Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 891 The Requirements Have Not Been Met

It was already one o'clock in the afternoon when everything in the back kitchen was finished.

Ji Yan wanted to stay with Fu Yu for dinner, but Fu Yu declined.

The Shangliang banquet was not over yet, Ji Yan's family was busy entertaining guests, and Fu Yu didn't want to trouble the other party.

And this time he took the opportunity to rush back, just in time to go home to meet his parents, have a meal, and would rather spend more time with his parents when he has time.

Fu Yu said politely: "Mr. Ji, when I have time next time, I'll come over as a guest again."

Ji Yan originally planned to invite Fu Yu to the table and eat with the guests.

But at this time, most of the dishes on the table had already been eaten, and it was indeed not suitable for Fu Yu to have a meal.

He just said subconsciously polite words just now, but he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when he heard Fu Yu's rejection.

I thought that this chef Fu was really good, so I didn't want to keep him anymore, but just handed over the prepared salary to Fu Yu: "Chef Fu, it's hard work for you to travel all the way, today's The Shangliang Banquet was too successful, and it fully achieved the effect I expected."

Fu Yu took the envelope, it's a bit thick!

Ji Yan said with a smile: "I originally planned to hire a chef for 5,000 yuan, but you came all the way from Bei'an, and you did me such a big favor again, and the dishes are really good. Eat, I am very satisfied! For the sake of auspiciousness, I have added money to you here, and there is a total of 6666 in it, please accept it, you deserve it.”

Fu Yu didn't expect to have a windfall, so he accepted the money with a smile.

After saying a few polite words to Ji Yan, and saying goodbye to Zhang Chenyang, Aunt Lianhua and others, Fu Yu took a taxi back home.

Ji's family held a Liang banquet this time, and invited many relatives and friends. Everyone came here from the village on purpose, and there were a lot of guests present.

Because they are all familiar with each other, the atmosphere has always been very lively and harmonious.

And Ji Yan's generous purchase of ingredients this time also won unanimous praise from everyone present.

While eating, everyone praised Ji Yan for his ability, and the Ji family lived a good life. This completely satisfied the vanity of the Ji family, and also achieved Ji Yan's original intention!

Zhang Chenyang didn't leave, he stayed to help Ji Yan entertain the guests.

After all these people are entertained and sent away, some of their friends are still planning to have a good get-together.

When Fu Yu was cooking just now, he had already cooked a table of noodles reserved for himself in the back kitchen.

When it's time to eat, just serve it on the table.

Zhang Chenyang is not from the village, but after working with Ji Yan for a long time, he is almost familiar.

He has a good personality and is very caring about entertaining, but he helped Ji Yan a lot.

The two were originally good friends and had known each other for more than ten years. After this incident, not only did it not affect the relationship between the two, but it deepened their mutual understanding.

Fu Yu has already booked a bus ticket for 4:30 this afternoon.

Now that there was still time, he hurriedly took a taxi and rushed home.

Fu's father and Fu's mother had made dumplings early, and they just waited for him to enter the door before they started cooking.

The family happily ate a meal of dumplings. This time, Fu's father and Fu's mother took Fu Yu to the bus station by taxi.

Even though he had only been away from home for two days, Fu's father and Fu's mother filled him with two big bags again.

Fu Ma said with a smile: "You came back just right this time. When I was packing up my things before, I thought about whether I should take this pine nut with me. Now I can finally take it. When you go back, you fry the pine nut and give it to me." Xiaoqing, eat some of it!"

Fu Yu couldn't laugh or cry, after saying goodbye to his parents, he checked the ticket and entered the station.

After getting in the car, Fu Yu put his phone away carefully, leaned his head on the car seat, and prepared to take a nap.

In fact, today's workload is not particularly heavy for him, especially with Zhang Chenyang and Aunt Lianhua helping him, it is much easier than usual working at Maxima.

But after all, I got up at two o'clock in the morning to pack up and get ready. The night before, I was a little excited because I went home and talked with Fu's father and mother for a while, and I hardly slept the whole night.

Just as Fu Yu closed his eyes, before he could get sleepy, an electronic notification sounded in his ears:

【Ding! Congratulations for triggering the long-term mission of NPC Chef Yao Shi: do a good job in the chef industry and develop well in this industry. Completion progress (eight): Successfully completed the Shangliang Banquet cooking, and obtained tasting approval from no less than 50 people. Rewards for task completion: level +1, a registration form for Jiangyu cooking teaching practice class, 2 physical strength potions, and a random reward]

After hearing the prompt from the system, Fu Yu's exhaustion was instantly swept away.

This time the harvest was so rich!

But a registration form for Jiangyu cooking teaching practice class?

Instead of the teaching practice classroom key, a registration form was given?

What do you mean, apply for a course study place?

He glanced at the [? 】

Select to view:

[Jiangyu Cooking Teaching Practice Class Learning Qualifications: Senior Chef, Class Requirements: Grade over 20, or meet the professional skills transfer standards, but the requirements have not been met. 】

It turned out to be like this.

Fu Yu glanced back at the back row to make sure no one was sitting, so he stretched.

It doesn't matter, isn't it level 20? It's already very close.

After accepting an order for a Liang banquet, he was directly rewarded with an upgrade. If this can always be done, it won't take long before he can get the opportunity to enter the teaching practice classroom to study.

Thinking about it, I was a little emotional. He was a little bit resistant to entering the teaching practice class before, but now he is full of expectations.

Maybe this is the so-called learning makes people happy, progress makes people confident!

Fu Yu checked the random reward happily.

[Congratulations on getting the skill point: +2]

I know that random rewards have always been very generous.

It's really good, I didn't toss in vain this morning, I not only made money, but also got rewards.

Satisfied, Fu Yu adjusted his sitting posture to make himself more comfortable, and then closed his eyes.

What a rewarding experience!

With emotion in his heart, Fu Yu quickly fell into a light sleep state.

It was already 8:30 p.m. when we arrived in Bei'an, so Fu Yu took a taxi back to Maxima.

On the way, Liu Yuqing and Zhao Meng were reported to be safe.

When the taxi drove to the side street, Fu Yu saw the supermarket in front of him from a distance, and with a thought, asked the driver to pull over.

He stored all the things he brought back at the front desk of the supermarket, and went to have a look around carefully.

I bought two pieces of Zhonghua and a big bag of Liu Yuqing's favorite snacks.

At work the next day, Fu Yu gave one of the Zhonghua to Zhao Meng, opened the other, took out a bag and put it in his pocket, and kept it for the back chef when he went to Shangshi’s private restaurant or the music restaurant. A few masters distribute it.

The experience of going home this time made Fu Yu realize that handing cigarettes is a very good choice for men who want to get closer quickly.

Just like Xiao Hechou, when meeting with Fu's father, the two of them lit a cigarette with each other, chatted while smoking, and the atmosphere became much more harmonious in an instant.

In some occasions, it is very inappropriate to refuse alcohol and tobacco. A glass of wine and a cigarette can often leave a refreshing impression on people.

Fu Yu knows how to smoke, but he doesn't have much addiction. When he is tired, or when he is depressed, he will occasionally want to smoke.

In fact, it’s okay not to smoke, and I don’t worry about it like other people.

Zhao Meng knew that Fu Yu must have made a small fortune when he went out to pick up jobs this time.

So when he received the cigarettes from Fu Yu, he was not polite and accepted it cheerfully.

"You delivered the cigarettes in time, but don't mention this to your acting sister, you know?"

Zhao Meng put the cigarette directly behind the shelf on the kitchen counter.

He whispered to Fu Yu, "This thing can't be put in the dormitory in the future, your acting sister is watching me quit smoking now."

After finishing speaking, I couldn't help complaining: "Is this something that can be quit casually? I don't dare to smoke when I go home at night, and I have to hide it secretly in the back kitchen! Before your acting sister suddenly went to my dormitory to pack things, and found out the previous The remaining half pack of cigarettes, this guy's, almost made my ears cocooned."

Zhao Meng complained, but the smile on his face revealed his true inner thoughts.

I have been single for so many years, no one cares, no one asks, now someone around me is finally taking care of me, the happiness of an old man is as simple as that.

When Liu Yuqing received the big snack pack, she was more enthusiastic and gave Fu Yu a big hug.

It's strange to say that the two of them never saw each other for a whole day whenever Fu Yutiaoxiu went to the music restaurant.

At that time, both Liu Yuqing and Fu Yu thought it was normal.

But this time, Fu Yu went back to his hometown county and only left for a day, and the two of them felt inexplicably that a little farewell is better than a newly married one.

Fu Yu hugged Liu Yuqing, and taking advantage of the fact that there were no outsiders around him, he couldn't help kissing her a couple more times, only then did he feel that some of his lovesickness was barely relieved.

With Fu Yu in the back kitchen, all the staff on Zhao Meng's side felt a lot more relaxed. For a whole day, Fu Yu and Zhao Meng took over all the orders.

Sun Qingning is now able to assist Zhao Meng in taking orders, but he is somewhat lacking in cooking techniques for some dishes, and he can't really be on his own. For the time being, he can't reach the level of taking orders independently.

Regarding this point, Sun Qingning was not in a hurry.

Zhang Jinyu has been helping Fu Yu in the kitchen all the time, and usually has no chance to get started.

Taking advantage of the free time in the morning, Fu Yu specially pointed out how Zhang Jinyu recently ordered a lot of braised river fish in sauce.

When preparing the staff meal at noon, after greeting Zhao Meng, he ordered Zhang Jinyu to fetch the Jiangyu sent by the buyer.

"For today's staff meal, you will cook the stewed Gayazi you learned this morning."

Zhang Jinyu immediately had a flattered expression on his face. He knew that this was an opportunity Fu Yu gave him to take charge, so he took it very seriously.

Gayazi fish is a kind of fish without scales. The meat is very tender. The most suitable cooking method is braised in sauce.

The sauce used to make this dish must be the local specialty soybean paste in order to stew the unique aroma.

Usually, when it was Zhao Meng's turn to prepare the staff meal at noon, Sun Qingning and Zhang Jinyu always cook together, and the ingredients are all ready-made in the back kitchen. Then improve the food.

As for the cooking, Xiao Gong took care of everything, and Sun Qingning was in charge of the cooking.

Zhang Jinyu is only responsible for some very simple home-cooked dishes.

This is the first time that such an independent cooking shop has featured dishes.

Braised Gayazi fish in sauce does not need to be opened like other river fish. It can be cut directly from the position under the gills to extract all the internal organs.

Zhang Jinyu has successfully cooked once in the morning, but she is still a little nervous about doing it now.

He added lard to the pot, heated it up, added scallions, ginger, dried chilies, and rock sugar, and stir-fried until the aroma was released.

While he was cooking, Fu Yu was busy shaking the spoon in his hand while paying attention to the movement here.

Zhang Jinyu felt that he was doing these few steps very smoothly, so after adding two spoonfuls of soybean paste, he started to stir fry on a low heat.

As the stir-frying became more and more smooth, his heart that was hanging high slowly began to fall back.

The cooking operation also has a certain rhythm. When this process is smoothed out, frying will become handy.

Zhang Jinyu continued with the next cooking with a relaxed expression, feeling that what she did was very good and perfect.

However, in Fu Yu's eyes, all these operations were simply appalling.

The green lines and dialog boxes in the pot are densely intertwined, there is more lard, less green onion and ginger, and the dried chili is hotter.

But these are not big problems for Zhang Jinyu's level.

Fu Yu hesitated for a moment, but decided not to make corrections.

After all, as a hacker emperor, he always wants to give ordinary people a chance to improve step by step.

Not aware of Fu Yu's painstaking forbearance at all, Zhang Jinyu poured water into the pot after briefly stir-frying it a few times.

After the fire is boiled, add the fish, and then turn to medium heat to cook.

At this time, the unique fragrance of Gayazi fish began to waft out.

How about saying that braised Gayazi fish in sauce is a very representative dish in Kaijiang fish!

It is because this dish not only smells delicious, but also tastes fresher.

Sun Qingning's kitchen counter was the closest to Fu Yu's, and when he smelled the aroma, he immediately asked in surprise, "Jinyu, what are you doing?"

Zhang Jinyu replied casually: "Braised Gayazi fish!"

After finishing speaking, he immediately continued: "Don't disturb me, I'm just watching the fire!"

The meat of Gayazi fish is very tender and needs to be stewed slowly over low heat, and in order to ensure the integrity of the fish, it cannot be turned over halfway.

In this way, the requirements for the control of the fire are relatively high.

It is a rare opportunity for Zhang Jinyu to cook special dishes in the store. Even if it is a staff meal, he cherishes this opportunity very much.

So during the whole cooking process, he was very patient and tried his best in every step of the operation.

Sauce stewed gayazi fish want to stew to produce a strong flavor, the juice is very important.

Zhang Jinyu stared at the fish in the pot carefully, not daring to be sloppy at all.

As soon as the well-cooked stewed squid in sauce was served, it received unanimous praise from everyone in the back kitchen.

Doenjang and Gajazi are the perfect match. Stir-frying and stewing can make the taste of the sauce soak into the texture of the fish.

The delicious gayazi fish meat is served with a bowl of rice, and you can't stop eating it.

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