After the Jiangyu came into the market, there were a lot of Jiangyu dishes on the order list of the Maxima Hotel.

The purchaser has purchased a large quantity these days, and the supplier often sends him some kinds of ikan kelp.

This river fish is fresh, and the family can't finish it, so Sun Wei will throw a few river fish to the back kitchen almost every now and then as a favor.

In the morning, it was Zhao Meng's turn to organize the staff's meals. Fu Yu glanced at the four crucian carp trapped in the pool, and his eyes lit up.

This crucian carp looks fat!

Since leaving early every night, Fu Yu took the initiative to take on the job of cooking breakfast in the back kitchen.

During the period, Sun Qingning and Zhang Jinyu also deliberately got up early and came to the back kitchen to help share the burden.

But on the one hand, the craftsmanship is really not as good as Fu Yu's, and on the other hand, he found that Fu Yu really wanted to cook breakfast for everyone, so he gave up.

In fact, Fu Yu was willing to cook breakfast for everyone, and everyone was very happy.

In addition to Fu Yu's high level of cooking skills and delicious breakfast, everyone is so happy that they can sleep in after a hard day!

It is said that he can eat people with a short mouth, and Fu Yu is fastidious in his work, and everyone has a better impression of him.

As for the matter of leaving early every day, they kept silent. As long as the leaders didn't pursue it, they would just turn a blind eye and ignore it.

Fu Yu came early, and there was no one else to help with the kitchen, so he stood by the pool and rolled up his sleeves to catch fish.

Fu Yu handled the live fish very quickly.

He first removes the scales, gills and viscera of crucian carp, then washes and drains.

Heat the pan and add cooked lard.

Lard is a good thing, and the effect of increasing fragrance is particularly significant.

When the oil is hot, fry the fish in two batches.

This step is the key to whether the fish soup is delicious.

Pay special attention when frying, and there must be no scorched spots on the fish skin.

It's a pity that there is no eel, otherwise the soup will be more delicious if the eel bones are used together.

"It smells so good! Fu Chu, are you making fish soup?" Zhang Jinyu walked into the back kitchen with a sleepy face.

Recently, he has lived a particularly comfortable life.

In terms of work, Fu Yu is covering him, and he seldom handles difficult and tiring tasks.

I usually do odd jobs and help the kitchen, and occasionally I can follow Fu Yu to learn how to cook some special dishes in the store, and even have the opportunity to cook twice.

Food is richer than others. Fu Yu is dexterous, and when he has spare time, he will think about making some snacks to satisfy his cravings, and even distribute them to those around him.

But the quantity is limited, apart from Zhao Meng and Sun Qingning, Zhang Jinyu eats the most in the back kitchen.

It is said that the heart is wide and the body is fat. Zhang Jinyu feels that his trouser waist is obviously a little tight recently.

Zhang Jinyu took a closer look, and his eyes lit up: "Hey! Crucian carp soup!"

Fu Yu responded casually: "I made fish soup noodles for you this morning. It happened that there were a lot of noodles left at the white case yesterday. I saw that they were all stored in the refrigerator when they were stockpiling last night."

Zhang Jinyu immediately clapped his hands and applauded. Seeing that Fu Yu was going to make soup, he hurried to help fetch water.

After Fu Yu put clean water into the pot, when it boiled, he poured the fried crucian carp into the pot and boiled it.

After the soup turns white, add the lard that has been fried fish just now, and cook thoroughly on high heat.

Fu Yu was originally cooking with a dull head, but he accidentally saw Zhang Jinyu standing beside him with a serious face, so he pointed out: "When making this fish soup noodle, the oil used must be lard, and the oil added to the fish soup is lard. It must be the crude oil after frying fish, so that the stewed fish soup tastes particularly authentic."

Zhang Jinyu wrote it down carefully.

Fu Yu warned again: "Because crude oil is used, when frying, be careful to turn the fish body, and the fish skin must not be burnt."

Zhang Jinyu looked at the lard that Fu Yu poured into the fish soup. Because it had been fried, the color was darker, but the oil quality could be seen to be very clear.

Zhang Jinyu couldn't help feeling: "Fu Chu, the heat requirements for this frying are too high! Just like me, without three to five years of practice, I will definitely not be able to reach this level."

Fu Yu smiled: "There is really no shortcut to fire control skills other than practicing more."

In the words, Zhang Jinyu's words were not denied.

The skill of controlling heat is the most important skill in cooking operations. If you want to master it well, you can only practice more and accumulate experience slowly.

Zhang Jinyu nodded, and said in his heart: It's true that people are more deadly than others!

Fish soup was boiling in the pot, and Fu Yu ordered Zhang Jinyu to fetch the noodles.

After the fish soup in the pot is boiled thoroughly, filter it twice to clear the fish residue.

Zhang Jinyu habitually stepped forward to help with the filtering work. He changed hands to throw away the fish dregs, but was stopped by Fu Yu.

"Don't throw away the fish dregs, I still have use for them!"

Zhang Jinyu was taken aback, if the fish dregs were kept to cook the soup, what would be the use of taking them out?

However, this idea was only thought about for a while, and he didn't ask it out.

After such a long period of cooperation, Zhang Jinyu already knew Fu Yu very well.

I know that in terms of cooking, all Fu Yu's requests must be meaningful, and he will never be aimless.

Pour all the overcooked fish bones into an iron pot, first dry it with a slow fire, then mix the white soup into the pot three times, add Shaojiu, ginger and spring onion, cook thoroughly, and filter through a fine soup sieve.

Zhang Jinyu hurried forward to do the filtering work, and couldn't help but said: "So the fish bones have to be dried and then boiled?"

Fu Yu smiled: "In this way, the taste in the fish bones can be thoroughly boiled out. Unfortunately, there are no shrimp roe, otherwise, this pot of soup would be fresh."

Zhang Jinyu clicked her tongue secretly, this pot of fish soup looks so delicious, how can you add shrimp roe to continue cooking?

In terms of cooking, Fu Yu knows too many things!

They also started as odd jobs in the back kitchen, how could Fu Yu be so good at it?

Zhang Jinyu's stomach was filled with ambition, and he ate two large bowls of delicious fish soup noodles for breakfast. His body is his capital. Only when he is full can he have the strength to work hard and hone his cooking skills!

Before the morning order was delivered, Fu Yu sneaked in and fried the pine nuts he brought from home.

Mama Fu brought a big heavy bag, and Fu Yu cooked the whole pot, leaving a separate portion for Zhao Meng and Liu Yuqing, and sharing the rest with the others in the back kitchen.

Fu Yu handed a large bowl of hot pine nuts to Zhao Meng: "When it cools down, take it back and give it to Sister Dai and Bao'er to taste. The pine nuts grown on the mountain over there are very fragrant!"

Zhao Meng didn't expect Fu Yu to think of this, his heart warmed up, he smiled and said: "I see, it happens that Bao'er likes to eat this, I thank you for her."

Fu Yu smiled and said, "Bao'er likes it? That's easy to say. I'll ask my mother to post it over in autumn. I have plenty of these things at home!"

Several people at the front desk also took advantage of Liu Yuqing's light to eat delicious fried pine nuts.

The front desk clerk said with emotion: "Xiao Qing, Fu Chu is really kind to you. There are very few men who know how to love their girlfriends like him!"

When Jiang Mo heard this, he immediately echoed: "No, Xiaoqing is really lucky, Fu Yu is a very nice person, you must not let Fu Chu down in the future, treat him well!"

When the front desk attendant heard this, before Liu Yuqing could speak, he couldn't help but joked: "No, Xiao Jiang, you don't mean you want to get Xiaoqing's corner? Look at how obsessed you are with the chef!"

Jiang Mo hurriedly defended, "I don't call it obsessed with the chef, that's called worship!"

Hearing this, Liu Yuqing smiled and stuffed a peeled pine nut into Jiang Mo's mouth: "Sister Jiang, I believe in you, let's eat the pine nut fried by your idol and ignore her!"

The front desk clerk suddenly giggled and said, "Oh, are you kidding me!"

After finishing speaking, he couldn't help but said happily: "However, don't talk about Jiang Mo, there are quite a few people in our store who worship Fu Chu, Xiao Qing, you really have vision, Fu Chu is not only handsome, but also has a good personality. Art is also very good."

Mentioning Fu Yu's strengths, Jiang Mo immediately turned an enemy into a friend, and said with bright eyes: "Yes, and the cook Fu is also very diligent. As for our back cook, who has nothing to do to make snacks? But if you have time, why don't you hurry up?" Smoke, just take the opportunity to rest!"

The waiter at the front desk said: "Fuchu is to cook for Xiaoqing!"

Jiang Mo hurriedly said: "That's right! This shows that Fu Chu knows that he loves his girlfriend, so he is so considerate!"

Liu Yuqing's pretty face turned red when she heard them praising Fu Yu. Just when she was feeling embarrassed, she heard a loud voice saying: "Auntie, hello! We want to order food!"

Liu Yuqing turned her head when she heard the sound, and saw three elementary school students in school uniforms standing at the front desk looking at them.

Liu Yuqing raised her eyebrows, pretending to be angry and said, "Call me sister!"

The boy who spoke was taken aback, and looked at Liu Yuqing in surprise.

On the other hand, the ponytail girl who was following her reacted quickly and said quickly, "Hello, sister, we want to order food!"

Only then did Liu Yuqing smile, and said half jokingly and half seriously: "Is that right, where is your adult?"

These three elementary school students were wearing the school uniforms of the seventh elementary school near the hotel, one boy and two girls.

The boy who spoke before had a round face and small eyes. Hearing Liu Yuqing's question, he hurriedly said, "Our parents didn't come. We are going to treat the teacher to dinner today!"

The ponytail girl who called her sister just now also said: "Yes, we want to order!"

Liu Yuqing looked at them very interestingly, and couldn't help asking: "Did you bring any money to order?"

At this time, standing at the end, the little girl who had been silent all this time suddenly said, "Can I enter a restaurant without money? We have money!"

Yo! This little girl has a temper!

Jiang Mo hurriedly pulled Liu Yuqing behind the table, signaling her to stop joking.

The front desk clerk also spoke at the right time, and tentatively asked: "You are going to invite the teacher to dinner, does your teacher know about this?"

The girl with the ponytail nodded: "We left a note for the teacher, put it on her desk, and pressed it with her mobile phone, so she can see it as long as she holds it."

When the front desk clerk heard this, his head suddenly became dizzy.

Three elementary school students want to order food, can this customer be accepted?

If it is an ordinary small restaurant, especially near the school, as long as elementary school students like this are willing to spend, they can also receive them.

But Maxima is not like other restaurants, because the main dishes are seafood, so the price is generally a bit high.

If you order a meal and wait for the food to arrive on the table, but you can't pay in the end, or the adults in your family come to find you, this matter will be difficult to handle!

The front desk clerk thought for a while and asked, "The food in our store is not cheap. How much money did you bring? Is it enough to order?"

The ponytail girl hurriedly said: "We have brought money, the three of us have a total of 300 pocket money!"

The little boy also said: "Yes, counting the teacher, there are four of us, and we want to order six dishes and one soup!"

When the front desk clerk heard this, he couldn't laugh or cry: "Do you know how much the dishes in our store cost per plate? Three hundred yuan is definitely not enough to order six dishes and one soup."

The ponytail girl and the little boy were in a hurry.

The little boy asked, "But we only have 300 yuan! How many dishes can we order with 300 yuan?"

The waiter at the front desk said helplessly: "I will give you the cheapest dishes, that is, three dishes and one soup!"

The girl with the ponytail wondered: "But counting the teacher, there are four of us in total! This is not enough to eat!"

The little boy also nodded and said: "It's okay if you don't have enough food, the main reason is that it doesn't look good. One dish is not enough for one person!"

The usual job of the front desk clerk is to receive customers, and basically they have encountered everything.

Small customers like this, if they can really spend money and want to order food, it's not really impossible to receive them.

After all, the living conditions of children nowadays are good, pocket money is abundant, and occasionally they want to eat a big meal, but they can't afford it.

Generally, very few parents would deliberately find a theory in the restaurant because of the fact that their children spent money in restaurants.

Moreover, although these three children were wearing primary school uniforms, they looked at least in the fifth and sixth grades.

Such a big child should be sensible already.

However, the reception can be received, but they don't bring enough money, so there is really no way.

The front desk clerk helped out with an idea: "Our store's consumption is indeed a bit high, why don't you think about it, should you change to another restaurant?"

The girl with the ponytail immediately said, "No, the last time I came to eat with my mother, I saw the teacher eating here too. At that time, she told my mother that the dishes here are delicious!"

The boy also said: "Yes, we just want to invite the teacher to eat here!"

The front desk clerk said helplessly: "Then there is no other way, why don't you order two less dishes? If it doesn't work, you can only change places. I don't have enough money, and I can't help."

At this time, the little girl stepped forward again and said, "If a dish is so expensive, let's order half a dish! Don't restaurants have half-dish activities now? Let's order six and a half dishes, one soup, this time okay?"

Half a serving of noodles?

This little girl knows a lot.

This year, in response to the call to save food and not waste it, many restaurants have indeed launched a half-dish campaign.

Because the effect is very good, it has sparked a craze.

In fact, Maxima has considered this matter before, but the business in the store has been very good, so there is no need to promote sales and win customers through such activities.

Moreover, it is too troublesome to cook half a dish, and the back kitchen is simply too busy.

So it's over.

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