Shangliang Banquet will basically be fine."

As he said that, Zhang Chenyang couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "You are really lucky. I wouldn't be able to help you with this job one day earlier! I just met Fu Chu yesterday, but I never thought I would ask him today."

"Do you know about Maxima Hotel? He is the chef there, and his culinary skills are extremely high. If you can really invite him, you will definitely be able to hold a very successful Liang banquet."

When Ji Yan heard this, he was overjoyed: "Really? So powerful!"

Zhang Chenyang nodded: "If my current boss didn't know Fu Chu, I wouldn't be able to connect with him. Now just wait for the news, and he will call me back after he finishes contacting."

Ji Yan smiled and said: "That's good, it's really thanks to you."

Zhang Chenyang smiled wryly and said: "Well, speaking of it, I'm the one who caused you trouble. My little brother-in-law is really sorry this time. When we have a Liang banquet tomorrow, we two brothers have to have a good drink .”

Ji Yan was a little surprised: "Are you coming to the banquet tomorrow?"

Zhang Chenyang has changed to a new restaurant now, and the back kitchen is very busy.

The Shangliang Banquet hosted by Ji Yan just happened to be at noon time. Zhang Chenyang originally planned to have a bite if he could catch up with the lunch meal at noon.

These few friends of them are all people in the circle, and they are all in the same industry. They understand the difficulties of asking for leave too well, so they can understand it.

When Ji Yan received the reply, he also felt that such an arrangement was quite good.

After all, all his relatives and friends came over at noon, he must be very busy, and he didn't have time to get together with some old friends.

Instead, it was arranged in the afternoon, when he could spare time, and his friends also had time, everyone set up a table, stopped to eat and celebrate, and had a good talk without rushing.

Zhang Chenyang said with a smile: "Then you must come here, in case Fu Chu is willing to let me help!"

Thinking of that scene, Zhang Chenyang couldn't help but start eagerly looking forward to it.

Ji Yan looked at Zhang Chenyang's appearance, although he had never met the chef from Qianlima, but his heart was very stable.

It can make Zhang Chenyang take the initiative to fight for his help, which shows that this chef Fu is indeed very good.

"I almost delayed your Shangliang banquet. I paid for the chef's money." Zhang Chenyang took the initiative to bear the money for the door-to-door service.

When Ji Yan heard this, he quickly refused: "No, one yard is worth one yard. How can someone else pay for the money for the Liang banquet? We brothers will see each other like this!"

Zhang Chenyang's worries and worries finally came to light, and his mood relaxed accordingly.

He smiled and said: "That's right! That's fine, after you finish your big business tomorrow, I will set up a table alone one day, call them up, and let's have a good gathering. When you invite people, I will pay the bill. Let's invite together."

Ji Yan smiled: "Okay, then it's settled."

If it is said that I felt a little uncomfortable before, it was unlucky to go to the Liang banquet with twists and turns.

Now Ji Yan felt completely at ease.

Not to mention that there was no delay in the Shangliang banquet, and the chef from Qianlima was also invited to cook. This face is enough for him to brag about for several years.

And because of this incident, instead of affecting the relationship between him and Zhang Chenyang, it became more solid.

This is also something that everyone is happy about.

Zhang Chenyang appeared relaxed, but in fact his heart had already been suspended.

I don't know how Fu Yu's contact is going, and whether he can rush over.

If he couldn't, then he really couldn't figure out for a while, who else could he find to help take the order for the Liang banquet.

It is said that when you use the book, you will hate less!

He has experienced this feeling thoroughly now, but if his culinary skill level is a little higher, and the skills he has mastered are a little wider, will he be blind when he encounters the current situation?

It seems that you really have to live and learn!

At any time, you can't relax yourself!

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