Food, Gambit, And God Tongue Swap Body

Chapter 219 The umami has increased more than tenfold\r

The scorching from the very beginning caught everyone's attention.

The combination of aroma and taste in this grilled saury sashimi completely keeps diners in a strong aroma and taste impact.

This dish contains the accumulation of Ye Shanliang over the years, as well as his love for someone and cooking.

This dish contains his determination to win.

Unconsciously, the judges have been captured by this dish, and their faces show a strong sense of satisfaction.

The rich sauce flavor and crispy sashimi skin, and then the tender sashimi part gives diners a heavy blow.

Nobody doesn't get addicted to it.

The first time Nakiri Senzaemon tasted that kind of satisfaction.

"Student Qin Ran, I would also like to see what kind of dishes you will come up with to compete with me."

Ye Shanliang stood in front of Qin Ran, under the seemingly calm appearance, there was a strong desire to win.

Qin Ran grinned:

"Yashan-san, your grilled saury yusheng is indeed very thought-provoking."5

"But my cooking philosophy has never been bound by emotions and desire to win or lose.

"If you want to beat me, 667 is too difficult for you."

After putting down his words, Qin Ran brought his dishes to the three judges.

"This is what I cooked for the three judges today: kelp rolls with saury and prunes."

Inside the dinner plate, the emerald green seaweed wraps the fresh and tender fish meat. In addition, between the emerald green and the bright white, there is suddenly a golden light shining brightly.

Sweet, delicious, and refreshing after the smell, it seems that the sense of smell and taste have been elevated to the extreme in an instant.

The three judges responded quickly.

It's not that their senses of smell and taste have been elevated to the extreme, it is the aroma of this kelp roll with dried plum and saury that abruptly opened up their sensitivity to fragrance.

What kind of dish is this in order to achieve such an effect.

Leonora's red pupils opened.

Then, holding a delicate little face, he approached the dinner plate.

"Qin Ran, can you tell Auntie what magic did you use for this dish? 35

"I just finished eating a plate of yu sheng. 35

"At first I thought I was full, but now just smelling the aroma of this dish makes me feel hungry.

Qin Ran smiled and started explaining for Leonora.

"Just now, Hayama-san said that he has adopted the opposing concepts of 'subtraction' and 'emphasis' on aroma, so his cooking will give people a strong aroma impact at the moment of roasting."

"However, with this dish of mine, several judges can constantly discover a higher level of aroma during the tasting. 35

When Nakiri Senzaemon and Dojima Gin heard this, their eyes immediately fell on this 'Plum Dried Saury Kombu Roll'.

"Qin Ran, do you mean that the aroma of this dish is not the whole of this dish? 99

"The old man should try it soon.

Even the head coach Nakiri said so.

Leonora was the first to start, holding the knife and fork.

The eyes of Leonora and Dojima Gin suddenly lit up when the dish burst into the mouth with the first spice bomb.

The kelp roll wrapped around the saury is crispy from the tip of the teeth and springs back directly to the brain.

More important than this tender and crisp taste is the umami bursting out of the kelp.

A touch of acid enhances its unique umami more than tenfold.

Sure enough, as Qin Ran said, after the entrance, you will find a higher level in your mind.

Before they could savor the freshness of the kelp, the saury wrapped in the kelp rolls gave Leonora a umami crit once again.

The saury is delicious and juicy, combined with the tenacity of kelp, it is the ultimate enjoyment in taste.

"The saury here is also grilled!"

"No wonder, (bcbj) had that strong scent just now.

"While chewing, the teeth repeatedly switch between tenderness and crunch, and the experience is truly novel.

The body seems to be in an ocean full of fish.

Experience the freshness and deliciousness that can only be felt in the deep sea.

Leonora didn't even dare to breathe.

I am afraid that the aroma in my mouth will be lost.

It was so tempting that she could eat it all the time.

It took a lot of self-control for Dojima Gin to put the half-bitten kombu roll in front of her eyes and observe.

"There is another ingredient in it, which looks unremarkable, but it also supports the key umami of this dish.

"That's the foie gras granules after being grilled inside.

"I thought it was ordinary fish roe, but after tasting it carefully, I realized that this delicious and fatty texture is completely the flavor of the high-quality foie gras."

Qin Ran immediately smiled when he heard this.

"Oh, this was seen by Dojima-senpai."

"It seems that next time I will work harder to make the ingredients appear in front of everyone in another form.

"Yes, the highlight of this dish is the grilled saury, which retains the umami and tastes better.

"And the ingredients, I used foie gras, but after extraction, it was made into foie gras in the form of fish roe. 99

"The taste of the grilled saury and the foie gras refined into the shape of roe can enrich the taste of this dish, and at the same time, it can also add some interest to the dish.

In the venue, many students remembered that Qin Ran's research on molecular cuisine was almost perfect.

Leonora couldn't help but asked very fast:

"But Qin Ran, half of the kelp in the kombu roll will not be treated specially. 99

"But the kelp in this dish, the crunchy texture is totally unexpected. 39

"What did you do?"

"I can feel that slight sour taste, which completely enhances the umami of the saury.

"But don't know where it came from.

Qin Ran once again puzzled Leonora, his eyes curled, and he said with a smile:

"Auntie, have you forgotten what this dish is called?"

"Prunus saury kelp roll.

Looking at the dishes in front of him, Leonora exclaimed: "There is still this little surprise, but I didn't see where the plums were at all?"5

There was a distressed expression on her snow-white cheeks.

"Could it be that Auntie's eyes are not good?"

"Or, how did Qin Ran hide it?"

Qin Ran smiled mysteriously:

"I crushed the pickled prunes and put them in the stewed soup.


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