Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 944 Heart Piercing Water Fish

Right after the game ended, Fu Yu received a call from Liu Yuqing.

She has arrived and is waiting at the entrance of the venue.

Fu Yu hurriedly greeted Yao Shi and Liu Yunong, and rushed to pick them up.

Liu Yunong subconsciously picked up the phone and took a look. There was neither a missed call nor a short message.

This is Fu Yu who was the first to contact him as soon as he arrived!

Yao Shi smiled and asked: "Is this Xiaoqing's arrival? Look at Fu Yu's anxiety! Let's go out together."

Liu Yunong stood up unhurriedly: "It's okay, don't worry, let him pick it up! Anyway, it's all spilled water!"

Yao Shi: "."

Standing at the entrance of the venue, Liu Yuqing saw Fu Yu coming out, and hurriedly stepped forward joyfully, giving Fu Yu a big hug first excitedly!

Fu Yu immediately opened his arms with a smile, and hugged him up: "Your timing is too accurate, I just finished here!"

Liu Yuqing smiled and said: "I know, I asked my sister before, and she said that in about forty minutes, you should be able to leave here."

Fu Yu couldn't help laughing and said: "So you have an inside line with me!"

Liu Yuqing laughed and said, "Now you know my strengths!"

Fu Yu took her backpack with a smile, carried it in one hand, and led the person in the other: "Let's go, let's go to the lobby and wait, they should be coming out soon."

"Okay." Liu Yuqing asked with a smile, "By the way, what's for dinner?"

Fu Yu took her up the steps: "How about going to eat the barbecue in the hometown garden? I heard that their barbecue is very delicious before, but I haven't had a chance to try it."

Liu Yuqing also likes to eat barbecue. When she heard this, she smiled and said: "Okay! I haven't eaten at their house, but I heard from my classmates before that their barbecue is marinated in advance. They are all black and taste very special!"

Fu Yu looked at the way her eyes were shining, and couldn't help laughing: "Really? That's a good time to try something new!"

Entering the competition hall, Fu Yu and Liu Yuqing stood at the door and waited.

Liu Yuqing asked curiously, "Who else is there for dinner?"

Fu Yu then talked about inviting the players in the same group to eat.

Liu Yuqing listened with joy in her heart, with a proud expression on her face.

She said with some regret: "If I knew it earlier, I would have asked for leave in advance to come to accompany you. When the national competition is over, I'll go cheer you on, how about it?"

Fu Yu immediately smiled and said, "I'm definitely willing to let you go with me, but I'm a little worried that if you really go with me, I won't be able to rest well at night, which will affect my performance the next day."

After Liu Yunong finished listening, she couldn't help but glared at Fu Yu, and said with a blushing face, "Even if I went, I was sharing a room with my sister, what are you thinking!"

Fu Yu laughed when he saw that his mind was exposed.

During the conversation, Liu Yunong and others came one after another.

Chen Dong said hello, drove Xu Zhenbo home to pick up wine, and made an appointment for a while and went directly to the restaurant.

Others warmly greeted Liu Yuqing.

Ren Shu looked at Fu Yu and Liu Yuqing standing together, and immediately smiled and said, "This is the brother and sister, right?"

Fu Yu smiled and introduced everyone next to each other.

Hearing that Liu Yuqing turned out to be Liu Yunong's biological sister, the attitude of everyone present became more enthusiastic.

A few people chatted and laughed and went to the parking lot, and went directly to the restaurant by car.

Guxiangyuan Barbecue Restaurant is a well-known specialty restaurant in the province and even in the whole country.

All the staff in the entire store are from the Xian ethnic group, and they have strong ethnic characteristics from clothing to interior decoration.

Fu Yu and his party entered the store and directly occupied the largest long table. Four ovens were burning charcoal at the same time, and they ordered the most special dishes in the store.

Chen Dong and Xu Zhenbo came back with two bottles of good wine and put them on the table, just as the barbecue was also served.

Everyone chatted while eating, and Fu Yu was dragged by several newly-acquainted chefs to sit together, drinking and chatting affectionately.

Liu Yuqing sat obediently next to Liu Yunong, helping with the barbecue, listening to her sister talking to other people, and paying attention to Fu Yu's situation from time to time.

Chen Dong opened the wine bottle and poured wine for everyone present, male and female.

When it was Liu Yuqing's turn, she even tried to persuade her: "I brew this wine myself, and it prolongs life. As I get older, it's not spicy at all, it's sweet and doesn't stick to the top. Come, pour less if you can't drink it, and keep it warm." Taste from the bottom of a glass."

When he said this, everyone kept their wine.

When it was Fu Yu's turn, Chen Dong directly poured half a glass: "Xiao Fu, drink more, this wine is good for your health, and you can't get it if you want to drink it normally, and you know everything you know!"

Several chefs around also booed: "This is a good thing! Chef Fu, drink more!"

Fu Yu smiled awkwardly: "I can't drink."

Liu Yuqing smiled very softly: "It's okay, Chef Chen went to fetch the wine specially, you have to drink with you no matter what you say, don't be afraid if you get drunk, I will help you go back."

As soon as she finished speaking, Chen Dong immediately clapped his hands happily: "Okay! Xiao Fu, you have found a good girlfriend, she is virtuous and sensible, you are lucky!"

Others also echoed, and praised enthusiastically.

Liu Yuqing was elated by what everyone said, and after eating a meal, the smile on the corner of her mouth never faded.

All of you here are colleagues, no matter if you are familiar with or just met, as long as you talk about work matters, you don't have to worry about running out of topics.

Originally, the conversation was full of enthusiasm, and after drinking a few sips of wine, everyone got together and felt that they had a very happy conversation.

At the end of eating and drinking, Du Yingchun and the others looked at Fu Yu: "Fu Yu, you are our province's hope for this competition. When we go to the national competition, we can't lose the face of our province's food circle. We will rely on you Fight for it!"

Xu Zhenbo ate well today, drank to his heart's content, drunk, and was always in a state of excitement.

Hearing Du Yingchun's words at this time, he couldn't help stretching his arms, pointing at Fu Yu from the air: "That's right. You, you eliminated us all, you, you have to be responsible for us!"

As soon as Chen Dong heard this, he knew that Xu Zhenbo probably had too much to drink, so he hurriedly followed the voice to help him find compensation.

"Yes, that's right, if you can't break into the top 20 in the country, let me tell you, because of your enthusiasm with the judges at noon, we have to reasonably suspect that your highest score is definitely through the back door, you know Bar?"

As soon as he answered the words, the others were immediately amused and laughed.

I have to say that the wine brought by Chen Dong is really good, but no matter how old the wine is, the degree is still there.

After Fu Yu had two glasses of wine, he drank too much.

Now that everyone is making noise and the atmosphere is in place, Fu Yu directly started bragging with the strength of alcohol: "You expect me to win the top 20 in the country? Look, who do you look down on! Let me tell you, I will not only Take the first place yourself, but also assist my master to take the second place! Our master-student combination is invincible!"

Words on the wine table have always been regarded as jokes.

Fu Yu's words were blown out, and no one questioned them. On the contrary, everyone clapped the table to applaud, poured wine for Fu Yu, and persuaded him to take a few sips.

Drinking has always been the easiest way to build trust and bring strangers closer.

After a meal, everyone in the room exchanged contact information with each other. When they first sat down, they called each other Chef X, but now they hook their shoulders together and call each other brothers and sisters. They are too affectionate.

By the time I got out of the hotel, it was already half past nine in the evening.

At this time, it is impossible to rush back to Bei'an overnight, not to mention that everyone has been drinking.

I drove here by myself, so I called the driver directly.

Fu Yu took Liu Yuqing by the hand and followed Yao Shi and Liu Yunong back to the hotel.

Liu Yuqing didn't open another room, she went directly to Liu Yunong's room, and the two sisters slept together.

Fu Yu greeted Yao Shi, and went back to the room. After a simple wash, he fell asleep directly.

After tossing and tossing for two days, no matter how brave the mouth is, in fact, the emotions have been tense all the time. It is really tiring to compete one after another!

Fu Yu fell asleep on his side, while Liu Yuqing happily put on a mask and watched the cooking video at the competition site.

While watching, she muttered: "Sister, Fu Yu is so handsome, look at what he did with the spoon, it's so wonderful!"

"Hey! Sister, look quickly! The speed of this vegetable chopping is absolutely amazing!"

"Why is he so powerful! I really love him so much!"

Liu Yunong sat by the side, and curled her lips when she heard it: "Oh, Fu Yu is so rare?"

Liu Yuqing stared at the screen, afraid of missing a second of the shot, she responded, "Yes! I love him so much!"

With a blank expression on her face, Liu Yunong silently picked up her phone and sent a message to her boyfriend to complain.

Early the next morning, Fu Yu and the others ate breakfast at the hotel before rushing back to Bei'an.

When we arrived, it was already around half past one in the afternoon.

Liu Yunong didn't go home, but went directly to the restaurant.

Before leaving, she specifically told Fu Yu: "Go early in the evening, I just happened to study the pre-competition study arrangements with you."

Fu Yu nodded and watched Liu Yunong leave, then followed Yao Shi and Liu Yuqing back to Maxima.

Liu Yuqing took a temporary shift yesterday, and originally wanted to take a day off today, but she didn't expect to come back early.

So he took the initiative to replace Jiang Mo, and it was like paying back yesterday's replacement.

Yao Shi took Fu Yu to the back kitchen, first announced the good news of the promotion to everyone, then hurried to the office area, ready to deal with the things piled up on hand, and rushed to the music restaurant.

Fu Yu bragged to Zhao Meng in the back kitchen, and then had lunch with everyone.

After eating, Fu Yu drove Zhao Meng to the dormitory to sleep and have a good rest.

During the two days he was away, Zhao Meng had all the work in the back kitchen, and he was also taking care of the red case and supervising the baking area. The workload was indeed not small.

Zhao Meng was not polite, he explained to a few people under his command, and then directly dropped the work in hand, went back to the dormitory to rest.

At this time, almost no customers enter the store to eat.

Except for the small workers who need to prepare dishes in the back kitchen, everyone else finds a place to rest.

Fu Yu moved a small stool, leaned against the edge of the counter, and was about to brush his phone for a while.

Suddenly Dai Li came to the back kitchen. She entered the door, looked around first, and then went straight to Fu Yu.

"Xiao Fu, when did you come back, where is Zhao Meng?"

"Sister Dai!" Fu Yu hurriedly stood up: "I arrived after one o'clock, and Chef Zhao went to the dormitory to rest after eating."

Dai Li immediately looked relieved, and she handed the order list she was holding in her hand to Fu Yu: "Xiao Fu, the customer who ordered this order is my relative, can you help me take the order?"

After Fu Yu heard it, he quickly said, "Okay, why are you here for dinner at this time? Let me see what you ordered!"

Dai Li said: "I came here suddenly. I didn't expect that the few dishes I ordered are all special dishes in the store. If you can't make it, you can just change the dishes. By the way, how long will Zhao Meng go to rest?" Is it time? Is he going to smoke, or is he taking a nap?"

Fu Yu thought that Dai Li was going to investigate, so he quickly covered up for Zhao Meng: "Afternoon nap, Chef Zhao doesn't smoke much now."

Dai Li was obviously absent-minded: "Ah, take a nap, that's fine, I'll go to the front first."

After finishing speaking, Dai Li turned around in a hurry and left. When she reached the door of the back kitchen, she bumped into Sun Qingning who came in head-on.

Dai Li walked fast and stumbled.

Sun Qingning was startled, and quickly reached out to support him, and asked with concern: "Sister Dai, are you okay?"

Dai Li shook her head: "Oh, it's okay, I didn't look at the road."

After speaking, without waiting for Sun Qingning to speak, he left quickly.

Sun Qingning went to the kitchen counter and said to Fu Yu, "What's the matter with Miss Dai? You look so out of your mind?"

Fu Yu didn't take it seriously, and responded casually: "Her relatives came to eat in the store, and they must be in a hurry to entertain."

It turned out to be like this.

Sun Qingning nodded, seeing that Fu Yu was going to cook, so he took the initiative to ask Ying: "Xiao Zhang has gone to the toilet, let me prepare the dishes, what do you want?"

Fu Yu carefully listed the dishes to be prepared and handed them to Sun Qingning: "Choose a fatter turtle and eat it by yourself."

"Turtle?" Sun Qingning was taken aback, took a look at the prepared menu, recognized it, and couldn't help being surprised: "Hey, this is the heart-piercing fish, right? Don't say it, you really know how to eat it."

The heart-piercing water fish dish is a local specialty dish made by Yao Shi when he traveled to other places and entrusted the relationship society to make it.

The water fish is the soft-shelled turtle, and the so-called "piercing through the heart" is actually to arrange the pork belly, which is roasted pork belly, and mushrooms, into the soft-shelled turtle's abdomen in an orderly manner to replace the soft-shelled turtle's internal organs.

Then cover the carapace, seal the original and steam until crisp.

In addition, there are two layers of fried garlic and broccoli around the periphery for decoration.

The cooked dishes taste delicious and rich, beautiful in shape and full of creativity.

In order to promote this dish back then, Yao Shi even picked up local poems that specifically praised this dish, and used it as a slogan on the recipe.

Because the whole thing is really ingenious, so everyone in the back kitchen has nothing to do. As long as a customer orders this dish, they can't help but read the poem again.

Come and go again and again, it has become a secret signal for the joint!

Sun Qingning took the order list and went to the little worker to prepare the dishes. Without mentioning the names of the ingredients, he directly read a poem: "The hot pot and shiitake mushrooms are ingeniously changed, and the steamed whole turtle is in the fragrance. The flower group is surrounded by pearls and jade, and the delicious food is innovative." .

When the little workers heard it, they understood, and responded with a smile: "Understood, I will go to catch the soft-shelled turtle immediately!" (End of this chapter)

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