Food, Gambit, And God Tongue Swap Body

Chapter 189 Do you want to be mine?\r

"Actually, the principle of making this dish is very simple!"

"Did the previous five judges notice that the roast duck I made had some oil oozing out just now? 35

"In fact, it's not just grease, it's melted preserves!35

"I made a soluble preserves separately and spread it evenly on the surface of the roast duck!

"With the ventilation, the special preserves I make have an oxidative reaction.

"When it gradually begins to melt, the volatile fat hidden in the meat of the roast duck gradually shows its power."

"'Appetite! 35

"I still need to emphasize these two words here.

"I used some cooking techniques of molecular gastronomy to let the aroma of the dishes convey a "wrong" signal to the judges' brains!"

"Smell comes into play when your appetite is really stimulated."

"Then, the final taste of my cooking will appear on your tongue. 35

First of all, Qin Ran used cooking utensils to boil a lot of excellent duck fat.

Second, the washed duck was soaked in duck oil.

The marinade for soaking is not only duck oil, but also the spice oil he prepared separately.

The taste of curry is hidden here!

In the process of smoking and roasting, he also repeatedly smeared this mixed oil on the surface of the roast duck skin.

After the roast duck is out of the oven, it is then coated with candied fruit that has been boiled into a liquid.

This process is called "sealing fragrance"!

After the oxidation reaction occurs, it will melt with the mixed oil.

At this time, the spice smell mixed with the strong aroma of duck meat will gradually infect the nearby diners as the air circulates.

It is indeed the sense of smell that is infected, but the strong aroma makes the brain of the diners send the wrong "signal" to the body!

Because it stimulates the "appetite" in the human body, the signal of "feeling delicious" is produced.

After that, the olfactory nerve slowly produces a signal that "this smell is also good".

It seems simple, but Qin Ran's cooking really does it,

Disrupting the order in which the brain emits "signals"!

And this is the ultimate power of the spice inequality.

Qin Ran didn't know how Mila, the blue-eyed tiger, used traditional methods to achieve this state.

However, he can only use the power of science to express this state.

The deduction did not go wrong!

There is no mistake in the calculation!

Even 0.01 mg of wrong ingredients will make this dish less attractive.

In the end, though, Qin Ran succeeded!

He really deduced the thinking principle of spice inequality through calculation and scientific method.

“Feng Xiang Curry Roast Duck!”

This is the name of the dish made by Qin Ran.

After trying its taste and aroma, the five judges felt an indescribable shock in their minds.


It's really scary!

In this world, there are such amazing dishes.

Tricked the sense of smell, tricked the brain!

Even all the experience they have accumulated since their lives have been deceived.

Instead, it is their "appetite" excitement!

Stimulate Appetite with Fragrance?

I didn't expect curry dishes to be able to do so much.

Qin Ran really used his cooking to open up another research direction of spices for everyone.

Breathing started to get a little short,

Qianyu Xia Ya's eyes looking at Qin Ran have become a little hot.

She wants to get the man in front of her!

so amazing!

How can curry be able to do this!

Has the world seen in this man's eyes reached that height?

If you can get him,

Qianyu Xia Ya is sure that she and her curry dynasty will definitely dominate the world!

This is much more powerful than the "Holy Basil" that Ryo Hayama used before.

After all, Ye Shanliang just did it, and controlled a kind of spice that was difficult to control.

And Qin Ran, what he does, is more than driving (bcbj)!

Instead, it has opened up an unimaginable magical world.

To reach the pinnacle, to establish a school,

Yes, that's right!

This idea of ​​cooking cooking will definitely become the research direction of curry cooking in the next era!

Qin Ran, he doesn't need to study like others.

Because he has completely reached this field.

When others are still studying how "scent" can infect the "nose" of diners,

His cooking has allowed the aroma to infect the brain and stimulate the taste nerves.

This sense of difference and shock, if you describe it as an example,

This is an ancient society where everyone fought with iron swords,

And Ye Shanliang took out a peerless magic weapon,

But Qin Ran, driving a top fighter jet, has already rushed to the sky.

This is the difference in realm,

It's a dimensional gap!

So, no matter how much you pay!~

I must make him my talent!

Qianyu Xia Ya kept repeating this sentence in her mind,

Raising his head, he glanced at Qin Ran secretly,

She found that Qin Ran happened to be looking at her too.

"Well, judges, can you rate my cooking?"


How can such an important moment be used in scoring.

Qianyu Xia Ya showed a hint of a little daughter, and said in a shy voice:

"Hey... that, your name is Qin Ran, right?

"I said, do you want to be mine!"

"Well, you can do whatever you want."

"As long as I can be satisfied, I can achieve... 39

Qin Ran was stunned for a while, and then he replied somewhat speechlessly:

"About this, sorry, I have no idea of ​​going to work elsewhere. 55

"Still want to help me with the score, I want to go back to bed early. 35

"I'm quite tired so far..."

Seeing Qin Ran rejecting him, Qianyu Xia Ya immediately stood up a little "excitedly":

"Student Qin Ran, what I said was serious.

"As long as you are willing to drop out of school now and become my person, whether it is one hundred million or one billion, you can.

"It doesn't matter if you want to continue to school, I can give you enough freedom.

"No matter what decision you make, I won't interfere."

"Of course, if we deepen our familiarity, what deeper thoughts do you have about me... It's not without a chance...'

This woman is truly amazing!

Qin Ran is almost speechless,

Didn't you see that Missy's eyes were about to burst into flames?

You dig people, anyway, you have to find an environment where no one is there!

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