Seeing Yao Shi coming, everyone in the back kitchen greeted him one after another.

Yao Shi responded one by one, and walked straight to Fu Yu with the visitors, and introduced with a smile: "This is Fu Yu."

As he said that, before he could be introduced, the young man following him took a step forward with a happy face, and took the initiative to shake hands with Fu Yu: "So you are Fu Fu! Hello, I am the new chef of the Four Seas Banquet , My name is Han Dongzhi."

It turned out to be the newly hired chef of the Four Seas Banquet.

A few years ago, the reputation of the Four Seas Banquet was hit hard for a while because of the collusion between the kitchen and the purchaser to purchase zombie meat.

Even if it is repeatedly clarified that this matter is that the kitchen staff and the purchasers are in the same boat, the zombie meat has not flowed into the customer's table, and it has been discovered and stopped.

But in people's word of mouth, this matter has evolved into countless versions.

Everyone felt that since this incident could be revealed, it meant that this incident must have already begun.

As for the fact that the chef in the shop personally called the police and assisted the police in the arrest, this series of behaviors became deliberate hype.

The purpose is to deceive consumers. They all work in the same back kitchen. Who can really be innocent?

Because of this incident, the Four Seas Banquet can be said to be traumatic.

Fortunately, the incident happened during the New Year. Although the dining peak on the 15th day of the first lunar month was delayed, the off-season that came later just allowed the store to recharge its batteries and make a good rectification.

The bold and open-minded chef in the back kitchen, as well as his assistant cooks, small workers, and purchasers were all fired.

Subsequently, newcomers were hired to replace the positions.

Han Dongzhi was the newly hired chef this time. He was actually forty-two years old, but he was born with a chubby baby face and looked like he was in his early thirties.

Han Dongzhi's cooking skills are very good. He is the chef in charge who was recruited by the boss of the Four Seas Banquet through his relationship.

Chef Luo Rang also has a very good impression of him, not only because Han Dongzhi's cooking skills are really good, the most important thing is that he has a smooth personality, good at dancing, and he is obviously a master chef, but he always has a very humble and low-key attitude .

The back kitchen of the Four Seas Banquet, in addition to hiring a new chef, has also hired two chefs in charge, three small workers, and a new buyer, who is currently in the proper period.

Luo Rang sits in the back kitchen, training and guiding new employees while urging the back kitchen to cook and serve.

He really couldn't leave, and he didn't want to miss this study group activity, so he specially sent Han Dongzhi to Chollima, and wanted to discuss with Fu Yu the specific study time and content arrangement.

This kind of thing, in fact, just make a phone call to communicate, but considering that Luo Rang didn't show up in person, it seemed that he didn't pay enough attention to it, and it was a good thing for Han Dongzhi to meet Fu Yu.

After all, if you want to beat newcomers, no matter how much you say, it will not be as effective as seeing is believing.

When he himself observed Fu Yu's on-site operations, he was deeply shocked, let alone Han Dongzhi, a new chef.

With the help of Fu Yu's hand to beat the new chef, Luo Rang's calculations were very precise.

Fu Yu didn't expect so much. He heard that Han Dongzhi was the study group representative sent by Four Seas Banquet, so after shaking hands with him, he nodded with a smile: "Chef Han, nice to meet you."

Yao Shi brought the man over and handed it over to Fu Yu for reception, and then he left in a hurry to do other things.

Fu Yu happened to be free, so he greeted Han Dongzhi to the dining room.

Everyone in the back kitchen had already finished their meal, and the cleaning staff cleaned up the dining room.

The two sat at the dining table, chatting enthusiastically.

Han Dongzhi said with a smile: "Fu Chu, when I was at the Four Seas Banquet, I often heard Luo Chu talking about you. I didn't expect you to join the Provincial Food Association at such a young age, and this time you can represent Maxima as a member of the study group. principal!"

"I came here this time just to discuss with you the specific time and content of observation and study. Our chef Luo said that everything is up to your arrangement. As for cooking, as long as you are willing to show it on the spot, it will be enough to benefit other study groups. It’s amazing, I’m really looking forward to it!”

After Fu Yu heard it, he smiled awkwardly. He was a little embarrassed to be praised so much in front of everyone in the back kitchen of his shop!

And what Han Dongzhi said was somewhat exaggerated.

But listening to it is really comfortable, refreshing!

Fu Yu waved his hands again and again, and said with a smile: "That's why you Chef Luo deliberately flattered me, he's too exaggerated!"

Han Dongzhi shook his head, and said seriously: "Really, it's not that Chef Luo is flattering you on purpose. He really attaches great importance to the communication activities of this study group. When he usually chats with us, he always emphasizes that, When we come here, we must learn with an open mind and observe carefully.”

"If you want to improve your cooking skills, in addition to doing more research and practice, it is also a very good way to find a chef with a high level of cooking skills to observe the cooking. As for the cooking of the red case, you can find it in various restaurants. You can learn something from the exchange with the chefs, and then you can find Fu Yu from Maxima to observe, these are all chefs with real kung fu."

When Fu Yu heard this, he was really terrified!

Luo Rangna is the chef of the Four Seas Banquet, and he is also a well-known chef in Bei'an. He is best at stewing and cooking sheep and scorpions, and Yao Shi of Qianlima, Sanwei Jukang Guijie, and several other well-known restaurants The chef is considered to be several authoritative figures in Bei'an cuisine.

However, Luo Rang's status in the circle is definitely not low. After all, the Four Seas Banquet has become a well-known specialty restaurant on par with a century-old store like Maxima with the promotion of the shop in the past few years.

Fu Yu heard that his name was vaguely compared with chefs like Luo Rang and Yao Shi. Does this mean that he is already a little famous in the food circle of Bei'an?

However, in front of Zhao Meng and Yao Shi, one should still be modest.

"I haven't agreed with other study groups on the next observation and study. What do you Luo Chu mean?"

Han Dongzhi smiled slightly: "Our Chef Luo said that the observation time of our two study groups can be arranged according to your arrangement. Our store's business is not very good now, and we are not busy at work."

Fu Yu was taken aback: "Oh? Isn't everything settled?"

Han Dongzhi explained: "It's true that everything has been dealt with, but the source of customers in the store is still affected. Many customers who came here because of the name heard about this and directly changed their itinerary. This matter has not subsided yet, and the rumors are raging, saying everything."

After Fu Yu heard it, he was stunned for a moment.

The incident that happened before the Four Seas Banquet was indeed quite a big deal. After all, food is the most important thing for the people, and food safety is related to the foundation of the country.

This is what everyone pays most attention to and cares about.

Although the whole incident was announced by the police on the news and on the Internet, explaining what happened and why.

But after all, there are always some people who have not seen the news in this regard. They are all hearsay. Three people become tigers.

Fu Yu asked: "Is there no countermeasure in the store?"

Han Dongzhi smiled: "Employee training, purchaser adjustments, it's just the beginning of spring, and there are no special festivals, Luo Chef is impatient, thinking it won't work, he took advantage of March 15 to organize a wave of activities, but was rejected by the boss. "

After Fu Yu heard it, he almost laughed out loud.

If you want to increase the source of customers and organize activities, what day do you choose is not good, choose 315, this is really not afraid of everyone bringing up old things again, and then stir up the heat.

If this is the case, this is not to increase the source of customers for the store. I am afraid that the off-season in the store will be extended indefinitely!

However, without a good name, it is really impossible to carry out this promotional discount activity.

"However, the business in the store has obviously picked up for a while. Chef Luo said that just taking advantage of the current slow business, he will rectify the management of the back kitchen and then train the newcomers. I just came to work in the back kitchen, so I figured out the process. , this just happened to be an opportunity to learn and communicate, so Chef Luo sent me over."

Han Dongzhi smiled: "Chu Fu, the people from the study group didn't come together today, so they can't observe your cooking operations. When I come back next time, I must have a good culinary exchange with you."

"Our Chef Luo said that we can learn a lot of detailed skills by observing your cooking operations. By the way, Chef Fu, can I exchange contact information with you?"

Fu Yu nodded: "Of course, I will keep in touch in the future."

Han Dongzhi nodded: "That's for sure. When I have a chance, I will be the host. I will invite Chef Luo and we will have a meal together. I have been working in the Four Seas Banquet for a while, and Chef Luo has taken special care of me. He is a nice person. I see It's good to see you, it's worth paying."

Fu Yu also has a good impression of Han Dongzhi, and he still holds the idea of ​​making more friends in the circle and striving for an early promotion, and he is very willing to make friends with Han Dongzhi.

The two agreed on the exchange time and specific content of the study group, and Fu Yu personally sent Han Dongzhi out of the gate of the Maxima Hotel.

After sending people away, when Fu Yu returned to the back kitchen, he saw Sun Qingning and Sun Wei helping each other, pouring fish into the pool.

Seeing Fu Yu coming, Sun Wei immediately greeted him warmly: "Hey! Fu Fu, you came just in time, come and have a look!"

Fu Yu came closer, stretched out his head to have a look, and immediately smiled: "Hey, where is this whole flower loach? It looks quite fat."

Sun Wei grinned happily and said, "Isn't the reservoir full of water? All the fat loach that has been stored for the winter has been fished out. Someone gave me two buckets, and I hurried to bring you a bucket. They are all fresh. Very fat!"

Fu Yu nodded: "This head is really not small!"

Sun Wei smiled and said: "This kind of flower loach is delicious. I went to the reservoir this morning and I didn't get home at noon. I went to send a bucket of loach to my old man's house first, and then went straight to our shop. I'll let you guys try it too."

Sun Qingning is a very smart person, after hearing this, he understood that Sun Wei sent the loach here on purpose, thinking of eating in the back kitchen!

So he asked, "Brother Sun, you haven't eaten yet, have you?"

Sun Wei replied: "No, how can I have time!"

Sun Qingning immediately said: "Isn't this just a flower loach, let me cook a plate for you to eat?"

Sun Wei suddenly smiled brightly: "Okay, that's great!"

Fu Yu watched the two of them sing and prepare to make snacks, and was happy to try something new along with them.

Sun Wei is an old buyer in the store. He has worked for seven or eight years and gets along very well with various suppliers. Every time he buys goods, he can get some free ingredients back.

He is very good at being a man. Anyway, there are so many ingredients that he can't finish at home, so he often brings them to the back kitchen.

The people in the back kitchen accepted this favor, so he could take a few sips to try something new.

Sun Qingning is now learning how to cook with Zhao Meng, and he can cook some special dishes in the restaurant independently.

Although the time is still short and there is no obvious benefit, but he is a bit more proficient in cooking operations than before.

Maxima Restaurant itself has this braised loach dish, but there are not many customers ordering it, so when renovating the menu, this dish was withdrawn from the picture, and it was only reflected in the form of words at the end.

Customers can't see the menu when ordering, so even fewer people order the dish.

However, flower loach was a very common ingredient at that time. Every year when water was released from the reservoir, or farmers caught it from ponds and ridges and transported it to the city for sale, flower loach began to be sold on the market.

Because the price is cheap, it is not difficult to cook, so it is a kind of home-cooked ingredient.

Although Sun Qingning did not learn how to cook this dish in Qianlima, he is very skilled in braised sauce.

Now it is nothing more than replacing other fresh fish with loach, so it should not be difficult to cook.

It just so happened that the little worker was starting to prepare dishes, and Sun Qingning called someone to help with it.

To save trouble, Xiaogong set up the pot to boil the water and scald the fish directly. Fu Yu saw it and stopped him quickly, telling him: "If you want to eat fresh loach, you have to deal with it one by one. If the whole pot is hot, the taste But it's much worse."

But if another person said this, Xiao Gong would definitely complain to some extent, and how troublesome it was to deal with each item.

But the person who said this was Fu Yu, Xiaogong nodded quickly, and followed Sun Qingning to deal with the flower loach.

Everyone in the back kitchen knows that it is not easy to get the culinary guidance of a chef. You must try your best to please the chef, and you must have a real talent in cooking.

Whether it is Zhao Meng or Gu Yunwu, they are usually busy with cooking. Unless they want to train chefs who are in charge of cooking, they are like ordinary workers, and they don't have the opportunity to get close to observe cooking.

It's not easy to get a closer look, let alone get culinary advice.

But Fu Yu is different. He has a really good personality and never hides his secrets. Whenever someone asks, he will answer seriously.

Especially when cooking, a sentence mentioned occasionally is often a trick that needs to be slowly understood for a long time.

For example, if Fu Yu didn't say how to deal with the flower loach now, who would have considered that when dealing with it, it needs to be killed and cleaned up one by one?

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