Food, Gambit, And God Tongue Swap Body

Chapter 109 Qin Ran's \"Trust\"

It turned out that those research institutes were forcibly disbanded because of "not doing the right thing".

Hearing Qin Ran's explanation, Tadokoro Megumi's mood suddenly improved a lot.

Before, many people in the school were saying that "Nakiri Eena" was unreasonable.

But because he had a wonderful encounter with "Miss", Tadokoro Megumi really felt that Erina was so gentle.

So every time I hear someone talking about Eena behind my back, Tadokoro Megumi will try to say "Nakiri-san should have a hard time."

It's a pity that no one believed her, and some even said that Tadokoro Megumi was brainwashed by Erina.

And now, all the mysteries have been solved.

"Erina" did not destroy the heart of the police from beginning to end." This kind of thinking.

It's all because those people are not good enough themselves, and they will be targeted.

After explaining the reason behind the demolition research group incident, Qin Ran "explained" the origin of another incident.

"In the class of Mr. Chapelle before, the reason why I showed indifference was because I encountered some things that day and I was in a bad mood."

It's just a joke when I say that I'm eyeing your local cuisine research society. "

"Because I feel Xiaohui, you are very cute, so I can't help but want to tease you."

"Now that I've said everything, Xiaohui, do you still think that I'm a difficult boy to get along with?"

Tadokoro Megumi is a very gentle girl who is willing to trust the police.

Now that Qin Ran said so much for her, she actually started to trust Qin Ran in her heart.

Although, although it feels a little strange,

Although, I still feel a little embarrassed.

But Tadokoro Megumi nodded slightly at this moment.

"I'm sorry, Qin Ran, I. I misunderstood you before."

"I.. I didn't expect Qin Ran to follow me.. I'm sorry, it's me.. I was too rude before!"

Tadokoro Megumi bowed nervously to Qin Ran,

Seeing her performance, Qin Ran smiled and replied:

"It's me who should say sorry."

"Maybe I was joking too far before, scaring you to spray, and the can made you have some kind of "prejudice" against me!

"But in the future, just ask Xiaohui to get along well with me."

"Right, I call you Xiaohui, you shouldn't be angry!!

Hearing Qin Ran's words, Tadokoro Megumi quickly replied:

"Student Qin Ran, I won't be angry because of such a thing."

"I was just walking around and heard what Qin Ran said, actually, I was really happy.

Qin Ran nodded:

"Just get rid of the misunderstanding!"

"Xiaohui, I think you're good everywhere, but you tend to get nervous when things happen."

"Lack of self-confidence, I believe this sentence has been said to you by many people.

"But I still want to mention it again here, if you can really be confident, your cooking will be able to bloom with indescribable beauty.

Somehow, in the eyes of Tadokoro Megumi,

Qin Ran's figure seems to overlap with "Erina" at this moment.

At the beginning, "Ehina" also used such a gentle tone to enlighten her.

His eyes were a little hazy, and Tadokoro Megumi didn't know what he was thinking.

At this time, Qin Ran's words slowly fell into her ears.

"Xiao Hui, do you know what is the real significance of today's assessment?


Xiaohui didn't know why Qin Ran suddenly mentioned this,

But after returning to her senses, she gently shook Xiao Xiao's head;

"I, I haven't started thinking about it yet."

Hearing Tadokoro Megumi's answer, Qin Ran said slowly:

"This exam question given to Yun by Senior Sister Nien, in fact, what I really want to test is the courage and thinking ability of a chef.

"The taste of the food itself is not important to the SWAT!"

"People in unfamiliar environments have a very narrow field of vision."

"Because of excessive tension, thinking will become dull."

"As a chef, it is the most basic principle to have the ability to adapt to any situation."

"This line is the key point that Senior Sister wants to assess!

"The time given to us by the assessment is 2 hours."

"From choosing (aed) ingredients to going back to cook, if you waste too much time on indecision, you will never pass."

"Do you see what I mean?"

Qin Ran explained it in great detail, and Tadokoro Megumi understood it completely.

"I see! Classmate Qin Ran!"

We "must get the ingredients as soon as possible, and then choose which dishes to cook according to the ingredients!"

"Now, let's go outside together and look for ingredients.

Tadokoro Megumi thought Qin Ran would agree, but he didn't want Qin Ran to be at this moment, but shook his head:

"Xiaohui! Can I trust you?"


Tadokoro Megumi was completely dazed, she didn't know why Qin Ran suddenly said such a sentence.

In the next second, Qin Ran slowly opened his mouth and said:

"Xiao Hui, as I said before, what you lack now is confidence!"

"And I, want to ring you to prove one thing!"

"That's me, I do trust you unreservedly."

"So I have an idea and a suggestion!"

"From the collection of ingredients to the end of cooking, the whole process is all done by yourself."

"If I can't pass the exam, I will be expelled from school with you."

"But I believe that your ability will definitely pass this test."

"Do you think you can do it?"

At this moment, Tadokoro Megumi was really frightened by Qin Ran's words.

What did Qin Ran just say?

He hoped that "the whole process, from gathering ingredients to cooking, would be all done by herself?"

Suddenly, Tadokoro Megumi felt not only "trust" but also "pressure!"

You must know that if you fail the assessment, as a classmate of "Qin Ran" in the same group, you will be expelled from school together!

Qin Ran, he, how could he make such a suggestion!

Did he really "entrust" all his trust to her?

At this moment, Tadokoro Megumi was really flustered.

"Qin Ran, classmate Qin Ran, I, I can't do it."

"I'm afraid. I'm afraid I can't do it myself..

"If you fail the assessment, I will come to you with Lian Yan."

"Student Qin Ran, otherwise I'll help you out, in fact, the dishes I cook are really...

"Don't say you can't, I think you can!"

Qin Ran's very calm words interrupted Xiao Hui who was nervous.

Xiaohui was stunned,

She raised her head and looked at Qin Ran with dull eyes.

I saw Qin Ran's eyes flowing with "strong trust!"

The next second, he stretched out his hand, patted Xiaohui on the shoulder, and said gently:

"I have already decided that I will not interfere in the next process!!

"Xiao Hui, what you are now shouldering is the future destiny of the two of us!

"You can, even if you don't believe in yourself, you have to believe in my vision!

"The police worry, even if you really fail the test, I won't blame you!"

"Because I know you won't let me down, right?"

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