Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 937 Difficulty Increased

The secret dishes of Shangshi private restaurant never disappoint.

The boss came to the store in person, and the chef directly served the whole table. There were some dishes that tasted particularly good, but there were not enough dishes, and they even sent an extra serving.

Chen Dong couldn't help sighing after eating the delicious food: "It's really necessary to have someone you know at any time!"

"I took my child here for dinner last month. At that time, there was a dish of meat slices in honey sauce. My son loved it very much. After eating a plate of meat slices, I would think about ordering again. The back kitchen didn't serve them, saying that there were regulations in the store. One table and one set of noodles, and the kitchen doesn’t do much. If you want to eat, come back next time, today is a waste of time!”

Liu Yunong heard the words and said with a smile: "This has always been the rule in the store. Since your children like to eat this honey sauce pork section, I will tell the kitchen in a while and make a copy for you to take home."

Chen Dong was delighted when he heard it, and he was not polite, he agreed with a smile.

It's not that this dish is bad, the main reason is that the menu of Shangshi's private restaurant changes every day, and no one knows what kind of dishes you may encounter when you enter the restaurant for dinner.

If you want to eat the secret meat section again, it depends on your fate.

Shangshi's private restaurant is well-known far and wide. Right now, the boss Liu Yunong is present, and everyone from the waiter to the back kitchen obeys orders.

A table of meals, the guests and hosts enjoy themselves.

You can order whatever you want in the private restaurant, eat what you want, and get what you order!

This feeling, tsk tsk

After eating, Liu Yunong directly ordered the waiter to remove the plate and serve tea again.

They were also specially transferred to cast the screen, and several people began to sit side by side, watching the cooking videos during the day first, and then having a lively discussion and exchange.

The focus of everyone's attention is the eight or nine representative videos that stand out today.

Observe first, then comment and exchange, from details to overall, from layout to cooking operations, talk about everything.

When Liu Yunong commented, he did not hold back at all, and expressed all his views and thoughts truthfully.

Her attitude unknowingly affected other people, and with the presence of Wang Yiqi, a culinary idiot, everyone unconsciously opened their hearts.

He knows everything and shares his cooking experience endlessly.

Everyone sitting here is an experienced chef and head chef, who can not have two unique skills?

Culinary art exchange has always been a shortcut to improve the cooking level. When the atmosphere is in place and the topic is discussed, the next thing to see is who can integrate all this knowledge with their talent and learning ability and turn it into their own use.

The exchange meeting lasted from dinner to late at night. If it weren't for the competition the next day, everyone would probably have been chatting until dawn.

When the show was about to end, an electronic notification sound suddenly sounded in Fu Yu's ear:

【Ding! Congratulations, your personal skill frying has been upgraded to the full level! 】

【Ding! Congratulations, your personal steaming skill has been upgraded to full level! 】

【Ding! Congratulations, your personal skill brewing has been upgraded to the full level! 】

Fu Yu was really surprised this time!

You must know that these three personal skills have already been upgraded to advanced levels, but because the experience value has not been able to meet the requirements, they have not been upgraded to full levels.

Unexpectedly, such a temporary exchange meeting would allow me to directly reach the full level of my three personal skills!


He took a closer look and found that the experience points of several other personal skills had also increased significantly.

Although there is still a long way to go to advance, it is still useful.

Fu Yu was overjoyed.

So among the few people who looked a little tired after a hard day and staying up all night, Fu Yu, who was smiling happily, and Wang Yiqi, who seemed to have just taken a breath of fairy energy, looked particularly energetic!

Liu Yunong was quite relieved to see Fu Yu like this, and thought that this trip was not in vain. Fu Yu did indeed receive this kindness and benefited a lot.

Xu Zhenbo yawned wearily, and also glanced at Wang Yiqi who was standing beside him.

Fu Yu was not affected by staying up late, it was because he was still young!

But Wang Yiqi is not a few years behind him, look at this state!

Xu Zhenbo sighed, this is the gap

When he went to the competition site the next day, Chen Dong drove over to pick him up.

He looked like a low-key person, but he ended up driving a Range Rover.

Fu Yu sat in the car and looked around the car, envious!

Liu Yunong also took a look at the layout of the car, and praised: "Chef Chen, your car is well modified!"

Holding the steering wheel, Chen Dong said with a smile, "It's okay. It's mainly for the convenience of family outings. Before the child is busy studying, we two want to take the time to walk around more."

Fu Yu was very moved when he heard it!

Thinking, when this competition is over, I have to hurry up and buy a car, then I can drive Liu Yuqing around and go home to see my parents frequently.

After entering the event site, Yao Shi and others went to the auditorium by themselves, and Fu Yu followed Liu Yuqing to the rest area.

When we arrived at the place, we saw Lu Wen as soon as we entered the door.

Fu Yu took the initiative to say hello, and Lu Wen greeted him with a smile and waved his hands.

The three chatted briefly, and when they sat down, they naturally sat next to each other.

Lu Wen studied the fish-flavored chicken slices cooked by Fu Yu last night.

Because he knew that Fu Yu was Liu Yunong's apprentice, so when he reviewed Fu Yu's sauce mixing operation, he was shocked by the new discovery.

In the process of preparing the sauce, Fu Yu obviously learned from the barbarian's skills to control the barbarian!

After learning Liu Yunong's cooking method, he integrated and improved it and transformed it into his own.

If Fu Yu can do this, can he do it too?

Thinking of this, Lu Wen immediately cheered up and looked more carefully.

After studying Fu Yu's cooking operations all night, when we met again today, I immediately felt a lot closer.

Lu Wen was by his side, and some contestants who had met last night came to say hello. For a while, Fu Yu's location seemed extremely lively.

Not long after, the host came to the stage to talk about the opening, and finally announced the rules of the next game.

"For the next match, each group will have 5 players, and a bye lottery will be generated at the same time. Players who get the bye lottery will have the chance to advance directly."

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the rest area became excited.

This is a bye sign!

I hope the god of luck can fall on my head!

After hearing this, Liu Yunong didn't really care. For her, whether she has a bye or not, it's nothing more than cooking an extra dish, and it doesn't have any effect.


She turned her head to look at Fu Yu, only to see Fu Yu's worried expression.

Liu Yunong was taken aback, and asked in surprise, "No, what expression do you have? Don't you want to take a bye?"

Fu Yu was stunned for a moment, and after regaining his senses, he hurriedly said righteously: "Participating in the competition depends on one's own strength, and I will definitely dismiss such opportunistic methods."

Liu Yunong was very pleased after hearing this.

Fu Yu silently prayed in his heart after bragging: Don't let me have a bye!

He really didn't want to get a bye, after all, every bye was a huge loss to him!

Competition can eliminate opponents to gain skill experience, but there is definitely no bye.

Soon, everyone drew lots in an orderly manner.

D2-2 (personal skill steaming)

Seeing the result of the lottery, Fu Yu was relieved. Fortunately, he was not bye.

And the content of this competition happened to be the steaming that had just been upgraded to the full level.

Back in the rest area, while waiting to enter the arena, an acquaintance deliberately came over.

Ren Shu, the chef of Sanweiju, took the initiative to say hello to Fu Yu: "Chef Fu, hello, I am the chef of Sanweiju. Our chef said before that if we meet you, we must say hello. friend."

Kang Guijie is the chef of Sanweiju. He has a very good impression of Fu Yu. This time he accompanied the chef to participate in the competition. He has repeatedly told him that if there is a chance, he might as well make friends.

Ren Shu is forty-four years old this year, just at the right age in the chef industry.

Unlike other people who are looking forward to taking the time to draw, for today's game, Ren Shu still has a certain hope of advancing.

Steaming is his special skill, and he directly entered the finals with this skill in the competition last year.

Now that I have experienced a year of summary practice, I will naturally become more proficient in technique.

Ren Shu was in a relaxed mood when he encountered his specialty in the competition. He greeted Fu Yu and took the initiative to stay together, waiting for the arrangement of entering the field later.

In the auditorium, because of the intense communication last night, the relationship between the members of the group of relatives and friends present has obviously taken another step forward.

Several people got together and chatted enthusiastically, but the content had nothing to do with the competition.

Anyway, Chef Yao has already said that Fu Yu deliberately concealed his strength, so why worry?

Xu Zhenbo, on the other hand, glanced at the list of team members after the lottery, and couldn't help but be surprised: "Hey, Fu Fu has encountered a hard problem!"

When everyone heard the sound, they all raised their heads and looked up.

Seeing that Fu Yu's opponent in this round was Ren Shu, the chef of Sanweiju, he was taken aback!

Ren Shu is a very capable chef, and his performance in the first two years of the competition was very stable.

Last year, it was only one step away from entering the national competition circle.

In previous years' competitions, Ren Shu's most eye-catching cooking operation was steaming with one hand.

But the content of the next game is steaming.

After hearing Xu Zhenbo's words, Chen Dong didn't take it seriously, and said casually, "Oh, I'm still someone, I just met when I met. Didn't Chef Yao say everything yesterday, Fu Yu actually preserved his strength on purpose."

Xu Zhenbo thought about it, so he calmed down and said with emotion: "If this is the case, will the chef be suspended?"

Listening to their conversation, Yao Shi immediately couldn't sit still.

This chef, he has heard a little bit about it, and he has a very good cooking skill.

What if he is eliminated by the opponent?

Shouldn't you be slapped in the face?

He said that Fu Yu had reservations, which was entirely out of the countermeasures in the atmosphere of the occasion at that time.

In fact, how did he know if Fu Yu had the real ability to survive?

Thinking of this, Yao Shi suddenly felt guilty.

At this time, Liu Yunong suddenly came to the auditorium.

Du Yingchun quickly asked: "Chef Liu, the competition is about to start, right? Why are you here now?"

Liu Yunong smiled, walked to sit next to Yao Shi, and said, "Good luck, I got a bye lottery."

However, when Liu Yunong saw Fu Yu's competition items and opponents, he couldn't help being stunned.

"Why did you meet Chef Ren? I remember that Chef Ren's best cooking skill is steaming, right?"

"That's over, I really haven't focused on teaching Fu Yu's skills in this area."

The casual words stunned everyone present!

After all, Liu Yunong is Fu Yu's master, and he must be the person who knows Fu Yu best.

Now that she said that, she immediately felt that Fu Yu's round of competition was a bit precarious!

After the lottery was drawn, Fu Yu entered the field in order to start the game.

After seeing the prepared ingredients, I was dumbfounded!

All the seafood is fresh, and you not only need to catch what you want to use, but also prepare the dishes yourself.

This. This treatment is not the same level as yesterday!

Cooking difficulty has been greatly increased.

Since it was a test of steaming skills, Fu Yu decided to make the most homely dish, which also tested the chef's level, steamed fish.

It has to be said that the selection of the content of the competition is very professional.

Although they are all cooking with the spoon, in terms of the selection and processing of ingredients, different dishes require different ingredients and dosages.

This year's cooking is obviously no longer as simple as simply cooking, and the scope of the assessment has been significantly improved!

Fu Yu went to the food area, stared at the live fish in the tank, and quickly selected the target to salvage and process it.

The meat of steamed fish is tender and fragrant. Although the method is relatively simple, it is also a test of cooking skills.

The steps from the deodorization of fish meat, to the treatment of changing the knife, to the time and heat of steaming are all very critical.

Delicious steamed fish can only be made if every detail is done well.

Steamed fish can be delicious as long as you master the time, and the knife skill determines the beauty of this dish.

Fu Yu was doing the steaming operation in his hands, but in fact, he kept thinking about how to change the knife to deal with it in his mind!

No matter what kind of fish is changed to a knife, the depth must be the same. This is a big taboo!

One knife cannot be deep, but one knife is shallow.

All parts of the steamed fish are cooked at the same time at the same time.

And if you want the taste of fish to be fresh and tender, the most important point is the method of changing the knife.

It is necessary to ensure that the fish meat steamed in a short period of time is very tender, and it must be steamed at the same time.

Fu Yu cooked countless kinds of fish in Qianlima, and mastered a lot of ways to change the knife.

He quickly made a choice based on the size of the fresh fish and the thickness of the meat.

At this moment, in this state, Fu Yu decided to use the classic flower knife method of Maxima to modify the knife.

On one side of the fresh fish, cut a flower knife on the belly of the fish as usual, so that it is more convenient to steam.

On the other hand, cut the entire fish belly from the middle, and then cut a distance to the tail and the sides of the fish head, so that the meat of the whole fish belly can be turned over, like a bracket, and the whole The fish is supported in the fish plate, and there is room at the bottom. (end of this chapter)

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