As Dai Li said, the noodles for this single table are basically the special dishes that are often made in the store.

Fu Yu cooks the stew first, waits for it to be served in the pot, and then takes advantage of this time to make quick dishes such as cold salad, stir-fry and deep-fry, and calls the food passer to come over and serve them one by one.

The soft-shelled turtle was a bit troublesome to handle, and when the ingredients were ready, Fu Yu began to cook the heart-piercing water fish.

Xiaogong has already processed the soft-shelled turtle, gouged out the top cover, cleaned out the internal organs, and cut off all the fat.

Fu Yu directly scalded the soft-shelled turtle meat in hot water, smoothed it, and coated it with dark soy sauce.

Then cut off the two ends of the single garlic, and cut the barbecue into long thin pieces.

The cut of this barbecue is very particular, it must be resistant to steaming and easy to cook.

The seemingly contradictory requirements have very high requirements on the chef's cutting techniques.

It can't be too thin or too thick, it depends on cooking experience.

Fu Yu has cooked this dish twice, mainly because the piercing water fish is Yao Shi's specialty, but after teaching it to others in the back kitchen, it became Gu Yunwu's special dish.

Zhao Meng really didn't have much talent in stewing, but it was Gu Yunwu's cooking skill, which was about to surpass Yao Shi's.

Because the heart-piercing fish is authentic enough and tastes good, regular customers who come to the store order food, as long as they want to eat this dish, they will directly order it under Gu Yunwu's name.

Zhao Meng's orders here are limited, and Fu Yu's chances to cook are very few.

While cutting the barbecue, Fu Yu sighed in his heart, his cooking skills have really improved rapidly!

Dishes like this one, which are not good at, can be cooked in style now.

Pour oil into the hot pan, and you must use peanut oil to cook this dish, so that the taste is authentic.

Wait for the hot oil to boil, pour the oil on the soft-shelled turtle meat and the top cover respectively, and pour them into the strainer placed on the oil basin.

Fu Yu didn't need to order this step, Sun Qingning took the initiative to step forward to help.

Although Sun Qingning stopped helping Fu Yu in the kitchen for a long time, the tacit understanding between the two still exists.

After controlling the oil, Fu Yu put the iron pan back on the stove, and put the garlic into the oil pan to fry until fragrant.

Sun Qingning hurried forward to pick up the oil filter.

At the same time, Fu Yu quickly sauteed the minced ginger and minced garlic until fragrant, then added soft-shelled turtle, second soup and other side dish seasonings.

When Fu Yu was cooking, Sun Qingning would always be able to complete the cooking work that he needed to do in the first time, without Fu Yu's unnecessary orders.

This point, even Zhang Jinyu, who has been helping Fu Yu for a long time, can't fully do it.

When he had nothing to do, Fu Yu once mentioned to Sun Qingning jokingly that if one day he could stand on his own in the future, he would definitely take Sun Qingning away and let him be a cooking assistant by his side.

Sun Qingning laughed from ear to ear at that time, deliberately competing with Zhang Jinyu for favor, and bluntly said that as long as Fu Yu asked, he would not hesitate to follow him and leave.

While the soft-shelled turtle was stewing in the pot, Fu Yu took the time to take the stew out of the pot and made a plate.

When the soft-shelled turtle was almost seven mature, he ordered Sun Qingning to fish it out of the pot.

Fu Yu put the caught soft-shelled turtle into a special deep long plate, stuffed mushrooms and barbecued meat into the soft-shelled turtle's belly, and arranged them horizontally, with a total of 6 rows.

Fu Yu didn't get started, so he directly used chopsticks to make the stuffing, and the operation was fast and precise.

Sun Qingning stood by and watched in admiration.

Look at this technique, only Fu Yu can use chopsticks like this, right?

Unknowingly, in Sun Qingning's heart, Fu Yu seemed to be completely equal to Zhao Meng and Gu Yunwu, and sometimes even slightly better.

After stuffing the ingredients, Fu Yu poured the original juice directly into the turtle's belly, and then carefully covered the turtle's top cover.

After everything is done, put the soft-shelled turtle in the cage for steaming.

After this dish is steamed, it cannot be served immediately. The top cover of the soft-shelled turtle should be uncovered, the original juice should be poured into the pot, and pepper powder and wet starch should be added to the original juice to re-cook it into the sauce.

Then pour the gravy on the soft-shelled turtle, cover the soft-shelled turtle again, pour the remaining gravy on the soft-shelled turtle, and sprinkle some ginger powder on the turtle's neck and cover for decoration.

As for the arrangement, the fried garlic is surrounded by the soft-shelled turtle, and the skirt is arranged in an inner circle. After the broccoli is cooked with oil and salt, it is arranged in an outer circle around the garlic.

After the dishes were finished, Fu Yu admired them for himself and felt quite satisfied, so he called the waiter to come over and take them away.

After a table of noodles is cooked, it's time for Zhang Luo to prepare the dishes and prepare to welcome customers to order in the evening.

Fu Yu was busy adding seasonings, when a waiter suddenly came to the back kitchen to send a message.

"Chu Fu, the customer in room 302 said that the heart-piercing water fish made by our store is not authentic, they shoddy it, replaced the meat stuffing with vegetarian stuffing and cut corners, and asked to return the food!"

Fu Yu was taken aback: "The customer said that Chuanxinshuiyu is not authentic?"

how come?

He cooks it according to the most authentic cooking method in the store, and even the soft-shelled turtles are selected by people to choose the fattest and biggest ones for the ingredients.

Isn't the customer who came to eat at the store a relative of Dai Li?

Why are you still finding fault?

If it weren't for the sake of his own people, how could he be so dedicated, saying that what he did was unauthentic, this is clearly nitpicking, and the visitor is not kind!

Fu Yu hurriedly confessed to Sun Qingning, and then turned to ask the food passer: "Does the acting sister know about this?"

The food passer said: "Sister Dai is also there, helping to persuade, but not persuaded."

Upon hearing this, Fu Yu nodded, "Okay, I'll go with you now."

After hearing what they said, Sun Qingning wondered: "No, what's the matter with the relatives of this generation sister? We cook with all our heart, and it's okay if we don't appreciate it. Why are we still like this!"

Fu Yu didn't see anyone, and didn't know the specific situation, so he had to tell him: "It's okay, I'll go over and have a look, you should keep an eye on this side first, if Zhao Chu comes back later, don't mention this matter to him, wait until I come back."

I didn't notice it before, but now that I think about it carefully, Dai Li was indeed a little strange before.

He looked absent-minded and absent-minded, and when he asked about Zhao Meng's whereabouts, it didn't seem like he was checking the post.

Now that her relatives are clamoring to return the food, it's probably true that something happened.

Thinking of this, Fu Yu didn't delay any longer, and hurried to the front hall after explaining to Sun Qingning.

After entering the box, I saw a family of three sitting inside?

An elderly man who looked to be in his fifties, approaching sixty.

Sitting next to him was a woman of the same age, and sitting on the outermost edge was a young man.

And Dai Li was standing by the dining table, persuading her anxiously: "This dish in our restaurant is made in this way, very authentic!"

The elderly man glanced at Dai Li, and said in a deep voice: "No, what's the matter, the food in your shop is good? Who hasn't eaten it? What kind of piercing water fish is this, isn't it stuffed turtle? This dish should be stuffed with meat. Look at what he stuffed? Shiitake mushrooms, aren't you fooling people?"

Fu Yu entered the box at this time.

The food passer who was walking in front helped knock on the door, and when everyone in the room looked over, the food passer said, "The chef from our shop is here!"

Fu Yu walked in and said to Dai Li: "Sister Dai, let me explain to the customer!"

Dai Li, who was trying to persuade her, turned around, walked up to Fu Yu, and confessed in a low voice: "They have eaten this dish in other places, and they think the dish here is not authentic. I told them that this is the way here, and they still don't believe it."

When Dai Li was speaking, she raised her hand and wiped the makeup on the corners of her eyes. She didn't know whether she wiped it too hard, or she had tears in her eyes. When she took a closer look, there were tears in her eyes.

This is, are you crying?

Seeing Dai Li's tears, Fu Yu was stunned: "Sister Dai, you?"

Dai Li shook her head: "I'm fine, I was a little emotional just now."

Fu Yu knew that this was a difficult relative.

Zhao Meng is not here at this time, Dai Li is in trouble, he must not sit idly by.

Fu Yu stepped forward and said to the three customers: "Hello, I am the chef of this restaurant. I cook all the dishes on this table. If you have any questions, we can communicate. I will try my best to solve them for you."

When Dai Li saw Fu Yu stepping forward to negotiate, she felt relieved, and the food passer who followed beside her even looked like she was coming from the mountain.

I don't know when it started, but Fu Yu suddenly became the mainstay of the back kitchen. When encountering difficulties, he can make people feel at ease to rely on.

Fu Yu first glanced at the dishes on the table, and ate a lot of almost every dish.

As for this heart-piercing water fish, the top cover of the turtle has been lifted, the turtle meat is scattered, and some of the stuffing inside is exposed, so you can see at a glance what ingredients are used.

If Fan Fan had changed to another customer, Fu Yu would have rolled up his sleeves and broken up with the other party!

This dish is called piercing water fish. It is not stuffed soft-shelled turtle at all. These are two completely different dishes!

But now the family of three are relatives of Dai Li. Fu Yu glanced at the elderly man, took a deep breath, and said slowly: "If you want to eat stuffed turtle, my kitchen can also make it, but in fact, this heart-piercing fish is the specialty of our restaurant, and what we eat is this authentic cooking method."

The elderly man had a mocking expression on his face, and without speaking, he just stared at Fu Yu, with a posture of 'you keep on blowing, I'll listen'.

Fu Yu: "."

The food passer standing next to him was also speechless.

We are not afraid that customers know what to do, and we are not afraid that customers do not know what to do, but we are afraid that customers have only a half-knowledge.

Fu Yu was actually quite speechless, no matter how gaudy he said right now, the customer refused to accept it, and no one came to recruit him!

The waiter at the side said cautiously: "Chu Fu, why don't you change the dishes?"

This is also a good way to resolve disputes.

Because if the customer is not satisfied with this dish, it is useless for you to explain it, and if you continue to cook this dish, you will definitely be found fault, so it is better to simply replace it with another dish.

Fu Yu frowned and didn't say anything, but he knew in his heart that this matter probably couldn't be resolved smoothly by changing the dishes.

Thinking of this, Fu Yu said: "Of course, if you are really dissatisfied, we can deal with it according to your requirements. It doesn't matter whether it's a change or a refund."

The elderly man obviously didn't expect Fu Yu's attitude to be so good. He was stunned for a moment, and then said: "Return the food, I am not satisfied with your food, so I don't want to order it anymore!"

Fu Yu breathed a sigh of relief!

Fortunately, I am willing to return the food, otherwise, if I change the food, it will definitely be more troublesome if I deliberately find fault.

Fu Yu responded quickly: "Okay, this dish will be treated as a refund."

When the waiter heard this, he hurried forward to serve the dishes.

Since the dish was to be returned, the dish had to be replaced directly.

Seeing this posture, the older man immediately darkened his face: "We ate all of this dish, you still want to withdraw?"

The waiter was taken aback for a moment, then subconsciously looked at Fu Yu.

Fu Yu said: "No need, it's all on the table, just leave it."

The older man's face softened slightly.

Fu Yu said again: "I'm sorry that it affected your dining mood. I will go back to the back kitchen later and I will make another special dish in the store as compensation. Of course, if you have anything you want to eat, you can tell me directly. If you don't have any optional dishes here, I will choose dishes and cook them myself."

Open your mouth and don't scold those who apologize, and don't reach out to hit smiling people.

Fu Yu's attitude of apologizing is really good. Although the older man's face is still not very good-looking, it is embarrassing for him not to make a sound.

Fu Yu saw that the other party did not object to his handling method, so he apologized politely again, and then turned and left the box.

After leaving the door, Fu Yu turned around and said, "This is the only way to deal with it."

The waiter looked at Fu Yu with sparkling eyes, and couldn't help but said, "That's pretty good, I'd better cook Fu!"

While talking, he received a notification from the back kitchen, and the waiter hurried over to serve the dishes.

Dai Li also followed, and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief: "Thank you, Xiao Fu."

It didn't end up making a fuss, so it was handled pretty well.

Now that the food has been returned, and Fu Yu is willing to help give another special dish, Dai Li's mood finally calmed down a bit.

Fu Yu looked at Dai Li's expression, and couldn't help asking with concern: "Sister Dai, are you okay?"

As Fu Yu spoke, he raised his chin towards the inside of the box.

Dai Li sighed, and stretched out her hands to support the corners of her eyes: "It's okay, it's just that I didn't control my temper just now, and I was a little angry."

Fu Yu looked at Dai Li, not knowing what to say for a moment.

It is difficult for an upright official to decide on housework.

He usually heard Zhao Meng talk about the situation in Dai Li's family.

I used to only know that after Dai Li divorced, she took her daughter to live with her mother.

Normally, Zhao Meng never mentioned the relatives of Dai Li's family.

The three members of the family who are here now don't know what the relationship is with Dai Li, anyway, it doesn't look like they have a harmonious relationship.

Seeing Dai Li in such a state, Fu Yu couldn't help but said, "Sister Dai, I'll come over to deliver the food in person in a while, and I'll help with some persuasion when the time comes."

Even if it is not for Zhao Meng's face, he will not sit idly by and ignore this matter.

After finishing speaking, Fu Yu was about to turn around and go back to the back kitchen.

At this time, Dai Li shook her head and said, "Xiaofu, no need, I'll just go and solve it. Those inside are my ex-in-law and brother-in-law."

In a word, Fu Yu was dumbfounded!

It turned out to be Dai Li's ex-husband's family!

No wonder even though they are relatives, they have such an attitude when getting along! (end of this chapter)

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