Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 899 Only fresh kills are the best

After hearing what Fu Yu said, Sun Qingning nodded in agreement: "Okay, let's deal with them one by one. These loaches are small and slippery. They can't be caught and can't be cleaned up. If they are scalded to death in a pot like this, it's easy to disembowel them and remove their intestines." too much."

"This idea is correct, but you can't do it this way, because loach and seafood are of the same nature, fresh is good, and dead will change the taste."

What Sun Qingning said is true, for the treatment of these fresh fish, it must be the best way to deal with fresh fish.

After all, the most important thing about eating fish is freshness. The best thing is to just fish it out and cook it directly. The meat of that kind of fish is the most tender. You don’t even need to use too much seasoning, just put a little salt, and you can taste the most original taste. Original, very tasty fish.

However, there are other reasons for doing this besides this.

Fu Yu just had nothing to do, so he simply added another point: "The treatment of loaches is actually the same as that of eels. There are many ways to kill them, including scalding, suffocation, and kang death. But except for slaughtering one by one In addition, all other methods will affect the freshness of loach."

"Especially the large loach like this must be viscerally removed, because there is bitter gall in the viscera, which greatly affects the taste when cooking. If the whole pot is scalded to death before processing, the fishy smell of the viscera will enter the meat, There is a very obvious fishy smell when you eat it."

Xiaogong is an old man in the back kitchen. When Fu Yu just graduated and came to practice, the two worked together and got on well.

After hearing Fu Yu finished speaking, he couldn't help asking: "Chu Fu, we used to cook this loach in a hot pot before disposing of it. If it doesn't work, we fry it first. When the internal organs are all lumped together, just pick it up."

"If you do it one by one, it's okay to waste time. The key is that you can't catch it, it's too slippery."

Although Maxima is a seafood restaurant, there are very few opportunities to cook loach. There is almost no ordering on weekdays, and there is no such item when the buyer purchases.

If there are regular customers who really want to eat this bite, they must make a reservation in advance, and the back kitchen will make arrangements.

For the rare times when cooking flower loach, the back kitchen just boiled it in one pot for the sake of saving trouble, and then processed it.

Even the two chefs Zhao Meng and Gu Yunwu had no objection to such a simple handling.

Now Fu Yu proposes to deal with them one by one, that's fine, but it's really too troublesome.

Hearing Xiao Gong's words, Fu Yu was not annoyed, but patiently explained: "The method of processing this loach is actually quite simple. In our hometown, if conditions permit, we usually use plant ash, or sawdust, or even It is rice bran, these are equally useful, they can very cleanly break the mucus on the skin of the loach, it is easy to clean and does not slip your hands.”

"However, we don't have those things in the back kitchen, so we can only use flour, and the effect will be similar if it is wrapped in flour."

Wash loach with flour?

I have only heard that when washing fruits, like grapes and strawberries, flour is used, which can effectively remove pesticides.

But this is the first time I have heard of washing fish with flour.

Not only Xiaogong, even Sun Qingning was taken aback.

Now that Fu Yu has guided, whether it works or not, you will know if you try it.

Xiaogong filled the flour casually and sprinkled it directly on the loach.

The slippery layer of mucus on the loach's skin suddenly lost its effect, and you can grab it however you want, but as long as you can grab this little toy, you can dispose of it at will.

In this way, it is indeed a lot easier to deal with.

Sun Qingning and Xiaogong huddled in front of the pool, handling the loaches one by one deftly.

In fact, once you get the hang of it, loach is very easy to handle. There are no fish scales, and the internal organs are just a rectum.

Because loach is smooth and strong, scissors are generally used when handling loach, but it is not so smooth to use a knife, and it is easy to cut the skin. Compared with knives, scissors are much safer. The tip of the knife pierces in and exerts force outward, so that the slippery hand will not hurt yourself.

After all, Sun Qingning has a more flexible mind and quick response, so it is easy to get started no matter what he does.

He held the scissors for laparotomy, with the tip of the knife facing outwards, and the way to catch the loach was to turn the head inwards and the tail outwards.

This method is also the experience he summed up when he was a small worker and occasionally dealt with loach.

If it was turned upside down, the tip of the scissors would easily poke the palm of the hand that was catching the loach. Sun Qingning had the lesson of poking a bloody hole before, so seeing the clumsy movements of the little worker next to him, he couldn't help raising his voice a little.

The loach is just a rectum, which is picked from the neck and pulled to the end to tear it off. There is no need to remove other things, and there is nothing to remove.

Fu Yu saw that they did it smoothly, so he didn't say anything more.

The cooking of loach fish is very simple, as long as it is cleaned, it will be very delicious if you cook it casually.

Sun Qingning has been in charge of cooking independently for a few months now. Although there are still deficiencies in cooking techniques, he just cooks a simple dish of loach, which is not a troublesome thing to think about.

So Fu Yu turned around and left, and went straight back to the dormitory.

He hurried back just now, and he hasn't had time to pack the things he bought.

After Fu Yu left, the little worker worked dully for a while, and couldn't help feeling: "Fu Fu's brain is really smart, why didn't I think of using flour!"

"When he first came here, he looked like a very ordinary person, but he didn't expect him to be so talented! Chef Zhao had to know how to look at people. At that time, he fell in love with Fu Yu at a glance, and he was directly transferred to his side to carry with him. It’s only been less than a year, and you’ve already become an apprentice!”

Xiaogong felt a lot of emotion, looked at the fat and tender flower loach in his hand, and asked with a smile: "Chef Sun, what can I do with this loach later?"

Sun Qingning has never cooked loach before, but as long as it is fish, it can basically be cooked in soy sauce.

"Braise it, how about it?"

Xiao Gong nodded: "Okay!"

The two joined hands, and quickly cleaned out a small pot of flower loach.

Sun Qingning deliberated over the steps of the cooking operation, and told the little worker to prepare the dishes, while he cleaned all the loach and prepared to cook.

It is said that "the turtledove in the sky, the loach in the ground", it can be seen that the meat of the loach is very delicious and tender, as long as it is cooked, it will be delicious no matter how it is cooked.

Waiting for Xiaogong to prepare all the ingredients, Sun Qingning directly poured oil into the pan.

When fresh fish is braised in soy sauce, it is always oiled first and then fired.

If it is a big fish, it is usually marinated in advance.

Sun Qingning reckoned that although the flower loach was quite fat, it was small in size and should taste good, so he didn't do any pre-treatment or pickling before frying.

However, it is just a simple frying, and it is estimated that the fishy smell will definitely not be removed.

After all, loach grows in mud, so the smell of mud must be very strong.

After frying, you have to find a way to get rid of the fishy smell.

Sun Qingning's calculations were very clear in his mind, and his operations were also very quick.

When the oil in the pot is 60% hot, put the loach directly.

Thinking that Fu Yu even asked for one by one when processing it before, and it should be the same operation when frying.

So Sun Qingning was not afraid of trouble, and deliberately put the loach one by one into the oil pan. He did this step very carefully.

I have never eaten pork, but I have seen pigs go.

When Zhao Meng was cooking loach, he happened to be helping Fu Yu in the kitchen.

Zhao Meng casually instructed Fu Yu, saying that the loach just entered the oil pan, the outer layer was cooked first, and it rotted as soon as it was touched, which would affect its success.

Therefore, after putting the loach into the oil pan, don't turn it easily. Wait until the body is hardened, and the chopsticks feel like a hard object before turning it properly.

At that time, he just listened to it casually, but he didn't expect it to be used right now.

So when the loach entered the oil pan, Sun Qingning waited until his body was hardened, and then carefully turned it over properly.

Loach has only one spine, which is still very hard. It is impossible to deep-fry it until it becomes soft. No matter how you fry it, there are only two different effects: less water and more water in the fish.

Sun Qingning's operation method in terms of fire control is not very precise.

Although when he was a small worker, he used to be responsible for the work of frying the oil for a period of time, but the ingredients for frying are different, and the requirements for oil temperature and time are also different.

These must be learned slowly by yourself through repeated cooking operations.

However, Sun Qingning is still very clear about the basic frying requirements. For example, when frying fish, the frying time should not be too long to let the hot oil soak into the meat. Otherwise, the nutrition and taste of the fish will be destroyed, and the deliciousness of the loach will be lost.

Sun Qingning knew that he was weak in controlling the fire, so he was very careful about timing.

When all the loach in the pot is deep-fried until it is browned, take out the oil and prepare to braise in soy sauce.

Heat oil in a frying pan, add sliced ​​shallots, sliced ​​ginger, and diced garlic.

Sun Qingning thought that onion, ginger and garlic can remove the fishy smell, and it would be perfect for making a fried pot.

"Wait a moment!"

Just as Sun Qingning was about to put a small plate of garlic into the pot, Fu Yu who just came back stopped him.

Sun Qingning stopped moving, turned around, and looked at Fu Yu in surprise: "What's wrong?"

Fu Yu packed up the daily necessities he bought, changed his clothes, and returned to the back kitchen.

As soon as you enter the door, you can smell a strong smell of fried fish.

Seeing that he didn't have anything to do, the little workers who helped each other hurried back to their posts and prepared dishes with the others.

Sun Qingning stood alone in front of the kitchen counter cooking.

Fu Yu leaned over to take a look, unexpectedly, just in time for Sun Qingning to make a hot pot.

He stared at the plate of garlic, and his eyelids twitched.

As the old saying goes, "Fish doesn't have garlic, beef doesn't have leeks, and meat doesn't have ginger".

It means that it is best not to add garlic when stewing fish, not to add leeks when making beef, and not to add ginger when stewing meat.

Flower loach is a wild fish in the reservoir. The wild fish is very delicious. If you add garlic, the garlic will have a strong taste, which will cover up the freshness of the fish itself, making people unable to feel the deliciousness of the fish. Therefore, put as little garlic as possible in stewed fish Or leave out the garlic.

However, this step is not a big problem.

Fu Yu hesitated for a moment, thinking that it was rare to eat flower loach. Since it can be made better, why not make it as perfect as possible.

Thinking of this, Fu Yu couldn't help but said, "It's best not to put garlic in this kind of wild fish stew."

He originally planned to explain in detail, but he didn't expect Sun Qingning to listen to him and put the garlic dish aside without saying a word.

It is an attitude of complete obedience.

Sun Qingning's subconscious action was so skillful and natural.

Even he himself didn't realize that the days when he was fighting with Fu Yu made him develop an attitude of obeying Yu's words.

In his heart, what Fu Yu said was always right.

Without garlic, in terms of cooking operations, it can basically be cooked as ordinary river fish.

After the ginger slices and scallions are stir-fried until they are fragrant, add two spoons of bean paste and stir-fry until the red oil comes out.

Fu Yu reminded again at this time: "Add another spoonful of sweet noodle sauce."

Sun Qingning hurriedly followed the instructions, stir-fried the sweet noodle sauce and bean paste evenly, and added the fried flower loach.

The back kitchen of Maxima has an unwritten trick for making braised fish. If you want it to be fresh, add some wine.

This wine refers to beer.

While pouring beer into the pot, Sun Qingning sighed casually: "It is said that stewing fish with beer makes the fish taste fresh, but why?"

Since he entered the back kitchen, he has watched two chefs, Zhao Meng and Gu Yunwu, cook all kinds of seafood.

As long as it is stewed fresh fish, it is often poured some beer to enhance the freshness.

After seeing a lot, this kind of operation has become a very common thing.

Although everyone is doing it, no one has ever wondered why they should do it.

When Sun Qingning was cooking, he remembered this incident and asked Zhao Meng casually out of curiosity.

As a result, at that time, Zhao Meng only said that he learned from his master, and dismissed him with one sentence.

Since this was not a profound and mysterious operation, Sun Qingning didn't take it to heart.

But now I suddenly remembered this matter, so I couldn't help asking again.

"I usually have cooking wine for cooking, why do I have to put beer?"

After hearing this, Fu Yu explained casually: "Actually, you can put beer not only when stewing fish, but also when stewing meat. You must know that there are two different usages of beer and cooking wine. The purpose of putting beer is not only In addition to removing fishy smell, it is more about adding flavor.”

"And beer is rich in vitamins. During cooking, beer can not only act as an enzyme, decompose protein, and increase the tenderness of meat."

"If you want to make meat dishes, adding beer can remove the fishy smell, because there is a lot of carbon dioxide in beer, which can soften connective tissue, such as meat, and make it more delicious. Stewed fish in beer also uses the high temperature of beer. The alcohol evaporates and what remains is a fresh aroma of wheat with a natural sweetness.”

"The fish prepared according to this method is crispy on the outside and tender on the inside. It not only smells delicious, but also has a very mellow sweet aftertaste in your mouth, which is very delicious."

Sun Qingning was stunned and couldn't help taking a deep breath!

Fu Chu, there is really something!

It was said that I was a high school dropout, how come when I mentioned cooking-related knowledge, my waist immediately changed, and I became full of knowledge?

Sun Qingning looked at Fu Yu with a calm face, who was just mentioning it casually, and his heart was full of turmoil.

Chef Fu is too good, right?

I'm afraid that the rest time is not all used to read cooking-related books and videos to improve your cooking knowledge?

Sun Qingning clicked his tongue secretly. In fact, Fu Yu said a lot just now, and he basically understood the central idea. If you want stewed fish and stewed meat to be fresh, just add some beer and you're done.

As for the others, I really don't understand.

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