Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 978 Let it be

This score is too abrupt and very conspicuous.

Almost everyone saw Fu Yu's results first.

When Guo Rui saw the score, he knew that he failed to advance this round.

But his mood at this time, compared to depression, is more curious than it is!

Fu Yu has scored the highest score in three consecutive games!

How strong is this person?

From the beginning to the end, he never thought about whether the judges were too partial, otherwise how could there be a special case of Fu Yu.

After all, the National Chef Competition has been held for so many years, and such a situation has never happened before.

Regarding the fairness and notarization of the competition, Guo Rui still trusts it very much. You must know that the vice president of their province's food association is the judge.

If someone wants to do something tricky, isn't it just a joke?

Not only Guo Rui, but at this moment, all the qualified players really value Qi Fuyu as his opponent!

Three games, three game-high points.

Compared with him, even He Jie, the most popular character in this competition, no longer shines.

Lu Wen looked at Fu Yu in amazement!

This kid is really awesome!

Soon, the host announced the list of promotions.

Fu Yu and Liu Yunong were shortlisted with high scores, and Lu Wen was lucky enough to advance.

Sitting in the judges' seat, Du Yingchun could hardly hold back the smile on his lips.

They seem to be going for a Grand Slam this year!

A total of 12 contestants advanced, and their province accounted for three places!

As soon as the list was announced, it immediately aroused heated discussions among the people present.

Lu Ming turned to Du Yingchun and smiled, "Chu Du, your province is very strong this year!"

Du Yingchun smiled proudly: "The three of them are really powerful, and their luck is really good!"

As soon as they chatted for a few words, the host began to invite the judges to give a summary speech about the competition.

Lu Ming, as the chief judge, was in charge of the final encouraging speech.

Different from the previous competitions, this time, the host directly invited the 12 advanced contestants to the stage to communicate with the judges face to face.

Fu Yu had only seen a few expert judges on the jury table on the big screen.

At this time, facing each other head-on, I realized that Du Yingchun seemed to have a good relationship with the judges around him.

The main judge, Lu Ming, looked thinner and more energetic than on the screen.

Lu Ming looked at the contestants and smiled: "Congratulations, you have successfully entered the finals! Being able to make it this far shows that you are all very good players. I hope you can prepare well and use your best form To meet the challenges that come tomorrow."

"Of course, I also wish you all the best in return for your hard work and efforts!"

Everyone present applauded.

The host spoke at the right time: "Now officially announce the specific content and project arrangements for tomorrow's finals!"

The scene was suddenly silent, and everyone was listening carefully to the host's announcement of the final.

"Tomorrow's finals, we will invite the back kitchen working groups of several well-known restaurants in the capital to participate in the competition activities, and each of you contestants will be randomly assigned to the working groups to simulate order-taking cooking."

"This is also the first time that the competition conducts culinary skills assessment in this innovative competition format. I believe that you are all experienced chefs, and you will definitely be able to cope with the competition arrangement very well."

"Later, we will arrange a lottery to determine the personnel arrangement of the kitchen team!"

As soon as the host finished speaking, the audience suddenly erupted!

Invite the kitchen team from a well-known hotel in the capital to participate in the competition?

The contestants have to join the group and cooperate together to complete the simulated order cooking?

What a bold idea!

In the chef competitions over the years, the contestants also cook their own dishes, most of which are set in terms of cuisine.

But this year it is going to be a drastic innovation model!

The chef team and contestants invited from well-known restaurants are randomly matched, and the temporary partners take orders and cook together.

Since it is a mock order, it means that the dishes are all pre-determined, and no one knows in advance what dishes will be arranged to cook.

The most important thing is to cooperate with other temporarily arranged kitchen staff, which is very difficult.

The rule-making this time was completely beyond the expectations of everyone present, whether it was the rest area or the auditorium, there were discussions all over the place.

Shocked, Lu Wen hurriedly raised his head and asked Liu Yunong in a low voice: "Chu Liu, why didn't Chef Du disclose the rules of the final to us before?"

Liu Yunong also frowned slightly: "Should have signed a non-disclosure agreement."

She reacted faster. In the previous exchange, when Du Yingchun talked about the content of the finals, he once said that the competition was a bit too formal.

After all, when working in a restaurant, many fancy cooking operations are completely meaningless.

A truly excellent chef should develop both personal quality and culinary skills, rather than sticking to formalities.

At that time, Liu Yunong thought that Du Yingchun was quite thoughtful, so he didn't think too deeply about it.

Now listening to the final rules announced by the host, I realized later that Du Yingchun had something to say.

I think it must have been requested by the activity team at the time. After all, among the judges present, half of them came from the same place as the contestants, and they must have had private contacts.

And this time, the organizers should have made up their minds to give all the advanced contestants a test by surprise.

Thinking of this, Liu Yunong said in a low voice: "Draw lots first, and we'll talk about other things when we go back tonight."

Now that the final rules have been officially announced, Du Yingchun can naturally get all the inside information.

At this time, the host announced: "Contestants, please start drawing lots!"

Everyone stood on the stage and began to draw lots one after another to decide the back kitchen working group to cooperate with tomorrow.

Fu Yu got the drawn card, and when he saw the words on it, he was slightly taken aback: "Ruihetai!"

After all the contestants were drawn, the staff registered, and soon the hotel kitchen team corresponding to each person appeared on the big screen.

When the judges' seat saw Fu Yu's corresponding hotel kitchen team, they were stunned for a moment.


Du Yingchun is not from the capital, so he only heard the name of this restaurant, so he really doesn't know much about it.

Now listening to the other judges, this restaurant is obviously unusual.

Du Yingchun turned his head and asked, "President Lu, does Ruihetai have something to say?"

Before participating in the national competition this time, Du Yingchun and Lu Ming didn't know each other.

Du Yingchun had heard of Lu Ming, but Lu Ming had never heard of Du Yingchun.

However, the two hit it off. This time, Du Yingchun borrowed Liu Yongping's help and was arranged to sit on Lu Ming's right shoulder in the back row.

Lu Ming only tilted his head, and the two of them could strike up a conversation. After these few games, they got to know each other quite well.

Hearing this, Lu Ming turned his head and said in a low voice: "Ruihetai is a very famous and time-honored restaurant in the capital.

To draw Ruihetai, Fu Yu's luck in this lottery is really not very good."

After Du Yingchun heard this, he was stunned: "Why? Ruihetai is famous, which means that the chef is good at cooking. Isn't that a good thing?"

Lu Ming shook his head: "That's right, the chefs of Ruihetai are indeed very skilled in cooking, but it is precisely because of this that Fu Yu has no chance to get a high score."

Du Yingchun didn't react immediately.

In his mind, Ruihetai's chefs are of a high level, so that they can better cooperate with Fu Yu in order-taking cooking, and even help Fu Yu improve points for finished dishes.

Lu Ming continued: "The chefs of well-known old restaurants like Ruihetai are master chefs who have worked together for decades. They have developed a tacit understanding when they are working, and when cooking, the master chefs must He will have his own tricks, Fu Yu will be involved, but it is actually very difficult to show off."

"As for the scoring in the finals, it must be scored according to the performance of the players, mainly based on the overall performance of the players, the degree of participation, and so on."

"In addition to this, there will also be evaluation insights from members of the same group. At that time, these factors will affect the overall score."

"Ruihetai's chefs must be very good, so when they come, it will be difficult for Fu Yu to blend in, and it will be even more difficult to stand out among them. In this way, it will not be easy to get a high score thing!"

After Du Yingchun heard this, his heart suddenly sank.

That's right, that's the truth.

Fu Yu didn't know anything about the judges' area in the contestants' rest area.

After drawing lots with other players, he went back to the audience with Liu Yunong and Lu Wen.

Liu Yunong had heard about Ruihetai, so he talked about it with Fu Yu.

After hearing this, Fu Yu nodded and didn't appear very worried.

Because he knew that no matter who he was assigned with, he would always find a way to complete the tasks arranged by the system.

If you have this time to worry, why not go back and study carefully, how to integrate that skill, what dishes to choose, and how to deal with it during the competition.

Be prepared in advance, so you don't panic when the chapter is real.

Thinking of this, Fu Yu made up his mind not to go anywhere tonight, but to stay in the hotel and stay up all night looking at classic old-fashioned recipes.

Du Yingchun was still very worried about Fu Yu, but apart from being worried, he was also a little excited!

All three contestants in their province have successfully advanced to the finals. How could he not be excited, how could he be unhappy!

How many years!

Their province has finally risen once.

Lu Ming was a judge for a day, and he was also very emotional in his heart.

In today's games, the player who shocked him the most was Fu Yu.

To be honest, he has been a judge of the National Chef Competition for many years.

In so many competitions, a player with the highest score will be born in almost every game, but no one has ever won the first place in three consecutive games!

Fu Yu can be said to have made history.

It seems that this year's competition is going to set off another round of enthusiasm in the circle.

Fu Yu must be famous.

Such a character, if he can get the top three places tomorrow, it will definitely be publicized on TV as a competition gimmick.

At that time, not only will it save them glory, but their store will also be able to follow the wave of hype.

I have to say that Maxima is quite discerning!

Lu Ming was emotional, and couldn't help but think of Fu Yu's lottery result just now, and was worried for the other party for a while.

However, after thinking about it, the matter has come to this point, and the boat can only go straight to the bridge.

let it go.

After coming out of the game, Du Yingchun started to invite guests: "Today we have to celebrate. The three of you are so upbeat. The province was shocked by the news! Let's go, let me treat you, let's go and have a good dinner tonight." Dayton, come back and rest early, recharge your batteries, and fight tomorrow smoothly!"

Both Liu Yunong and Lu Wen had no objections.

The final is a brand-new format, Du Yingchun also said, the specific content is only the main judge Lu Ming and deputy judge Shen Jintai participated in the customization, and they are not clear about the accompanying judges.

It can be seen that the event planning team has made up their minds to formally promote the innovative model of the finals.

Keeping the word out, it will give everyone a refreshing experience of the game.

Regarding this matter, the judges all agree very much. After all, only when the national competition becomes more and more prosperous and the attention is higher, the competition will attract more and more attention.

It can not only promote and publicize the food circle, but also attract various sponsors to attract more and more people to actively participate, and also take this opportunity to discover and train more talents.

Since they couldn't find out the inside story of the finals, they simply went with the flow, instead, they would know exactly what orders to take and what dishes to cook tomorrow.

Fu Yu didn't go with him, he shook his head: "I won't go, I'm a little tired today, I want to go back early to rest."

Upon hearing this, Liu Yunong hurriedly asked concerned: "Are you okay? Look at the status, are you okay?"

Fu Yu sighed: "It's okay, maybe I didn't sleep well last night."

Liu Yunong nodded, and said: "Okay, then you go back first, call if you have something to do."

Leaving the event site, Fu Yu didn't even take a taxi, and just strolled back to the hotel.

He went to the cafeteria for dinner before going back to his room.

After entering the door, Fu Yu called Liu Yuqing first.

Although they had just separated, the two were in love, and they hadn't seen each other for a day, like three autumns apart, and they chatted sweetly for a long time.

Hearing that Fu Yu had successfully advanced to the final, Liu Yuqing couldn't be happier!

Seeing Liu Yuqing succeed like this, Fu Yu felt very warm in his heart.

After hanging up the phone, Fu Yu called home again.

When his parents heard that he had scored the highest score in three consecutive games, they were even more delighted from ear to ear.

They have known for a long time that their son is very powerful, but they never expected to be so powerful!

Dad Fu smiled and said, "My son is excellent. Dad will send you a red envelope later, and buy some delicious food for dinner!"

Fu Ma also said cheerfully: "I have to call your aunt and let her be happy too!"

Fu Yu laughed and said, "I haven't won the award yet!"

Fu Ma immediately said: "My son will definitely win the big prize. Your dad and I are still waiting to watch you on TV!"

Fu Yu suddenly laughed.

The family of three chatted for a long time, but Fu Ma was still thinking about letting him go to bed early, so she hung up the phone. (end of this chapter)

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