It doesn't matter.

After all, he has done so many things voluntarily over the years. At the time when his mother-in-law was sick and his brother-in-law was young, if he didn't lend a helping hand, the family would not be able to support it.

But now his brother-in-law is an adult and can work to support his family.

In the end, it got worse, not to mention anything else, how much of this little thing in my own house was tossed back and forth by his wife back to her mother's house?

When his own family members came over, they didn't want anything. His wife held everything in her hands, and she couldn't bear to give anything!

That's fine, anyway, his family's conditions are not bad, and his parents have pensions, which is not bad.

However, after so many years of marriage, how much money has he spent on this brother-in-law?

He paid tuition fees when he was in school, but now he is working, he has to help find a job.

It's okay to rely on relationships to find a job, but I still refuse to do it well.

His wife and mother-in-law always feel that his brother-in-law is an underappreciated talent, just such a master who can't do anything, and always wants to give him the best conditions so that he can have the best development.

Really think that his little brother-in-law can have a great future and become a generation of famous chefs?

He can see now that his brother-in-law is actually a piece of shit!

Relying on his own name, he steals and cheats at work all day long, earns restaurant wages, and always feels that the money is low, so he secretly takes jobs in private.

Part-time jobs are fine, at least use your spare time, right?

His brother-in-law was caught by the owner of the restaurant more than once, skipping work during working hours to secretly pick up jobs, either running to serve as a mobile kitchen for others, or taking private jobs for Liang banquets.

Relying on that little cleverness, mixed with salary, and secretly earning extra money by himself.

When who is a fool?

Zhang Chenyang's wife heard that Zhang Chenyang's tone was wrong, and she was obviously really angry, so she stopped arguing about this matter.

However, she lives in her husband's house now, and it is really uncomfortable for her mother and her to watch her brother cry all day with a sad face all day long.

And her mother is not in good health, because her brother's affairs followed her to get angry, and she, as a daughter, really feels distressed.

"Husband, please help him this time. My brother is unemployed now, and he spends all his pension. He doesn't go to work, and he talks to my mother at home. The old lady is crying in a hurry."

"This time I really made it clear to him that he must work hard, and next time, I will not care about him! He promised me in front of my mother that he will definitely work hard in the future and stop thinking about it." After earning the extra money, concentrate on your work. Husband, for my sake, no, for my mother’s sake, please help him!"

Zhang Chenyang sneered, it will always be like this!

"Honey, as I said last time, I can't keep this job, and there's nothing I can do about it. As you can see, it's not that I refuse to help him. How many times has he changed stores? The friends I know have already After begging for everything, I really have no choice.”

"You don't know what your brother is like? You are working, getting paid, and not working in the back kitchen. One day, your head hurts, and tomorrow your back hurts. You ask for leave to mix your salary, and you take jobs in private to earn double money. You take others for fools!"

"Our county is only a small place, so whoever is related to whom may be related. He is so tossing around, and the news still won't spread? No matter how capable I am, no matter how popular I am, I can't handle him being so corrupt! I I really can't help him!"

"Actually, there are some things I wanted to say a long time ago. I just kept thinking that you are my wife and we are a family. I was afraid of hurting our feelings. But now I understand that there are some things we still have to say clearly!"

"I don't care about your brother's affairs in the future. Don't come to me, and don't mention him to me! At your house, except for your mother's medical treatment, you don't want to take other money from your house. Already!"

"If you continue to subsidize your brother behind my back, we will divorce, and I will never live with you!"

What he said directly made his wife dumbfounded.

After Zhang Chenyang finished speaking, he was not in the mood to deal with his wife anymore, so he hung up the phone and continued cooking.

Throughout the afternoon, Zhang Chenyang stayed in the back kitchen and took charge of the work. The business in the shop was good, so he didn't have lunch until three o'clock in the afternoon.

And his wife kept calling, and her brother couldn't be reached since he left the house in the morning.

Seeing that he didn't go home for dinner at noon, and he still didn't answer the phone, which has never happened before.

"I like you, have you called your brother? It's almost two o'clock, why haven't you come back yet?"

Guo Xinyi heard the sound and hurried from the living room to the bedroom.

Her mother is in poor health and has been bedridden for a while.

The old lady looked worried: "Why don't you call him again, why don't you come back for lunch?"

Guo Xinyi didn't dare to say that she couldn't contact her brother, so she could only deal with it perfunctorily.

Just after eating, Zhang Chenyang suddenly received a call from his wife.

He looked at the caller ID and couldn't help but sigh.

Be angry, be angry, after all, they are a couple, at this age, can they really divorce?

He was also annoyed by those messy things in her family, otherwise he wouldn't be at this age, and he was still messing around outside.

It was because of my health that I quit my job before, but now I have to go back to my old job. The purpose is not to earn more money so that I can supplement my family!

As soon as he got on the phone, Zhang Chenyang heard his wife's anxious voice: "Husband, something happened to my younger brother! The banquet job he took on the beam before said he was easy to use, but when he went over today, he suddenly changed his mind." Another chef was invited to take charge of the spoon, and he was out of breath for a while, and injured the chef hired by others."

After Zhang Chenyang heard it, his expression changed immediately: "What? He ran to fight someone?"

Guo Xinyi was really flustered. Being questioned like this, she choked up and said, "He went out in the morning and didn't come home. I looked for him all morning, but now I got a call from him. What should I do? "

Zhang Chenyang was in a state of desperation: "What should I do? I have injured people, so what do you want to do? Now it depends on what they want to do! If they call the police, your brother will be detained if he should, and he will have to pay for it !"

Guo Xinyi broke down in tears: "Call the police? Do you want to call the police? You can't call the police! If you are caught, my brother will be finished. Husband, come and help me, what should I do!"

Zhang Chenyang knew his wife too well, when something happened, he couldn't solve anything at all.

"Okay, where is your brother now?"

Guo Xinyi hurriedly said, "It's still there."

Zhang Chenyang had no choice but to say, "I've wounded the person. Call 120 and send the person to the county hospital for treatment first. We'll wait until the person is treated for other things. Now hurry up and take the money to the county hospital, and I'll go there right away!"

After Zhang Chenyang explained, he hung up the phone directly.

Fortunately, there were basically no customers in the store at this time, so he greeted the boss Xiao Hechou, and hurriedly drove to the county hospital.

In the emergency room, the injured chef has finished his examination and is waiting for the film to come out.

His wife and brother-in-law stood beside the examination bed, looking at a loss.

The injured chef was talking with someone, Zhang Chenyang walked in, and the two of them met each other, they couldn't help being stunned at the same time.

Zhang Chenyang had never seen the person lying on the emergency bed, but Zhang Chenyang was very familiar with the middle-aged man standing beside him. This person was an old friend of his.

However, because I live in a village below the county, and I am usually busy with farming, I usually only have time to come to the county in winter to gather with my good friends.

Just half a month ago, they made an appointment to have dinner together.

I never expected that I would meet here today.

If the two parties are acquaintances, things will be easy to handle.

Zhang Chenyang is fully responsible for the medical expenses, and he will also compensate the other party for lost work of 5,000 yuan.

And the 5,000 yuan is the employment fee for the other party to accept the order and sit on the table.

The matter was settled, but Zhang Chenyang encountered difficulties.

His friend is very interesting, and he helped them speak the whole process just now.

The injured chef also promised not to pursue responsibility, and the wounding incident was considered resolved.

But the problem is that his friend hired a chef just to hold a banquet for the beam at home.

The date is set at noon tomorrow, and all the ingredients are ready, but now the chef is injured and unable to cook.

This friend Zhang Chenyang has a very good conduct, otherwise the two of them would not have become friends.

When it came to the fact that he decided to hire Zhang Chenyang's brother-in-law to be the chef, but changed his mind midway, his friend couldn't help complaining.

His friend originally lived in the village, and made a fortune in grain sales in the past few years, so he bought a house in the county town and built a self-built building.

Several friends have also heard about this matter.

It took two years for the house to be built, and now that the new year is over and the weather is getting warmer, it is also because spring is about to start, and the work in the field will start again, so the day of beam erection is specially set before the plowing.

Being able to move from the village to live in the county town is something worth showing off.

His friend is going to hold a big Liang banquet.

Zhang Chenyang's brother-in-law came here by self-recommendation. In the name of the restaurant he worked in before, he said that he was the chef in the restaurant, and he was full of hype.

His friend believed it, and the two sides agreed verbally to try the dishes today.

As a result, Zhang Chenyang's friend decided to focus on the local specialties when choosing dishes, and cook the Kaijiang banquet. In addition, in order to improve the quality, he also planned to add a few high-end seafood dishes.

But Zhang Chenyang's brother-in-law couldn't cook seafood dishes, so he kept trying to persuade him to change the recipe.

The two sides disagreed, and Zhang Chenyang's brother-in-law walked away in a rage, leaving the pick directly.

He originally thought that the day of the Liang banquet would be tomorrow, and it must be very difficult to find someone temporarily. If the other party was in a dilemma, he would follow his wishes and replace the recipe.

After all, although Zhang Chenyang's brother-in-law graduated from a formal chef school, his cooking skills are only at the general level of cooking.

It was also a coincidence that Zhang Chenyang's friend got in touch with a restaurant chef who was willing to help prepare the Liang banquet in desperation.

They also tried the dishes here, paid for it, and ordered the ingredients. Zhang Chenyang's brother-in-law got the news from somewhere, and those who left in the morning came back to make a fuss in the afternoon.

After hearing the other party tell the truth about what happened, Zhang Chenyang simply didn't know what to say.

And his wife's face turned red and white after hearing this, never expecting this to be the case.

Zhang Chenyang's friend was angry and anxious, this beam erection was not like other trivial matters, it was auspicious to build a house with a picture.

Now that the Shangliang Banquet hasn't even started yet, Zhang Chenyang's brother-in-law made a mess of it!

This is meeting Zhang Chenyang, but if you change someone, this matter cannot be solved so easily!

Zhang Chenyang's friends are interesting enough, and Zhang Chenyang can't do errands either.

The problem now is that his brother-in-law injured the chef who was invited to hold the spoon, and there was no cook who was in charge of the banquet.

Zhang Chenyang's brother-in-law can handle the spoon, but he doesn't know how to cook authentic river fish feasts, and he's not good at seafood either.

The ingredients here are all customized, but the chef who is in charge of the spoon has become a problem.

Zhang Chenyang's friends were in a hurry, mainly because the time was too short, and the Shangliang Banquet was not like other banquets. The festive and auspicious hard dishes were given priority, and the hard dishes were mostly hot dishes.

As a result, there are high requirements on the chef's cooking skills and the speed of serving dishes.

Zhang Chenyang's friend specially spent a lot of money to order a batch of high-end seafood in order to make a good meal.

Now that the money has been spent, if the effect of the banquet is not as expected, it will be a disaster!

Zhang Chenyang stared at his brother-in-law, and almost couldn't help wanting to whip him!


He knows how to get into trouble all day long, and offering him for so many years is not as good as offering a dog, at least he can behave well and coax himself to have fun!

Zhang Chenyang's friends hurried around like ants on a hot pot: "The banquet will be held at noon tomorrow, and I have invited all the people in place, what should I do now?"

If he was cooking ordinary dishes, Zhang Chenyang could take the order himself.

However, this river fish banquet is a major feature in the local area. It does not cook a full table of noodles. Two dishes are brought out separately, and ordinary chefs can weigh them and cook them.

Just making two or three river fish dishes, Zhang Chenyang is still fine, but he really dare not be sure that he can do it well if he wants to make a full meal.

Especially his friend bought a lot of lobster and abalone in order to improve the quality of the noodles.

This thing can't be seen at all in their small county, he can barely make a boiled steam, and the others can't do it.

And the time is too urgent. Most of them work for the boss in the restaurant.

Chefs with good skills are the pillars of the back kitchen. If they want to ask for leave, they must say hello a few days in advance, and the store can easily make arrangements.

After all, the chef is not here, so whoever can take over has to be arranged clearly.

Now I want to temporarily find someone with a high level of cooking skills, who can not only cook whole fish feasts, but also cook high-end seafood. The most important point is that I can ask for leave to come and cook.

Where can such a person be found in such a short time!

Zhang Chenyang was very anxious, but he couldn't think of a suitable candidate.

At this time, his wife said in a low voice: "My husband, do you know any friends who can help hold the Liang banquet? If this matter cannot be resolved smoothly, will your friend really call the police in a fit of anger?"

Zhang Chenyang sometimes thought, it would be good if this dead thing was caught!

But thinking of his wife's situation and his mother-in-law who was sick in bed, he gritted his teeth, picked up the phone and dialed Xiao Hechou's number.

"Boss, please, can you give me Fu Yu's phone number? At that time, I only added him as a chat friend, and forgot to leave a phone number."

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