Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 936 Individual Guidance Becomes an Exchange Meeting

The players in Group D turned their heads to look at Fu Yu one after another, the meaning of scrutiny and fear was self-evident.

No one wants to meet this dark horse so early!

98 points!

Is this a score that normal people can get?

It is too strong!

Soon, the lottery began, and Fu Yu got D2-3 (stuffed vegetables and cooking skills)

When the team list and the content of the competition were officially announced, everyone else was lamenting the difficulty of the cooking project, only a middle-aged chef sighed silently.

How unlucky!

He actually met Fu Yu!

Come on, it seems that this year basically stops at the third game.

If you think about it, it doesn't matter!

Friendship first, competition second!

The middle-aged chef greeted Fu Yu proactively, and greeted with a smile: "Chef Fu, hello, I never expected to meet you just after being promoted."

Fu Yu also had some impressions of middle-aged chefs. When eating in the cafeteria, the two had handed plates to each other.

Fu Yu smiled: "Yeah, what a coincidence, come on later!"

The psychological construction that the middle-aged chef had worked so hard to complete almost collapsed!

What's the use of refueling?

If it is useful to refuel, everyone will be tied for first place.

However, if you think about it better, it's time to experience and learn. I hope that after comparing with Fu Yu, you can find your own shortcomings.

Moreover, if you think about it differently, with your own level, even if you are lucky enough to advance, you will definitely not be able to enter the finals, and you will meet Fu Yu sooner or later.

It doesn't really matter if it's early or late.

Thinking of this, the middle-aged chef smiled calmly: "Thank you, you too!"

The middle-aged chef thought clearly, and when it was his turn to enter the arena, he was not too nervous and calmly entered the competition.

Stuffed vegetables are not a new dish in Bei'an. When it comes to stuffed vegetables, stuffed tofu, stuffed eggplant, and stuffed bitter gourd are usually the first things that come to mind.

No matter what kind of stuffed vegetables, when cooking, they are composed of more than two kinds of raw materials, and the taste is rich.

When a dish is cooked, 8 to 12 cooking skills can be displayed, especially in details such as color, texture and shape, and the chef's cooking techniques can be fully inspected.

The middle-aged chef played well because of his stable mentality. Although the final score was not higher than that of Fu Yu, he was still very good among several groups of players in the field.

And Fu Yu, Lu Wen and Liu Yunong are still the focus of everyone's attention.

What Fu Yu made was stuffed with lotus root that he had practiced several times in Shangshi's private restaurant and felt very good at.

On the spot, Fu Yu scored 91 points.

Although not as high as the second game, it was enough to advance.

Fu Yu was very satisfied.

As a result, when this round of competition was over and the scores were officially released, everyone was surprised to find that the score gap this time had widened so much that there was almost a gap.

Liu Yunong scored 97 points, far ahead!

Lu Wen scored 95 points, which is also very good. For his first two games, he played steadily.

In contrast, Fu Yu's scoring is a bit unstable.

In three games, the scores fluctuated.

Everyone looked at the result and discussed it enthusiastically.

"Liu Yunong is really good! The video of her cooking before can be called a learning textbook. The technique is very skillful, and the operation is also sneaky. The overall level is very stable."

"Indeed, Lu Wen's score is quite high, but Fu Yu's performance is ups and downs."

"Actually, regardless of the stability of the score, Fu Yu's grades are already quite good. After all, how old is he? It is already very good to be proficient in two operational skills at the age of 24. No matter how talented he is, it is impossible for all the operational skills to be perfect. It has reached a superb level of 98 points!"

"Besides, you were not in the same group as Liu Yunong just now, so you didn't even know that the brewed dishes she cooked were something we had never seen before, and we had never heard of them! I guess they must be the secret dishes of their Liu family. Who doesn't know that Shangshi's private restaurant is serious? There are quite a few private kitchen dishes that are never made public, and when the cooking video comes out, you have to take a closer look."

And when the cooking video during the competition came out, everyone's attention immediately fell on Liu Yunong.

The content of the competition is to demonstrate brewing skills.

Liu Yunong's cooking dish is a private dish, stuffed dace.

Qianlima also has dishes with dace as the main ingredient. Fu Yu often heard Zhao Meng say before: "The skill of the knife is reborn, and fried stuffed dace is different, but chewing is no problem for young and old. It is sweet and delicious."

Dace is fresh and delicious, and when it is made into brewed dishes, one can imagine how delicious it is!

And Liu Yunong's unique skill in brewing made everyone amazed.

She peeled off the complete skin sack of dace, took out the whole skeleton of the fish, chopped the fish meat into puree, added finely chopped side ingredients and auxiliary ingredients, stirred them well, stuffed them back into the fish skin sac, and restored them to their fish shape.

Then fry it first and then braise it, so as to maximize the freshness of the dace and avoid the shortness of its bone.

Those who are knowledgeable can see the tricks here just by looking at it.

And Liu Yunong scored high, in addition to the creative cooking of ingredients, the most important thing is that he showed two superb cooking skills one after another.

The operation of peeling and deboning is quick and neat, and the wonderful technique of brewing is also eye-catching.

Fu Yu secretly admired it, he is worthy of being his master, he is awesome!

While observing, he silently memorized some of Liu Yunong's methods and skills in the detailed operation, thinking that after returning home, he would find an opportunity to try cooking operations.

At this time, the middle-aged chef from the same group came over and took the initiative to shake hands with Fu Yu to congratulate him: "Congratulations, Chef Fu, your cooking is wonderful and you deserve to be promoted. I only scored 86 points this time. Last year, it regressed, and it seems that we have to go back and continue to work hard.”

Fu Yu smiled and shook hands with the middle-aged chef, and said a few words of courtesy.

Just as the two were chatting and laughing, an electronic prompt sounded suddenly in Fu Yu's ear:

【Ding! Successfully obtained the promotion qualification, eliminated the players in the same group, and received a reward: a share of personal skills learning experience]

After exchanging pleasantries, Fu Yu glanced at the people around him who were chatting enthusiastically, and simply took the opportunity of watching the video to activate his personal skill learning experience.

Originally, Fu Yu had already learned the intermediate level of stripping personal skills from Liu Yunong, and now he has the opportunity to improve.

With the newly acquired learning experience integrated with his original cooking knowledge, Fu Yu once again heard the electronic prompt:

【Ding! Congratulations, your dissection skill has been upgraded to advanced level]

Unexpectedly, I just participated in the competition with the idea of ​​completing tasks, expanding interpersonal relationships, and increasing popularity, but in the end I easily obtained a breakthrough in personal skills!

Feeling that his understanding of dissection skills was getting deeper and deeper, Fu Yu couldn't help but secretly rejoiced.

He clearly realized that this national chef competition was an extremely rare opportunity for him!

At this time, not only the players in the rest area were discussing enthusiastically, but also the relatives and friends in the auditorium were also communicating in a low voice.

Chen Dong watched the cooking videos of Liu Yunong, Lu Wen and Fu Yu respectively, and felt a little confused after watching them.

He asked Yao Shi: "Chef Yao. It seems that Fu Yu's cooking level is a little unstable?"

Yao Shi was actually a little uneasy in his heart. He observed carefully just now. In fact, Fu Yu's cooking operation is still very good, but there is still a big gap from Liu Yunong's unique skill of splitting and brewing.

But this kind of thing, you just know it, there is no need to publicize it.

Yao Shi always takes one step at a time and sees three steps at a time. He encouraged Fu Yu to participate in the competition this time. Apart from hoping that Fu Yu could accumulate some culinary experience through this competition, his main purpose was to increase Fu Yu's reputation.

After all, medicated food is not like others. The more famous the chef is, the easier it is to gain the approval of customers.

At this moment, no matter what the facts are, anyway, he must hold on to his face.

Yao Shi made up his mind, and said with an old god on his face: "It's not that his level is unstable, but Fu Yu did it on purpose."

Everyone was taken aback when they heard the words, what do you mean?

Chen Dong and Xu Zhenbo also looked at each other in blank dismay: "Do it on purpose? Why?"

Yao Shi pretended to be mysterious and said: "Think about it, almost everyone in Group D now regards Fu Yu as a strong enemy, and must do various researches and analyzes on his cooking operations to improve themselves. At this time, the most sensible approach is to hide clumsy."

Everyone listens, don't say it, it really makes sense!

And Liu Yunong glanced at Yao Shi: Is this really the case?

Yao Shi made up his eyes calmly: I made it up!

Liu Yunong: "."

Yao Shi didn't move like a mountain on the surface, but he was really ashamed and flustered in his heart.

The main reason is that he still can't tell what level Fu Yu's real strength has reached.

With such exaggeration, Fu Yu's culinary skills suddenly became more and more mysterious.

Liu Yunong was really worried about Fu Yu.

If he plays at such a level of ups and downs, tomorrow's game is probably really hanging.

You must know that tomorrow is a hard battle!

None of the players who can advance to the top five in the group is a fuel-efficient lamp.

She knows that Fu Yu is indeed excellent in some cooking skills, but there are still many areas that need to be improved.

Thinking of tomorrow's game, Liu Yunong planned to accompany Fu Yu to work overtime tonight, and sort out today's game video as a whole.

After the host announced tomorrow's match schedule, the advanced contestants left together.

Fu Yu went to the auditorium and found Yao Shi and Liu Yunong.

Liu Yunong talked about his arrangement, and Fu Yu naturally had no objection.

He also wanted to try the stuffed vegetables Liu Yunong made during today's competition.

"Master, when the time comes, you can guide me to make stuffed dace. I think this dish is very interesting."

Liu Yunong nodded: "Okay, it's just right, I still have a few operational details I want to tell you about, let's go directly to the branch in the provincial capital in a while, and go to the store to eat in the evening."

After finishing speaking, he specifically asked Yao Shi for his opinion: "Chef Yao, is this arrangement okay?"

Yao Shi responded with a smile, "Okay!"

The three of them talked and laughed to finalize the dinner.

Until this time, Chen Dong and others knew that Liu Yunong was Fu Yu's master!

All of a sudden, everyone was dumbfounded.

The master and apprentice are too powerful, right?

When they looked at Liu Yunong again, their eyes became different. They knew that Liu Yunong was not simple and had a high level of cooking skills, but now they suddenly felt that they had underestimated each other.

After all, even her apprentice is so powerful, how awesome is her real strength?

Thinking about it this way, it is quite reasonable to get such a high score in the game.

Next to him was a male contestant who was eliminated in the third round, and suddenly said: "If I had such a master, I would definitely not be eliminated so soon!"

As soon as this remark came out, it immediately attracted the approval of the people around.

"Isn't it? If my teacher is so good, my culinary skills will not only be better than blue, but at least better than now!"

"That's right, a famous teacher produces a good apprentice, understand? There is no good master, at least there must be a good leader, otherwise it is impossible to succeed!"

Listening to the conversations of the people around, Xu Zhenbo couldn't help repeating: "Oh, if I have such a master, no, even if I don't meet such a master, if I can have such a leader, I will definitely be able to advance to the national competition! "

After Chen Dong listened, veins twitched in his forehead.

He took a deep breath, feeling that his high blood pressure was about to be offended by anger.

Wang Yiqi didn't speak, but sighed leisurely.

There is a kind of opportunity in life, called meeting noble people.

I am lucky, not my fate, everything depends on myself, after all, three points are destined, seven points depend on hard work

Liu Yunong's original plan was to take Fu Yu and Yao Shi to his own branch in the provincial capital, to eat first, and then teach cooking.

Unexpectedly, when he left the venue to say goodbye to everyone, Wang Yiqi followed closely behind.

When Liu Yunong and Fu Yu were discussing the evening itinerary just now, they didn't deliberately shy away from other people. They originally wanted the master and apprentice to exchange cooking skills, which was nothing secret.

In the end, I didn't expect to meet Wang Yiqi, a culinary idiot who didn't follow the routine.

Wang Yiqi followed Fu Yu's side, completely following suit.

Du Yingchun originally intended to invite Yao Shi to dinner, but now that he heard that they were going to Shangshi's private restaurant, he suddenly became interested, so he also followed.

Chen Dong is a shrewd person, seeing the opportunity to observe Liu Yunong cooking at close range, he would not miss it no matter what.

So when we finally went to Shangshi private restaurant, it has become a battle of several people walking together.

Others are eager to look forward to it, but Yao Shi is a little embarrassed.

When waiting for the car to get on the road, Yao Shi said apologetically, "Oh, this is a big deal. I just agreed with Chef Du to have dinner together, but I didn't expect other people to come along with me."

Liu Yunong smiled, no matter what he thought in his heart, the people had followed anyway, and it was impossible to drive them away.

She has participated in such observation and exchange activities before, and she is very experienced.

Moreover, speaking to Fu Yu alone is also speaking, and telling everyone is also speaking.

As long as it does not involve the cooking secrets of private kitchens, there is no scruples like some error-correcting instructions.

Besides, she originally planned to communicate with Fu Yu about today's game video.

Now that more people come, it is also a good thing. After all, there are more people and more ideas. It is also a good thing for everyone to exchange and discuss together! (end of this chapter)

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