Wang Yulong laughed: "It's okay, you are busy with your work, but, didn't you still say that Xiaoqing went home with Fu Yu yesterday, don't let this sister go, and you don't care about her?"

Liu Yunong sighed: "I don't want to worry about her anymore! She called and said that she had brought a lot of luggage, and Fu Yu and I couldn't carry it. I can tell that she is using you, sweet talk, No need, immediately cross the river and demolish the bridge!"

After all, Wang Yulong is getting old, and he especially likes to hear the bickering between the two sisters. He finds it interesting, but he has to say a few words about the scene. After all, Liu Yunong speaks loudly, but in fact he loves his sister the most.

So he smiled and persuaded: "No, Xiaoqing is so sensible, how could you say so! Xiaoqing still misses you very much, and knows how to care about others."

Liu Yunong sneered: "If she knew that she missed me, she would be able to go away for three days without even calling back? I think she would have been too happy to leave, and forgot that there is me as a sister!"

At this time, a call came in from Liu Yunong's mobile phone, she glanced at the caller ID, and immediately beamed with joy: "Chef Wang, stop talking, Xiaoqing called me, she should have come out, let's call if there is anything to do! "

After finishing speaking, he hurriedly hung up the phone, and saw that Liu Yuqing's line was disconnected, so he hurriedly called back.

When the two sisters got in touch, they both breathed a sigh of relief.

After receiving someone and seeing Liu Yuqing, Liu Yunong suddenly felt that his whole mood improved instantly.

"You guys are back! Yo! Why did you take so much luggage?"

Liu Yuqing said cheerfully, "It's all the things Fu Yu's parents gave us! Sister, help me carry this bag, and I'll do the rest."

Seeing this, Liu Yunong hurried forward to help carry the things.

The three of them came to the car with big bags and small bags, settled their luggage, and then got on the car.

Liu Yunong first drove Fu Yu back to the hotel, and then the two sisters went home directly.

Together with the things Liu Yunong bought in the supermarket before, the two sisters tossed back and forth three times before moving all the things home.

Liu Yunong looked at the things piled up on the floor curiously, and couldn't help asking: "Xiao Qing, what did Fu Yu's parents bring you? Why are there so many! Especially that small bag, ouch, look It’s not heavy, but it’s really heavy!”

The two sisters moved all the things into the living room first. Liu Yuqing then unpacked and said with a smile: "This is what Fu Yu's mother gave me. The small bag contains cornmeal, which is from last fall. The newly harvested corn is freshly ground, and it tastes very delicious. I like to eat it, so I bought some more. And this, Fu Yu’s mother pickled sugar garlic and salted duck eggs. This salted duck egg is the best I have ever eaten. It tastes different from what we usually buy in the supermarket. This is "

Liu Yunong watched her sister endlessly counting everything she brought back, and suddenly felt an indescribable sense of complexity in her heart.

Liu Yuqing said cheerfully, "Sister, this fungus was given by Fu Yu's uncle who runs a restaurant. He said it was wild fungus picked in the deep mountains, which is very nutritious."

"Let's cook cornmeal porridge tomorrow morning. It's delicious. You can mix some tiger dishes for me!"

Liu Yunong looked at the huge pile of things and coughed lightly: "Xiaoqing, why did you collect so many things? I saw this huge pile of things, almost all of them were brought for you, how bad it is." ah."

Liu Yuqing said happily: "It's okay, Fu Yu's parents insisted on letting me hold it. It's too kind to refuse, and I also want you to taste it with me, so I accept it. Anyway, in the future It's a family, they treat me well, and I will treat them well in the future, don't worry!"

Things are not expensive or cheap, the main thing is the heart.

Liu Yunong looked at these carefully packaged and carefully selected gifts, and smiled. This Fu Yu's parents are really enthusiastic enough. Look at the pile of things.

Liu Yuqing said with a smile: "Sister, look, how much Fu Yu's parents like me. When I come back this time, they can't wait to vacate all the things in the house and bring them back to me!"

"If it weren't for Fu Yu and I really couldn't take it, his mother actually packed a big bag of pine nuts. Oh, that's really heavy."

Liu Yunong smiled: "It's because our family has raised you richly since you were a child, but you ended up being bribed like this? You girl!"

Liu Yuqing smiled triumphantly: "But this is the truth. You see, we just took two bottles of wine randomly, but they brought me so many things, everything to eat and use, and they even invited me to play next time. Woolen cloth!"

"Sister, the two bottles of wine you got are really worth it. Not only did Fu Yu's parents give me a good impression, but they also got so many things in exchange. This is the heart, not the price, but the price. It's their affection for me, right?"

Liu Yunong couldn't help laughing: "Well, it makes sense!"

But after laughing, I feel a little heartache again!

My two bottles of wine can almost be exchanged for a car

However, as long as Fu Yu's parents like it, this thing is not free.

Thinking of this, Liu Yunong felt a little better.

The more Liu Yuqing talked, the more excited she became, thinking joyfully: "When I go back this time, Fu Yu's parents are urging him to buy a car. I have already thought about it. When he buys a car and goes back later, I will Just bring some more wine to Fu Yu's father. By the way, Fu Yu's mother has planted a lot of flowers, and they have a flower shed at home. I will bring you two pots of flowers next time, and the planting looks promising."

As soon as Liu Yunong heard this, the smile on his mouth couldn't hold back immediately.

She glared at Liu Yuqing, this girl really turned her elbows out!

Liu Yunong's complexion changed, and he quickly refused: "The idea is beautiful! My wine is a good thing in the cellar. You want to exchange two pots of flowers for my wine? Don't even think about it! You also bought a car and got more wine. How much do you want? ?dream"

Liu Yuqing laughed and said, "I'm just saying, there's nothing good here, there are a lot of them in the main store, it's fine to get some other things instead of wine, right?"

Liu Yunong is about to be laughed out of anger!

Fortunately, she was so happy to receive someone just now.

Ganqing is really the married sister, the water that was thrown out!

Liu Yunong reached out to poke Liu Yuqing's forehead angrily: "Damn girl! Have you forgotten who you are in the same family with? You are no longer just turning your elbows out, you are going out everywhere. Abduct!"

In a word, Liu Yuqing was amused.

Smiling, Liu Yuqing took out the red envelopes she received this time from her bag, and handed them all to Liu Yunong in a thick pile: "Sister, look, these are all money given to me by the elders of Fu Yu's family."

Liu Yunong was taken aback for a moment, and was even more surprised when he saw the thick stack of red envelopes.

Why did you give so much money?

Liu Yunong took the envelope with a heavy hand, it must have cost tens of thousands!

This is the first time we met, so you just give me money?

Liu Yunong asked in surprise, "Why did you give you so much money?"

Liu Yuqing smiled and said: "I only found out this time. It turns out that Fu Yu's family has this custom. The son of the family brings his girlfriend to the door for the first time. If the elders in the family like it and are satisfied, they will give red envelopes." .”

It turned out to be like this.

Liu Yunong quickly said: "That's too much. If you want to give it, you will give it when you get married. How can you just accept it?"

Liu Yuqing explained: "I said no at the time, but this is the tradition of their family, and the money is too much, which shows that the elders of Fu Yu's family like me, expressing a kind of recognition for me, I can't help it. receive."

"At that time, Fu Yu's mother said that I must accept it. I was the first girlfriend Fu Yu brought home. It was very formal. Fu Yu was there at the time, and he also asked me to accept it."

Speaking of this, Liu Yuqing couldn't help but smiled shyly: "Besides, Fu Yu and I are serious about dating, with the purpose of getting married, not just talking about it for fun, the money his parents gave me , It’s okay for me to accept it. Anyway, I will follow Fu Yu to be filial to them in the future, and I still think about it. When I go next time, I will use this money to buy a gold bracelet for Fu Yu’s mother, and borrow flowers to offer Buddha.”

After finishing speaking, Liu Yuqing carefully put all the red envelopes back into the drawer in the room.

This money has extraordinary meaning to her, it is impossible to spend it in this life, so it should be kept properly.

To put it bluntly, this is the attitude of Fu Yu's elders towards her at first impression.

Liu Yunong looked at Liu Yuqing's happy back and couldn't help sighing.

She glanced at the gifts piled up on the coffee table, and thought to herself, it seems that the two families will officially meet sometime soon.

Zhang Chenyang originally planned to sleep in later and watch two more cooking videos of Fu Yu.

Unexpectedly, after watching this, I stayed up all night.

He couldn't bear to let go, after all, Fu Yu's cooking operations were too attractive to him.

If it was ten years ago, staying up all night like this, apart from being somewhat tired during the day, there would not be much discomfort.

But now that he is old after all, he went to work in a restaurant in the morning. This morning, Zhang Chenyang felt pain in his temples as if being pricked by needles, and the back of his head was even more painful.

If you are not feeling well, you will inevitably feel a little irritable.

However, this is often the case with people. When you are more upset, all kinds of things tend to come to you.

During the busiest time of lunch, Zhang Chenyang suddenly received a call from his wife.

His mother-in-law is not in good health. His wife went back to take care of her two days ago, and she never came home.

Now that the phone call came suddenly, Zhang Chenyang's heart skipped a beat. He felt that something happened to the old lady, right?

In the end, before he could ask, his wife said anxiously: "Old Zhang, my younger brother was discovered leaving his post without permission, and their boss wants to fire him!"

Hearing his wife mentioning his brother-in-law, Zhang Chenyang was so annoyed!

His little brother-in-law is really muddy and can't support the wall, and he doesn't live up to it at all. He contacted him four or five restaurants back and forth, and none of them lasted long.

Whether it's fishing at work, or skipping work privately, arguing with colleagues in the back kitchen, there is no time to calm down.

"I'll talk about it when I get home at night. I'm busy now." Zhang Chenyang said and was about to hang up the phone.

When his wife heard this, she said anxiously: "It's all like this, are you still in a busy mood? My brother will be fired soon!"

Seeing his wife like this, Zhang Chenyang said helplessly: "I'm cooking now, and it's not the first time he's been fired. Is there anything we can't talk about until night?"

After hearing his explanation, instead of alleviating his emotions, his wife said excitedly: "Old Zhang, what kind of attitude is this! Thanks to my brother, my mother asked me to ask you for help! My mother and my brother I value you so much and trust you! Can’t you help him? As soon as my mother and I heard that my younger brother was going to lose his job again, in just a short while, listen to my voice, it’s a little hoarse, my mother It was so urgent that I got a migraine!"

"My mother needs to rest now. A bad mood will affect her health! If my mother goes to the hospital again, our family will have to sell the house! Why can't you tell which is more important!"

Zhang Chenyang was already depressed and had a severe headache. Hearing what his wife said, he couldn't hold back his anger: "Didn't I help him? It's been less than a year and a half since he graduated from the culinary school. Are there six restaurants already? He has done almost all of the big restaurants in our county! Did I help him, and how did he treat him?

"Let's not talk about the two restaurants before, what about the last one? The chef is my best buddy, but your brother pointed at his nose and scolded him. If it wasn't for my sake, he would have to follow you Brother can't do it!"

"At this job, I managed to ask someone to help me get in touch and put him in. Has it been two months since I worked this way? He's about to be fired by the boss again!"

"Just because of his affairs, I almost offended my friends. How many good words have I lost to him? How many gifts have I given? Why can't he work hard and work hard?"

"Let me tell you, I have done my best to him, and I didn't owe him anything at all!"

His wife is obviously a typical "helping brother devil" nowadays.

For the sake of her natal family, she wished she could empty out her own family, and all she could think about was the messy affairs of their family.

When the two first got married, the salary of the chef was not high. During the two years when his wife was pregnant and gave birth to a child, he had no job.

At that time, his mother-in-law started to be in poor health, and his brother-in-law refused to study hard. In order to take the exam, the family enrolled in many study classes.

In the later stage, he had to treat the old lady's illness and pay for his brother-in-law.

But what he did, in his wife's opinion, should be deserved, and he didn't feel any gratitude at all.

Even taking his mother-in-law's family with him felt that it was a matter of course. Whenever he encountered difficulties, he would ask him for help.

If he is willing to help, everything is easy to talk about, but if he refuses, then just wait for his wife to make a fuss!

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