Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 938 Novel Vegetable Bowl

Fu Yu's cutting speed is very fast, but the movement of the knife is very stable.

However, the current way of changing the knife does not mean that it is the perfect choice.

Sometimes, the selected knife modification must also have a fault tolerance rate, which is the best choice for cooking!

It's not that the flower knife cutting method Fu Yu chose is not good, it can only be said that it is the only choice when there is no other available method of changing the knife.

At this time, you can see the importance of the length of working time and the amount of experience.

We must know that unlike other industries, chefs must have a certain amount of time to settle and accumulate. Only in this way can we master more cooking skills and make the most accurate judgments when encountering any random problems.

It's a pity that there was no local Bei'an local seasoning for Fu Yu to use!

This is a great test of a chef's adaptability!

Other cooks taste first and then cook.

After all, the brands are different, and there will be some slight differences in the ratio and taste of the seasoning.

Fu Yu did not hesitate at all, and directly seasoned it.

However, in terms of movement, it has obviously slowed down a lot. Whether it is spreading or pouring, there is obviously a weighing action.

Two judges from the Gastronomy Association, one of whom focuses on the flower knife cut on the fresh fish in the close-up shot.

The other person looked at the corner of the camera and frowned slightly at the operation in Fu Yu's hands. What is Fu Yu doing?

Is it possible that you are really weighing the amount of seasoning by feel?

In the previous video cooking competition, Fu Yu's entry video had been circulated in their association for a long time.

On the one hand, Fu Yu is really good-looking, and the effect of video shooting and editing is also good. Watching it is like enjoying a cooking show video.

On the other hand, Fu Yu's cooking operation is really good, and many details are worth learning and referring to.

He had also carefully watched Fu Yu's cooking operations at that time, and because he watched carefully, he noticed that Fu Yu did indeed have the habit of weighing seasonings by hand.

The action in the video was so fast that it almost passed by in a flash. He once thought he had seen it wrong.

After all, seasoning is very light in weight, and it is generally judged by how much it is. Could it be possible to weigh it by hand?

But in the shot in front of him, Fu Yu's movements slowed down significantly, and he could clearly see the movements of weighing with his hands.

This must be estimating the amount of seasoning!

The judges who discovered this couldn't help but ponder. Could it be possible to accurately judge the amount of seasoning through the feel of the hand?

If it's just for showing off skills, such an operation is not a bonus item.

Because chefs require precision in the handling of ingredients and the ratio of seasonings when cooking, Fu Yu's approach did not meet this point.

The flavor of the steamed fish is very delicious, and the whole dish highlights the taste of the fish.

Therefore, when steaming, there are also many detailed operations that are very important.

Fu Yu stuffed various side dishes into the opening of the fish body to fill up the belly of the fish.

After the water boils, place the fish in the steamer.

When placing it, Fu Yu first held the head and tail of the fish and bent it up, and placed a piece of ginger on the curved part of the fish body. This ensures that the fish will be in a vivid state of bowing the waist after steaming, adding points to the "shape".

Fu Yu estimated that the time was almost up, so he took it out directly, poured out the fish soup in the plate, and then put it into the steamer to continue steaming.

After these two steps were done one after another, the judge who had been paying attention to him couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief and nodded in relief.

He is very professional!

These two seemingly useless steps determine the shape of the whole dish, and the final cooked fish is not fishy. In fact, it is a very critical two-step operation.

After the fresh fish went into the pot, Fu Yu actually had nothing to do.

But just standing in front of the kitchen counter dryly like this is too silly to look at.

Fu Yu had nothing to do, so he simply went to the ingredients area to fetch some radishes and came back.

Carving vegetables is not difficult for him.

At this time, I just showed my unique skills, which can not only decorate the board, but also pass the time.

There are not so many spare kitchen utensils for the competition, so Fu Yu simply used the kitchen knife to draw a little bit with the tip of the knife.

No matter how sharp the kitchen knife is, it's still somewhat awkward to make.

However, Fu Yu tried his best to make his movements look natural and smooth without raising his head. He also knew that the camera was shooting at the kitchen counter. The taste of the dishes cooked was very important, but the whole process of the operation would also affect the judges' perception of him. impression.

While carving flowers, Fu Yu teased in his heart that he is now the film king Fu!

Fu Yu carved four lotus flowers of different sizes out of radishes, and placed them on the prepared fish plate.

As soon as he placed the flowers, he turned around and turned off the pot directly.

When cooking steamed fish, the heat is the key, and steaming is especially important!

Although virtual steaming is the basic guarantee for the "freshness" of steamed fish, it also has a troublesome disadvantage!

That is, the exact time cannot be accurately controlled.

What does that mean?

When steaming fish, do not open the lid after turning off the heat, use the residual temperature in the pot to continue to simmer for a certain period of time, and finally open the lid to take out the steamed fish, so as to ensure the freshness of the fish.

At the same time, if the time for opening the lid is short, the effect will not be achieved, and if it is long, the fish will affect the taste instead.

Fu Yu's previous operation was very precise, just like a standard cooking instruction video.

However, the judge from the Provincial Gastronomy Association in the jury seat looked at Fu Yu with great interest, because what awaited Fu Yu next was not just a judgment on time!

Just now, Fu Yu casually revealed his unique skill of carving flowers, which has already attracted the attention of many people.

In the end, he placed the lotus carved from the radish on the fish plate as if casually.

This step is very prone to problems. After all, the size of fresh fish after steaming is different from that before it is served in the pot. If you only rely on the previous prediction, it is easy to have accidents.


Just when Fu Yu lifted the lid of the pot and was about to arrange the dishes, he immediately encountered a problem.

The lotus flowers placed at the beginning were placed at a slant, and the remaining space is limited, while the steamed fish has already been finalized. In fact, under normal circumstances, the fish plate will not be replaced at will.

Such easy movement, on the one hand, is likely to cause the fish to be broken, and on the other hand, because the shape and size of the fish will change after steaming, it is very unwise to reserve a place.

At the judges' table, not only the previous leader of the Provincial Gastronomy Association had noticed this problem, but someone else had also noticed it. At this time, they were looking at the camera with great interest, wanting to see how Fu Yu would deal with it.


Unmoved, Fu Yu gently picked up the steaming plate, tilted the plate to adjust an angle, and directly put the steamed fish on the fish plate with the spatula!

The carvings that seemed to be in the way were actually attached to the gills of the fish perfectly, becoming an excellent decoration!

All of a sudden, the judges were dumbfounded!

When did this kid reserve a gap in the distribution of lotus petals!

Could it be that he had predicted it in advance?

Those who can serve as the judges of this provincial competition are naturally very proficient in cooking.

Someone keenly realized that Fu Yu must have anticipated it a long time ago, and avoided all the details in advance based on the situation of the steamed fish.

This is the solid foundation and deep culinary experience that a great chef should have.

This is a high degree of grasp and mastery of cooking!

In any case, you must be aware of it.

However, at this moment, Fu Yu was not in a hurry to serve the food, but turned around and went to the ingredients area, and soon brought a handful of spicy millet over.

The judges couldn't help but look at each other, what are you doing with millet spicy?


The whole steamed fish dish that Fu Yu has finished now is perfect!

Whether it is the control of the heat, or the timing, even the creativity of the plate arrangement and the precise control of the basic skills of playing the lotus are very good.

As long as the taste is okay, all the important test points have been achieved full marks.

And the next step is to do the normal oil pouring. As long as Fu Yu doesn't make any obvious mistakes, Fu Yu will get a very good score in this cooking.


At this moment, Fu Yu came over with a handful of spicy millet. What is he going to do?

Steamed fish is not like other ingredients, what you eat is the original flavor.

If heavy seasoning is used, it will affect the original delicious taste of the fish.

At this time, Fu Yu took a clean porcelain bowl, put white sugar in the bowl, poured vinegar and soy sauce, and stirred the sugar to melt.

Then add minced garlic, sesame oil, chicken essence and salt, and then add the chopped millet pepper.

Then pour the adjusted sauce directly on the lotus for decoration.

A small bowl of juice just finished pouring four lotus flowers.

This is not important, the most important thing is that after the juice dripped into the lotus, it didn't overflow at all!

Several judges suddenly widened their eyes!

The judge from the Provincial Gastronomy Association couldn't help reaching out and tugging his companion because he was too surprised.

When the other party turned around, he couldn't hide his surprise and said: "Did you see it? The petals of the carved radish are connected together, and they didn't spill a drop of the sauce?!"


This is four vegetable bowls?

This is simply a genius idea and creativity, how did this happen?


How did you come up with this?

Steamed fish is indeed delicious, but if you eat too much, you will inevitably feel bland.

When ordering food at a restaurant, it is often served with other dishes, and the store will also include some special secret side dishes.

But right now it is a cooking competition scene, and the rule is to make a steamed dish.

You can't make additional side dishes, so you have to use your brains on the plate?

If the radish is pickled directly, it will affect the color and shape, and it is easy to stick to the fish when it is placed on the plate. The most important point is that it takes a certain amount of time to pickle, and it is too late to prepare vegetables and shape.

But directly carve the radish into a bowl and pour the juice into it.

From plate to table, customers taste it.

After eating a fish, taste the radish flowers out of curiosity. At this time, the taste has been marinated into the ingredients.

Tasting it, it must be both hot and sour, refreshing and appetizing.

Whether it is from the shape of the plate or the efficacy of eating, this idea is perfect!

Several people in the judge's seat were a little excited, the joy on their faces was uncontrollable, and the excitement was almost beyond words!

What a joy!

I didn't expect to see such cooking operations in the provincial competition.

Thinking of this, everyone present was a little excited.

Especially the two judges of the Gastronomy Association. As the leaders of the association, they have seen a lot of talents.

It was also because of this that they were invited to be judges, because whether it was in the eyes of outsiders or in their own hearts, they all felt that no matter what kind of genius-level person they really met, they could judge very calmly!

But this time!

Fu Yu once again broke the two people's understanding of genius.

Carving is an essential operational skill for Hongan cooking.

However, due to the problem of serving time, ordinary restaurants often hire professional carvers to be responsible for arranging and matching dishes.

The chefs of the red case may do some simple carvings, but they are too complicated, and basically have no time to study and study.

After all, the cooking operation itself is very broad and profound, and it is not easy to learn it well and cook it well.

Right now, Fu Yu is making the carvings lifelike, and the most important point is that they are as thin as a cicada's wing, and the sauce is filled without leaking!

If this is not innovation, what is it?

Thinking of this, the judges are really happy!

However, the next scene told all the people who were so impressed that they were happy too early.

When the fish plate is picked up, the juice in the lotus will also shake.

When serving dishes in this way, you must pay special attention to it. Once the soup overflows, it will affect the umami taste of the fish.

At this time, Fu Yu casually picked up a very thin slice of radish from the side, and then covered it on the lotus.

Immediately, the whole lotus flower turned into a lotus cup with a lid, and it turned into a container like this.

This is too ingenious.

Regardless of how the other judges are feeling at this time, the two judges from the Food Association couldn't help applauding.

At first, they thought that the radish and lotus flower were simply used to hold the sauce, but only now did they realize that there was a cover for it.

The most important thing is that the lid fits perfectly and can prevent the juice from flowing out!


Cliff is a genius!

At this time, the steamed fish had already been brought to the judging panel by the staff.

Looking closer, everyone's attention is on the lotus cup instead.

The radish was sliced ​​too thin, and it was even faintly transparent, and the sauce contained inside could be seen.

For the steamed fish, the judges will first appreciate the shape of the plate, and then taste them one by one.

The fish shape of the steamed fish is very complete. Tasting, the fish is soft and tender, delicious and delicious, and the soup is clear and mellow.

Both the steaming time and the heat are very precise.

The taste is very good to highlight the original flavor of the fish itself.

Regardless of the whole process of arranging the shape and cooking operation, the score will definitely not be low in terms of taste alone.

After tasting the fish, the judges couldn't wait to cast their eyes on the four radish and lotus flower cups.

Carefully lifted the lid, only to find that there is not much juice inside, only a shallow layer.

When it was picked up, the sauce leaked out directly from the bottom of the cup.

Except for the juice attached to the radish flower itself, all the excess flowed out. (end of this chapter)

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