Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 892 Learn from each other

At the end of the morning shift, Fu Yu punched out his card as usual, and rushed to Shangshi's private restaurant early.

The number of customized dishes today is the same as usual, but the dishes have obviously been adjusted.

Liu Yunong deliberately moved the two dishes that he wanted to teach Fu Yu to cook to today.

However, before the formal teaching, all the chefs need to cook all the dishes first. Whether it is a semi-finished dish or a dish that has only been prepared, it needs to be cooked in advance to ensure that when customers enter the store, they can be the first time. Time to serve.

For dishes that are expected to be more popular, some extra ingredients will be prepared.

Fu Yu is very used to and adapted to the workflow here.

He followed Liu Yunong to learn cooking operations, from the basic dishes to the final secret dishes, and tried to keep in mind every step of the operation.

Today was just in time for the weekend, and the business in the store was very good. Even if Liu Yunong deliberately slowed down the cooking and instructed Fu Yu a little bit, it was powerless.

The order at the front desk was too urgent, the customers arrived at the store at the same time, and the order orders were delivered to the back kitchen in a continuous stream, and the dishes at one table had just started, and there were orders for other tables Needs to be cooked right away.

For most of the night, several people stood in front of the kitchen counter, unable to move half a step.

Liu Zhangpeng is now fully aware of the importance of Fu Yu in Liu Yunong's heart. Before taking an order to cook, he must first ask Liu Yunong or Wang Yulong which dish Fu Yu needs to cook now.

If the list in his hand is relatively heavy, he will immediately change the order list.

After making sure that there are no dishes that Fu Yu practiced, he proceeded to cook with the spoon.

You can focus on cooking the dishes that you are lacking in. Such targeted training has made great progress for Fu Yu!

Fu Yu has also become more and more proficient in understanding and operating methods of Liujia cuisine, which he has never been in contact with before.

For about a week after returning from vacation, Fu Yu went back and forth between two o'clock and one line step by step every day.

The work of Maxima has become simple and a little boring for him.

Cooking the same dishes repeatedly every day, doing the same cooking operations, trying to find problems and mistakes in the details, has become the only joy in Fu Yu's busy work.

In contrast, Shangshi's private restaurant, where he can get in touch with new dishes almost every day, has become Fu Yu's favorite place.

During this week, Liu Yunong carefully arranged the customized recipes.

Thanks to the popularity of Shangshi private kitchen restaurant, as well as the novel taste of the dishes and the way of ordering, more and more customers are attracted to the restaurant to dine.

Although he only came here after get off work every day to learn from the chef for a few hours, but in this short period of time, Fu Yu had access to countless dishes and cooking operations.

He can even clearly feel that he is improving every day.

After all, this kind of high-intensity learning and cooking practice is like iron-blooded training again and again for him.

At ten o'clock in the evening, after cooking the last dish on the order list, several people in the back kitchen breathed a sigh of relief.

Liu Zhangpeng felt that the period of time in the branch was the period of his fastest progress and growth since he was the chef in charge.

Liu Yunong is a very busy person. He manages so many restaurants under his command. It is rare for him to stay in one restaurant for such a long time, let alone guide the operation of cooking dishes in the back kitchen.

Liu Zhangpeng has worked in Shangshi private restaurant for so long, how could he have such an experience before?

Although it was just an excuse to listen in, it was enough to benefit him a lot!

Liu Zhangpeng smiled: "Hey, today I know what it means to be divided into muscles and bones. Chef Liu, your splitting operation is simply amazing! Chef Fu is so fast, I didn't even see how to operate it." Yes, all the bones were disassembled!"

Liu Yunong just smiled slightly when she heard the compliment, but the smile on her mouth deepened when she heard Fu Yu's approval.

Fu Yu shook his head, smiled and said nothing.

Wang Yulong on the side took up the conversation: "If you put together the bones that you disassembled carefully, you will definitely be able to make a complete skeleton, and there will be no missing bones!"

Liu Zhangpeng became even more excited when he heard this: "Chef Liu, you and Fu Fu are a little inferior to being chefs. You should learn from doctors before!"

Liu Yunong couldn't help laughing out loud: "Are you going to disassemble the human skeleton?"

Wang Yulong laughed: "That's right, is it to save people, or to harm people!"

A group of people laughed.

After a tiring day, casually teasing the poor makes me feel very happy!

The workers on the side were packing up the leftover ingredients. Hearing the chatting of several people, they couldn't help but burst out laughing!

One of them said with a smile: "What you said is too exaggerated!"

Liu Zhangpeng smiled and waved his hands: "It's not an exaggeration, you haven't seen the dismantling method of Liu Chu and Fu Chu, what kind of chicken, duck and fish, all the bones and fish bones can be dismantled, no matter how thin the bones are , how small a fishbone does not fall! This is the level!"

Wang Yulong couldn't help but said: "When you feel this way, why not Zhang Luozhu and start to practice splitting. Now that Yunong and Fu Chu are both here, they can give some pointers."

Liu Zhangpeng laughed as soon as he heard it: "That's great! Starting tomorrow, after preparing the dishes every morning, let's not rest and argue, and start practicing by dismantling the chicken skeleton!"

Liu Yunong said cheerfully: "I think it will work. When the time comes, the chicken skeletons you disassembled can be used for making soup. The chicken can't be cooked and served, so you can stew it by yourself."

The others were delighted when they heard it, and they all clapped their hands and applauded!

Fu Yu was also very happy to hear everyone joking. During this period of time, after they got used to each other, not only did they become acquainted and get along more harmoniously, but also their cooperation in cooking operations also made a qualitative leap.

Fu Yu seems to have his own handy kitchen assistant here, and has fully adapted to the working environment here.

Moreover, he also discovered one thing.

Liu Zhangpeng was selected to follow Wang Yulong to bei'an branch to take charge of the branch alone. The culinary ability is one aspect, and Liu Zhangpeng's ability in personnel allocation and management coordination is also very outstanding.

Although Wang Yulong is the head chef, his usual focus is on cooking and arranging dishes.

As for the small workers around him, the back office cleaners, and the waiters in the front hall, almost all of these people were dealing with Liu Zhangpeng.

Wang Yulong must be in charge of cooking dishes, but Liu Zhangpeng is responsible for other trivial matters.

One of the masters and apprentices sang bad faces and the other sang bad faces, but they kept the working atmosphere of the whole store very harmonious.

Especially in the handling of various emergencies, Liu Zhangpeng can always defuse them very skillfully.

The working hours are too short and the experience is insufficient. This is where Fu Yu is very lacking and needs to learn and accumulate.

Fu Yu has always been a character who does what he thinks and is aware of his own shortcomings, so he began to pay attention to these aspects in his future work and relationship.

In the locker room, Liu Zhangpeng was a little surprised when he received the cigarette from Fu Yu.

I didn't notice that Fu Yu had the habit of smoking before, but after a tiring day, I can finally relax and smoke a cigarette, which is a very good thing.

Liu Zhangpeng was smoking a cigarette and stretched in a good mood.

He chatted with Fu Yu for a while, when a worker came in to change his clothes, they chatted and laughed together.

While smoking a cigarette, Liu Zhangpeng watched other people joking and joking. He just smiled and didn't speak.

It has been less than half a year since he came to the branch in Beian, and during this time, Liu Zhangpeng felt the most comfortable.

Even when he was in the head office at that time, he was doing well, the back chef was popular, and the salary was very good, but the working environment and working atmosphere like now have never been there before.

In fact, the working atmosphere and environment are more important than the working location.

Compared with the main store, the branch store must be much worse. Whether it is the source of customers or the staffing, it is naturally more than one level worse.

But at the beginning, when I was in the back kitchen of the main store, even though he had already been in charge of cooking independently and was able to take care of himself, but in front of the master chefs, he was just a helper who could be called around.

No one regarded him as a chef at all. In the eyes of those master chefs, he was just an apprentice.

And although the conditions at the main store are very good, with high commissions and good treatment, the harmony of the back kitchen is a difficult problem after all.

It's not intentional targeting or harsh treatment, but the masters are used to the attitude of leading apprentices, so they are often a little picky about them.

The heart is not bad, but the attitude is occasionally hurtful.

This is not something that can be adjusted in the store.

And if you want to get ahead in the head office, at Liu Zhangpeng's level, it's not enough.

After all, those master masters were all descendants of Liu's class back then, and all of them had very powerful unique skills.

Therefore, when the branch opened in Bei'an this time, the boss sent his master Wang Yulong to take over the role, Liu Zhangpeng resolutely left the main store and came to the branch in this small third-tier city to take up the position of chef.

The owner, Liu Yunong, promised Liu Zhangpeng that he would open two new branches within three years, and let him temporarily serve as the chef in the back kitchen, and first assist Wang Yulong in managing the back kitchen.

After the new store is established, if Liu Zhangpeng's personal ability meets the standard, he will consider transferring him to the new branch as the head chef, and let him form his own back kitchen team.

Liu Yunong has always been trustworthy in employing people, and will give the people under him a considerable degree of autonomy. As long as the operation of the branch is on the right track, except for routine audits and shop inspections, all the rights to form the back kitchen and front office service personnel will be delegated to the to branch managers.

In terms of employing people, it can be regarded as very caring and quite resourceful.

However, Liu Zhangpeng is not very keen on being transferred to other branches to be the head chef. Now he can learn cooking from the side of his master Wang Yulong and accumulate experience in back kitchen staff management, which is already very content.

After all, with his current cooking ability, it is not enough to support the cooking of a branch restaurant.

This is also a major feature of the inheritance of Liujia cuisine.

Shangshi private kitchen restaurant has always changed its menu every day, and the dishes cooked every day are different.

There are countless dishes accumulated by generations of ancestors, coupled with the incorporation of local specialties, after a year, I wish there was no repeated dish.

It is not an easy task to truly become a disciple.

It would take a lifetime of study just to learn all of Liu's family dishes thoroughly.

And when he really practiced his superb cooking skills, he was already old, and he had formed a deep relationship with everyone in the shop.

Not to mention treating the restaurant as the family, and treating the colleagues as family members, it is basically the same.

It is also because of this that the turnover of chefs in Shangshi Private Kitchen is very small.

Therefore, although Liu Yunong has frequently opened branches in the past few years, as soon as a new store opens, he can immediately send a master chef with superb cooking skills to sit in the town as the head chef.

And although Liu Zhangpeng is not a master chef at the main store, he only serves as a chef at the branch store, but in fact, his culinary skills are very outstanding in any restaurant outside.

Originally, Liu Zhangpeng still couldn't figure out why Liu Yunong would suddenly accept Fu Yu as his apprentice.

This kind of thing has never happened in their Shangshi private restaurant!

People like them who can enter the main store to learn how to cook with their masters are all entrusted with the relationship, or are directly selected by the master chefs from the small workers.

Liu Zhangpeng had no way of understanding the fact that he had never worked in Shangshi's private restaurant, but was directly under Liu Yunong, the successor of Liu's family cuisine.

However, he now fully understands.

Liu Yunong made such a choice because Fu Yu himself is very talented and capable of cooking.

This is really a very scary person. Using words like genius to describe him is a bit flimsy.

A person can learn and comprehend a large number of cooking operations and knowledge difficulties in a very short period of time, and can apply what he has learned at the fastest speed!

What kind of strength is this?

In fact, as early as years ago, Liu Zhangpeng had already clearly felt that Fu Yu's cooking skills had surpassed his own.

If there is any aspect in which I can be better than Fu Yu, it is nothing more than the experience I have accumulated in cooking for many years.

Liu Zhangpeng didn't know that in Fu Yu's heart, he was still someone worth learning from.

Being able to be very smooth and get along with all people just right is actually a kind of personal charm.

It is very easy to twist a team into a rope.

Therefore, when Liu Zhangpeng secretly sighed, Fu Yu was really awesome, really strong, and he was improving so fast, when the waves behind him beat the waves ahead.

Fu Yu was also paying close attention to Liu Zhangpeng's every move, trying to learn the communication methods and skills of the other party.

Because Fu Yu and Liu Zhangpeng think each other is very good, very good, so when they get along in private, they unconsciously become more sincere.

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