Food, Gambit, And God Tongue Swap Body

Chapter 108 Tadokoro Megumi's Confused Tadokoro Megumi

Tadokoro Megumi never thought that Qin Ran would suddenly answer to himself,

Soft sister paper was startled, and then lowered her head nervously and whispered:

"Me and Qin Ran are in the same group."

"In the same group as me?"

Qin Ran was slightly startled, then looked at his life:

"Sister, are there still groups in the assessment?"


Dry days cute and playful winked:

"When I first entered the classroom, did my junior become distracted?"

"I said, the grouping is done as in Teacher Chapelle's class before!"

"Hey, you and this cute little girl are actually in the same group.

"Did you know, junior? I like her so much!"

Looking at the wet eyes of the day, Xiaohui was even more "frightened" of Xiao.

God, she was worried about whether she could pass the test,

Now that's all right, the examiner "watches" her wish,

But her partner is a very difficult person to get along with.

Woohoo, why are you so downcast!!

Compared to Tadokoro Megumi, who wanted to cry, Qin Ran's mood was very beautiful.

He didn't even notice that the examination room of the day turned out to be a group assessment.

Qin Ran thought of a good idea", then he looked at Xiaohui with expectant eyes.

Xiaohui didn't know why Qin Ran was staring straight at her, but now, she was even more nervous.

"Sister, if there is nothing else, I will go to find ingredients with my partner Yun."


Seeing Qin Ran pulling Xiaohui out of the door with lightning speed, Nii subconsciously wanted to chase.


"Huh? What is this guy doing so fast!"

Because he didn't have time to stop Qin Ran, Riichizi pouted his cute little mouth very dissatisfied.

He clearly wanted him to perform his molecular cooking.

This apprentice is so cute!

Hmph, when he's done cooking, he must make things difficult for him to go around.

When I came to the warehouse, all the tools placed here have been taken away.

Qin Ran took a look and saw that there were only a few broken baskets left.

"Xiaohui, we are late, and the tools here are not tempered.||."

Tadokoro Megumi lowered his head and coughed softly.

At this time, she didn't dare to say too much, otherwise it would be bad if it made Qin Ran angry.

"Xiaohui, you seem to be afraid of me?"


Xiaohui shook her head desperately."

"No, I'm not harmed, I'm afraid of Qin Ran.

Seeing Tadokoro Megumi's nervous look, Qin Ran suddenly wanted to laugh a little, and he planned to tease this girl.


"Do you think I'm very difficult to get along with?"

"Tell the truth, otherwise I'll be mad."

Seeing Qin Ran's face, Xiaohui almost cried because she was "wronged and scared".

How would she answer this.

No way, Qin Ran's "cold" appearance in Teacher Chapelle's class had left a deep impression on her.

In addition to the previous destruction of the Donburi Cooking Research Society and the Sumo Hotpot Research Society,

Such "Qin Ran classmate, how could she feel easy to get along with.

Xiaohui did not dare to say or ask,

He just stood there pitifully, not daring to move.

However, at this moment, Qin Ran suddenly said something, which made Xiaohui stunned.

"Xiaohui, do you know?"

"I actually like you a lot."

Tadokoro Megumi's eyes were disgusting, and she couldn't believe her ears at this moment.

What did Qin Ran say just now?

He said, he kind of likes himself?

Looking at Tadokoro Megumi's unbelievable eyes and tense body, Qin Ran explained:

"That, Xiaohui, you misunderstood.

"When I say liking, I mean, I quite like your dishes."

"Are you curious why I suddenly said this?"

"Let me tell you, in fact, I've been following you for a long time.

Tadokoro Megumi couldn't believe what Qin Ran said,

However, at this moment, she did not dare to ask.

Qin Ran didn't think about it too much, he just rhymed everything he wanted to say at this moment:

"Why do I pay attention to you, you don't need to know this question.

"You need to know one thing."

"That is in this academy, you are one of the few people I want to recognize."

"Someone told me that you are the tail of the crane!"

"But in fact, I saw your cooking last time in Teacher Chapelle's class. Your cooking is very gentle and..."

Before Qin Ran's words were finished, Tadokoro Megumi whispered:

"Last time in Teacher Chapelle's class, before I even finished cooking, Qin Ran passed the assessment and left late.


The expression on Qin Ran's face froze,

This is so embarrassing.

However, embarrassment, Qin Ran never cares,

He immediately changed his mouth and said:

"I mean I followed your cooking process."

"Actually, you don't know, I really paid attention to you when you were cooking."

"From the action of washing vegetables to the way of cooking, I think you are very skilled!"

"This whole process, you were full of attentiveness and tenderness.

"Although your previous results may not be ideal, I don't think you will be the "tail of the crane" that the police say!"

"Xiao Hui, so next, you have to work hard!

"I believe that you will be able to work hard to the end!"

Tadokoro Megumi doesn't know why Qin Ran suddenly said these words to her,

But in addition to the deep disbelief in her heart, there was also a touch of emotion in her heart.

"Qin, Qin Ran, thank you, thank you (the one who got the money) for your encouragement."

"Yeah, I didn't expect, why did Qin Ran suddenly say this to me all of a sudden.

Seeing that the girl in front of her was already a little confused, Qin Ran hit the railroad while it was hot:

"I think there is some misunderstanding between us.

"Xiaohui, you should think that I am not easy to get along with, right?"

"Actually, you are wrong. I am actually very gentle."

Someone at school gave me a nickname, and I really didn't like it at all. "

"The forced demolition of those research institutes is because those research institutes are not doing their jobs every day, and they are all wasting the activity funds that the school gave them.

"Erina, as one of the Elite Ten, must be responsible for the school.

"So I went around trying to find a way to help her and dissolve these research societies.

"As a result, some people say that I am a tyrant who is unreasonable. Do you think I am wronged?" Wei,

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