Food, Gambit, And God Tongue Swap Body

Chapter 184 The smoke of gunpowder in the venue A\r

Every year, the school will hold a fall selection,

Up to now, there have been dozens of sessions in total.

The organization of the preliminaries is similar,

It can be said that there are very few dishes that can get a high score of 90 or more.

At least, in this venue,

There has never been a dish that has ever received full marks.

And today, the man who broke the historical record of Tōtsuki was born.

Ingenious idea!

A unique form of expression!

Incredible look!

Shocking taste!

Alice's cooking, without a doubt, pushes curry cooking to a higher level.

What dominates all this is the magic of molecular cooking and Alice's reverse thinking.

After being with Qin Ran for a long time, Alice learned a lot from him that she never had.

In this world, the research on molecular cuisine is actually still in its infancy.

As for Qin Ran, what he has in his mind is more abundant thinking.

The effect of light on cooking.

The effect of temperature on cooking.

The effect of time on cooking.

All of this can be summed up in one sentence,

That is, Alice learned more advanced molecular cooking thinking from Qin Ran.

In the original book, she got 95 points!

And now, her cooking score is 100 points!

It seems that it is only a difference of 5 points, but in fact Alice has been promoted to another field.

Therefore, there is no doubt about the sense of conquest brought by her cooking.

Seeing that I got full marks,

In Alice's big watery eyes, there was a glimmer of pride.

This is the pleasure of stealing a teacher!

So funny.

Although he often complains about Qin Ran, the guy's thinking about molecular cuisine is really not blown out.

Even the temperature and humidity of the air must be fully taken into account.

Even the effect of light on the luster of the dish is a plus point.


But these tricks, from now on, Qin Ran is not alone.

Prove yourself with cooking,

She, Alice, is the well-deserved first genius of the school!

"Little secretary, how is it? How is it?"

"Have you seen my results? Isn't it amazing!? 35

"This is Miss Ben's true strength. 35

"Did you have a deep (bcbj) sense of despair in your heart? 35'

Hisako stood there awkwardly,

She didn't know Alice, why she said these things to her.

However, seeing that Miss Alice is in a hurry, she should stop talking.

Inadvertently, Hisako raised his head and looked out the window of the venue,

I don't know what's going on in the test room No. 1!

As soon as the angle of view changed, the screen came to the A venue.

On the big screen, a shocking high score appeared!

93 points!

The main judge of venue A, Qian Yu Xia Ya, has a more stringent rating than her sister.

If the cooking done by a classmate cannot get her approval,

She doesn't even hold up the 0-point sign!

And now, the dish that made her heart flutter has finally been born.

Thick soup seafood curry made by Ryo Kurokiba,

That unparalleled conquest and impact on the taste,

Smash her pride in one blow!

After coming to the A venue, it was the first time for Qianyu Xiaya to hold up the sign!

And as soon as it is given, it will give a high score of 20 points!

"It's amazing!

"Even Miss Xia Ya gave it a 20-point rating?"

"I remember that there have been several autumn selections in the past few years, and the highest score was only over 70 or 80.""

With the comments of the judges, Kurokiba Ryo and the dishes he made officially set off a climax in the atmosphere of the A venue!

"Ikumi Mito! 86 points!""

"God Ryoko! 86 points!

"Marui Zenji! 88 points!

"Ibusaki Shun! 88 points! 99

The high scores appeared one after another.

Next, Hayama Ryo's curry dish carved with holy basil,

Gained a high score that surpassed Kurokiba Ryo: 94 points!

In a VIP box in venue A,

Watching the score on the big screen, Erina's eyes flashed with solemnity.

Ye Shanliang?

Is there still such a number in the school?

94 points is nothing.

But two judges gave him 20 points,

That's a bit of a no-brainer.

In the past, when she was in the junior high school, Erina's eyes never stopped at the same graders.

Now, after witnessing these people, cooking after cooking,

Suddenly she found

It turned out that in the blind spot below her line of sight, there were also many people who were constantly growing and catching up!

While Erina was thinking about something,

A cheerful voice suddenly came from behind her:

"Huh? Has venue A also entered a climax here?"

"94 points? This Hayama-san is really amazing.""

"It's the first time I've seen a chef who can handle holy basil!

Seeing Isshiki Satoshi, Erina subconsciously frowned:

"Senior Isshiki?"

"How will you be here?

"Aren't you in charge, over there in venue B?"

Isshiki Satoshi glanced at Erina and replied with a smile:

"Because the wave of manuscripts at venue B has ended.

"I entrusted the follow-up work to others. 99

"I didn't expect it to catch up. There are still a few people in the A venue who didn't play."

"Did Nakiri come to see Qin Ran-kun? 35

"Looking at the situation, he probably hasn't officially taken the stage yet.

Erina nodded slightly when she heard Isshiki Satoshi's question:

"Qin Ran he hasn't played yet!"

"Isshiki-senpai, what happened to the results at the B venue?

Isshiki Satoshi smiled and replied:

"In the venue B, the situation is changing really fast."

"However, Nakiri Alice, you got full marks."

"This is the highest score that has appeared in the preliminaries of the autumn selection over the years.

“I was thinking that the Nakiri family is truly a pillar of Japanese cuisine.’99

"Every one is as strong as a monster."

Erina was stunned when she heard Isshiki Satoshi's words.



In an instant, Erina stood up suddenly,

"Ishishi-senpai, what did you just say?"

"Alice, got 100 points, a perfect rating?"

" this true?".

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