After the wine was boiled and the dishes were served, Ji Yan's family had a round of toasts at the table. The alcohol slowly spread on their faces, and the atmosphere gradually became lively.

This table of dishes is indeed very high-grade, and the relatives and friends who came to the banquet all looked eye-opening.

Whole lobsters, crispy spicy crabs, a plate of ten abalones in sauce, just one for everyone present, scallops and gobies, and fragrant anchovy dishes.

In all kinds of banquet activities in the county, how can I see such a high-end banquet!

Not to mention the guests at the dinner table, even the few people in the back kitchen all looked like they had seen the world.

Look at how this lobster is arranged. After cooking, all the beards and claws are not damaged at all. It looks exactly like what it came when it came.

Just this big lobster dish immediately raised the whole table to several levels.

And this abalone, who has the conditions to buy and eat it?

Many people are seeing the real thing for the first time, let alone taste it!

There are ten pieces on this plate, and everyone knows that this dish is expensive, not cheap. After Fu Yu took charge of the plate, he immediately realized more and more deeply that this dish is really rare!

The ingredients, which are obviously reluctant to buy, are even more unbearable after being cooked in such a way.

Forget about these high-end seafood, no one would have imagined that this river fish dish can be both exquisite and high-end.

Demoli stewed fish is a famous local dish, and it is also one of the best hard dishes in the river fish feast.

In ordinary restaurants, this dish is a stewed fish dish. Fresh river carp is stewed with tofu vermicelli. The fish is fresh and tender, and the side dishes are delicious.

Whole fish stew involves serving dishes on a plate. Generally, the fish meat on the table will inevitably be damaged. When the side dishes are in full bloom, they are all mixed together. When you eat it with chopsticks, there may be hazel mushrooms mixed in the vermicelli. , or tofu wrapped in cabbage, often sticking into a pot of soup.

But Fu Yu made the plate, the whole carp is thick in soup, the skin is not rotten, the tofu is cut into squares and placed neatly, and the vermicelli is soaked in the soup. Has a unique sense of hierarchy.

Hazel mushrooms and cabbage are distinct, even though they seem to have been integrated into the soup, but when you pick them up, you don't need to try to know that they must be separated from each other.

When this dish is stewed, not every fish is stewed separately. In order to save time, three or four fish are directly put into one pot and cooked together with various other side dishes.

Not to mention that it is easy to puncture the skin of the fish when it is oily. When it is stewed, the vermicelli is easy to stick to the bottom of the pot, and tofu is a fragile ingredient.

If the stewed fish wants to be heated evenly, it needs to be turned over at the right time.

In such a flipping situation, it is really difficult to ensure that the fish is intact and that there are not too many ingredients such as tofu!

The aunts who helped cook only thought that the dish was delicious, but they didn't think much about it.

Zhang Chenyang was full of shock!

This is no longer a matter of basic cooking skills, but super cooking skills.

When Fu Yu was doing flipping just now, he was watching from the side, obviously the movements were very casual, but there must be some know-how in the operation, otherwise why didn't all the ingredients break in the slightest?

This is too unreasonable!

Zhang Chenyang asked himself, with his cooking skills, he definitely couldn't reach this level.

In his opinion, Fu Yu should have pinpointed the critical moment when the ingredients were ripe, and performed the flipping operation when the tofu and fish were not completely softened.

Only in this way can the ingredients not be damaged at all when they are turned over.

And to achieve this, how strong is the ability to control the temperature and the precise operation method?

After Zhang Chenyang was amazed, he was more focused on observing.

Because all the attention was on Fu Yu, whenever Fu Yu needed something, he would always be able to detect it immediately and take action immediately.

This allows Fu Yu to save some effort in the heavy cooking work.

Although the few people in the back kitchen are not familiar with each other, this is how they work together. In the communication of various issues, they get close unconsciously.

Several aunts saw that Fu Yu was energetic and good-natured, so they thought the young man was very good at first impression.

After they got in touch, they heard that Fu Yu was working in Bei'an, so they couldn't help asking about the salary and the city environment there.

The topic started unconsciously, and the atmosphere gradually heated up.

Fu Yu later found out that it would be nice to have a few good-natured aunts in the back kitchen, so he didn't have to worry about having no topics to talk about. Men have men's topics, women have women's topics, and between men and women is an eternal topic. Tired, the task is heavy, but the atmosphere is relaxed and happy.

Aunt Lianhua had a sharp temper, and she kept urging the others to hurry up and prepare the dishes, for fear of delaying Fu Yu's cooking.

Fu Yu likes Aunt Lianhua's personality, so when the other party sneaks in to talk to him, he will answer a few sentences very cooperatively.

Aunt Lianhua has a niece who is still a college student, but she didn't go to college, and she looks pretty good. She looked at Fu Yu's vigor and promise, and couldn't help but be moved.

Inquiring about Fu Yu's situation inside and outside the words, he praised and praised Fu Yu.

Zhang Chenyang deliberately took advantage of this rare opportunity to get closer to Fu Yu, so he glanced at Aunt Lianhua, who was chatting with Fu Yu loudly and affectionately, and tried to join the conversation: "I said Aunt Lianhua, are you looking at Fu Yu?" Chef is energetic, you want to pull coal? Chef Fu is handsome, right?"

Aunt Lianhua spoke unambiguously: "Handsome, energetic, I see how Fu Chu is, he is a good young man!"

Fu Yu smiled restrainedly, unable to answer these words.

Aunt Lianhua followed the conversation and gossiped curiously: "Fu Chu, are you married yet?"

Fu Yu shook his head: "No."

Aunt Lianhua chased after her and asked, "Do you have a date?"

Fu Yu hurriedly said, "It's already there."

When Aunt Lianhua heard this, she was extremely disappointed: "Oh, I have a partner! What a pity"

Then I couldn't help continuing to gossip: "Fu Chu, you have a very high vision, and your girlfriend is very good, right?"

Fu Yu smiled and said casually, "Well, she's pretty good."

I didn't go into details this time, but the happy smile on his face was enough to explain everything.

Aunt Lianhua was pure gossip, while Zhang Chenyang remembered Fu Yu's girlfriend that the boss Xiao Hechou mentioned earlier.

The younger sister of famous chef Liu Yunong, and the descendant of Mrs. Liu.

Those who learn to cook, as long as they have received formal education, almost no one does not know Mrs. Liu.

That is the most prestigious female royal chef in ancient times!

Her descendants are the culinary family.

Such a family has a profound background and can be said to be one of the best in the circle.

If you can climb up to such a family, you can save decades of struggle in the future, right?

Thinking of this, Zhang Chenyang couldn't help looking at Fu Yu standing in front of the kitchen counter.

Fu Yu held the kitchen knife in his right hand, pressed the ingredients with his left hand, and raised his wrist lightly, the movement was quick and agile.

From standing in the early morning to now, I have hardly left the kitchen counter for a few hours, quietly cutting, turning spoons, and arranging plates.

The outline of the young man's neck and shoulders is masculine and masculine. Looking from behind, it is broad and stable.

At this time, Fu Yu suddenly turned his head and handed over the dishes that had been placed on the plate.

Zhang Chenyang happened to be paying attention to Fu Yu's movements, and took over immediately, cooperating quite tacitly.

The Shangliang banquet starts at 11:30. From cold dishes to hot dishes, nine dishes and one soup are all served. The interval between the first dish and the last dish does not exceed half an hour.

It was a little past twelve o'clock, and all the dishes were served, and the guests ate from the time they were seated to the end of the serving, without stopping their chopsticks at all.

On the one hand, the dishes are served in a timely manner, one after another, with almost no gaps in between.

On the other hand, the dishes are rich and rare, whether it is the presentation, ingredients, or taste, they are all unique!

On this day's beam banquet, all the guests present were overjoyed.

It's worth the money too.

In the back kitchen, the dishes were sent forward one by one, and the air in the whole backyard was filled with a strong aroma of dishes.

Plates of various dishes were placed on the dining table. When the people who were familiar with each other and were still chatting enthusiastically waited to see the dishes in front of them, their voices stopped suddenly, and the group stared at the plates in unison. The dishes are so drool-worthy that they fall onto the plate.

Someone exclaimed: "My God, this is a big lobster! Oh, look at this, it looks like a specimen!"

The people around him hurriedly stepped under the table: "Slow down your voice! Keep your head down on your food and don't talk, it will be embarrassing for people to hear! Don't pick up the shrimp head for a while, there is no meat on it!"

Everyone present can see that Ji Yan is really generous, and the table and noodles he bought for them are all high-end dishes, such as lobster and abalone, all of which are the best, even the river fish is made differently from the outside!

Everyone felt in their hearts that Ji Yan had indeed made a fortune. Over the past few years, he spent a lot of food and made his life completely better!

The relationship is good, the heart is clear, Ji Yan is open-minded, and treats his friends sincerely. He invited them over today just to let everyone have a good meal and have fun together.

When Ji Yan came over to toast, everyone was holding a plate, which contained a large piece of fish meat, the flower rolls were dipped in thick vegetable soup, and they were chewing delicious crab meat, eating like a glutton.

Seeing Ji Yan, everyone in the room greeted each other affectionately: "Xiao Yan, you did a good job at this table!"

"That's right, I've never had such a high-end meal! You have raised the standard of Liangyan banquet in our county by yourself!"

Ji Yan grinned from ear to ear, today's dinner was indeed well done!

Even when he saw it suddenly, he couldn't help but secretly marvel!


These are the dishes that can be eaten in ordinary Shangliang banquets. Basically, they are the kind of high-end dishes that I have only seen on TV before!

Even a few common river fish dishes were made into unaffordable styles.

No wonder when Zhang Chenyang invited someone over to cook, he praised Fu Fu very much. Now it seems that his reputation is indeed well-deserved!

The buddies who are close to each other have a hippie smile and flattery: "Brother Yan, you are really interesting, you have money, and you haven't forgotten how many brothers you have!"

There are also some distant relatives in the family, with a look of relief on their faces: "Xiao Yan is promising, look at this house built in style! And this Shangliang banquet, it is really the best I have ever had in my life!"

Ji Yan's father and mother were also full of joy, and asked enthusiastically when they met everyone: "How is the food at this table? Are the dishes still to your taste?"

As long as the guests talk to each other, the two elders will immediately proudly introduce: "The chef in charge of the Liang banquet today, but my son specially invited the chef back from the Qianlima Restaurant in Bei'an. The dishes on this table can only be eaten in the Qianlima restaurant. signboard!"

Those who listened were amazed: "No wonder, it turned out to be a specially invited chef from Bei'an?"

The more knowledgeable ones asked curiously: "Is it that century-old seafood restaurant? Oops! It's too expensive to invite the chef to your home from a long distance! Your Ji Yan is real I have the ability!"

The old couple laughed so hard from ear to ear, they didn't even bother to eat, and chatted with the guests at the table.

Ji Yan saw it from afar, and didn't say anything, but his heart moved silently.

It was an indescribable taste, and her vanity was completely satisfied.

That's why he planned to organize a special Liang banquet. After earning money, he wanted to elevate his eyebrows and let everyone see that Ji Yan is capable, and their family's life is real. It's getting better!

Ji Yan's family held a banquet this time, and specially invited the village head to the county seat.

When toasting, the village head held a cup and said in front of the table: "We have been honored by Xiao Yan for this meal. Xiao Yan and his family will officially move to the county in a few days. There are not many rich households in our village, and the most promising one is Xiaoyan."

When Ji Yan's parents heard these words, the corners of their mouths were almost grinning behind their ears, so beautiful in their hearts

Not to mention the elation of Ji Yan's family, the village chief's words completely expressed the aspirations of everyone present!

There are quite a few families in the village who have moved to the county seat, and it is not uncommon for them to live a better life.

But Lao Yan's family is the only one that can afford such a high-end Shangliang Banquet.

Since ancient times, there is really no one who can afford to pay a chef from a big restaurant to come back from a place so far away from Bei'an.

Because of the words of the village chief, the relatives and friends in the same village looked at Ji Yan's family obviously differently.

Everyone spoke politely to their family one by one, with envy in their eyes.

At the dinner table, Ji Yan provided a full range of drinks, so that everyone could drink as much as they wanted.

Everyone ate good food, drank good wine, and the atmosphere was warm and harmonious.

Almost all the dishes on the table are served on one plate, and one plate is eaten up. The fish is picked up, the side dishes are cleaned up, and even the soup is gone in the end.

This is not enough, everyone can't wait to lick each other's bowls one by one, the desire is still unfinished.

Ji Yan's family stood from the beginning to the end with wine glasses in their hands, they didn't even take a bite of the dishes on the table, they just patronized and greeted the guests.

It's obvious that they have been busy since the early morning, but everyone is full of energy and doesn't feel tired at all.

The smile on my face has never dissipated. I am really happy and really proud!

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