Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 976: Two Slices of County Cuisine

Cooking begins!

Fu Yu looked at the ingredients in front of him, and was not in a hurry to get started.

This game is a proposition cooking.

Fresh and plump grass carp is the main ingredient, and you can choose side dishes and seasonings yourself.

Grass carp is the most common seafood ingredient in back kitchen cooking. The meat is delicious, fat and tender with few bony spurs, and it is very suitable for making chrysanthemum fish and other modeling dishes with a flower knife.

In the back kitchen, grass carp is widely used, and there are many kinds of dishes that can be cooked.

It is not difficult to cook grass carp deliciously. What needs to be brainstormed is to choose what dishes to cook in order to find a new way to stand out from the crowd and get the highest score in the game.

Maxima has always been specializing in seafood dishes, and Fu Yu's mind flashed no less than twenty kinds of grass carp cooking methods.

Such as boiled fish, fish with pickled cabbage, braised grass carp tail, and steamed grass carp, all of which are delicious after cooking.

But it's either too generic, or nothing new.

When mentioning the eye-catching cooking, Fu Yu almost immediately thought of Yao Shi's special skill, Yusheng.

Grass carp can be used as yusheng, especially Shunde yusheng. The dishes made can be used to entertain the upper-level leaders at that time.

It can be seen that this dish is very creative and worth trying in the eyes of outsiders.

The unique operation method during cooking can not only show one's mastery of sauce preparation in an all-round way, but also show off one's superb knife skills. Coupled with the delicious taste of raw fish, it is easy to leave a deep impression on people.

Thinking about it this way, it is a very good choice to be a fish student at this time.

However, Yao Shi taught him to cook Shunde Yusheng.

It is not suitable for cooking at this time, because there are very strict requirements to make good-quality raw fish. For example, about 750 grams of "strong fish" should be used as ingredients. After buying, put them in mountain spring water first. Raise it for a few days to consume body fat and make the fish firm and refreshing.

There is no such condition now.

If the fish is directly killed and bled, the taste of the fish will be affected.

When killing fish, it is necessary to cut the lower jaw and the tail of the fish and put them back into the water. When the fish swims, the blood will flow out, and the fish fillets without congestion will be as white as snow.

Yusheng is very particular about "appearance". The fish must be transparent to be beautiful. It is very important to be able to be transparent and bloodletting, which is where the "technical content" lies.

If you don't grasp it well, the fish will be reddish and have a lot of water.

Moreover, after the sashimi is sliced, it needs to be frozen in the refrigerator for a while before it becomes smooth and sweet.

In this way, it is a bit daunting to successfully complete the cooking within the time limit of 2 hours!

Thinking of the reddish color of the fish, Fu Yu suddenly remembered a dish that he had seen in the classic old taste recipes before.

It is also Yusheng, but it is completely different from the cooking method of Shunde Yusheng, which is called "two slices".

However, the name "two slices", except for the local people, actually calls this dish Hengxian Yusheng, and it is called a county dish in the industry.

Fu Yu looked at this dish at the beginning because he wanted to see what details needed to be improved when Shunde Yusheng was cooking.

At that time, the recipe stated that in addition to Shunde Yusheng, "two slices" is also a very good way of cooking Yusheng.

What attracted Fu Yu's attention was the appearance of the "two slices" after they were cooked.

Red skin and white texture, easy to blow up, as thin as a cicada's wing.

When Hengxian Yusheng is cut, the flesh of the fish is red, which looks very beautiful.

And the most important point is that when cooking, you can directly kill live fish, saving you the preparation work of being trapped in water for several days.

In this way, the "two slices" cooking method is very suitable for display at this time.

Fu Yu has always been decisive. Once he made up his mind, he started cooking immediately without hesitation.

Grass carp is fresh, very fat and tender. Fu Yu is very good at preparing live fish, and it is very crisp and neat.

And just as he reached out to catch the fish, the big screen just started to show the cooking scene of him and PK player Guo Rui.

Unlike Fu Yu's previous thinking about cooking dishes, which was delayed for a while, Guo Rui has already processed the grass carp and started to marinate it.

When Guo Rui handles grass carp, he divides the spine of the fish from the belly without breaking the skin, lays it flat, cuts a knife on the skin of the fish, and marinates it with marinade.

When the cooking screen started to be displayed, Guo Rui had already prepared the seasoning for the marinated fish, and was holding the fish with his hands, mixing the seasoning evenly.

This marinating operation, if you can see the steps of mixing the seasonings, it will be somewhat interesting, but at this time the camera is adjusted late, and the highlights have long been missed, and naturally it lacks some appreciation.

In sharp contrast to Guo Rui's side, it was Fu Yu's side's operations.

Obviously the competition has started for a while, but Fu Yu just started cooking.

For a moment, everyone's attention was on Fu Yu's cooking operations.

It turned out that such a coincidental time difference allowed everyone present to see Fu Yu's knife skills again.

I saw him grab the live fish, knock it unconscious, remove the gills, cut off the tail, let the blood out, clean the body, remove the bones and skin.

Briskly drop the knife to cut the fish into half the thickness of a toothpick, cut off the second piece between the broken and unbroken, and cut two adjacent pieces of fish into one piece. Once opened, the fish is shaped like a butterfly, unfolding thinly It can be seen that the words spread their wings and want to fly.

The two slices of fish are uniform in thickness, and the slices turned out to be the sashimi commonly known as "Mandarin Duck and Butterfly Slices".

The entire cooking process, from catching the fish to serving it with fillets and toppings, takes just five minutes.

Fu Yu's operation seems to be unhurried, unhurried

But only those who have done Yusheng will know how rare and powerful such knife skills are!

Shen Jintai's gaze never moved away from Fu Yu's cooking operation on the screen.

The key to cutting yusheng is to move quickly and handle with care. After the work is done, the cells of each piece of yusheng seem to be still jumping!

The thinner the fish is cut, the more it can reflect the chef's skills.

Shen Jintai looked at the fish heads, which were only half the thickness of a toothpick, and suddenly felt a little stressed!

This feeling of being mentally crushed even though he didn't get started was really uncomfortable. He even felt his nervous back start to sweat.

Aware of his own state, Shen Jintai subconsciously turned his head to look at the chief judge Lu Ming who was sitting next to him, and saw that he also frowned, as if he had the same feeling as observing a master's cooking operation.


I don't know what Lu Ming was thinking, anyway, Shen Jintai suddenly felt that he didn't look like a judge, but an apprentice watching the master cook.

It seems to have returned to the scene when I learned to cook with the master, and a group of brothers gathered around to observe the cooking operation.

At the beginning, I just felt that this kind of thought was very contrary, but when I was fascinated by it, I completely forgot everything.

When he was staring at Fu Yu cooking the sashimi, he only saw Fu Yu's every move. Every movement of the other party seemed very profound, maybe it was just the movement of holding a vegetable blade fish, and he felt very powerful.

Lu Ming focused on the big screen from beginning to end, without turning his head.

So he didn't see Shen Jintai's slightly panicked expression at this time.

And Shen Jintai himself didn't realize that he was inexplicably startled now.

How long has it been since this feeling of hair standing on end all over the body?

This is too exaggerated!

Shen Jintai came out of a serious apprenticeship from a young age. His master took in several apprentices and took them all over the world to hone their cooking skills and learn how to cook local specialties.

He was following behind the master at that time, and he had seen too many master chefs!

These master chefs have been in charge of cooking for decades, and after experiencing countless cooking operations, most of them give people a feeling of washing away the lead and making it simple.

When they cook, they often have a casual and confident temperament, just like Fu Yu's operation now, with smooth flow and a particularly beautiful appearance.

But when it comes to their group, very few people can reach such a state. In order to make a living, they don't have so much time and energy to study cooking.

To put it bluntly, what should a chef do if he wants to be superb?

It is necessary to experience countless cooking operations of dishes, but also to study extensively to expand one's knowledge and comprehension ability in various cooking skills.

Only by learning more and experiencing failure can we benefit.

But in this day and age, who dares to easily dabble in a new field of culinary skills?

Who dares to fail casually?

Later, people can overtake you anytime and anywhere, crushing you!

However, he just found this feeling in Fu Yu's body at this time!

It's a scary thing!

very wrong

How old is Fu Yu?

How is it possible to have such a profound accumulation of culinary experience?

At this time, Fu Yu's cooking operation screen was constantly playing on the big screen.

After all, in this match, the PK players Fu Yu and Guo Rui attracted the most attention.

Lu Ming looked at Fu Yu's operation of sliced ​​fish, and said, "This method of making Yusheng doesn't look like Shunde Yusheng!"

Du Yingchun also noticed it, and immediately said: "Yes, I think it should be Hengxian Yusheng. Look at his bloodletting operation, the difference is quite big!"

The first step in making yusheng is to let the blood out.

The traditional method of Shunde Yusheng is to cut off the tail of the fresh fish and put it in the pool to let the blood flow out, but this method is relatively slow.

However, the bloodletting of fish in Hengxian County is done dry, which does not require flushing or swimming.

Just cut off the tail of the fish, and then hang it to let the fish blood flow out from the tail, so the cut fish meat is red, not as crystal clear as Shunde Yusheng, but the taste is better than Shunde Yusheng .

It turned out to be Hengxian Yusheng!

Those present who had heard of it couldn't help but nodded.

That's right!

Fu Yu's operation is indeed very similar to that of Hengxian Yusheng.

After all, Shunde Yusheng not only needs to wash the blood, but also remove the red meat of the fish, while Hengxian Yusheng does not need to be so clean, just peel the skin, remove the belly bone and slice it thin.

This kid really has an idea.

Lu Ming looked at the big screen, suddenly laughed and made a joke, and said: "Just now when I saw him holding a kitchen knife, I guessed that I could probably see Fu Yu's quick and precise knife skills again. To be honest, like It's the first time I've seen his superb knife skills, whether it's speed or precision, in so many years, and it's very enjoyable to watch!"

The other judges around nodded their heads.

Indeed, Fu Yu's knife operation is particularly beautiful, mainly because it is too precise.

However, although everyone agrees with Lu Ming's statement, no one agrees, because at the same time they nodded, they saw on the big screen that after Fu Yu finished slicing the fish, he began to arrange the plate.

Fu Yu's unique skills are not only knife skills, but also his creative skills in arranging dishes.

This set of plate shapes comes from the patterns of classic old-style recipes.

Different from Shunde's chrysanthemum sashimi plate, Fu Yu placed the sashimi slices on the plate in an orderly manner, and a fancy plate with the theme of "Dragon and Phoenix Bringing Prosperity" presented delicious food and delicious food to everyone present. A visual feast, on the big screen, when the camera is zoomed in, the exquisite picture presented makes people amazed again and again, and the sashimi has become a beautiful work of art in his hands.

While he was arranging the dishes, Guo Rui, who was also performing cooking demonstrations on the same screen, began to cut and prepare dishes.

The pickled peppers are cut into shreds and then chopped into fine pieces.

It was also cutting, and the knife skills that were too routine were immediately crushed by Fu Yu's unique skill of slicing fish.

When Fu Yu was arranging the plate, he didn't pinch the fish fillets directly with his hands at all. He just held the chopsticks like that, and placed the fish meat on the plate one by one.

From the beginning of handling live fish, to slicing fish, to arranging the shape of the plate, Fu Yu's operation speed is very stable, giving people a feeling of not rushing or slowing down.

At this time, Shen Jintai stared at Fu Yu's operation with a good eye, and watched more carefully, because he found that Fu Yu had already prepared the ingredients for the raw fish meal in advance when he was controlling the blood of the fresh fish.

Houttuynia cordata, perilla leaf, sour buckwheat head, lemon, garlic, ginger, radish, coriander and more than 20 kinds of ingredients, cut as fine as hair and placed on a plate.

You know, the ingredients of this Yusheng meal are the secret to the "deliciousness" of Hengxian Yusheng.

If you guessed right, the sauce in this dish should have added peanut oil, light soy sauce and pepper.

Fu Yu's Hengxian Yusheng uses a truly authentic cooking method!

Especially his handling of details, Shen Jintai is more and more amazed!

After Fu Yu finished arranging the dishes, Shen Jintai had the time to turn his head and take a look at Guo Rui's cooking on the other side of the big screen.

Seeing this, there was only one thought left in his mind, Guo Rui lost this match!

Basically no more reading.

There is more than one rank difference between the two, and they are not at the same level at all.

Guo Rui was setting a pot to boil water at this time.

Look at the pickled pepper powder, onion shreds, leek segments he prepared, and the spice oil he prepared while boiling water.

Just looking at these ingredients, it is not difficult to guess that what he wants to cook is Yijing Jianghu fish.

This dish is actually very well chosen. Yijing Jianghu Fish is a well-known special dish. Its cooking is informal, with a lot of chili peppers, a big ladle of peppercorns, and a call for numb, spicy, fresh, and fragrant. Strong flavor characteristics!

And when cooking, you can show your cooking skills very well. When the judges try dishes, because the taste is very impactful, they can also leave a deep impression.

It's a pity that Guo Rui met Fu Yu in this match, the difference is really too big. (end of this chapter)

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