Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 982 Which dish can use this ingredient?

Everyone outside the arena stared at the contestants' cooking images on the big screen.

Watch attentively!

Others watched Fu Yu's cooking operations.

Du Yingchun and Lu Ming both paid attention to the division of labor arrangements of the several cooperative players on the starting field.

The reason why the cooperation team members are arranged for the final is to help the contestants to cook together.

After all, the content of the competition is some special dishes that some contestants have never cooked before.

The test is the learning ability of the contestants, as well as the coping ability of on-site cooking.

Du Yingchun was completely concerned, watching Fu Yu's cooking operations.

He watched helplessly as Fu Yu vigorously assigned work to the members of the cooperation team. Several people were busy, and the scene looked lively.

Lu Ming glanced at the screen, looking at Fu Yu who was going to the braised oven area, turned his head and asked in a low voice: "Chef Du, what's the situation with Fu Yu now? Are you really planning to take care of everything yourself?"

Before Du Yingchun could speak, Qiao Bailiang said incredulously in front of him: "Fu Yu is not going to let the members of the cooperation team take the lead? It's not like being in the limelight, is it? This is the final and there is a time limit. How can he?" Thought?"

"The people in Ruihetai are also very interesting. Let them come to participate in the event, just to help the contestants cook together. This is great, they have become hands-off shopkeepers! Fu Yu is young and inexperienced. They are all old chefs. Don't know the weight at all?"

Qiao Bailiang came out as a master and apprentice since he was a child. He didn't study much. Because he is talented, he walked very smoothly. He has a high level of cooking skills. He didn't encounter any ups and downs in life and work. He has a straightforward personality and never speaks. Will not scruple others.

Hearing Qiao Bailiang's words, Lu Ming sighed. This Master Qiao is really straightforward, and he doesn't turn the slightest bit when he speaks. No one is used to it.

One sentence directly offended two groups of people.

However, in front of the camera, Lu Ming, as the main judge, still had to find a way to help round the field, so he said with a smile: "Chef Qiao, I think Fu Yu's arrangement is quite good, mainly because of the way these dishes are cooked. He is very precise and ingenious in the operation time arrangement!"

"Actually, the purpose of inviting the team members to join the finals is to assist the contestants to better complete the cooking of the whole table. As long as the arrangement is reasonable and all the dishes can be cooked within the limited time, it will be very good."

What Qiao Boliang wanted to say was directly interrupted by Shen Jintai: "We will talk about the personnel arrangement later. Since Fu Yu is not cooking, let's take a look at the situation of other players. Fu Yu's ability is still very good. Since he dared to challenge the independent leadership, he should have planned it long ago, and there will be no problems."

When the host heard this, he hurriedly communicated with the photographer, and the big screen was quickly replaced with the cooking images of other contestants.

Qiao Bailiang saw that other contestants' cooking scenes were replaced on the big screen, so he could only calm down temporarily and pay attention to the situation of other contestants.

Obviously, the cooking status of the other contestants was what the planning team originally expected.

The members of the cooperation group and the contestants cook together and go hand in hand. During the process, they will communicate with each other to study the cooking steps and seasoning ratio of the dishes.

Because it is equivalent to two chefs sharing the spoon, the cooking speed is very fast.

The more reasonable the arrangements of the other players, the faster the progress. On the contrary, Fu Yu's team is a bit too special and unconventional.

Many people even began to agree with Qiao Bailiang's thoughts in their hearts without saying anything.

This is because Fu Yu has successfully scored the highest score in several consecutive games, so he started to ask for help, right?

Indeed, it is a good thing to try to show one's personal culinary ability in the finals, which will allow the judges to more comprehensively discover all the culinary advantages of the contestants, so that it is easier to get high scores.

But the premise is that he can successfully complete all the cooking of the dishes within the specified time, and at the same time ensure that the taste and presentation of the dishes are all perfect.

And that's a very difficult thing to do.

It is not difficult to cook four dishes and one soup in two hours.

The hard part is to successfully cook dishes that you have never touched before.

Even if you are lucky and one or two of the dishes are familiar to you, you have to worry about cooking other new dishes.

Unknowingly, everyone present was watching the contestants' cooking demonstration on the big screen, but unconsciously began to think about Fu Yu's situation in their hearts.

There are not many contestants left in the final, and the big screen played it in turn.

As soon as the camera turned, the picture of Fu Yu's cooking area appeared again.

Fu Yu was cutting the cooked pork with his head down.

Seeing the discoloration of the lotus root slices, He Lanqing wanted to come over to ask Fu Yu, but was stopped directly by Wang Jialiang!

This moment!

Fu Yu is concentrating on cutting!

When cooking this dish of white meat in a casserole, in addition to the basic operation method, the most important step is to cut the white meat.

The cooked white meat should be cut into thin slices, not too thin, which will affect the taste, but also not too thick.

The proper thickness depends entirely on the chef's own experience to judge and master.

Although he had asked Wang Jialiang before, Fu Yu decided to follow the standard of classic old-style recipes in terms of cooking details.

He accurately cut the white meat into 1mm thin slices, not approximately, but very precisely controlling the thickness.

After successfully cutting off a piece of white meat, Fu Yu said to He Lanqing who was standing beside him just now: "Lay the sauerkraut on the bottom! Be careful to spread it evenly!"

He Lanqing was stunned for a moment, not knowing what Fu Yu was talking about!

At this time, Wang Jialiang suddenly stepped forward and said, "I'll come!"

As soon as he heard it, he realized what Fu Yu was going to do!

When the sauerkraut was cut before, the knife was deliberately flattened, and the shredded sauerkraut was thin and long, but what Fu Yu meant was to flatten the shredded sauerkraut and put it on the bottom of the casserole.

This kind of detailed operation, which is similar to obsessive-compulsive disorder, makes Wang Jialiang, who has always paid attention to this aspect, feel particularly recognized!

In fact, this kind of bottoming operation can only be clearly seen when cooking.

When it's actually on the table, maybe no one will notice it at all.

But it is such subtleties that are most likely to impress people.

After all, even such a tiny place, the act of being willing to take care of it is itself a manifestation of love for cooking!

Looking at Fu Yu's detailed request on the screen, Lu Ming was actually a little pleasantly surprised. He turned slightly to Du Yingchun and said, "The sauerkraut shop is flat, so it's easier to taste."

Sauerkraut is originally an ingredient that needs to be stewed for a long time to soften and taste. Due to time constraints, the stewing time of this white meat casserole is not too long.

It's actually very good to deal with Fu Yu like this!

Fu Yu finished cutting the white meat quickly, and Wang Jialiang just put all the sauerkraut shreds into the bottom of the casserole.

He took over the work smoothly, picked up the vermicelli soaked in cold water, picked up and stroked them, and clamped the vermicelli between the index finger and middle finger, and the strands of vermicelli were immediately arranged neatly like the teeth of a wooden comb, and then stretched along the wall of the casserole. Pan into a circle, and the excess part continues to be tiled along the inside.

Fu Yu actually put the vermicelli on the sauerkraut neatly, and it was done in circles.

During the whole process, because the camera did not intentionally close the distance, everyone outside the venue could only see him smoothing the fans, but they couldn't see the specific appearance in the casserole.

If they see it, they will definitely be shocked, because even Wang Jialiang at this time is deeply incredulous!

This is amazing!

Anyone who has made it knows how soft and slippery the soaked vermicelli is.

But Fu Yu was able to stack fans into such a neat appearance!

This method is too unusual!

How long did you practice?

Wang Jialiang looked at the neatly arranged fans, and couldn't help but look up at Fu Yu.

He suddenly found that when Fu Yu was cooking, he had an indescribable aura, very focused and powerful, even he couldn't compare it!

And before this exclamation could be digested, Wang Jialiang suddenly belatedly remembered something!

When the cooked pork is cut, it is usually placed in the refrigerator for a little while, so that the pork will not slide in the hand, and it is easier to cut regular thin slices.

It was only at this time that Wang Jialiang realized that he had forgotten to tell Fu Yu the trick of cutting.

He really didn't do it on purpose, mainly because the white meat casserole is a very popular signature dish in Ruihetai.

In the store, the chef usually keeps an eye on the heat of the meat. After it is cooked, it is handed over to the workers for refrigeration.

Because his usual work habits were too deep-rooted, he never thought about it at all.

And because of this, he suddenly realized that when Fu Yu was cutting just now, he used boiled pork that was only cooled, and cut it into such perfect slices!

Wang Jialiang couldn't help feeling more and more emotional!

What is Fu Yu's background?

No wonder he was able to get the highest score in several games in a row before. This person's culinary skills are really amazing!

However, no matter how turbulent Wang Jialiang's heart is, he clearly knows that this is not the best time to communicate.

He stood silently by the side and helped the cook, but his attitude changed obviously, from supervision to observation and study.

However, right now is really not the time to be distracted, I saw Fu Yu quickly plated the vermicelli, and neatly stacked the sliced ​​white meat into the casserole.

At this moment, Fu Yu breathed a sigh of relief: "Pass me the scallions and ginger slices!"

After putting everything away, sprinkle a little salt, monosodium glutamate and pepper.

Fu Yu adjusted the taste, and before he could open his mouth, Wang Jialiang beside him brought over almost boiled bone broth, and said proactively, "I'll pour it, you watch the amount!"

Fu Yu nodded: "Okay!"

A very casual conversation, everyone outside the venue looked at the picture on the big screen, but felt an indescribable sense of harmony in their hearts!

It's so natural, as if the two have been working together for many years, and they have a tacit understanding.

Fu Yu's command was straightforward, and Wang Jialiang executed it without hesitation!

Fu Yu poured a little Shaoxing wine into the casserole, and finally poured in the bone broth, controlling the bone broth to cover the white meat.

This degree is actually very difficult to handle!

It is necessary to consider the amount of seasoning, control the addition of bone broth, and the cooking time of the ingredients.

Wang Jialiang looked at Fu Yu, and saw that when he was adding bone broth, when he was about to cover the white meat, he obviously slowed down the pouring speed.

That posture is very stable, as if there are scale lines on the inner wall of the casserole!

When he saw the final amount of bone broth added, Wang Jialiang immediately praised in his heart!

The amount of bone broth is just right, because of years of cooking, Wang Jialiang is really very skilled in cooking this dish.

After adding the bone broth, just cover the pot and bring to a boil, then turn to low heat and simmer.

Taking advantage of this time, Fu Yu asked Wang Jialiang to prepare Ruihetai's secret dipping sauce.

This kind of thing can only be made by Wang Jialiang himself. After all, it is secret, and Fu Yu, an outsider, must not interfere.

Wang Jialiang got busy, and Fu Yu was not idle either. He turned his head and followed He Lanqing to look at the glutinous rice lotus root that was almost drying.

Just now He Lanqing came over to call Fu Yu, but was stopped by Wang Jialiang.

The steamed glutinous rice lotus root is okay, but the color is obviously darker.

But Fu Yu had never seen Ruihetai's sweet-scented osmanthus glutinous rice lotus root before, so he didn't notice this at all.

Wang Jialiang didn't take it seriously. After all, the color of this dish is very random even if it is steamed in Ruihetai. Sometimes when it gets busy, the color is darker than the one in front of it.

It will not affect the final shape of the plate, the taste is good, the color is darker and lighter, as long as there is no reference, it will not attract the attention of outsiders at all.

When steaming this dish, as long as the stuffing is done well, it is actually not difficult. What really tests the chef's cooking skills is the next operation.

Fu Yu put a piece of net oil on a bowl mat, peeled off the outer skin of the lotus root, cut off the two ends, cut into round cakes of moderate thickness and buckled them into the bowl, then put white sugar, rock sugar, osmanthus sugar, covered with net oil and steamed in a cage .

Wait until the rock sugar is completely melted before proceeding to the next step.

But Fu Yu was not in a hurry to cook fried liver and fried belly.

These two dishes are fast dishes, and they can be served in a pot.

The rule of the final is that the contestants need to cook all the noodles on the table before they can be tasted by the judges. Therefore, it is best to cook fast dishes like this last, so as not to affect the taste.

Fu Yu considered this aspect very comprehensively.

The roast duck has already gone into the stewing oven, the casserole white meat and sweet-scented osmanthus glutinous rice and lotus root have also gone into the steamer, and the remaining two quick dishes cannot be cooked.

So now there is nothing else to do but wait.

Wang Jialiang was actually in a bit of a dilemma. After all, there were four people in the cooking area, and they just stood there staring at each other. What if the big screen happened to show them here, what should they do?

The judges will probably be a little speechless when they see this scene, right?

He quickly changed his mind, and even planned to take advantage of this time to exchange cooking experience with Fu Yu, it was better than standing there like this.

At this time, Fu Yu suddenly said: "I saw dried tofu in the ingredient area just now, take some!"

Wang Jialiang was taken aback for a moment?


Dried tofu?

Which dish can use this ingredient? (end of this chapter)

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